diff options
authorJoan Touzet <>2019-05-03 14:45:28 -0400
committerGitHub <>2019-05-03 14:45:28 -0400
commitaf26397f477e87228cfebd0c8fc583561daaf2e4 (patch)
parent3c958a96488630506d3e847b38ba9bb744632655 (diff)
Jenkins: Add ARM64, drop trusty, improve Jenkinsfile (#2023)archive/fixup-jenkins-eunit-testfixup-jenkins-eunit-test
Because JENKINS-46277 and JENKINS-47106 got fixed, the Jenkinsfile can be made much simpler and more readable since we are able to use docker agents directly now. Other changes: * We now have an ARM64 build ready to go. * It's currently failing some couch_btree tests with timeouts. I've seen these failures on x86_64, though. * If any one of the builds fails, Jenkins now kills all the rest. This is useful because, in Jenkins, you can currently only restart an entire pipeline stage, not just a single entry in the pipeline. So there's no point in not killing the build fast, for now. You can see which build actually failed by clicking through each parallel stage and looking for a failed build step. * We're trying to save space on the drives: * We now only keep the last 10 builds and their artifacts around. * We also forcibly clean up our temp directories after any build. * Build's a bit faster since we're no longer multiply checking out the source code for each parallel build. * Improved stage naming. * Formatting is all nice nice.
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 3488c6ea3..c57574824 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -1,21 +1,56 @@
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-the License.
-// jenkins user == uid 910 for reference
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+// the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+// DRYing out the Jenkinsfile...
+build_script = '''
+mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}
+echo "Build CouchDB from tarball & test"
+builddir=$(mktemp -d)
+cd ${builddir}
+tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
+cd apache-couchdb-*
+./configure --with-curl
+make check || (build-aux/ && false)
+echo "Build CouchDB packages"
+cd ${builddir}
+git clone
+mkdir couchdb
+cp ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
+tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
+cd couchdb-pkg
+make ${platform} PLATFORM=${platform}
+echo "Cleanup & save for posterity"
+rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
+mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
+mv ../rpmbuild/RPMS/$(arch)/*rpm ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
+mv ../couchdb/*.deb ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
+rm -rf ${builddir} ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}
pipeline {
// no top-level agent; agents must be declared for each stage
- agent none
+ agent {
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
environment {
COUCHAUTH = credentials('couchdb_vm2_couchdb')
@@ -27,425 +62,362 @@ pipeline {
+ options {
+ buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'))
+ // This fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
+ parallelsAlwaysFailFast()
+ preserveStashes(buildCount: 10)
+ timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
+ timestamps()
+ }
stages {
- stage('Build') {
+ stage('Build Release Tarball') {
agent {
- // Cannot use docker agent type because image will not be pulled fresh
- // each time. Instead, manually insert docker pull then run with the
- // the docker image.
- node {
+ //
+ // We need the jenkins user mapped inside of the image
+ // npm config cache below is required because /home/jenkins doesn't
+ // ACTUALLY exist in the image
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ args '-e npm_config_cache=npm-cache -e HOME=. -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group'
label 'ubuntu'
+ options {
+ timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
steps {
- // This image has the oldest Erlang we support, 19
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6'
- timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES") {
- //
- // We need the jenkins user mapped inside of the image
- // npm config cache below is required because /home/jenkins doesn't
- // ACTUALLY exist in the image
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6', args: '-e npm_config_cache=npm-cache -e HOME=. -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group') {
- sh '''
- set
- rm -rf apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make dist
- chmod -R a+w * .
- '''
- }
- }
+ sh '''
+ set
+ rm -rf apache-couchdb-*
+ ./configure --with-curl
+ make dist
+ chmod -R a+w * .
+ '''
post {
success {
stash includes: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', name: 'tarball'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- failure {
- deleteDir()
+ cleanup {
+ // UGH see
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
+ } // stage Build Release Tarball
- // TODO rework this once JENKINS-41334 is released
- //
+ // TODO Rework once Improved Docker Pipeline Engine is released
+ //
+ //
// The builddir stuff is to prevent all the builds from live syncing
// their build results to each other during the build, which ACTUALLY
// HAPPENS. Ugh.
