path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 390aa4685..000000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-# the License.
-# *******************************************************
-# WARNING! If you edit this file, also edit!
-# *******************************************************
-REBAR?=$(shell echo `pwd`/bin/rebar)
-# Handle the following scenarios:
-# 1. When building from a tarball, use
-# 2. When building from a clean release tag (#.#.#), use that tag.
-# 3. When building from a clean RC tag (#.#.#-RC#), use JUST the version
-# number inside the tarball, but use the full name for the name of the
-# tarball itself.
-# 4. When not on a clean tag, use + git sha + dirty status.
-IN_RELEASE = $(shell if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo true; fi)
-ifeq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
-# 1. Building from tarball, use
-COUCHDB_VERSION = $(vsn_major).$(vsn_minor).$(vsn_patch)
-# Gather some additional information.
-# We do it this way so we don't bake shell-isms into Makefile
-# to make it easier to port to Windows. I know, I know. -jst
-# IN_RC contains the -RCx suffix in the name if present
-IN_RC = $(shell git describe --tags --always --first-parent \
- | grep -Eo -- '-RC[0-9]+' 2>/dev/null)
-# ON_TAG matches *ONLY* if we are on a release or RC tag
-ON_TAG = $(shell git describe --tags --always --first-parent \
- | grep -Eo -- '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+(-RC[0-9]+)?$$' 2>/dev/null)
-# REL_TAG contains the #.#.# from git describe, which might be used
-REL_TAG = $(shell git describe --tags --always --first-parent \
- | grep -Eo -- '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+' 2>/dev/null)
-# DIRTY identifies if we're not on a commit
-DIRTY = $(shell git describe --dirty | grep -Eo -- '-dirty' 2>/dev/null)
-# COUCHDB_GIT_SHA is our current git hash.
-COUCHDB_GIT_SHA=$(shell git rev-parse --short=7 --verify HEAD)
-ifeq ($(ON_TAG),)
-# 4. Not on a tag.
-COUCHDB_VERSION = $(vsn_major).$(vsn_minor).$(vsn_patch)-$(COUCHDB_VERSION_SUFFIX)
-# 2 and 3. On a tag.
-# needed to do text substitutions
-comma:= ,
-space:= $(empty) $(empty)
-# Rebar options
-COMPILE_OPTS=$(shell echo "\
- apps=$(apps) \
- " | sed -e 's/[a-z_]\{1,\}= / /g')
-EUNIT_OPTS=$(shell echo "\
- skip_deps=$(skip_deps) \
- suites=$(suites) \
- tests=$(tests) \
- " | sed -e 's/[a-z]\{1,\}= / /g')
-DIALYZE_OPTS=$(shell echo "\
- apps=$(apps) \
- skip_deps=$(skip_deps) \
- " | sed -e 's/[a-z]\{1,\}= / /g')
-EXUNIT_OPTS=$(subst $(comma),$(space),$(tests))
-#ignore javascript tests
-TEST_OPTS="-c 'startup_jitter=0' -c 'default_security=admin_local'"
-# Main commands
-.PHONY: all
-# target: all - Build everything
-all: couch fauxton docs
-.PHONY: help
-# target: help - Print this help
- @egrep "^# target: " Makefile \
- | sed -e 's/^# target: //g' \
- | sort \
- | awk '{printf(" %-20s", $$1); $$1=$$2=""; print "-" $$0}'
-# Building
-.PHONY: couch
-# target: couch - Build CouchDB core, use ERL_OPTS to provide custom compiler's options
-couch: config.erl
- @cp src/couch/priv/couchjs bin/
-.PHONY: docs
-# target: docs - Build documentation
-ifeq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
-docs: share/docs/html
-docs: src/docs/build
-.PHONY: fauxton
-# target: fauxton - Build Fauxton web UI
-fauxton: share/www
-# Testing
-.PHONY: check
-# target: check - Test everything
-check: all python-black
- @$(MAKE) emilio
- @$(MAKE) eunit
- @$(MAKE) mango-test
- @$(MAKE) elixir
-ifdef apps
-subdirs = $(apps)
-subdirs=$(shell ls src)
-.PHONY: eunit
-# target: eunit - Run EUnit tests, use EUNIT_OPTS to provide custom options
-eunit: export BUILDDIR = $(shell pwd)
-eunit: export ERL_AFLAGS = -config $(shell pwd)/rel/files/eunit.config
-eunit: export COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT = $(shell pwd)/bin/couchjs $(shell pwd)/share/server/main.js
