path: root/util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b6030453a..0000000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Tool to compare two commits and make sure that the resulting build output is
-# exactly the same.
-# The board parameter is a space separated list containing any valid board
-# or special board group listed below. Items added to the list can be prefixed
-# with a + or - to enforce that it is added or removed from the active set of
-# boards. Boards are added or removed in the order in which they appear.
-# * all - All boards that are built by the "buildall" target
-# * fp - All relevant boards for fingerprint
-# * stm32 - All boards that use an STM32 chip
-# * stm32f4 - All boards that use an STM32F4 family of chip
-# * stm32h7 - All boards that use an STM32H7 family of chip
-# * npcx - "
-# * mchp - "
-# * ish - "
-# * it83xx - "
-# * lm4 - "
-# * mec1322 - "
-# * max32660 - "
-# * mt_scp - "
-# Example: --boards "+all -stm32"
-# Cr50 doesn't have reproducible builds.
-# The following fails:
-# git commit --allow-empty -m "Test" &&
-# ./util/ --boards cr50 --ref1 HEAD --ref2 HEAD^
-# Note to Developers
-# Although this script is a good proving ground for new testing techniques,
-# care should be taken to offload functionality to other core components.
-. /usr/share/misc/shflags
-if [[ -d private ]]; then
-DEFINE_string 'boards' "nocturne_fp" 'Boards to build (all, fp, stm32, hatch)' \
- 'b'
-DEFINE_string 'ref1' "HEAD" 'Git reference (commit, branch, etc)'
-DEFINE_string 'ref2' "HEAD^" 'Git reference (commit, branch, etc)'
-DEFINE_boolean 'keep' "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- 'Remove the temp directory after comparison.' 'k'
-# Integer type can still be passed blank ("")
-DEFINE_integer 'jobs' "-1" 'Number of jobs to pass to make' 'j'
-# When compiling both refs for all boards, mem usage was larger than 32GB.
-# If you don't have more than 32GB, you probably don't want to build both
-# refs at the same time. Use the -o flag.
-DEFINE_boolean 'oneref' "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
- 'Build only one set of boards at a time. This limits mem.' 'o'
-DEFINE_boolean 'private' "${FLAGS_PRIVATE_DEFAULT}" \
- 'Link the private repo/dir into test build source tree.'
-# Usage: assoc-add-keys <associate_array_name> [item1 [item2...]]
-assoc-add-keys() {
- local -n arr="${1}"
- shift
- for key in "${@}"; do
- arr["${key}"]="${key}"
- done
-# Usage: assoc-rm-keys <associate_array_name> [item1 [item2...]
-assoc-rm-keys() {
- local -n arr="${1}"
- shift
- for key in "${@}"; do
- unset arr["${key}"]
- done
-# Usage: make-print-boards
-# Cache the make print-boards output
-make-print-boards() {
- local file="${TMP_DIR}/make-print-boards-cache"
- if [[ ! -f "${file}" ]]; then
- # This command take about 1 second to run
- make print-boards >"${file}"
- fi
- cat "${file}"
-# Usage: boards-with CHIP
-boards-with() {
- local pattern="${1}"
- for b in $(make-print-boards); do
- grep -E -q "${pattern}" "board/${b}/" && echo "${b}"
- done
-# Usage: parse-boards <associate_array_name> [board-grp1 [board-grp2...]]
-parse-boards() {
- # shellcheck disable=SC2034
- local -n boards="$1"
- shift
- # Board groups
- #
- # Get all CHIP variants in use:
- # grep -E 'CHIP[[:space:]]*\:' board/*/ \
- # | sed 's/.*:=[[:space:]]*//' | sort -u
- local -A BOARD_GROUPS=(
- # make-print-boards already filters out the skipped boards
- [all]="$(make-print-boards)"
- [fp]="dartmonkey bloonchipper nucleo-dartmonkey nucleo-h743zi"
- [stm32]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*stm32')"
- [stm32f4]="$(boards-with 'CHIP_VARIANT[[:space:]:=]*stm32f4')"
- [stm32h7]="$(boards-with 'CHIP_VARIANT[[:space:]:=]*stm32h7')"
- [npcx]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*npcx')"
- [mchp]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*mchp')"
- [ish]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*ish')"
- [it83xx]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*it83xx')"
- [lm4]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*lm4')"
- [mec1322]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*mec1322')"
- [max32660]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*max32660')"
- [mt_scp]="$(boards-with 'CHIP[[:space:]:=]*mt_scp')"
- )
- local -a BOARDS_VALID_RAW=( )
- mapfile -t BOARDS_VALID_RAW < <(basename -a board/*)
- local -A BOARDS_VALID=( )
- assoc-add-keys BOARDS_VALID "${!BOARD_GROUPS[@]}" "${BOARDS_VALID_RAW[@]}"
- # Parse boards selection
- local b name name_arr=( )
- for b; do
- # Remove + or - prefix
- name="$(sed -E 's/^(-|\+)//' <<<"${b}")"
- # Check for a valid board
- if [[ "${BOARDS_VALID[${name}]}" != "${name}" ]]; then
- echo "# Error - Board '${name}' does not exist" >&2
- return 1
- fi
- # Check for expansion target
- if [[ -n "${BOARD_GROUPS[${name}]}" ]]; then
- name="${BOARD_GROUPS[${name}]}"
- fi
- read -d "" -r -a name_arr <<< "${name}"
- # Process addition or deletion
- case "${b}" in
- -*)
- assoc-rm-keys boards "${name_arr[@]}"
- ;;
- +*|*)
- assoc-add-keys boards "${name_arr[@]}"
- ;;
- esac
- done
-# Argument Parsing and Parameter Setup #
-TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d -t compare_build.XXXX)"
-# Process commandline flags.
