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2 files changed, 83 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_db_split.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_db_split.erl
index 3a1f98d3e..1aa86fb37 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_db_split.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_db_split.erl
@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ copy_meta(#state{source_db = SourceDb, targets = Targets} = State) ->
copy_purge_info(#state{source_db = Db} = State) ->
- {ok, NewState} = couch_db:fold_purge_infos(Db, 0, fun purge_cb/2, State),
+ Seq = max(0, couch_db:get_oldest_purge_seq(Db) - 1),
+ {ok, NewState} = couch_db:fold_purge_infos(Db, Seq, fun purge_cb/2, State),
Targets = maps:map(fun(_, #target{} = T) ->
end, NewState#state.targets),
diff --git a/src/mem3/test/eunit/mem3_reshard_test.erl b/src/mem3/test/eunit/mem3_reshard_test.erl
index 7cd6b1fe6..6d5acb26d 100644
--- a/src/mem3/test/eunit/mem3_reshard_test.erl
+++ b/src/mem3/test/eunit/mem3_reshard_test.erl
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ mem3_reshard_db_test_() ->
fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
fun split_one_shard/1,
+ fun split_shard_with_lots_of_purges/1,
fun update_docs_before_topoff1/1,
fun indices_are_built/1,
fun split_partitioned_db/1,
@@ -140,6 +141,56 @@ split_one_shard(#{db1 := Db}) ->
+% Test to check that shard with high number of purges can be split
+split_shard_with_lots_of_purges(#{db1 := Db}) ->
+ {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, ?_test(begin
+ % Set a low purge infos limit, we are planning of overunning it
+ set_purge_infos_limit(Db, 10),
+ % Add docs 1..20 and purge them
+ add_test_docs(Db, #{docs => [1, 20]}),
+ IdRevs = maps:fold(fun(Id, #{<<"_rev">> := Rev}, Acc) ->
+ [{Id, [Rev]} | Acc]
+ end, [], get_all_docs(Db)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, purge_docs(Db, IdRevs)),
+ % Compact to trim the purge sequence
+ ok = compact(Db),
+ % Add some extra docs, these won't be purged
+ add_test_docs(Db, #{docs => [21, 30]}),
+ Docs0 = get_all_docs(Db),
+ % Save db info before splitting
+ DbInfo0 = get_db_info(Db),
+ % Split the one shard
+ [#shard{name=Shard}] = lists:sort(mem3:local_shards(Db)),
+ {ok, JobId} = mem3_reshard:start_split_job(Shard),
+ wait_state(JobId, completed),
+ % Perform some basic checks that the shard was split
+ Shards1 = lists:sort(mem3:local_shards(Db)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, length(Shards1)),
+ [#shard{range = R1}, #shard{range = R2}] = Shards1,
+ ?assertEqual([16#00000000, 16#7fffffff], R1),
+ ?assertEqual([16#80000000, 16#ffffffff], R2),
+ % Check metadata bits after the split
+ ?assertEqual(10, get_purge_infos_limit(Db)),
+ DbInfo1 = get_db_info(Db),
+ Docs1 = get_all_docs(Db),
+ % When comparing db infos, ignore update sequences they won't be the
+ % same since they are more shards involved after the split
+ ?assertEqual(without_seqs(DbInfo0), without_seqs(DbInfo1)),
+ % Finally compare that the documents are still there after the split
+ ?assertEqual(Docs0, Docs1)
+ end)}.
% This test checks that document added while the shard is being split are not
% lost. Topoff1 state happens before indices are built
update_docs_before_topoff1(#{db1 := Db}) ->
@@ -556,6 +607,36 @@ set_purge_infos_limit(DbName, Limit) ->
+purge_docs(DbName, DocIdRevs) ->
+ with_proc(fun() ->
+ fabric:purge_docs(DbName, DocIdRevs, [])
+ end).
+compact(DbName) ->
+ InitFileSize = get_db_file_size(DbName),
+ ok = with_proc(fun() -> fabric:compact(DbName) end),
+ test_util:wait(fun() ->
+ case {compact_running(DbName), get_db_file_size(DbName)} of
+ {true, _} -> wait;
+ {false, FileSize} when FileSize == InitFileSize -> wait;
+ {false, FileSize} when FileSize < InitFileSize -> ok
+ end
+ end, 5000, 200).
+compact_running(DbName) ->
+ {ok, DbInfo} = with_proc(fun() -> fabric:get_db_info(DbName) end),
+ #{<<"compact_running">> := CompactRunning} = to_map(DbInfo),
+ CompactRunning.
+get_db_file_size(DbName) ->
+ {ok, DbInfo} = with_proc(fun() -> fabric:get_db_info(DbName) end),
+ #{<<"sizes">> := #{<<"file">> := FileSize}} = to_map(DbInfo),
+ FileSize.
set_security(DbName, SecObj) ->
with_proc(fun() -> fabric:set_security(DbName, SecObj) end).