path: root/rel/overlay
diff options
authorjiahuili <>2021-06-07 09:23:40 -0500
committerjiahuili <>2021-06-21 08:53:00 -0500
commitdedd8942b5201fca1c0063dac891ecac56bc11db (patch)
treeca327743728b20fd2b89345ef865f96f7d96e46c /rel/overlay
parent8ac1978d78af2fc288bed1a99c092c44632ac35a (diff)
normalize some config options
Diffstat (limited to 'rel/overlay')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
index 5ac8da600..ac4972f76 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ database_dir = {{data_dir}}
view_index_dir = {{view_index_dir}}
; util_driver_dir =
; plugin_dir =
-os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view servers.
+;os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view servers.
; Maximum number of .couch files to open at once.
; The actual limit may be slightly lower depending on how
; many schedulers you have as the allowance is divided evenly
; among them.
-max_dbs_open = 500
+;max_dbs_open = 500
; Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index files, except
; for attachments (see the attachments section). Available methods are:
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ max_dbs_open = 500
; snappy - use google snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
; deflate_N - use zlib's deflate, N is the compression level which ranges from 1 (fastest,
; lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression ratio)
-file_compression = snappy
+;file_compression = snappy
; Higher values may give better read performance due to less read operations
; and/or more OS page cache hits, but they can also increase overall response
; time for writes when there are many attachment write requests in parallel.
-attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
+;attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
; Default security object for databases if not explicitly set
; everyone - same as couchdb 1.0, everyone can read/write
; admin_only - only admins can read/write
; admin_local - sharded dbs on :5984 are read/write for everyone,
; local dbs on :5986 are read/write for admins only
-default_security = admin_only
+;default_security = admin_only
; btree_chunk_size = 1279
; maintenance_mode = false
; stem_interactive_updates = true
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ default_security = admin_only
; The speed of processing the _changes feed with doc_ids filter can be
; influenced directly with this setting - increase for faster processing at the
; expense of more memory usage.
-changes_doc_ids_optimization_threshold = 100
+;changes_doc_ids_optimization_threshold = 100
; Maximum document ID length. Can be set to an integer or 'infinity'.
;max_document_id_length = infinity
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ changes_doc_ids_optimization_threshold = 100
; requests which update a single document as well as individual documents from
; a _bulk_docs request. The size limit is approximate due to the nature of JSON
; encoding.
-max_document_size = 8000000 ; bytes
+;max_document_size = 8000000 ; bytes
; Maximum attachment size.
; max_attachment_size = 1073741824 ; 1 gibibyte
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ max_document_size = 8000000 ; bytes
; The default storage engine to use when creating databases
; is set as a key into the [couchdb_engines] section.
-default_engine = couch
+;default_engine = couch
; Enable this to only "soft-delete" databases when DELETE /{db} requests are
; made. This will place a .recovery directory in your data directory and
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ default_engine = couch
;single_node = false
; Allow edits on the _security object in the user db. By default, it's disabled.
-users_db_security_editable = false
+;users_db_security_editable = false
; Allowed maximum number of documents in one purge request
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ couch = couch_bt_engine
;couch_server = false
; placement = metro-dc-a:2,metro-dc-b:1
; Supply a comma-delimited list of node names that this node should
@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ n=3
; These settings affect the main, clustered port (5984 by default).
port = {{cluster_port}}
bind_address =
-backlog = 512
-socket_options = [{sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
-server_options = [{recbuf, undefined}]
-require_valid_user = false
+;backlog = 512
+;socket_options = [{sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+;server_options = [{recbuf, undefined}]
+;require_valid_user = false
; require_valid_user_except_for_up = false
; List of headers that will be kept when the header Prefer: return=minimal is included in a request.
; If Server header is left out, Mochiweb will add its own one in.
-prefer_minimal = Cache-Control, Content-Length, Content-Range, Content-Type, ETag, Server, Transfer-Encoding, Vary
+;prefer_minimal = Cache-Control, Content-Length, Content-Range, Content-Type, ETag, Server, Transfer-Encoding, Vary
; Limit maximum number of databases when tying to get detailed information using
; _dbs_info in a request
-max_db_number_for_dbs_info_req = 100
+;max_db_number_for_dbs_info_req = 100
; set to true to delay the start of a response until the end has been calculated
;buffer_response = false
@@ -194,28 +194,28 @@ max_db_number_for_dbs_info_req = 100
; exists for each document in _users. These databases are writable only
; by the corresponding user. Databases are in the following form:
; userdb-{hex encoded username}
-enable = false
+;enable = false
; If set to true and a user is deleted, the respective database gets
; deleted as well.
-delete_dbs = false
+;delete_dbs = false
; Set a default q value for peruser-created databases that is different from
; cluster / q
;q = 1
; prefix for user databases. If you change this after user dbs have been
; created, the existing databases won't get deleted if the associated user
; gets deleted because of the then prefix mismatch.
