path: root/extra/usb_power/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/usb_power/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 908 deletions
diff --git a/extra/usb_power/ b/extra/usb_power/
deleted file mode 100755
index 82cce3daed..0000000000
--- a/extra/usb_power/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Ignore indention messages, since legacy scripts use 2 spaces instead of 4.
-# pylint: disable=bad-indentation,docstring-section-indent
-# pylint: disable=docstring-trailing-quotes
-"""Program to fetch power logging data from a sweetberry device
- or other usb device that exports a USB power logging interface.
-# Note: This is a py2/3 compatible file.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import array
-from distutils import sysconfig
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import pprint
-import struct
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import usb
-from stats_manager import StatsManager
-# Directory where hdctools installs configuration files into.
-LIB_DIR = os.path.join(sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=False), 'servo',
- 'data')
-# Potential config file locations: current working directory, the same directory
-# as file or LIB_DIR.
-CONFIG_LOCATIONS = [os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
-def logoutput(msg):
- print(msg)
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def process_filename(filename):
- """Find the file path from the filename.
- If filename is already the complete path, return that directly. If filename is
- just the short name, look for the file in the current working directory, in
- the directory of the current .py file, and then in the directory installed by
- hdctools. If the file is found, return the complete path of the file.
- Args:
- filename: complete file path or short file name.
- Returns:
- a complete file path.
- Raises:
- IOError if filename does not exist.
- """
- # Check if filename is absolute path.
- if os.path.isabs(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
- return filename
- # Check if filename is relative to a known config location.
- for dirname in CONFIG_LOCATIONS:
- file_at_dir = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
- if os.path.isfile(file_at_dir):
- return file_at_dir
- raise IOError('No such file or directory: \'%s\'' % filename)
-class Spower(object):
- """Power class to access devices on the bus.
- Usage:
- bus = Spower()
- Instance Variables:
- _dev: pyUSB device object
- _read_ep: pyUSB read endpoint for this interface
- _write_ep: pyUSB write endpoint for this interface
- """
- # INA interface type.
- INA_BUSV = 2
- # INA_SUFFIX is used to differentiate multiple ina types for the same power
- # rail. No suffix for when ina type is 0 (non-existent) and when ina type is 1
- # (power, no suffix for backward compatibility).
- INA_SUFFIX = ['', '', '_busv', '_cur', '_shuntv']
- # usb power commands
- CMD_RESET = 0x0000
- CMD_STOP = 0x0001
- CMD_ADDINA = 0x0002
- CMD_START = 0x0003
- CMD_NEXT = 0x0004
- CMD_SETTIME = 0x0005
- # Map between header channel number (0-47)
- # and INA I2C bus/addr on sweetberry.
- CHMAP = {
- 0: (3, 0x40),
- 1: (1, 0x40),
- 2: (2, 0x40),
- 3: (0, 0x40),
- 4: (3, 0x41),
- 5: (1, 0x41),
- 6: (2, 0x41),
- 7: (0, 0x41),
- 8: (3, 0x42),
- 9: (1, 0x42),
- 10: (2, 0x42),
- 11: (0, 0x42),
- 12: (3, 0x43),
- 13: (1, 0x43),
- 14: (2, 0x43),
- 15: (0, 0x43),
- 16: (3, 0x44),
- 17: (1, 0x44),
- 18: (2, 0x44),
- 19: (0, 0x44),
- 20: (3, 0x45),
- 21: (1, 0x45),
- 22: (2, 0x45),
- 23: (0, 0x45),
- 24: (3, 0x46),
- 25: (1, 0x46),
- 26: (2, 0x46),
- 27: (0, 0x46),
- 28: (3, 0x47),
- 29: (1, 0x47),
- 30: (2, 0x47),
- 31: (0, 0x47),
- 32: (3, 0x48),
- 33: (1, 0x48),
- 34: (2, 0x48),
- 35: (0, 0x48),
- 36: (3, 0x49),
- 37: (1, 0x49),
- 38: (2, 0x49),
- 39: (0, 0x49),
- 40: (3, 0x4a),
- 41: (1, 0x4a),
- 42: (2, 0x4a),
- 43: (0, 0x4a),
- 44: (3, 0x4b),
- 45: (1, 0x4b),
- 46: (2, 0x4b),
- 47: (0, 0x4b),
- }
- def __init__(self, board, vendor=0x18d1,
- product=0x5020, interface=1, serialname=None):
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- self._board = board
- # Find the stm32.
