diff options
authorJoan Touzet <>2017-09-20 03:54:52 -0400
committerGitHub <>2017-09-20 03:54:52 -0400
commitd2d12b44d0956d776dc7c417247e9890e76adcf1 (patch)
parentbe6a4cfaee00c87c12a7a84c3bcd6a24d85ad78e (diff)
parentdae81befd57940d0777402b21c05a2e3c58014d7 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into run-mango-tests-with-checkrun-mango-tests-with-check
5 files changed, 191 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
index d5dcd0c07..7e9e6464c 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
@@ -114,11 +114,12 @@ columns(Idx) ->
is_usable(Idx, Selector) ->
- % This index is usable if at least the first column is
- % a member of the indexable fields of the selector.
- Columns = columns(Idx),
- Fields = indexable_fields(Selector),
- lists:member(hd(Columns), Fields) andalso not is_text_search(Selector).
+ % This index is usable if all of the columns are
+ % restricted by the selector such that they are required to exist
+ % and the selector is not a text search (so requires a text index)
+ RequiredFields = columns(Idx),
+ mango_selector:has_required_fields(Selector, RequiredFields)
+ andalso not is_text_search(Selector).
is_text_search({[]}) ->
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_selector.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_selector.erl
index bcf347201..fe3998683 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_selector.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_selector.erl
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
- match/2
+ match/2,
+ has_required_fields/2
@@ -566,3 +567,110 @@ match({[{Field, Cond}]}, Value, Cmp) ->
match({[_, _ | _] = _Props} = Sel, _Value, _Cmp) ->
erlang:error({unnormalized_selector, Sel}).
+% Returns true if Selector requires all
+% fields in RequiredFields to exist in any matching documents.
+% For each condition in the selector, check
+% whether the field is in RequiredFields.
+% If it is, remove it from RequiredFields and continue
+% until we match then all or run out of selector to
+% match against.
+% Empty selector
+has_required_fields({[]}, _) ->
+ false;
+% No more required fields
+has_required_fields(_, []) ->
+ true;
+% No more selector
+has_required_fields([], _) ->
+ false;
+has_required_fields(Selector, RequiredFields) when not is_list(Selector) ->
+ has_required_fields([Selector], RequiredFields);
+% We can "see" through $and operator. We ignore other
+% combination operators because they can't be used to restrict
+% an index.
+has_required_fields([{[{<<"$and">>, Args}]}], RequiredFields)
+ when is_list(Args) ->
+ has_required_fields(Args, RequiredFields);
+has_required_fields([{[{Field, Cond}]} | Rest], RequiredFields) ->
+ case Cond of
+ % $exists:false is a special case - this is the only operator
+ % that explicitly does not require a field to exist
+ {[{<<"$exists">>, false}]} ->
+ has_required_fields(Rest, RequiredFields);
+ _ ->
+ has_required_fields(Rest, lists:delete(Field, RequiredFields))
+ end.
+%%%%%%%% module tests below %%%%%%%%
+has_required_fields_basic_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"A">>, <<"foo">>}]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(true, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_basic_failure_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"B">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"A">>, <<"foo">>}]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(false, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_empty_selector_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>],
+ Selector = {[]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(false, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_exists_false_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"A">>,{[{<<"$exists">>, false}]}}]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(false, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_and_true_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"$and">>,
+ [
+ {[{<<"A">>, <<"foo">>}]},
+ {[{<<"B">>, <<"foo">>}]}
+ ]
+ }]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(true, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_and_false_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>, <<"C">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"$and">>,
+ [
+ {[{<<"A">>, <<"foo">>}]},
+ {[{<<"B">>, <<"foo">>}]}
+ ]
+ }]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(false, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+has_required_fields_or_test() ->
+ RequiredFields = [<<"A">>],
+ Selector = {[{<<"$or">>,
+ [
+ {[{<<"A">>, <<"foo">>}]},
+ {[{<<"B">>, <<"foo">>}]}
+ ]
+ }]},
+ Normalized = normalize(Selector),
+ ?assertEqual(false, has_required_fields(Normalized, RequiredFields)).
