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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/smoosh/src/smoosh_channel.erl b/src/smoosh/src/smoosh_channel.erl
index d8a8d14a9..2a45c17dc 100644
--- a/src/smoosh/src/smoosh_channel.erl
+++ b/src/smoosh/src/smoosh_channel.erl
@@ -122,10 +122,9 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, Job, Reason}, State0) ->
#state{active=Active0, starting=Starting0} = State,
case lists:keytake(Job, 2, Active0) of
{value, {Key, _Pid}, Active1} ->
- couch_log:warning("exit for compaction of ~p: ~p", [
- smoosh_utils:stringify(Key), Reason]),
- {ok, _} = timer:apply_after(5000, smoosh_server, enqueue, [Key]),
- {noreply, maybe_start_compaction(State#state{active=Active1})};
+ State1 = maybe_remonitor_cpid(State#state{active=Active1}, Key,
+ Reason),
+ {noreply, maybe_start_compaction(State1)};
false ->
case lists:keytake(Ref, 1, Starting0) of
{value, {_, Key}, Starting1} ->
@@ -281,8 +280,7 @@ start_compact(State, Db) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, DbPid),
DbPid ! {'$gen_call', {self(), Ref}, start_compact},
State#state{starting=[{Ref, Key}|State#state.starting]};
- % database is still compacting so we can just monitor the existing
- % compaction pid
+ % Compaction is already running, so monitor existing compaction pid.
CPid ->
couch_log:notice("Db ~s continuing compaction",
@@ -293,6 +291,27 @@ start_compact(State, Db) ->
+maybe_remonitor_cpid(State, DbName, Reason) when is_binary(DbName) ->
+ {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
+ case couch_db:get_compactor_pid(Db) of
+ nil ->
+ couch_log:warning("exit for compaction of ~p: ~p",
+ [smoosh_utils:stringify(DbName), Reason]),
+ {ok, _} = timer:apply_after(5000, smoosh_server, enqueue, [DbName]),
+ State;
+ CPid ->
+ couch_log:notice("~s compaction already running. Re-monitor Pid ~p",
+ [smoosh_utils:stringify(DbName), CPid]),
+ erlang:monitor(process, CPid),
+ State#state{active=[{DbName, CPid}|]}
+ end;
+% not a database compaction, so ignore the pid check
+maybe_remonitor_cpid(State, Key, Reason) ->
+ couch_log:warning("exit for compaction of ~p: ~p",
+ [smoosh_utils:stringify(Key), Reason]),
+ {ok, _} = timer:apply_after(5000, smoosh_server, enqueue, [Key]),
+ State.
schedule_unpause() ->
WaitSecs = list_to_integer(config:get("smoosh", "wait_secs", "30")),
erlang:send_after(WaitSecs * 1000, self(), unpause).