diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2020-03-04 13:11:04 -0600
committerPaul J. Davis <>2020-03-04 13:11:04 -0600
commit983c4fa33f48a853e191376c47ab28ad8f45f297 (patch)
parent02bae27c75365239e34fb0cff7f85ebd93e9b46f (diff)
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl b/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl
index 8295006bf..36b039753 100644
--- a/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl
+++ b/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+%% blargh break compiler
+%% Bug fix 1: removing dupes is brokne
+%% Bug fix 2: sort keys with fancy unicode are broken
+%% Maybe bug 3: Did dbcore sort dupe values by Erlang or JSON comparison?
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
@@ -58,6 +64,7 @@
% after each one. Index validation will purely look at the existing
% state of the index in fdb and validate correctness.
-define(N_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
-define(D_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
@@ -94,9 +101,9 @@ generate_sets() ->
generate_transitions() ->
Sets = generate_sets(),
- Pairs0 = [{Set1, Set2} || Set1 <- Sets, Set2 <- Sets],
- Pairs = lists:sublist(Pairs0, 3),
- %Pairs = [{Set1, Set2} || Set1 <- Sets, Set2 <- Sets],
+ %Pairs0 = [{Set1, Set2} || Set1 <- Sets, Set2 <- Sets],
+ %Pairs = lists:sublist(Pairs0, 3),
+ Pairs = [{Set1, Set2} || Set1 <- Sets, Set2 <- Sets],
lists:flatmap(fun({{N1, D1, _R1} = S1, {N2, D2, _R2} = S2}) ->
Filter = fun(DeltaN, DeltaD, DeltaR) ->
% Can't share more keys than the smaller of the
@@ -130,8 +137,8 @@ generate_transitions() ->
% If we have more non-repeated keys in our
- % transition then there's no "room" in the target
- % set which is not a valid test case.
+ % transition than there's "room" for in the target
+ % set it isn't a valid test case.
TransitionNonRepeats = DeltaN - DeltaD,
TargetNonRepeats = N2 - D2,
case TransitionNonRepeats > TargetNonRepeats of
@@ -146,6 +153,11 @@ generate_transitions() ->
permute(NList, DList, RList, Filter) ->
+ % Technically we could call into Filter in each
+ % outer loops to conditionally skip inner loops.
+ % If someone comes along looking to speed up the
+ % fixture setup time, this would likely be an
+ % easy win.
lists:foldl(fun(N, NAcc) ->
lists:foldl(fun(D, DAcc) ->
lists:foldl(fun(R, RAcc) ->
@@ -188,13 +200,29 @@ cleanup({Ctx, Db}) ->
create_transition_tests({_Ctx, Db}) ->
- lists:map(fun(T) ->
- Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [T])),
- {Name, fun() -> check_transition(Db, T) end}
- end, lists:sort(generate_transitions())).
+ Transitions = generate_transitions(),
+ Single = lists:flatmap(fun(T) ->
+ case sample_test() of
+ true ->
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("single ~s", [tname(T)])),
+ [{Name, fun() -> check_single_transition(Db, T) end}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end
+ end, lists:sort(Transitions)),
+ Multi = lists:flatmap(fun(T) ->
+ case sample_test() of
+ true ->
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("multi ~s", [tname(T)])),
+ [{Name, fun() -> check_multi_transition(Db, T) end}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end
+ end, lists:sort(group(shuffle(Transitions)))),
+ Single ++ Multi.
-check_transition(Db, {Set1, Set2, Transition}) ->
+check_single_transition(Db, {Set1, Set2, Transition}) ->
InitKVs = init_set(Set1, [a, b, c, d, e]),
CommonKVs = reduce_set(Transition, InitKVs),
@@ -218,6 +246,38 @@ check_transition(Db, {Set1, Set2, Transition}) ->
validate_index(Db, Sig, #{DocId => FinalJSONKVs}).