+-endif. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mango/test/ b/src/mango/test/
index 863752682..1af39f205 100644
--- a/src/mango/test/
+++ b/src/mango/test/
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ class OperatorTests:
"manager": True,
"favorites": {"$all": ["Lisp", "Python"]}
- self.assertEqual(len(docs), 4)
- user_ids = [2,12,9,14]
+ self.assertEqual(len(docs), 3)
+ user_ids = [2,12,9]
self.assertUserIds(user_ids, docs)
def test_all_non_array(self):
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class OperatorTests:
"manager": True,
"favorites": {"$in": ["Ruby", "Python"]}
- self.assertUserIds([2,6,7,9,11,12,14], docs)
+ self.assertUserIds([2,6,7,9,11,12], docs)
def test_nin_operator_array(self):
docs = self.db.find({
diff --git a/src/mango/test/ b/src/mango/test/
index 2fb0a405b..ee0d604c3 100644
--- a/src/mango/test/
+++ b/src/mango/test/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class IndexSelectionTests(mango.UserDocsTests):
user_docs.add_text_indexes(klass.db, {})
def test_basic(self):
- resp = self.db.find({"name.last": "A last name"}, explain=True)
+ resp = self.db.find({"age": 123}, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_with_and(self):
@@ -92,6 +92,78 @@ class IndexSelectionTests(mango.UserDocsTests):
raise AssertionError("bad find")
+ def test_uses_all_docs_when_fields_do_not_match_selector(self):
+ # index exists on ["company", "manager"] but not ["company"]
+ # so we should fall back to all docs (so we include docs
+ # with no "manager" field)
+ selector = {
+ "company": "Pharmex"
+ }
+ docs = self.db.find(selector)
+ self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(docs[0]["company"], "Pharmex")
+ self.assertNotIn("manager", docs[0])
+ resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
+ self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "special")
+ def test_uses_all_docs_when_selector_doesnt_require_fields_to_exist(self):
+ # as in test above, use a selector that doesn't overlap with the index
+ # due to an explicit exists clause
+ selector = {
+ "company": "Pharmex",
+ "manager": {"$exists": False}
+ }
+ docs = self.db.find(selector)
+ self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(docs[0]["company"], "Pharmex")
+ self.assertNotIn("manager", docs[0])
+ resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
+ self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "special")
+ def test_uses_index_when_no_range_or_equals(self):
+ # index on ["manager"] should be valid because
+ # selector requires "manager" to exist. The
+ # selector doesn't narrow the keyrange so it's
+ # a full index scan
+ selector = {
+ "manager": {"$exists": True}
+ }
+ docs = self.db.find(selector)
+ self.assertEqual(len(docs), 14)
+ resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
+ self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "json")
+ def test_reject_use_index_invalid_fields(self):
+ # index on ["company","manager"] which should not be valid
+ ddocid = "_design/a0c425a60cf3c3c09e3c537c9ef20059dcef9198"
+ selector = {
+ "company": "Pharmex"
+ }
+ try:
+ self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("did not reject bad use_index")
+ def test_reject_use_index_sort_order(self):
+ # index on ["company","manager"] which should not be valid
+ ddocid = "_design/a0c425a60cf3c3c09e3c537c9ef20059dcef9198"
+ selector = {
+ "company": {"$gt": None},
+ "manager": {"$gt": None}
+ }
+ try:
+ self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid, sort=[{"manager":"desc"}])
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("did not reject bad use_index")
# This doc will not be saved given the new ddoc validation code
# in couch_mrview
def test_manual_bad_view_idx01(self):
diff --git a/src/mango/test/ b/src/mango/test/
index 9896e5596..02ffe9ffc 100644
--- a/src/mango/test/
+++ b/src/mango/test/
@@ -493,7 +493,6 @@ DOCS = [
"company": "Pharmex",
"email": "",
- "manager": True,
"favorites": [