- // Build packages on supported platforms using esl's erlang
- stage('Test') {
- steps {
- parallel(freebsd: {
- node(label: 'couchdb && freebsd') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- deleteDir()
- unstash 'tarball'
- withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- gmake check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # No package build for FreeBSD at this time
- '''
- } // withEnv
- } // timeout
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- centos6: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/centos-6-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/centos-6-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=centos6
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*rpm $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- centos7: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/centos-7-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/centos-7-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=centos7
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*rpm $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- ubuntutrusty: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/ubuntu-trusty-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/ubuntu-trusty-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=$(lsb_release -cs)
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../couchdb/*.deb $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- ubuntuxenial: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/ubuntu-xenial-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/ubuntu-xenial-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=$(lsb_release -cs)
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../couchdb/*.deb $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- ubuntubionic: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/ubuntu-bionic-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/ubuntu-bionic-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=$(lsb_release -cs)
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../couchdb/*.deb $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- debianjessie: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/debian-jessie-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/debian-jessie-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=$(lsb_release -cs)
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../couchdb/*.deb $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- deleteDir()
- } // node
- },
- debianstretch: {
- node(label: 'ubuntu') {
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6') {
- sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh '''
- cwd=$(pwd)
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- builddir=$(mktemp -d)
- cd $builddir
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --with-curl
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # Build CouchDB packages
- cd $builddir
- git clone
- mkdir couchdb
- cp $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
- tar -xf $cwd/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
- cd couchdb-pkg
- platform=$(lsb_release -cs)
- make $platform PLATFORM=$platform
- # Cleanup & save for posterity
- rm -rf $cwd/pkgs/$platform && mkdir -p $cwd/pkgs/$platform
- mv ../couchdb/*.deb $cwd/pkgs/$platform || true
- '''
- } // withDocker
- } // timeout
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ stage('make check') {
+ parallel {
+ stage('FreeBSD') {
+ agent {
+ label 'couchdb && freebsd'
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ steps {
+ // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
- } // node
- }
- ) // parallel
- } // steps
- } // stage
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
+ sh '''
+ mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
+ # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
+ builddir=$(mktemp -d)
+ cd $builddir
+ tar -xf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
+ cd apache-couchdb-*
+ ./configure --with-curl
+ gmake check || (build-aux/ && false)
+ # No package build for FreeBSD at this time
+ rm -rf $builddir $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
+ '''
+ } // withEnv
+ } // steps
+ } // stage FreeBSD
+ stage('CentOS 6') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/centos-6-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'centos6'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('CentOS 7') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/centos-7-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'centos7'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('Ubuntu Xenial') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/ubuntu-xenial-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'xenial'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('Ubuntu Bionic') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/ubuntu-bionic-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'xenial'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('Debian Jessie') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/debian-jessie-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'jessie'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('Debian Stretch x86_64') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'jessie'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ stage('Debian Stretch aarch64') {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/aarch64-debian-stretch-erlang-'
+ alwaysPull true
+ label 'arm'
+ }
+ }
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
+ environment {
+ platform = 'jessie'
+ }
+ steps {
+ sh 'rm -f apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: build_script )
+ } // steps
+ post {
+ success {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+ }
+ } // post
+ } // stage
+ } // parallel
+ } // stage "Make Check"
stage('Publish') {
when {
expression { return env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /master|2.0.x|2.1.x|jenkins-.*/ }
agent {
- // Cannot use docker agent type because image will not be pulled fresh
- // each time. Instead, manually insert docker pull then run with the
- // the docker image.
- node {
+ docker {
+ image 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
+ alwaysPull true
+ args '-e npm_config_cache=npm-cache -e HOME=. -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group'
label 'ubuntu'
+ options {
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
+ }
steps {
- sh 'docker pull couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6:latest'
- withDockerContainer(image: 'couchdbdev/debian-stretch-erlang-19.3.6:latest', args: '-e npm_config_cache=npm-cache -e HOME=. -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group') {
- withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-key', variable: 'KEY')]) {
- sh 'rm -rf pkgs *.tar.gz'
- unarchive mapping: ['pkgs/' : '.']
- unstash 'tarball'
- echo 'Retrieving & cleaning current couchdb-vm2 tree...'
- sh '''
- rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY"$BRANCH_NAME . || mkdir -p $BRANCH_NAME
- rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME/debian/* $BRANCH_NAME/el6/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7/*
- mkdir -p $BRANCH_NAME/debian $BRANCH_NAME/el6 $BRANCH_NAME/el7 $BRANCH_NAME/source
- rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" .
- '''
- echo 'Building Debian repo...'