- dev_g = usb.core.find(idVendor=vendor, idProduct=product, find_all=True)
- dev_list = list(dev_g)
- if dev_list is None:
- raise Exception("Power", "USB device not found")
- # Check if we have multiple stm32s and we've specified the serial.
- dev = None
- if serialname:
- for d in dev_list:
- dev_serial = "PyUSB dioesn't have a stable interface"
- try:
- dev_serial = usb.util.get_string(d, 256, d.iSerialNumber)
- except ValueError:
- # Incompatible pyUsb version.
- dev_serial = usb.util.get_string(d, d.iSerialNumber)
- if dev_serial == serialname:
- dev = d
- break
- if dev is None:
- raise Exception("Power", "USB device(%s) not found" % serialname)
- else:
- try:
- dev = dev_list[0]
- except TypeError:
- # Incompatible pyUsb version.
- dev =
- self._logger.debug("Found USB device: %04x:%04x", vendor, product)
- self._dev = dev
- # Get an endpoint instance.
- try:
- dev.set_configuration()
- except usb.USBError:
- pass
- cfg = dev.get_active_configuration()
- intf = usb.util.find_descriptor(cfg, custom_match=lambda i: \
- i.bInterfaceClass==255 and i.bInterfaceSubClass==0x54)
- self._intf = intf
- self._logger.debug("InterfaceNumber: %s", intf.bInterfaceNumber)
- read_ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
- intf,
- # match the first IN endpoint
- custom_match = \
- lambda e: \
- usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
- usb.util.ENDPOINT_IN
- )
- self._read_ep = read_ep
- self._logger.debug("Reader endpoint: 0x%x", read_ep.bEndpointAddress)
- write_ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
- intf,
- # match the first OUT endpoint
- custom_match = \
- lambda e: \
- usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
- usb.util.ENDPOINT_OUT
- )
- self._write_ep = write_ep
- self._logger.debug("Writer endpoint: 0x%x", write_ep.bEndpointAddress)
- self.clear_ina_struct()
- self._logger.debug("Found power logging USB endpoint.")
- def clear_ina_struct(self):
- """ Clear INA description struct."""
- self._inas = []
- def append_ina_struct(self, name, rs, port, addr,
- data=None, ina_type=INA_POWER):
- """Add an INA descriptor into the list of active INAs.
- Args:
- name: Readable name of this channel.
- rs: Sense resistor value in ohms, floating point.
- port: I2C channel this INA is connected to.
- addr: I2C addr of this INA.
- data: Misc data for special handling, board specific.
- ina_type: INA function to use, power, voltage, etc.
- """
- ina = {}
- ina['name'] = name
- ina['rs'] = rs
- ina['port'] = port
- ina['addr'] = addr
- ina['type'] = ina_type
- # Calculate INA231 Calibration register
- # (see INA231 spec p.15)
- # CurrentLSB = uA per div = 80mV / (Rsh * 2^15)
- # CurrentLSB uA = 80000000nV / (Rsh mOhm * 0x8000)
- ina['uAscale'] = 80000000. / (rs * 0x8000);
- ina['uWscale'] = 25. * ina['uAscale'];
- ina['mVscale'] = 1.25
- ina['uVscale'] = 2.5
- ina['data'] = data
- self._inas.append(ina)
- def wr_command(self, write_list, read_count=1, wtimeout=100, rtimeout=1000):
- """Write command to logger logic.
- This function writes byte command values list to stm, then reads
- byte status.
- Args:
- write_list: list of command byte values [0~255].
- read_count: number of status byte values to read.
- Interface:
- write: [command, data ... ]
- read: [status ]
- Returns:
- bytes read, or None on failure.