-eunit: couch
- @for dir in $(subdirs); do \
- done
-.PHONY: exunit
-# target: exunit - Run ExUnit tests
-exunit: export BUILDDIR = $(shell pwd)
-exunit: export MIX_ENV=test
-exunit: export ERL_LIBS = $(shell pwd)/src
-exunit: export ERL_AFLAGS = -config $(shell pwd)/rel/files/eunit.config
-exunit: export COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT = $(shell pwd)/bin/couchjs $(shell pwd)/share/server/main.js
-exunit: couch elixir-init setup-eunit elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo
- @mix test --cover --trace $(EXUNIT_OPTS)
-setup-eunit: export BUILDDIR = $(shell pwd)
-setup-eunit: export ERL_AFLAGS = -config $(shell pwd)/rel/files/eunit.config
- @$(REBAR) setup_eunit 2> /dev/null
-just-eunit: export BUILDDIR = $(shell pwd)
-just-eunit: export ERL_AFLAGS = -config $(shell pwd)/rel/files/eunit.config
- @$(REBAR) -r eunit $(EUNIT_OPTS)
-.PHONY: soak-eunit
-soak-eunit: export BUILDDIR = $(shell pwd)
-soak-eunit: export ERL_AFLAGS = -config $(shell pwd)/rel/files/eunit.config
-soak-eunit: couch
- @$(REBAR) setup_eunit 2> /dev/null
- while [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; do $(REBAR) -r eunit $(EUNIT_OPTS) ; done
- @bin/emilio -c emilio.config src/ | bin/warnings_in_scope -s 3
- @python3 -m venv .venv
- @.venv/bin/pip3 install black || touch .venv/bin/black
-# Python code formatter - only runs if we're on Python 3.6 or greater
-python-black: .venv/bin/black
- @python3 -c "import sys; exit(1 if sys.version_info < (3,6) else 0)" || \
- echo "Python formatter not supported on Python < 3.6; check results on a newer platform"
- @python3 -c "import sys; exit(1 if sys.version_info >= (3,6) else 0)" || \
- LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 .venv/bin/black --check \
- --exclude="build/|buck-out/|dist/|_build/|\.git/|\.hg/|\.mypy_cache/|\.nox/|\.tox/|\.venv/|src/rebar/|src/fauxton" \
- build-aux/*.py dev/run test/javascript/run src/mango/test/*.py src/docs/src/ src/docs/ext/*.py .
-python-black-update: .venv/bin/black
- @python3 -c "import sys; exit(1 if sys.version_info < (3,6) else 0)" || \
- echo "Python formatter not supported on Python < 3.6; check results on a newer platform"
- @python3 -c "import sys; exit(1 if sys.version_info >= (3,6) else 0)" || \
- LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 .venv/bin/black \
- --exclude="build/|buck-out/|dist/|_build/|\.git/|\.hg/|\.mypy_cache/|\.nox/|\.tox/|\.venv/|src/rebar/|src/fauxton" \
- build-aux/*.py dev/run test/javascript/run src/mango/test/*.py src/docs/src/ src/docs/ext/*.py .
-.PHONY: elixir
-elixir: export MIX_ENV=integration
-elixir: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devclean
- @dev/run "$(TEST_OPTS)" -a adm:pass -n 1 \
- --enable-erlang-views \
- --locald-config test/elixir/test/config/test-config.ini \
- --no-eval 'mix test --trace --exclude without_quorum_test --exclude with_quorum_test $(EXUNIT_OPTS)'
-.PHONY: elixir-init
-elixir-init: MIX_ENV=test
-elixir-init: config.erl
- @mix local.rebar --force && mix local.hex --force && mix deps.get
-.PHONY: elixir-cluster-without-quorum
-elixir-cluster-without-quorum: export MIX_ENV=integration
-elixir-cluster-without-quorum: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devclean
- @dev/run -n 3 -q -a adm:pass \
- --degrade-cluster 2 \
- --no-eval 'mix test --trace --only without_quorum_test $(EXUNIT_OPTS)'
-.PHONY: elixir-cluster-with-quorum
-elixir-cluster-with-quorum: export MIX_ENV=integration
-elixir-cluster-with-quorum: elixir-init elixir-check-formatted elixir-credo devclean
- @dev/run -n 3 -q -a adm:pass \
- --degrade-cluster 1 \
- --no-eval 'mix test --trace --only with_quorum_test $(EXUNIT_OPTS)'
-.PHONY: elixir-check-formatted
-elixir-check-formatted: elixir-init
- @mix format --check-formatted
-# Credo is a static code analysis tool for Elixir.