+check_multi_transition(Db, Transitions) ->
+ clear_views(Db),
+ {Docs, IdMap} = lists:mapfoldl(fun({Set1, Set2, Transition}, IdMapAcc) ->
+ DocId = couch_uuids:random(),
+ InitKVs = init_set(Set1, [a, b, c, d, e]),
+ CommonKVs = reduce_set(Transition, InitKVs),
+ FinalKVs = fill_set(Set2, CommonKVs, [v, w, x, y, z]),
+ {InitJSONKVs, Bindings} = unlabel(InitKVs, #{}),
+ {FinalJSONKVs, _} = unlabel(FinalKVs, Bindings),
+ InitDoc = make_doc(DocId, InitJSONKVs),
+ FinalDoc = make_doc(DocId, FinalJSONKVs),
+ {{InitDoc, FinalDoc}, maps:put(DocId, FinalJSONKVs, IdMapAcc)}
+ end, #{}, Transitions),
+ Sig = couch_uuids:random(),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({InitDoc, _}) ->
+ couch_views_fdb:write_doc(TxDb, Sig, [1], InitDoc)
+ end, Docs)
+ end),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({_, FinalDoc}) ->
+ couch_views_fdb:write_doc(TxDb, Sig, [1], FinalDoc)
+ end, Docs)
+ end),
+ validate_index(Db, Sig, IdMap).
clear_views(Db) ->
fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
@@ -241,6 +301,13 @@ validate_index(Db, Sig, ExpectRows) ->
erlfdb:get_range(Tx, Start, End)
+ InitAcc = #{
+ row_count => 0,
+ kv_size => 0,
+ ids => #{},
+ rows => []
+ },
MapData = lists:foldl(fun({Key, Value}, Acc) ->
case erlfdb_tuple:unpack(Key, DbPrefix) of
@@ -255,7 +322,8 @@ validate_index(Db, Sig, ExpectRows) ->
false = maps:is_key(DocId, Ids),
maps:put(DocId, {TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}, Ids)
end, Acc);
- {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_MAP_RANGE, 1, {EncKey, DocId}, DupeId} ->
+ {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_MAP_RANGE, 1, MapKey, _DupeId} ->
+ {EncKey, DocId} = MapKey,
{UserKey, UserVal} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(Value),
UserJsonKey = couch_views_encoding:decode(UserKey),
@@ -265,10 +333,10 @@ validate_index(Db, Sig, ExpectRows) ->
EncKey = couch_views_encoding:encode(UserJsonKey, key),
maps:update_with(rows, fun(RAcc) ->
- [{DocId, UserJsonKey, DupeId, UserJsonVal} | RAcc]
+ [{DocId, UserJsonKey, UserJsonVal} | RAcc]
end, Acc)
- end, #{ids => #{}, rows => []}, Rows),
+ end, InitAcc, Rows),
row_count := RowCount,
@@ -281,15 +349,13 @@ validate_index(Db, Sig, ExpectRows) ->
{KVAcc + TotalKVs, SAcc + TotalSize}
{SumKVCount, SumKVSize} = maps:fold(SumFun, {0, 0}, MapIds),
- ?debugFmt("~p ~p", [RowCount, length(MapRows)]),
- ?debugFmt("~p", [ExpectRows]),
- ?debugFmt("~p", [MapRows]),
?assertEqual(RowCount, length(MapRows)),
?assertEqual(RowCount, SumKVCount),
?assertEqual(KVSize, SumKVSize),
+ ?assert(KVSize >= 0),
% Compare the found id entries to our row data
- RegenIds = lists:foldl(fun({DocId, JsonKey, DupeId, JsonVal}, Acc) ->
+ RegenIds = lists:foldl(fun({DocId, JsonKey, JsonVal}, Acc) ->
KeySize = erlang:external_size(JsonKey),
ValSize = erlang:external_size(JsonVal),
Default = {1, KeySize + ValSize, [JsonKey]},
@@ -430,3 +496,43 @@ gen_value() ->
_ ->
+sample_test() ->
+ Freq = case os:getenv("COUCH_VIEWS_SIZE_TEST_SAMPLE") of
+ FreqStr ->
+ try
+ list_to_float(FreqStr)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ end
+ end,
+ rand:uniform() < Freq.
+group(Items) ->
+ case length(Items) > 5 of
+ true ->
+ {Group, Rest} = lists:split(5, Items),
+ [lists:sort(Group) | group(Rest)];
+ false when Items == [] ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ [lists:sort(Items)]
+ end.
+shuffle(Items) ->
+ Tagged = [{rand:uniform(), I} || I <- Items],
+ Sorted = lists:sort(Tagged),
+ [I || {_T, I} <- Sorted].
+tname([]) ->
+ [];
+tname([Transition | RestTransitions]) ->
+ [tname(Transition) | tname(RestTransitions)];
+tname({{N1, D1, R1}, {N2, D2, R2}, {DN, DD, DR}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b", [N1, D1, R1, N2, D2, R2, DN, DD, DR]).