- """
- self._logger.debug("Spower.wr_command(write_list=[%s] (%d), read_count=%s)",
- list(bytearray(write_list)), len(write_list), read_count)
- # Clean up args from python style to correct types.
- write_length = 0
- if write_list:
- write_length = len(write_list)
- if not read_count:
- read_count = 0
- # Send command to stm32.
- if write_list:
- cmd = write_list
- ret = self._write_ep.write(cmd, wtimeout)
- self._logger.debug("RET: %s ", ret)
- # Read back response if necessary.
- if read_count:
- bytesread =, rtimeout)
- self._logger.debug("BYTES: [%s]", bytesread)
- if len(bytesread) != read_count:
- pass
- self._logger.debug("STATUS: 0x%02x", int(bytesread[0]))
- if read_count == 1:
- return bytesread[0]
- else:
- return bytesread
- return None
- def clear(self):
- """Clear pending reads on the stm32"""
- try:
- while True:
- ret = self.wr_command(b"", read_count=512, rtimeout=100, wtimeout=50)
- self._logger.debug("Try Clear: read %s",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure")
- except:
- pass
- def send_reset(self):
- """Reset the power interface on the stm32"""
- cmd = struct.pack("<H", self.CMD_RESET)
- ret = self.wr_command(cmd, rtimeout=50, wtimeout=50)
- self._logger.debug("Command RESET: %s",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure")
- def reset(self):
- """Try resetting the USB interface until success.
- Use linear back off strategy when encounter the error with 10ms increment.
- Raises:
- Exception on failure.
- """
- max_reset_retry = 100
- for count in range(1, max_reset_retry + 1):
- self.clear()
- try:
- self.send_reset()
- return
- except Exception as e:
- self.clear()
- self.clear()
- self._logger.debug("TRY %d of %d: %s", count, max_reset_retry, e)
- time.sleep(count * 0.01)
- raise Exception("Power", "Failed to reset")
- def stop(self):
- """Stop any active data acquisition."""
- cmd = struct.pack("<H", self.CMD_STOP)
- ret = self.wr_command(cmd)
- self._logger.debug("Command STOP: %s",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure")
- def start(self, integration_us):
- """Start data acquisition.
- Args:
- integration_us: int, how many us between samples, and
- how often the data block must be read.
- Returns:
- actual sampling interval in ms.
- """
- cmd = struct.pack("<HI", self.CMD_START, integration_us)
- read = self.wr_command(cmd, read_count=5)
- actual_us = 0
- if len(read) == 5:
- ret, actual_us = struct.unpack("<BI", read)
- self._logger.debug("Command START: %s %dus",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure", actual_us)
- else:
- self._logger.debug("Command START: FAIL")
- return actual_us
- def add_ina_name(self, name_tuple):
- """Add INA from board config.
- Args:
- name_tuple: name and type of power rail in board config.
- Returns:
- True if INA added, False if the INA is not on this board.
- Raises:
- Exception on unexpected failure.
- """
- name, ina_type = name_tuple
- for datum in self._brdcfg:
- if datum["name"] == name:
- rs = int(float(datum["rs"]) * 1000.)
- board = datum["sweetberry"]
- if board == self._board:
- if 'port' in datum and 'addr' in datum:
- port = datum['port']
- addr = datum['addr']
- else:
- channel = int(datum["channel"])
- port, addr = self.CHMAP[channel]
- self.add_ina(port, ina_type, addr, 0, rs, data=datum)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- raise Exception("Power", "Failed to find INA %s" % name)
- def set_time(self, timestamp_us):
- """Set sweetberry time to match host time.
- Args:
- timestamp_us: host timestmap in us.
- """
- # 0x0005 , 8 byte timestamp
- cmd = struct.pack("<HQ", self.CMD_SETTIME, timestamp_us)
- ret = self.wr_command(cmd)
- self._logger.debug("Command SETTIME: %s",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure")
- def add_ina(self, bus, ina_type, addr, extra, resistance, data=None):
- """Add an INA to the data acquisition list.