-# We use it in our tests
-.PHONY: elixir-credo
-elixir-credo: elixir-init
- @mix credo
-.PHONY: javascript
-# target: javascript - Run JavaScript test suites or specific ones defined by suites option
- @$(MAKE) devclean
- @mkdir -p share/www/script/test
-ifeq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
- @cp test/javascript/tests/lorem*.txt share/www/script/test/
- @mkdir -p src/fauxton/dist/release/test
- @cp test/javascript/tests/lorem*.txt src/fauxton/dist/release/test/
- @dev/run -n 1 -q --with-admin-party-please \
- --enable-erlang-views \
- "$(TEST_OPTS)" \
- 'test/javascript/run --suites "$(suites)" \
- --ignore "$(ignore_js_suites)"'
-.PHONY: soak-javascript
-soak-javascript: export COUCHDB_TEST_ADMIN_PARTY_OVERRIDE=1
- @mkdir -p share/www/script/test
-ifeq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
- @cp test/javascript/tests/lorem*.txt share/www/script.test/
- @mkdir -p src/fauxton/dist/release/test
- @cp test/javascript/tests/lorem*.txt src/fauxton/dist/release/test/
- @rm -rf dev/lib
- while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do \
- dev/run -n 1 -q --with-admin-party-please \
- "$(TEST_OPTS)" \
- 'test/javascript/run --suites "$(suites)" \
- --ignore "$(ignore_js_suites)"' \
- done
-.PHONY: build-report
-# target: build-report - Generate and upload a build report
- build-aux/ --suites=10 --tests=10 > test-results.log
- build-aux/
-.PHONY: check-qs
-# target: check-qs - Run query server tests (ruby and rspec required!)
- @QS_LANG=js rspec test/view_server/query_server_spec.rb
-.PHONY: list-eunit-apps
-# target: list-eunit-apps - List EUnit target apps
- @find ./src/ -type f -name *_test.erl -o -name *_tests.erl \
- | cut -d '/' -f 3 \
- | sort -u
-.PHONY: list-eunit-suites
-# target: list-eunit-suites - List EUnit target test suites
- @find ./src/ -type f -name *_test.erl -o -name *_tests.erl -exec basename {} \; \
- | cut -d '.' -f -1 \
- | sort
-.PHONY: list-js-suites
-# target: list-js-suites - List JavaScript test suites
- @find ./test/javascript/tests/ -type f -name *.js -exec basename {} \; \
- | cut -d '.' -f -1 \
- | sort
-.PHONY: build-test
-# target: build-test - Test build script
- @test/build/
-.PHONY: mango-test
-# target: mango-test - Run Mango tests
-mango-test: devclean all
- @cd src/mango && \
- python3 -m venv .venv && \
- .venv/bin/python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- @cd src/mango && ../../dev/run "$(TEST_OPTS)" -n 1 --admin=testuser:testpass '.venv/bin/python3 -m nose --with-xunit'
-# Developing
-.PHONY: build-plt
-# target: build-plt - Build project-specific PLT
- @$(REBAR) -r build-plt $(DIALYZE_OPTS)
-.PHONY: check-plt
-# target: check-plt - Check the PLT for consistency and rebuild it if it is not up-to-date
- @$(REBAR) -r check-plt $(DIALYZE_OPTS)
-.PHONY: dialyze
-# target: dialyze - Analyze the code for discrepancies
-dialyze: .rebar
- @$(REBAR) -r dialyze $(DIALYZE_OPTS)
-.PHONY: introspect
-# target: introspect - Check for commits difference between rebar.config and repository
- @$(REBAR) -r update-deps
- @build-aux/introspect
-# Distributing
-.PHONY: dist
-# target: dist - Make release tarball
-dist: all derived
- @./build-aux/ $(COUCHDB_VERSION)
- @cp -r share/www apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)/share/
- @mkdir -p apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)/share/docs/html
- @cp -r src/docs/build/html apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)/share/docs/
- @mkdir -p apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)/share/docs/man
- @cp src/docs/build/man/apachecouchdb.1 apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)/share/docs/man/
- @tar czf apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)$(IN_RC).tar.gz apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)
- @echo "Done: apache-couchdb-$(COUCHDB_VERSION)$(IN_RC).tar.gz"
-.PHONY: release
-# target: release - Create an Erlang release including CouchDB!
