path: root/docs/
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-# Hammer care and feeding
-Original: [go/hammercare](http://go/hammercare)
-Last updated: 2021-03-18
-## Servo
-### Start servod
-cros_sdk --no-ns-pid
-sudo servod --port=9000 -b hammer -c hammer.xml
-### UART console
-The simplest solution for most people is to use the `dut-console` script.
-First, add this line into your .bashrc (or other shell init script; needed once
-``` bash
-alias dut-console="~/chromiumos/src/platform/dev/contrib/dut-console"
-Then simply run `dut-console -c ec`. `dut-console` uses `cu` under the hood, and
-works like ssh - to leave, press `<ENTER> <~> <.> <ENTER>`.
-``` bash
-src/platform/dev/contrib/dut-console -p 9000 -c ec
-## Build EC
-(Inside chroot)
-``` bash
-cd ~/trunk/src/platform/ec
-make BOARD=<BOARD> -j
-## Flash EC
-### Prerequisites
-#### Find the USB VID:PID of the device
-USB VID:PID is listed in [hammer/variants.h](../board/hammer/variants.h).
-Many scripts below requires correct PID to work.
-#### Stop hammerd
-Remove rootfs verification:
-``` bash
-/usr/share/vboot/bin/ --remove_rootfs_verification --force
-Reboot the DUT then rename hammerd
-``` bash
-mv /usr/bin/hammerd /usr/bin/hammerd.bak
-### Hammer connected to Chromebook, flash via USB
-(Inside chroot) Copy-paste the script below to a file named
-"flash_hammer.usbremote", run
-``` bash
-bash flash_hammer.usbremote <BOARD> <VID:PID> <IP> [ro]
-``` bash
-# flash_hammer.usbremote
-set -x -e
-EXTRA="-d $ID"
-ssh $IP sh -c "'rm -f /usr/local/ec.bin'"
-scp ~/trunk/src/platform/ec/build/${BOARD}/ec.bin $IP:/usr/local/ec.bin
-if [ "$4" = 'ro' ]; then
- ssh $IP sh -x -c "'usb_updater2 $EXTRA -j;
- sleep 1.0;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA /usr/local/ec.bin;
- sleep 0.5;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA -s;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA /usr/local/ec.bin'"
- ssh $IP sh -x -c "'usb_updater2 $EXTRA -w;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA -r; sleep 0.5;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA -s;
- usb_updater2 $EXTRA /usr/local/ec.bin'"
-### Hammer connected to Chromebook, flash via servo
-(Inside chroot) Copy-paste the script below to a file named "flash_hammer",
-run `bash flash_hammer <IP> </path/to/ec.bin>`
-``` bash
-# Recommended to use a USB 3.0 Ethernet adapter for this to work, otherwise the
-# network on the DUT will temporarily go down when the root USB hub is taken
-# down.
-set -e
-# USB 2.0 root hub
-set -x
-# unbind, then rebind, the root hub (in the mean time, we'll start programming)
-ssh $IP sh -c "'echo $USBID > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind; sleep 3; echo $USBID > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind'" &
-util/flash_ec --board=hammer --port 9000 --image "$@"
-### Hammer connected via servo only
-Do not connect hammer to Chromebook in this case, or at least make sure
-Chromebook is either suspended (S3) or off (when put into programming mode,
-STM32 always prefers USB interface when available)
-For Servo V2:
-``` bash
-dut-control -p 9000 spi1_vref:pp3300 spi1_buf_en:on spi1_buf_on_flex_en:on
-util/flash_ec --board=hammer --port=9000 [--image=/path/to/ec.bin]
-# To disable power from servo to Hammer
-dut-control -p 9000 spi1_vref:off spi1_buf_en:off spi1_buf_on_flex_en:off
-For Servo Micro (there is only one buffer in the power delivery path,
-so don't include the spi1_buf_on_flex_en control):
-``` bash
-dut-control -p 9000 spi1_vref:pp3300 spi1_buf_en:on
-util/flash_ec --board=hammer --port=9000 [--image=/path/to/ec.bin]
-# To disable power from servo to Hammer
-dut-control -p 9000 spi1_vref:off spi1_buf_en:off
-### Hammer connected via POGO-PIN-USB to Linux
-So this is very similar to Hammer connected to poppy, flash via USB, but you
-are directly running commands on the machine connected to Hammer, so you don’t
-need to SSH to it.
-``` bash
-# flash_hammer.usblocal
-if [ -n "$ID" ]; then
- EXTRA="-d $ID"
-if [ "$1" = 'ro' ]; then
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA -j;
- sleep 1.0;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA "${EC}";
- sleep 1.0;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA -s;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA "${EC}";
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA -w;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA -r;
- sleep 1.0;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA -s;
- "${UPDATER}" $EXTRA "${EC}";
-# To use this script: BOARD=<BOARD> ID=<VID:PID> ./flash_hammer.usblocal [ro]
-## Update touchpad firmware
-(Inside DUT)
-``` bash
-usb_updater2 --tp_update <FILE> --device=<VID:PID>
-``` bash
-ec_touchpad_updater -p <PID> <FILE>