path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 7c6773d..319949d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
+from codecs import BOM_UTF8
import os
-from configobj import ConfigObj
+import sys
+from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors
+from validate import Validator, VdtValueTooSmallError
import pytest
+import six
#TODO(robdennis): determine if this is really 2.6 and newer
@@ -100,3 +104,477 @@ def test_interoplation_repr():
# This raises a MissingInterpolationOption exception in 4.7.1 and earlier
+#issue #18
+def test_unicode_conversion_when_encoding_is_set():
+ cfg = """
+test = some string
+ """.splitlines()
+ c = ConfigObj(cfg, encoding='utf8')
+ if six.PY2:
+ assert not isinstance(c['test'], str)
+ assert isinstance(c['test'], unicode)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(c['test'], str)
+#issue #18
+def test_no_unicode_conversion_when_encoding_is_omitted():
+ cfg = """
+test = some string
+ """.splitlines()
+ c = ConfigObj(cfg)
+ if six.PY2:
+ assert isinstance(c['test'], str)
+ assert not isinstance(c['test'], unicode)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(c['test'], str)
+def testconfig1():
+ """
+ copied from the main doctest
+ """
+ return """\
+ key1= val # comment 1
+ key2= val # comment 2
+ # comment 3
+ [lev1a] # comment 4
+ key1= val # comment 5
+ key2= val # comment 6
+ # comment 7
+ [lev1b] # comment 8
+ key1= val # comment 9
+ key2= val # comment 10
+ # comment 11
+ [[lev2ba]] # comment 12
+ key1= val # comment 13
+ # comment 14
+ [[lev2bb]] # comment 15
+ key1= val # comment 16
+ # comment 17
+ [lev1c] # comment 18
+ # comment 19
+ [[lev2c]] # comment 20
+ # comment 21
+ [[[lev3c]]] # comment 22
+ key1 = val # comment 23"""
+def testconfig2():
+ return """\
+ key1 = 'val1'
+ key2 = "val2"
+ key3 = val3
+ ["section 1"] # comment
+ keys11 = val1
+ keys12 = val2
+ keys13 = val3
+ [section 2]
+ keys21 = val1
+ keys22 = val2
+ keys23 = val3
+ [['section 2 sub 1']]
+ fish = 3
+ """
+def a(testconfig1):
+ """
+ also copied from main doc tests
+ """
+ return ConfigObj(testconfig1.split('\n'), raise_errors=True)
+def b(testconfig2):
+ """
+ also copied from main doc tests
+ """
+ return ConfigObj(testconfig2.split('\n'), raise_errors=True)
+def test_configobj_dict_representation(a, b):
+ assert a.depth == 0
+ assert a == {
+ 'key2': 'val',
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ 'lev1c': {
+ 'lev2c': {
+ 'lev3c': {
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'lev1b': {
+ 'key2': 'val',
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ 'lev2ba': {
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ },
+ 'lev2bb': {
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ },
+ },
+ 'lev1a': {
+ 'key2': 'val',
+ 'key1': 'val',
+ },
+ }
+ assert b.depth == 0
+ assert b == {
+ 'key3': 'val3',
+ 'key2': 'val2',
+ 'key1': 'val1',
+ 'section 1': {
+ 'keys11': 'val1',
+ 'keys13': 'val3',
+ 'keys12': 'val2',
+ },
+ 'section 2': {
+ 'section 2 sub 1': {
+ 'fish': '3',
+ },
+ 'keys21': 'val1',
+ 'keys22': 'val2',
+ 'keys23': 'val3',
+ },
+ }
+ t = '''
+ 'a' = b # !"$%^&*(),::;'@~#= 33
+ "b" = b #= 6, 33
+''' .split('\n')
+ t2 = ConfigObj(t)
+ assert t2 == {'a': 'b', 'b': 'b'}
+ t2.inline_comments['b'] = ''
+ del t2['a']
+ assert t2.write() == ['','b = b', '']
+def test_behavior_when_list_values_is_false():
+ c = '''
+ key1 = no quotes
+ key2 = 'single quotes'
+ key3 = "double quotes"
+ key4 = "list", 'with', several, "quotes"
+ '''
+ cfg = ConfigObj(c.splitlines(), list_values=False)
+ assert cfg == {
+ 'key1': 'no quotes',
+ 'key2': "'single quotes'",
+ 'key3': '"double quotes"',
+ 'key4': '"list", \'with\', several, "quotes"'
+ }
+ cfg2 = ConfigObj(list_values=False)
+ cfg2['key1'] = 'Multiline\nValue'
+ cfg2['key2'] = '''"Value" with 'quotes' !'''