- Args:
- bus: which i2c bus the INA is on. Same ordering as Si2c.
- ina_type: Ina interface: INA_POWER/BUSV/etc.
- addr: 7 bit i2c addr of this INA
- extra: extra data for nonstandard configs.
- resistance: int, shunt resistance in mOhm
- """
- # 0x0002, 1B: bus, 1B:INA type, 1B: INA addr, 1B: extra, 4B: Rs
- cmd = struct.pack("<HBBBBI", self.CMD_ADDINA,
- bus, ina_type, addr, extra, resistance)
- ret = self.wr_command(cmd)
- if ret == 0:
- if data:
- name = data['name']
- else:
- name = "ina%d_%02x" % (bus, addr)
- self.append_ina_struct(name, resistance, bus, addr,
- data=data, ina_type=ina_type)
- self._logger.debug("Command ADD_INA: %s",
- "success" if ret == 0 else "failure")
- def report_header_size(self):
- """Helper function to calculate power record header size."""
- result = 2
- timestamp = 8
- return result + timestamp
- def report_size(self, ina_count):
- """Helper function to calculate full power record size."""
- record = 2
- datasize = self.report_header_size() + ina_count * record
- # Round to multiple of 4 bytes.
- datasize = int(((datasize + 3) // 4) * 4)
- return datasize
- def read_line(self):
- """Read a line of data from the setup INAs
- Returns:
- list of dicts of the values read by ina/type tuple, otherwise None.
- [{ts:100, (vbat, power):450}, {ts:200, (vbat, power):440}]
- """
- try:
- expected_bytes = self.report_size(len(self._inas))
- cmd = struct.pack("<H", self.CMD_NEXT)
- bytesread = self.wr_command(cmd, read_count=expected_bytes)
- except usb.core.USBError as e:
- self._logger.error("READ LINE FAILED %s", e)
- return None
- if len(bytesread) == 1:
- if bytesread[0] != 0x6:
- self._logger.debug("READ LINE FAILED bytes: %d ret: %02x",
- len(bytesread), bytesread[0])
- return None
- if len(bytesread) % expected_bytes != 0:
- self._logger.debug("READ LINE WARNING: expected %d, got %d",
- expected_bytes, len(bytesread))
- packet_count = len(bytesread) // expected_bytes
- values = []
- for i in range(0, packet_count):
- start = i * expected_bytes
- end = (i + 1) * expected_bytes
- record = self.interpret_line(bytesread[start:end])
- values.append(record)
- return values
- def interpret_line(self, data):
- """Interpret a power record from INAs
- Args:
- data: one single record of bytes.
- Output:
- stdout of the record in csv format.
- Returns:
- dict containing name, value of recorded data.
- """
- status, size = struct.unpack("<BB", data[0:2])
- if len(data) != self.report_size(size):
- self._logger.error("READ LINE FAILED st:%d size:%d expected:%d len:%d",
- status, size, self.report_size(size), len(data))
- else:
- pass
- timestamp = struct.unpack("<Q", data[2:10])[0]
- self._logger.debug("READ LINE: st:%d size:%d time:%dus", status, size,
- timestamp)
- ftimestamp = float(timestamp) / 1000000.
- record = {"ts": ftimestamp, "status": status, "berry":self._board}
- for i in range(0, size):
- idx = self.report_header_size() + 2*i
- name = self._inas[i]['name']
- name_tuple = (self._inas[i]['name'], self._inas[i]['type'])
- raw_val = struct.unpack("<h", data[idx:idx+2])[0]
- if self._inas[i]['type'] == Spower.INA_POWER:
- val = raw_val * self._inas[i]['uWscale']
- elif self._inas[i]['type'] == Spower.INA_BUSV:
- val = raw_val * self._inas[i]['mVscale']
- elif self._inas[i]['type'] == Spower.INA_CURRENT:
- val = raw_val * self._inas[i]['uAscale']
- elif self._inas[i]['type'] == Spower.INA_SHUNTV:
- val = raw_val * self._inas[i]['uVscale']
- self._logger.debug("READ %d %s: %fs: 0x%04x %f", i, name, ftimestamp,
- raw_val, val)
- record[name_tuple] = val
- return record
- def load_board(self, brdfile):
- """Load a board config.
