path: root/tools/sptool/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/sptool/')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/tools/sptool/ b/tools/sptool/
index 82d5c1bbb..2cc96cb21 100755..100644
--- a/tools/sptool/
+++ b/tools/sptool/
@@ -47,111 +47,174 @@ A typical SP_LAYOUT_FILE file will look like
-import getopt
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import uuid
+from spactions import SpSetupActions
-with open(sys.argv[2],'r') as in_file:
- data = json.load(in_file)
-json_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
-json_dir = os.path.dirname(json_file)
-gen_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
-out_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
-dtb_dir = out_dir + "/fdts/"
MAX_SP = 8
-dualroot = sys.argv[4].lower() == "dualroot"
-split = int(MAX_SP / 2)
-platform_count = 1
-sip_count = 1
-with open(gen_file, 'w') as out_file:
- for idx, key in enumerate(data.keys()):
- pkg_num = idx + 1
- if (pkg_num > MAX_SP):
- print("WARNING: Too many secure partitions\n")
- exit(-1)
- if dualroot:
- owner = data[key].get('owner')
- if owner == "Plat":
- if (platform_count > split):
- print("WARNING: Maximum Secure partitions by Plat " +
- "have been exceeded (" + str(split) + ")\n")
- exit(-1)
- pkg_num = split + platform_count
- platform_count += 1
- elif (sip_count > split):
- print("WARNING: Maximum Secure partitions by SiP " +
- "have been exceeded (" + str(split) + ")\n")
- exit(-1)
- else:
- pkg_num = sip_count
- sip_count += 1
- """
- """
- dts = os.path.join(json_dir, data[key]['pm'])
- dtb = dtb_dir + os.path.basename(data[key]['pm'][:-1] + "b")
- out_file.write("FDT_SOURCES += " + dts + "\n")
- """
- """
- dst = out_dir + "/" + key + ".pkg"
- src = [ json_dir + "/" + data[key]['image'] , dtb ]
- out_file.write("SPTOOL_ARGS += -i " + ":".join(src) + " -o " + dst + "\n")
- if "uuid" in data[key]:
- """
- Extract the UUID from the JSON file if the SP entry has a 'uuid' field
- """
- uuid_std = uuid.UUID(data[key]['uuid'])
+# Some helper functions to access args propagated to the action functions in
+# SpSetupActions framework.
+def check_sp_mk_gen(args :dict):
+ if "sp_gen_mk" not in args.keys():
+ raise Exception(f"Path to file needs to be in 'args'.")
+def check_out_dir(args :dict):
+ if "out_dir" not in args.keys() or not os.path.isdir(args["out_dir"]):
+ raise Exception("Define output folder with \'out_dir\' key.")
+def check_sp_layout_dir(args :dict):
+ if "sp_layout_dir" not in args.keys() or not os.path.isdir(args["sp_layout_dir"]):
+ raise Exception("Define output folder with \'sp_layout_dir\' key.")
+def write_to_sp_mk_gen(content, args :dict):
+ check_sp_mk_gen(args)
+ with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "a") as f:
+ f.write(f"{content}\n")
+def get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_node, args :dict):
+ check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+ return os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], get_file_from_layout(sp_node["pm"]))
+def get_sp_img_full_path(sp_node, args :dict):
+ check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+ return os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], get_file_from_layout(sp_node["image"]))
+def get_sp_pkg(sp, args :dict):
+ check_out_dir(args)
+ return os.path.join(args["out_dir"], f"{sp}.pkg")
+def is_line_in_sp_gen(line, args :dict):
+ with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "r") as f:
+ sppkg_rule = [l for l in f if line in l]
+ return len(sppkg_rule) is not 0
+def get_file_from_layout(node):
+ ''' Helper to fetch a file path from sp_layout.json. '''
+ if type(node) is dict and "file" in node.keys():
+ return node["file"]
+ return node
+def get_offset_from_layout(node):
+ ''' Helper to fetch an offset from sp_layout.json. '''
+ if type(node) is dict and "offset" in node.keys():
+ return int(node["offset"], 0)
+ return None
+def get_image_offset(node):
+ ''' Helper to fetch image offset from sp_layout.json '''
+ return get_offset_from_layout(node["image"])
+def get_pm_offset(node):
+ ''' Helper to fetch pm offset from sp_layout.json '''
+ return get_offset_from_layout(node["pm"])
+def check_max_sps(sp_layout, _, args :dict):
+ ''' Check validate the maximum number of SPs is respected. '''
+ if len(sp_layout.keys()) > MAX_SP:
+ raise Exception(f"Too many SPs in SP layout file. Max: {MAX_SP}")
+ return args
+def gen_fdt_sources(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+ ''' Generate FDT_SOURCES values for a given SP. '''
+ manifest_path = get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_layout[sp], args)
+ write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"FDT_SOURCES += {manifest_path}", args)
+ return args
+def gen_sptool_args(sp_layout, sp, args):
+ ''' Generate sptool arguments to generate SP Pkg for a given SP. '''
+ check_out_dir(args)
+ check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+ sp_pkg = get_sp_pkg(sp, args)
+ sp_dtb_name = os.path.basename(sp_layout[sp]["pm"])[:-1] + "b"
+ sp_dtb = os.path.join(args["out_dir"], f"fdts/{sp_dtb_name}")
+ sp_bin = os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], sp_layout[sp]["image"])
+ write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"SPTOOL_ARGS += -i {sp_bin}:{sp_dtb} -o {sp_pkg}\n", args)
+ return args
+@SpSetupActions.sp_action(global_action=True, exec_order=1)
+def check_dualroot(sp_layout, _, args :dict):
+ ''' Validate the amount of SPs from SiP and Platform owners. '''
+ if not args.get("dualroot"):
+ return args
+ args["split"] = int(MAX_SP / 2)
+ owners = [sp_layout[sp].get("owner") for sp in sp_layout]
+ args["plat_max_count"] = owners.count("Plat")
+ # If it is owned by the platform owner, it is assigned to the SiP.