-database_prefix = userdb-
+;database_prefix = userdb-
port = {{backend_port}}
bind_address =
-authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
+;authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
;socket_options = [{recbuf, undefined}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
-socket_options = [{sndbuf, 262144}]
+;socket_options = [{sndbuf, 262144}]
; These settings were moved to [chttpd]
; secure_rewrites, allow_jsonp, enable_cors, enable_xframe_options,
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ socket_options = [{sndbuf, 262144}]
; ratio = 0.01
-port = 6984
+;port = 6984
;authentication_db = _users
@@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ authentication_db = _users
; CSP (Content Security Policy) Support for _utils
-enable = true
+;enable = true
; header_value = default-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; font-src *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
-credentials = false
+;credentials = false
; List of origins separated by a comma, * means accept all
; Origins must include the scheme:
; You can't set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ credentials = false
; please let us know on the mailing list so we can fine tune the heuristic.
; commit_freq = 5
-reduce_limit = true
-os_process_limit = 100
+;reduce_limit = true
+;os_process_limit = 100
; os_process_idle_limit = 300
; os_process_soft_limit = 100
; Timeout for how long a response from a busy view group server can take.
@@ -407,42 +407,42 @@ partitioned||* = true
; First 14 characters are the time in hex. Last 18 are random.
; utc_id - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds, plus utc_id_suffix string
; First 14 characters are the time in hex. uuids/utc_id_suffix string value is appended to these.
-algorithm = sequential
+;algorithm = sequential
; The utc_id_suffix value will be appended to uuids generated by the utc_id algorithm.
; Replicating instances should have unique utc_id_suffix values to ensure uniqueness of utc_id ids.
-utc_id_suffix =
+;utc_id_suffix =
# Maximum number of UUIDs retrievable from /_uuids in a single request
-max_count = 1000
+;max_count = 1000
-compression_level = 8 ; from 1 (lowest, fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest), 0 to disable compression
-compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
+;compression_level = 8 ; from 1 (lowest, fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest), 0 to disable compression
+;compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
; Random jitter applied on replication job startup (milliseconds)
-startup_jitter = 5000
+;startup_jitter = 5000
; Number of actively running replications
-max_jobs = 500
+;max_jobs = 500
;Scheduling interval in milliseconds. During each reschedule cycle
-interval = 60000
+;interval = 60000
; Maximum number of replications to start and stop during rescheduling.
-max_churn = 20
+;max_churn = 20
; More worker processes can give higher network throughput but can also
; imply more disk and network IO.
-worker_processes = 4
+;worker_processes = 4
; With lower batch sizes checkpoints are done more frequently. Lower batch sizes
; also reduce the total amount of used RAM memory.
-worker_batch_size = 500
+;worker_batch_size = 500
; Maximum number of HTTP connections per replication.
-http_connections = 20
+;http_connections = 20
; HTTP connection timeout per replication.
; Even for very fast/reliable networks it might need to be increased if a remote
; database is too busy.
-connection_timeout = 30000
+;connection_timeout = 30000
; Request timeout
;request_timeout = infinity
; If a request fails, the replicator will retry it up to N times.
-retries_per_request = 5
+;retries_per_request = 5
; Use checkpoints
;use_checkpoints = true
; Checkpoint interval
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ retries_per_request = 5
; {recbuf, integer()}
; {priority, integer()}
; See the `inet` Erlang module's man page for the full list of options.
-socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
+;socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
; Path to a file containing the user's certificate.
;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
; Path to file containing user's private PEM encoded key.
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
; String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
;password = somepassword
; Set to true to validate peer certificates.
-verify_ssl_certificates = false
+;verify_ssl_certificates = false
; File containing a list of peer trusted certificates (in the PEM format).
;ssl_trusted_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
; Maximum peer certificate depth (must be set even if certificate validation is off).
-ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
+;ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
; Maximum document ID length for replication.
;max_document_id_length = infinity
; How much time to wait before retrying after a missing doc exception. This
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
; emergency, emerg
; none
-level = info
+;level = info
; Set the maximum log message length in bytes that will be
; passed through the writer
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ level = info
; over the network, and a journald writer that's more suitable
; when using systemd journald.
-writer = stderr
+;writer = stderr
; Journald Writer notes:
; The journald writer doesn't have any options. It still writes
@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ writer = stderr
; The maximum number of concurrent in-flight IO requests that
-concurrency = 10
+;concurrency = 10
; The fraction of the time that a background IO request will be selected
; over an interactive IO request when both queues are non-empty
-ratio = 0.01
+;ratio = 0.01
; System administrators can choose to submit specific classes of IO directly
@@ -648,23 +648,23 @@ ratio = 0.01
; classes are recognized with the following defaults:
; Messages on their way to an external process (e.g., couchjs) are bypassed
-os_process = true
+;os_process = true
; Disk IO fulfilling interactive read requests is bypassed
-read = true
+;read = true
; Disk IO required to update a database is bypassed
-write = true
+;write = true
; Disk IO required to update views and other secondary indexes is bypassed
-view_update = true
+;view_update = true
; Disk IO issued by the background replication processes that fix any
; inconsistencies between shard copies is queued
-shard_sync = false
+;shard_sync = false
; Disk IO issued by compaction jobs is queued
-compaction = false
+;compaction = false
; The name and location of the Clouseau Java service required to