- Args:
- brdfile: Filename of a json file decribing the INA wiring of this board.
- """
- with open(process_filename(brdfile)) as data_file:
- data = json.load(data_file)
- #TODO: validate this.
- self._brdcfg = data;
- self._logger.debug(pprint.pformat(data))
-class powerlog(object):
- """Power class to log aggregated power.
- Usage:
- obj = powerlog()
- Instance Variables:
- _data: a StatsManager object that records sweetberry readings and calculates
- statistics.
- _pwr[]: Spower objects for individual sweetberries.
- """
- def __init__(self, brdfile, cfgfile, serial_a=None, serial_b=None,
- sync_date=False, use_ms=False, use_mW=False, print_stats=False,
- stats_dir=None, stats_json_dir=None, print_raw_data=True,
- raw_data_dir=None):
- """Init the powerlog class and set the variables.
- Args:
- brdfile: string name of json file containing board layout.
- cfgfile: string name of json containing list of rails to read.
- serial_a: serial number of sweetberry A.
- serial_b: serial number of sweetberry B.
- sync_date: report timestamps synced with host datetime.
- use_ms: report timestamps in ms rather than us.
- use_mW: report power as milliwatts, otherwise default to microwatts.
- print_stats: print statistics for sweetberry readings at the end.
- stats_dir: directory to save sweetberry readings statistics; if None then
- do not save the statistics.
- stats_json_dir: directory to save means of sweetberry readings in json
- format; if None then do not save the statistics.
- print_raw_data: print sweetberry readings raw data in real time, default
- is to print.
- raw_data_dir: directory to save sweetberry readings raw data; if None then
- do not save the raw data.
- """
- self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- self._data = StatsManager()
- self._pwr = {}
- self._use_ms = use_ms
- self._use_mW = use_mW
- self._print_stats = print_stats
- self._stats_dir = stats_dir
- self._stats_json_dir = stats_json_dir
- self._print_raw_data = print_raw_data
- self._raw_data_dir = raw_data_dir
- if not serial_a and not serial_b:
- self._pwr['A'] = Spower('A')
- if serial_a:
- self._pwr['A'] = Spower('A', serialname=serial_a)
- if serial_b:
- self._pwr['B'] = Spower('B', serialname=serial_b)
- with open(process_filename(cfgfile)) as data_file:
- names = json.load(data_file)
- self._names = self.process_scenario(names)
- for key in self._pwr:
- self._pwr[key].load_board(brdfile)
- self._pwr[key].reset()
- # Allocate the rails to the appropriate boards.
- used_boards = []
- for name in self._names:
- success = False
- for key in self._pwr.keys():
- if self._pwr[key].add_ina_name(name):
- success = True
- if key not in used_boards:
- used_boards.append(key)
- if not success:
- raise Exception("Failed to add %s (maybe missing "
- "sweetberry, or bad board file?)" % name)
- # Evict unused boards.
- for key in list(self._pwr.keys()):
- if key not in used_boards:
- self._pwr.pop(key)
- for key in self._pwr.keys():
- if sync_date:
- self._pwr[key].set_time(time.time() * 1000000)
- else:
- self._pwr[key].set_time(0)
- def process_scenario(self, name_list):
- """Return list of tuples indicating name and type.
- Args:
- json originated list of names, or [name, type]
- Returns:
- list of tuples of (name, type) defaulting to type "POWER"
- Raises: exception, invalid INA type.