-release: all
- @echo "Installing CouchDB into rel/couchdb/ ..."
- @rm -rf rel/couchdb
- @$(REBAR) generate # make full erlang release
-ifeq ($(with_fauxton), 1)
- @mkdir -p rel/couchdb/share/
- @cp -R share/www rel/couchdb/share/
-ifeq ($(with_docs), 1)
-ifeq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
- @mkdir -p rel/couchdb/share/www/docs/
- @mkdir -p rel/couchdb/share/docs/
- @cp -R share/docs/html/* rel/couchdb/share/www/docs/
- @cp share/docs/man/apachecouchdb.1 rel/couchdb/share/docs/couchdb.1
- @mkdir -p rel/couchdb/share/www/docs/
- @mkdir -p rel/couchdb/share/docs/
- @cp -R src/docs/build/html/ rel/couchdb/share/www/docs
- @cp src/docs/build/man/apachecouchdb.1 rel/couchdb/share/docs/couchdb.1
- @echo "... done"
- @echo
- @echo " You can now copy the rel/couchdb directory anywhere on your system."
- @echo " Start CouchDB with ./bin/couchdb from within that directory."
- @echo
-.PHONY: install
-# target: install- install CouchDB :)
-install: release
- @echo
- @echo "Notice: There is no 'make install' command for CouchDB 2.x+."
- @echo
- @echo " To install CouchDB into your system, copy the rel/couchdb"
- @echo " to your desired installation location. For example:"
- @echo " cp -r rel/couchdb /usr/local/lib"
- @echo
-# Cleaning
-.PHONY: clean
-# target: clean - Remove build artifacts
- @$(REBAR) -r clean
- @rm -rf .rebar/
- @rm -f bin/couchjs
- @rm -rf src/*/ebin
- @rm -rf src/*/.rebar
- @rm -rf src/*/priv/*.so
- @rm -rf src/couch/priv/{couchspawnkillable,couchjs}
- @rm -rf share/server/main.js share/server/main-coffee.js
- @rm -rf tmp dev/data dev/lib dev/logs
- @rm -rf src/mango/.venv
- @rm -f src/couch/priv/couchspawnkillable
- @rm -f src/couch/priv/couch_js/config.h
- @rm -f dev/boot_node.beam dev/pbkdf2.pyc log/crash.log
-.PHONY: distclean
-# target: distclean - Remove build and release artifacts
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f
- @rm -f config.erl
- @rm -f rel/couchdb.config
-ifneq ($(IN_RELEASE), true)
-# when we are in a release, don’t delete the
-# copied sources, generated docs, or fauxton
- @rm -rf rel/couchdb
- @rm -rf share/www
- @rm -rf src/docs
-.PHONY: devclean
-# target: devclean - Remove dev cluster artifacts
- @rm -rf dev/lib/*/data
- @rm -rf dev/lib/*/etc
-# Misc
-.rebar: build-plt
- @echo "Apache CouchDB has not been configured."
- @echo "Try \"./configure -h\" for help."
- @echo
- @false
-ifeq ($(with_docs), 1)
- @cd src/docs; $(MAKE)
-ifeq ($(with_fauxton), 1)
- @echo "Building Fauxton"
- @cd src/fauxton && npm install --production && ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt couchdb
- @echo "DIRTY: $(DIRTY)"
- @echo "IN_RC: $(IN_RC)"
- @echo "ON_TAG: $(ON_TAG)"
- @echo "REL_TAG: $(REL_TAG)"
- @echo "SUB_VSN: $(SUB_VSN)"