-FLAGS "${@}" || exit 1
-eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-set -e
-# Can specify any valid git ref (e.g., commits or branches).
-# We need the long sha for fetching changes
-OLD_REF="$(git rev-parse "${FLAGS_ref1}")"
-NEW_REF="$(git rev-parse "${FLAGS_ref2}")"
-# Specify -j 1 for sequential
-if (( FLAGS_jobs > 0 )); then
- MAKE_FLAGS+=( "-j" "${FLAGS_jobs}" )
- MAKE_FLAGS+=( "-j" )
-declare -A BOARDS=( )
-read -r -a FLAGS_boards <<< "${FLAGS_boards}"
-parse-boards BOARDS "${FLAGS_boards[@]}" || exit $?
-if [[ ${#BOARDS[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
- echo "# Error - No boards selected" >&2
- exit 1
-echo "# Board Selection:"
-printf "%s\n" "${BOARDS[@]}" | sort | column
-# Symbolically linked directories
-LINKS=( )
-if [[ "${FLAGS_private}" == "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- echo "# Requesting private directory link"
- LINKS+=( private )
-# Runtime #
-# We want make to initiate the builds for ref1 and ref2 so that a
-# single jobserver manages the process.
-# We should do the build comparison in the Makefile to allow for easier
-# debugging when --keep is enabled.
-echo "# Preparing Makefile"
-cat > "${TMP_DIR}/Makefile" <<HEREDOC
-ORIGIN ?= $(realpath .)
-CRYPTOC_DIR ?= $(realpath ../../third_party/cryptoc)
-LINKS ?= ${LINKS[*]}
-.PHONY: all
-all: build-${OLD_REF} build-${NEW_REF}
- git clone --quiet --no-checkout \$(ORIGIN) \$@
- git -C \$@ checkout --quiet \$(@:ec-%=%)
-ifneq (\$(LINKS),)
- ln -s \$(addprefix \$(ORIGIN)/,\$(LINKS)) \$@
-build-%: ec-%
- \$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C \$(@:build-%=ec-%) \\
- \$(addprefix proj-,\$(BOARDS))
- @printf " MKDIR %s\n" "\$@"
- @mkdir -p \$@
- @for b in \$(BOARDS); do \\
- printf " CP -l '%s' to '%s'\n" \\
- "\$(@:build-%=ec-%)/build/\$\$b/ec.bin" \\
- "\$@/\$\$b-ec.bin"; \\
- cp -l \$(@:build-%=ec-%)/build/\$\$b/ec.bin \$@/\$\$b-ec.bin; \\
- done
-# So that make doesn't try to remove them
-build() {
- echo make --no-print-directory -C "${TMP_DIR}" "${MAKE_FLAGS[@]}" "$@"
- make --no-print-directory -C "${TMP_DIR}" "${MAKE_FLAGS[@]}" "$@"
- return $?
-echo "# Launching build. Cover your eyes."
-if [[ "${FLAGS_oneref}" == "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then
- build "build-${OLD_REF}" "build-${NEW_REF}" || result=$?
- build "build-${OLD_REF}" && build "build-${NEW_REF}" || result=$?
-if [[ ${result} -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo >&2
- echo "# Failed to make one or more of the refs." >&2
- exit 1
-echo "# Comparing Files"
-if diff "${TMP_DIR}/build-"{"${OLD_REF}","${NEW_REF}"}; then
- echo "# Verdict: MATCH"
- result=0
- echo "# Verdict: FAILURE"
- result=1
-# Do keep in mind that temp directory take a few GB if all boards are built.
-if [[ "${FLAGS_keep}" == "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
- echo "# Keeping temp directory around for your inspection."
- echo "# ${TMP_DIR}"
- echo "# Removing temp directory"
- rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}"
-exit "${result}"