diff options
2 files changed, 165 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
index 6a3df6def..5af65937c 100644
--- a/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
+++ b/src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -383,17 +383,10 @@ handle_design_info_req(Req, _Db, _DDoc) ->
create_db_req(#httpd{}=Req, DbName) ->
- N = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "n", config:get("cluster", "n", "3")),
- Q = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "q", config:get("cluster", "q", "8")),
- P = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "placement", config:get("cluster", "placement")),
+ ShardsOpt = parse_shards_opt(Req),
EngineOpt = parse_engine_opt(Req),
DbProps = parse_partitioned_opt(Req),
- Options = [
- {n, N},
- {q, Q},
- {placement, P},
- {props, DbProps}
- ] ++ EngineOpt,
+ Options = lists:append([ShardsOpt, [{props, DbProps}], EngineOpt]),
DocUrl = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ couch_util:url_encode(DbName)),
case fabric:create_db(DbName, Options) of
ok ->
@@ -1702,6 +1695,40 @@ get_md5_header(Req) ->
parse_doc_query(Req) ->
lists:foldl(fun parse_doc_query/2, #doc_query_args{}, chttpd:qs(Req)).
+parse_shards_opt(Req) ->
+ [
+ {n, parse_shards_opt("n", Req, config:get("cluster", "n", "3"))},
+ {q, parse_shards_opt("q", Req, config:get("cluster", "q", "8"))},
+ {placement, parse_shards_opt(
+ "placement", Req, config:get("cluster", "placement"))}
+ ].
+parse_shards_opt("placement", Req, Default) ->
+ Err = <<"The `placement` value should be in a format `zone:n`.">>,
+ case chttpd:qs_value(Req, "placement", Default) of
+ Default -> Default;
+ [] -> throw({bad_request, Err});
+ Val ->
+ try
+ true = lists:all(fun(Rule) ->
+ [_, N] = string:tokens(Rule, ":"),
+ couch_util:validate_positive_int(N)
+ end, string:tokens(Val, ",")),
+ Val
+ catch _:_ ->
+ throw({bad_request, Err})
+ end
+ end;
+parse_shards_opt(Param, Req, Default) ->
+ Val = chttpd:qs_value(Req, Param, Default),
+ Err = ?l2b(["The `", Param, "` value should be a positive integer."]),
+ case couch_util:validate_positive_int(Val) of
+ true -> Val;
+ false -> throw({bad_request, Err})
+ end.
parse_engine_opt(Req) ->
case chttpd:qs_value(Req, "engine") of
undefined ->
@@ -2118,8 +2145,26 @@ parse_partitioned_opt_test_() ->
+parse_shards_opt_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun setup/0,
+ fun teardown/1,
+ [
+ t_should_allow_valid_q(),
+ t_should_default_on_missing_q(),
+ t_should_throw_on_invalid_q(),
+ t_should_allow_valid_n(),
+ t_should_default_on_missing_n(),
+ t_should_throw_on_invalid_n(),
+ t_should_allow_valid_placement(),
+ t_should_default_on_missing_placement(),
+ t_should_throw_on_invalid_placement()
+ ]
+ }.
setup() ->
+ meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end),
teardown(_) ->
@@ -2158,4 +2203,103 @@ t_returns_empty_array_for_no_partitioned_qs() ->
?assertEqual(parse_partitioned_opt(Req), [])
+t_should_allow_valid_q() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?q=1"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("1", couch_util:get_value(q, Opts))
+ end).
+t_should_default_on_missing_q() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("8", couch_util:get_value(q, Opts))
+ end).
+t_should_throw_on_invalid_q() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?q="),
+ Err = <<"The `q` value should be a positive integer.">>,
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end).
+t_should_allow_valid_n() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?n=1"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("1", couch_util:get_value(n, Opts))
+ end).
+t_should_default_on_missing_n() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("3", couch_util:get_value(n, Opts))
+ end).
+t_should_throw_on_invalid_n() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?n="),
+ Err = <<"The `n` value should be a positive integer.">>,
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end).
+t_should_allow_valid_placement() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() -> ok end,
+ [
+ {"single zone",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement=az:1"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("az:1", couch_util:get_value(placement, Opts))
+ end)},
+ {"multi zone",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement=az:1,co:3"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual("az:1,co:3",
+ couch_util:get_value(placement, Opts))
+ end)}
+ ]
+ }.
+t_should_default_on_missing_placement() ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21"),
+ Opts = parse_shards_opt(Req),
+ ?assertEqual(undefined, couch_util:get_value(placement, Opts))
+ end).
+t_should_throw_on_invalid_placement() ->
+ Err = <<"The `placement` value should be in a format `zone:n`.">>,
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() -> ok end,
+ [
+ {"empty placement",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement="),
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end)},
+ {"invalid format",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement=moon"),
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end)},
+ {"invalid n",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement=moon:eagle"),
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end)},
+ {"one invalid zone",
+ ?_test(begin
+ Req = mock_request("/all-test21?placement=az:1,co:moon"),
+ ?assertThrow({bad_request, Err}, parse_shards_opt(Req))
+ end)}
+ ]
+ }.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
index dffb68152..95780e8cc 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
-export([rfc1123_date/0, rfc1123_date/1]).
-export([integer_to_boolean/1, boolean_to_integer/1]).
-export([callback_exists/3, validate_callback_exists/3]).
@@ -624,6 +625,17 @@ boolean_to_integer(false) ->
+validate_positive_int(N) when is_list(N) ->
+ try
+ I = list_to_integer(N),
+ validate_positive_int(I)
+ catch error:badarg ->
+ false
+ end;
+validate_positive_int(N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> true;
+validate_positive_int(_) -> false.
find_in_binary(_B, <<>>) ->