- """
- names = []
- for entry in name_list:
- if isinstance(entry, list):
- name = entry[0]
- if entry[1] == "POWER":
- type = Spower.INA_POWER
- elif entry[1] == "BUSV":
- type = Spower.INA_BUSV
- elif entry[1] == "CURRENT":
- type = Spower.INA_CURRENT
- elif entry[1] == "SHUNTV":
- type = Spower.INA_SHUNTV
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid INA type", "Type of %s [%s] not recognized,"
- " try one of POWER, BUSV, CURRENT" % (entry[0], entry[1]))
- else:
- name = entry
- type = Spower.INA_POWER
- names.append((name, type))
- return names
- def start(self, integration_us_request, seconds, sync_speed=.8):
- """Starts sampling.
- Args:
- integration_us_request: requested interval between sample values.
- seconds: time until exit, or None to run until cancel.
- sync_speed: A usb request is sent every [.8] * integration_us.
- """
- # We will get back the actual integration us.
- # It should be the same for all devices.
- integration_us = None
- for key in self._pwr:
- integration_us_new = self._pwr[key].start(integration_us_request)
- if integration_us:
- if integration_us != integration_us_new:
- raise Exception("FAIL",
- "Integration on A: %dus != integration on B %dus" % (
- integration_us, integration_us_new))
- integration_us = integration_us_new
- # CSV header
- title = "ts:%dus" % integration_us
- for name_tuple in self._names:
- name, ina_type = name_tuple
- if ina_type == Spower.INA_POWER:
- unit = "mW" if self._use_mW else "uW"
- elif ina_type == Spower.INA_BUSV:
- unit = "mV"
- elif ina_type == Spower.INA_CURRENT:
- unit = "uA"
- elif ina_type == Spower.INA_SHUNTV:
- unit = "uV"
- title += ", %s %s" % (name, unit)
- name_type = name + Spower.INA_SUFFIX[ina_type]
- self._data.SetUnit(name_type, unit)
- title += ", status"
- if self._print_raw_data:
- logoutput(title)
- forever = False
- if not seconds:
- forever = True
- end_time = time.time() + seconds
- try:
- pending_records = []
- while forever or end_time > time.time():
- if (integration_us > 5000):
- time.sleep((integration_us / 1000000.) * sync_speed)
- for key in self._pwr:
- records = self._pwr[key].read_line()
- if not records:
- continue
- for record in records:
- pending_records.append(record)
- pending_records.sort(key=lambda r: r['ts'])
- aggregate_record = {"boards": set()}
- for record in pending_records:
- if record["berry"] not in aggregate_record["boards"]:
- for rkey in record.keys():
- aggregate_record[rkey] = record[rkey]
- aggregate_record["boards"].add(record["berry"])
- else:
-"break %s, %s", record["berry"],
- aggregate_record["boards"])
- break
- if aggregate_record["boards"] == set(self._pwr.keys()):
- csv = "%f" % aggregate_record["ts"]
- for name in self._names:
- if name in aggregate_record:
- multiplier = 0.001 if (self._use_mW and
- name[1]==Spower.INA_POWER) else 1
- value = aggregate_record[name] * multiplier
- csv += ", %.2f" % value
- name_type = name[0] + Spower.INA_SUFFIX[name[1]]
- self._data.AddSample(name_type, value)
- else:
- csv += ", "
- csv += ", %d" % aggregate_record["status"]
- if self._print_raw_data:
- logoutput(csv)
- aggregate_record = {"boards": set()}
- for r in range(0, len(self._pwr)):
- pending_records.pop(0)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
-'\nCTRL+C caught.')
- finally:
- for key in self._pwr:
- self._pwr[key].stop()
- self._data.CalculateStats()
- if self._print_stats:
- print(self._data.SummaryToString())
- save_dir = 'sweetberry%s' % time.time()
- if self._stats_dir:
- stats_dir = os.path.join(self._stats_dir, save_dir)
- self._data.SaveSummary(stats_dir)
- if self._stats_json_dir:
- stats_json_dir = os.path.join(self._stats_json_dir, save_dir)
- self._data.SaveSummaryJSON(stats_json_dir)
- if self._raw_data_dir:
- raw_data_dir = os.path.join(self._raw_data_dir, save_dir)
- self._data.SaveRawData(raw_data_dir)
-def main(argv=None):
- if argv is None:
- argv = sys.argv[1:]
- # Command line argument description.