+ assert cfg2.write() == [
+ "key1 = '''Multiline\nValue'''",
+ 'key2 = "Value" with \'quotes\' !'
+ ]
+ cfg2.list_values = True
+ assert cfg2.write() == [
+ "key1 = '''Multiline\nValue'''",
+ 'key2 = \'\'\'"Value" with \'quotes\' !\'\'\''
+ ]
+def test_flatten_errors():
+ config = '''
+ test1=40
+ test2=hello
+ test3=3
+ test4=5.0
+ [section]
+ test1=40
+ test2=hello
+ test3=3
+ test4=5.0
+ [[sub section]]
+ test1=40
+ test2=hello
+ test3=3
+ test4=5.0
+ '''.split('\n')
+ configspec = '''
+ test1= integer(30,50)
+ test2= string
+ test3=integer
+ test4=float(6.0)
+ [section]
+ test1=integer(30,50)
+ test2=string
+ test3=integer
+ test4=float(6.0)
+ [[sub section]]
+ test1=integer(30,50)
+ test2=string
+ test3=integer
+ test4=float(6.0)
+ '''.split('\n')
+ val = Validator()
+ c1 = ConfigObj(config, configspec=configspec)
+ res = c1.validate(val)
+ assert flatten_errors(c1, res) == [([], 'test4', False), (['section'], 'test4', False), (['section', 'sub section'], 'test4', False)]
+ res = c1.validate(val, preserve_errors=True)
+ check = flatten_errors(c1, res)
+ assert check[0][:2] == ([], 'test4')
+ assert check[1][:2] == (['section'], 'test4')
+ assert check[2][:2] == (['section', 'sub section'], 'test4')
+ for entry in check:
+ assert isinstance(entry[2], VdtValueTooSmallError)
+ assert str(entry[2]) == 'the value "5.0" is too small.'
+def test_unicode_handling():
+ u_base = '''
+ # initial comment
+ # inital comment 2
+ test1 = some value
+ # comment
+ test2 = another value # inline comment
+ # section comment
+ [section] # inline comment
+ test = test # another inline comment
+ test2 = test2
+ # final comment
+ # final comment2
+ '''
+ u = u_base.encode('utf_8').splitlines(True)
+ u[0] = BOM_UTF8 + u[0]
+ uc = ConfigObj(u)
+ uc.encoding = None
+ assert uc.BOM
+ assert uc == {'test1': 'some value', 'test2': 'another value',
+ 'section': {'test': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'}}
+ uc = ConfigObj(u, encoding='utf_8', default_encoding='latin-1')
+ assert uc.BOM
+ assert isinstance(uc['test1'], six.text_type)
+ assert uc.encoding == 'utf_8'
+ assert uc.newlines == '\n'
+ assert len(uc.write()) == 13
+ uc['latin1'] = "This costs lot's of "
+ a_list = uc.write()
+ assert 'latin1' in str(a_list)
+ assert len(a_list) == 14
+ assert isinstance(a_list[0], six.binary_type)
+ assert a_list[0].startswith(BOM_UTF8)
+ u = u_base.replace('\n', '\r\n').encode('utf-8').splitlines(True)
+ uc = ConfigObj(u)
+ assert uc.newlines == '\r\n'
+ uc.newlines = '\r'
+ file_like = six.StringIO()
+ uc.write(file_like)
+ uc2 = ConfigObj(file_like)
+ assert uc2 == uc
+ assert uc2.filename == None
+ assert uc2.newlines == '\r'
+def _doctest():
+ """
+ Dummy function to hold some of the doctests.
+ Test flatten_errors:
+ Test unicode handling, BOM, write witha file like object and line endings :
+ Test validate in copy mode
+ a = '''
+ # Initial Comment
+ ...
+ key1 = string(default=Hello)
+ ...
+ # section comment
+ [section] # inline comment
+ # key1 comment
+ key1 = integer(default=6)
+ # key2 comment
+ key2 = boolean(default=True)
+ ...