- sh '''
- git clone
- cp js/debian-jessie/*.deb pkgs/jessie
- reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb jessie pkgs/jessie/*.deb
- cp js/debian-stretch/*.deb pkgs/stretch
- reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb stretch pkgs/stretch/*.deb
- cp js/ubuntu-trusty/*.deb pkgs/trusty
- reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb trusty pkgs/trusty/*.deb
- cp js/ubuntu-xenial/*.deb pkgs/xenial
- reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb xenial pkgs/xenial/*.deb
- cp js/ubuntu-bionic/*.deb pkgs/bionic
- reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb bionic pkgs/bionic/*.deb
- '''
- echo 'Building CentOS repos...'
- sh '''
- cp js/centos-6/*rpm pkgs/centos6
- cp js/centos-7/*rpm pkgs/centos7
- cd pkgs/centos6 && createrepo --database .
- cd ../centos7 && createrepo --database .
- '''
- echo 'Building tree to upload...'
- sh '''
- mv couchdb-pkg/repo/pool $BRANCH_NAME/debian
- mv couchdb-pkg/repo/dists $BRANCH_NAME/debian
- mv pkgs/centos6/* $BRANCH_NAME/el6
- mv pkgs/centos7/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7
- mv apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz $BRANCH_NAME/source
- cd $BRANCH_NAME/source
- ls -1tr | head -n -10 | xargs -d '\n' rm -f --
- cd ../..
- '''
- echo 'rsyncing tree to couchdb-vm2...'
- sh '''
- rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" $BRANCH_NAME
- rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME couchdb-pkg *.tar.gz
- '''
- deleteDir()
- } // withCredentials
- } // withDockerContainer
+ withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-key', variable: 'KEY')]) {
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ unarchive mapping: ['pkgs/' : '.']
+ echo 'Retrieving & cleaning current couchdb-vm2 tree...'
+ sh '''
+ rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY"$BRANCH_NAME . || mkdir -p $BRANCH_NAME
+ rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME/debian/* $BRANCH_NAME/el6/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7/*
+ mkdir -p $BRANCH_NAME/debian $BRANCH_NAME/el6 $BRANCH_NAME/el7 $BRANCH_NAME/source
+ rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" .
+ '''
+ echo 'Building Debian repo...'
+ sh '''
+ git clone
+ cp js/debian-jessie/*.deb pkgs/jessie
+ reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb jessie pkgs/jessie/*.deb
+ cp js/debian-stretch/*.deb pkgs/stretch
+ reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb stretch pkgs/stretch/*.deb
+ cp js/ubuntu-trusty/*.deb pkgs/trusty
+ reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb trusty pkgs/trusty/*.deb
+ cp js/ubuntu-xenial/*.deb pkgs/xenial
+ reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb xenial pkgs/xenial/*.deb
+ cp js/ubuntu-bionic/*.deb pkgs/bionic
+ reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb bionic pkgs/bionic/*.deb
+ '''
+ echo 'Building CentOS repos...'
+ sh '''
+ cp js/centos-6/*rpm pkgs/centos6
+ cp js/centos-7/*rpm pkgs/centos7
+ cd pkgs/centos6 && createrepo --database .
+ cd ../centos7 && createrepo --database .
+ '''
+ echo 'Building tree to upload...'
+ sh '''
+ mv couchdb-pkg/repo/pool $BRANCH_NAME/debian
+ mv couchdb-pkg/repo/dists $BRANCH_NAME/debian
+ mv pkgs/centos6/* $BRANCH_NAME/el6
+ mv pkgs/centos7/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7
+ mv apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz $BRANCH_NAME/source
+ cd $BRANCH_NAME/source
+ ls -1tr | head -n -10 | xargs -d '\n' rm -f --
+ cd ../..
+ '''
+ echo 'rsyncing tree to couchdb-vm2...'
+ sh '''
+ rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" $BRANCH_NAME
+ rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME couchdb-pkg *.tar.gz
+ '''
+ } // withCredentials
} // steps
} // stage
} // stages
@@ -453,15 +425,25 @@ pipeline {
post {
success {
mail to: "${env.recipient}",
+ replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
subject: "[Jenkins] SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
+ body: "Yay, we passed. ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
+ }
+ unstable {
+ mail to: "${env.recipient}",
replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
- body: "Yay, we passed. ${env.BUILD_URL}"
+ subject: "[Jenkins] SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
+ body: "Eep! Build is unstable... ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
failure {
mail to: "${env.recipient}",
- subject: "[Jenkins] FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
- body: "Boo, we failed. ${env.BUILD_URL}"
+ subject: "[Jenkins] FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
+ body: "Boo, we failed. ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
+ }
+ cleanup {
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+} // pipeline