path: root/test/trans.d/case/patact_julia.rl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/trans.d/case/patact_julia.rl')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/trans.d/case/patact_julia.rl b/test/trans.d/case/patact_julia.rl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6f69ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trans.d/case/patact_julia.rl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// @LANG: julia
+// @GENERATED: true
+ machine patact;
+ other := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {print( "word\n" );
+ [0-9]+ => {print( "num\n" );
+ [\n ] => {print( "space\n" );
+ *|;
+ exec_test := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {print( "word (w/lbh)\n" );
+fexec te-1;fgoto other;};
+ [a-z]+ ' foil' => {print( "word (c/lbh)\n" );
+ [\n ] => {print( "space\n" );
+ '22' => {print( "num (w/switch)\n" );
+ [0-9]+ => {print( "num (w/switch)\n" );
+fexec te-1;fgoto other;};
+ [0-9]+ ' foil' => {print( "num (c/switch)\n" );
+ '!';# => { print_str "immdiate\n"; fgoto exec_test; };
+ *|;
+ semi := |*
+ ';' => {print( "in semi\n" );
+fgoto main;};
+ *|;
+ main := |*
+ [a-z]+ => {print( "word (w/lbh)\n" );
+fhold;fgoto other;};
+ [a-z]+ ' foil' => {print( "word (c/lbh)\n" );
+ [\n ] => {print( "space\n" );
+ '22' => {print( "num (w/switch)\n" );
+ [0-9]+ => {print( "num (w/switch)\n" );
+fhold;fgoto other;};
+ [0-9]+ ' foil' => {print( "num (c/switch)\n" );
+ ';' => {print( "going to semi\n" );
+fhold;fgoto semi;};
+ '!' => {print( "immdiate\n" );
+fgoto exec_test;};
+ *|;
+%% write data;
+function m( data::AbstractString )
+ p = 0
+ pe = length(data)
+ eof = length(data)
+ cs = 0
+ buffer = ""
+comm = 0;
+top = 0;
+stack = Int [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+ts = 0;
+te = 0;
+act = 0;
+value = 0;
+ %% write init;
+ %% write exec;
+ if ( cs >= patact_first_final )
+ println( "ACCEPT" );
+ else
+ println( "FAIL" );
+ end
+ m( "abcd foix\n" );
+ m( "abcd\nanother\n" );
+ m( "123 foix\n" );
+ m( "!abcd foix\n" );
+ m( "!abcd\nanother\n" );
+ m( "!123 foix\n" );
+ m( ";" );