diff options
authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-09-08 18:20:46 -0400
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-09-08 23:43:03 -0400
commit5b7f4a72d6e24d65759a0d71adea4f9fdcc6cf61 (patch)
parent64281c0358e206a54e3b1386a7bc3b3e7c30547f (diff)
Improve fabric_util get_db timeout logicimprove-get-db-timeouts
Previously, users with low {Q, N} dbs often got the `"No DB shards could be opened."` error when the cluster is overloaded. The hard-coded 100 msec timeout was too low to open the few available shards and the whole request would crash with a 500 error. Attempt to calculate an optimal timeout value based on the number of shards and the max fabric request timeout limit. The sequence of doubling (by default) timeouts forms a geometric progression. Use the well known closed form formula for the sum [0], and the maximum request timeout, to calculate the initial timeout. The test case illustrates a few examples with some default Q and N values. Because we don't want the timeout value to be too low, since it takes time to open shards, and we don't want to quickly cycle through a few initial shards and discard the results, the minimum inital timeout is clipped to the previously hard-coded 100 msec timeout. Unlike previously however, this minimum value can now also be configured. [0] Fixes:
2 files changed, 64 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
index d3710ce44..93aa1ca59 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ bind_address =
; all_docs_concurrency = 10
; changes_duration =
; shard_timeout_factor = 2
+; shard_timeout_min_msec = 100
; uuid_prefix_len = 7
; request_timeout = 60000
; all_docs_timeout = 10000
diff --git a/src/fabric/src/fabric_util.erl b/src/fabric/src/fabric_util.erl
index 9dd8e71fa..e07ab7b55 100644
--- a/src/fabric/src/fabric_util.erl
+++ b/src/fabric/src/fabric_util.erl
@@ -107,8 +107,12 @@ get_db(DbName, Options) ->
% suppress shards from down nodes
Nodes = [node()|erlang:nodes()],
Live = [S || #shard{node = N} = S <- Shards, lists:member(N, Nodes)],
- Factor = list_to_integer(config:get("fabric", "shard_timeout_factor", "2")),
- get_shard(Live, Options, 100, Factor).
+ % Only accept factors > 1, otherwise our math breaks further down
+ Factor = max(2, config:get_integer("fabric", "shard_timeout_factor", 2)),
+ MinTimeout = config:get_integer("fabric", "shard_timeout_min_msec", 100),
+ MaxTimeout = request_timeout(),
+ Timeout = get_db_timeout(length(Live), Factor, MinTimeout, MaxTimeout),
+ get_shard(Live, Options, Timeout, Factor).
get_shard([], _Opts, _Timeout, _Factor) ->
erlang:error({internal_server_error, "No DB shards could be opened."});
@@ -134,6 +138,25 @@ get_shard([#shard{node = Node, name = Name} | Rest], Opts, Timeout, Factor) ->
+get_db_timeout(N, Factor, MinTimeout, MaxTimeout) ->
+ %
+ % The progression of timeouts forms a geometric series:
+ %
+ % MaxTimeout = T + T*F + T*F^2 + T*F^3 ...
+ %
+ % Where T is the initial timeout and F is the factor. The formula for
+ % the sum is:
+ %
+ % Sum[T * F^I, I <- 0..N] = T * (1 - F^(N + 1)) / (1 - F)
+ %
+ % Then, for a given sum and factor we can calculate the initial timeout T:
+ %
+ % T = Sum / ((1 - F^(N+1)) / (1 - F))
+ %
+ Timeout = MaxTimeout / ((1 - math:pow(Factor, N + 1)) / (1 - Factor)),
+ % Apply a minimum timeout value
+ max(MinTimeout, trunc(Timeout)).
error_info({{timeout, _} = Error, _Stack}) ->
error_info({{Error, Reason}, Stack}) ->
@@ -400,3 +423,41 @@ do_isolate(Fun) ->
+get_db_timeout_test() ->
+ % Q=1, N=1
+ ?assertEqual(20000, get_db_timeout(1, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=2, N=1
+ ?assertEqual(8571, get_db_timeout(2, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=2, N=3 (default)
+ ?assertEqual(472, get_db_timeout(2 * 3, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=3, N=3
+ ?assertEqual(100, get_db_timeout(3 * 3, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=4, N=1
+ ?assertEqual(1935, get_db_timeout(4, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=8, N=1
+ ?assertEqual(117, get_db_timeout(8, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=8, N=3 (default in 2.x)
+ ?assertEqual(100, get_db_timeout(8 * 3, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Q=256, N=3
+ ?assertEqual(100, get_db_timeout(256 * 3, 2, 100, 60000)),
+ % Large factor = 100
+ ?assertEqual(100, get_db_timeout(2 * 3, 100, 100, 60000)),
+ % Small total request timeout = 1 sec
+ ?assertEqual(100, get_db_timeout(2 * 3, 2, 100, 1000)),
+ % Large total request timeout
+ ?assertEqual(28346, get_db_timeout(2 * 3, 2, 100, 3600000)),
+ % No shards at all
+ ?assertEqual(60000, get_db_timeout(0, 2, 100, 60000)).