+ # subsection comment
+ [[sub-section]] # inline comment
+ # another key1 comment
+ key1 = float(default=3.0)'''.splitlines()
+ b = ConfigObj(configspec=a)
+ b.validate(val, copy=True)
+ 1
+ b.write() == ['',
+ '# Initial Comment',
+ '',
+ 'key1 = Hello',
+ '',
+ '# section comment',
+ '[section] # inline comment',
+ ' # key1 comment',
+ ' key1 = 6',
+ ' # key2 comment',
+ ' key2 = True',
+ ' ',
+ ' # subsection comment',
+ ' [[sub-section]] # inline comment',
+ ' # another key1 comment',
+ ' key1 = 3.0']
+ 1
+ Test Writing Empty Values
+ a = '''
+ key1 =
+ key2 =# a comment'''
+ b = ConfigObj(a.splitlines())
+ b.write()
+ ['', 'key1 = ""', 'key2 = "" # a comment']
+ b.write_empty_values = True
+ b.write()
+ ['', 'key1 = ', 'key2 = # a comment']
+ Test unrepr when reading
+ a = '''
+ key1 = (1, 2, 3) # comment
+ key2 = True
+ key3 = 'a string'
+ key4 = [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list']
+ '''.splitlines()
+ b = ConfigObj(a, unrepr=True)
+ b == {'key1': (1, 2, 3),
+ 'key2': True,
+ 'key3': 'a string',
+ 'key4': [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list']}
+ 1
+ Test unrepr when writing
+ c = ConfigObj(b.write(), unrepr=True)
+ c == b
+ 1
+ Test unrepr with multiline values
+ a = '''k = \"""{
+ 'k1': 3,
+ 'k2': 6.0}\"""
+ '''.splitlines()
+ c = ConfigObj(a, unrepr=True)
+ c == {'k': {'k1': 3, 'k2': 6.0}}
+ 1
+ Test unrepr with a dictionary
+ a = 'k = {"a": 1}'.splitlines()
+ c = ConfigObj(a, unrepr=True)
+ isinstance(c['k'], dict)
+ True
+ a = ConfigObj()
+ a['a'] = 'fish'
+ a.as_bool('a')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ValueError: Value "fish" is neither True nor False
+ a['b'] = 'True'
+ a.as_bool('b')
+ 1
+ a['b'] = 'off'
+ a.as_bool('b')
+ 0
+ a = ConfigObj()
+ a['a'] = 'fish'
+ try:
+ a.as_int('a')
+ except ValueError as e:
+ err_mess = str(e)
+ err_mess.startswith('invalid literal for int()')
+ 1
+ a['b'] = '1'
+ a.as_int('b')
+ 1
+ a['b'] = '3.2'
+ try:
+ a.as_int('b')
+ except ValueError as e:
+ err_mess = str(e)
+ err_mess.startswith('invalid literal for int()')
+ 1
+ a = ConfigObj()
+ a['a'] = 'fish'
+ a.as_float('a')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ValueError: invalid literal for float(): fish
+ a['b'] = '1'
+ a.as_float('b')
+ 1.0
+ a['b'] = '3.2'
+ a.as_float('b')
+ 3.2...
+ Test # with unrepr
+ a = '''
+ key1 = (1, 2, 3) # comment
+ key2 = True
+ key3 = 'a string'
+ key4 = [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list#']
+ '''.splitlines()
+ b = ConfigObj(a, unrepr=True)
+ b == {'key1': (1, 2, 3),
+ 'key2': True,
+ 'key3': 'a string',
+ 'key4': [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list#']}
+ 1
+ """
+ # Comments are no longer parsed from values in configspecs
+ # so the following test fails and is disabled
+ untested = """
+ Test validate in copy mode
+ a = '''
+ # Initial Comment
+ ...
+ key1 = string(default=Hello) # comment 1
+ ...
+ # section comment
+ [section] # inline comment
+ # key1 comment
+ key1 = integer(default=6) # an integer value
+ # key2 comment
+ key2 = boolean(default=True) # a boolean
+ ...
+ # subsection comment
+ [[sub-section]] # inline comment
+ # another key1 comment
+ key1 = float(default=3.0) # a float'''.splitlines()
+ b = ConfigObj(configspec=a)
+ b.validate(val, copy=True)
+ 1
+ b.write()
+ b.write() == ['',
+ '# Initial Comment',
+ '',
+ 'key1 = Hello # comment 1',
+ '',
+ '# section comment',
+ '[section] # inline comment',
+ ' # key1 comment',
+ ' key1 = 6 # an integer value',
+ ' # key2 comment',
+ ' key2 = True # a boolean',
+ ' ',
+ ' # subsection comment',
+ ' [[sub-section]] # inline comment',
+ ' # another key1 comment',
+ ' key1 = 3.0 # a float']
+ 1
+ """