+ args["sip_max_count"] = len(sp_layout.keys()) - args["plat_max_count"]
+ if args["sip_max_count"] > args["split"] or args["sip_max_count"] > args["split"]:
+ print(f"WARN: SiP Secure Partitions should not be more than {args['split']}")
+ # Counters for gen_crt_args.
+ args["sip_count"] = 1
+ args["plat_count"] = 1
+ return args
+def gen_crt_args(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+ ''' Append CRT_ARGS. '''
+ # If "dualroot" is configured, 'sp_pkg_idx' depends on whether the SP is owned
+ # by the "SiP" or the "Plat".
+ if args.get("dualroot"):
+ # If the owner is not specified as "Plat", default to "SiP".
+ if sp_layout[sp].get("owner") == "Plat":
+ if args["plat_count"] > args["plat_max_count"]:
+ raise ValueError("plat_count can't surpass plat_max_count in args.")
+ sp_pkg_idx = args["plat_count"] + args["split"]
+ args["plat_count"] += 1
- """
- Extract uuid from partition manifest
- """
- pm_file = open(dts)
- for line in pm_file:
- if "uuid" in line:
- # re.findall returns a list of string tuples.
- # uuid_hex is the first item in this list representing the four
- # uuid hex integers from the manifest uuid field. The heading
- # '0x' of the hexadecimal representation is stripped out.
- # e.g. uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
- # uuid_hex = ('1e67b5b4', 'e14f904a', '13fb1fb8', 'cbdae1da')
- uuid_hex = re.findall(r'0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+)', line)[0];
- # uuid_hex is a list of four hex string values
- if len(uuid_hex) != 4:
- print("ERROR: malformed UUID")
- exit(-1)
- # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
- # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
- # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
- # required by fiptool.
- y=list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_hex))
- z=(int.from_bytes(y[0], byteorder='little', signed=False),
- int.from_bytes(y[1], byteorder='little', signed=False),
- int.from_bytes(y[2], byteorder='little', signed=False),
- int.from_bytes(y[3], byteorder='little', signed=False))
- uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
- """
- Append FIP_ARGS
- """
- out_file.write("FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid=" + str(uuid_std) + ",file=" + dst + "\n")
- """
- Append CRT_ARGS
- """
- out_file.write("CRT_ARGS += --sp-pkg" + str(pkg_num) + " " + dst + "\n")
- out_file.write("\n")
+ if args["sip_count"] > args["sip_max_count"]:
+ raise ValueError("sip_count can't surpass sip_max_count in args.")
+ sp_pkg_idx = args["sip_count"]
+ args["sip_count"] += 1
+ else:
+ sp_pkg_idx = [k for k in sp_layout.keys()].index(sp) + 1
+ write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"CRT_ARGS += --sp-pkg{sp_pkg_idx} {get_sp_pkg(sp, args)}\n", args)
+ return args
+def gen_fiptool_args(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+ ''' Generate arguments for the FIP Tool. '''
+ if "uuid" in sp_layout[sp]:
+ # Extract the UUID from the JSON file if the SP entry has a 'uuid' field
+ uuid_std = uuid.UUID(data[key]['uuid'])
+ else:
+ with open(get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_layout[sp], args), "r") as pm_f:
+ uuid_lines = [l for l in pm_f if 'uuid' in l]
+ assert(len(uuid_lines) is 1)
+ # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
+ # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
+ # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
+ # required by fiptool.
+ uuid_parsed = re.findall("0x([0-9a-f]+)", uuid_lines[0])
+ y = list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_parsed))
+ z = [int.from_bytes(i, byteorder='little', signed=False) for i in y]
+ uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
+ write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid={str(uuid_std)},file={get_sp_pkg(sp, args)}\n", args)
+ return args
+def init_sp_actions(sys):
+ sp_layout_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
+ with open(sp_layout_file) as json_file:
+ sp_layout = json.load(json_file)
+ # Initialize arguments for the SP actions framework
+ args = {}
+ args["sp_gen_mk"] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
+ args["sp_layout_dir"] = os.path.dirname(sp_layout_file)
+ args["out_dir"] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
+ args["dualroot"] = sys.argv[4] == "dualroot"
+ #Clear content of file "".
+ with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "w"):
+ None
+ return args, sp_layout
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args, sp_layout = init_sp_actions(sys)
+ SpSetupActions.run_actions(sp_layout, args)