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="Gather CSV data from sweetberry")
- parser.add_argument('-b', '--board', type=str,
- help="Board configuration file, eg. my.board", default="")
- parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str,
- help="Rail config to monitor, eg my.scenario", default="")
- parser.add_argument('-A', '--serial', type=str,
- help="Serial number of sweetberry A", default="")
- parser.add_argument('-B', '--serial_b', type=str,
- help="Serial number of sweetberry B", default="")
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--integration_us', type=int,
- help="Target integration time for samples", default=100000)
- parser.add_argument('-s', '--seconds', type=float,
- help="Seconds to run capture", default=0.)
- parser.add_argument('--date', default=False,
- help="Sync logged timestamp to host date", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('--ms', default=False,
- help="Print timestamp as milliseconds", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('--mW', default=False,
- help="Print power as milliwatts, otherwise default to microwatts",
- action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('--slow', default=False,
- help="Intentionally overflow", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('--print_stats', default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Print statistics for sweetberry readings at the end")
- parser.add_argument('--save_stats', type=str, nargs='?',
- dest='stats_dir', metavar='STATS_DIR',
- const=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), default=None,
- help="Save statistics for sweetberry readings to %(metavar)s if "
- "%(metavar)s is specified, %(metavar)s will be created if it does "
- "not exist; if %(metavar)s is not specified but the flag is set, "
- "stats will be saved to where %(prog)s is located; if this flag is "
- "not set, then do not save stats")
- parser.add_argument('--save_stats_json', type=str, nargs='?',
- dest='stats_json_dir', metavar='STATS_JSON_DIR',
- const=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), default=None,
- help="Save means for sweetberry readings in json to %(metavar)s if "
- "%(metavar)s is specified, %(metavar)s will be created if it does "
- "not exist; if %(metavar)s is not specified but the flag is set, "
- "stats will be saved to where %(prog)s is located; if this flag is "
- "not set, then do not save stats")
- parser.add_argument('--no_print_raw_data',
- dest='print_raw_data', default=True, action="store_false",
- help="Not print raw sweetberry readings at real time, default is to "
- "print")
- parser.add_argument('--save_raw_data', type=str, nargs='?',
- dest='raw_data_dir', metavar='RAW_DATA_DIR',
- const=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), default=None,
- help="Save raw data for sweetberry readings to %(metavar)s if "
- "%(metavar)s is specified, %(metavar)s will be created if it does "
- "not exist; if %(metavar)s is not specified but the flag is set, "
- "raw data will be saved to where %(prog)s is located; if this flag "
- "is not set, then do not save raw data")
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False,
- help="Very chatty printout", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args(argv)
- root_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- if args.verbose:
- root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- # if powerlog is used through main, log to sys.stdout
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- stdout_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
- root_logger.addHandler(stdout_handler)
- integration_us_request = args.integration_us
- if not args.board:
- raise Exception("Power", "No board file selected, see board.README")
- if not args.config:
- raise Exception("Power", "No config file selected, see board.README")
- brdfile = args.board
- cfgfile = args.config
- seconds = args.seconds
- serial_a = args.serial
- serial_b = args.serial_b
- sync_date =
- use_ms =
- use_mW = args.mW
- print_stats = args.print_stats
- stats_dir = args.stats_dir
- stats_json_dir = args.stats_json_dir
- print_raw_data = args.print_raw_data
- raw_data_dir = args.raw_data_dir
- boards = []
- sync_speed = .8
- if args.slow:
- sync_speed = 1.2
- # Set up logging interface.
- powerlogger = powerlog(brdfile, cfgfile, serial_a=serial_a, serial_b=serial_b,
- sync_date=sync_date, use_ms=use_ms, use_mW=use_mW,
- print_stats=print_stats, stats_dir=stats_dir,
- stats_json_dir=stats_json_dir,
- print_raw_data=print_raw_data,raw_data_dir=raw_data_dir)
- # Start logging.
- powerlogger.start(integration_us_request, seconds, sync_speed=sync_speed)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()