path: root/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
index 6cf5e2bca..328812ced 100644
--- a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
+++ b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
@@ -13,40 +13,227 @@
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
-build_and_test = '''
-mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}
-cd ${platform}
-rm -rf build
-mkdir build
-cd build
-tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
-cd apache-couchdb-*
-./configure --spidermonkey-version ${sm_ver}
-make check || (make build-report && false)
-make_packages = '''
-cd ${platform}
-git clone
-rm -rf couchdb
-mkdir couchdb
-cp ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
-tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
-cd couchdb-pkg
-cleanup_and_save = '''
-rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
-mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
-mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/rpmbuild/RPMS/$(arch)/*rpm ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
-mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/couchdb/*.deb ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
-update_qemu = '''
-docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
+// Erlang version embedded in binary packages
+// Erlang version used for rebar in release process. CouchDB will not build from
+// the release tarball on Erlang versions older than this
+// We create parallel build / test / package stages for each OS using the metadata
+// in this map. Adding a new OS should ideally only involve adding a new entry here.
+meta = [
+ 'centos7': [
+ name: 'CentOS 7',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-centos:7-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'centos8': [
+ name: 'CentOS 8',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-centos:8-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'bionic': [
+ name: 'Ubuntu 18.04',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:bionic-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'focal': [
+ name: 'Ubuntu 20.04',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '68',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:focal-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'stretch': [
+ name: 'Debian 9',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:stretch-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'buster': [
+ name: 'Debian 10',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ // - Removed 2020.09.15 - VMs are offline
+ // 'buster-arm64': [
+ // name: 'Debian 10 ARM'
+ // spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ // image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}",
+ // node_label: 'arm64v8'
+ // ],
+ // 'buster-ppc64': [
+ // name: 'Debian 10 POWER'
+ // spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ // image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:pp64le-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}",
+ // node_label: 'ppc64le'
+ // ],
+ 'bullseye': [
+ name: 'Debian 11',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '78',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:bullseye-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'freebsd': [
+ name: 'FreeBSD',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ gnu_make: 'gmake'
+ ],
+ 'macos': [
+ name: 'macOS',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ gnu_make: 'make'
+ ]
+// Credit to for this technique.
+// We can use the scripted pipeline syntax to dynamically generate stages,
+// and inject them into a map that we pass to the `parallel` step in a script.
+// While the scripting approach is very flexible, it's not able to use some
+// functionality specific to Declarative Pipelines, like the `agent` and `post`
+// directives, so you'll see alternatives like try-catch-finally used for flow
+// control and the nested `node` and `docker` blocks in the container stage to
+// configure the worker environment.
+// Returns a build stage suitable for non-containerized environments (currently
+// macOS and FreeBSD). Coincidentally we do not currently support automated
+// package generation on these platforms. This method in invoked when we create
+// `parallelStagesMap` below.
+def generateNativeStage(platform) {
+ return {
+ stage(platform) {
+ node(platform) {
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
+ try {
+ // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
+ deleteDir()
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ withEnv([
+ 'HOME='+pwd(),
+ 'PATH+USRLOCAL=/usr/local/bin',
+ 'MAKE='+meta[platform].gnu_make
+ ]) {
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}/build", label: 'Create build directories' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/build --strip-components=1", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh "./configure --skip-deps --spidermonkey-version ${meta[platform].spidermonkey_vsn}"
+ sh '$MAKE'
+ sh '$MAKE eunit'
+ sh '$MAKE elixir-suite'
+ sh '$MAKE exunit'
+ sh '$MAKE mango-test'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ withEnv([
+ 'HOME='+pwd(),
+ 'PATH+USRLOCAL=/usr/local/bin',
+ 'MAKE='+meta[platform].gnu_make
+ ]) {
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh 'ls -l'
+ sh '${MAKE} build-report'
+ }
+ }
+ error("Build step failed with error: ${err.getMessage()}")
+ }
+ finally {
+ junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
+ sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Returns a build stage suitable for container-based deployments. This method
+// is invoked when we create the `parallelStagesMap` in the pipeline below.
+def generateContainerStage(platform) {
+ return {
+ // Important: the stage name here must match the parallelStagesMap key for the
+ // Jenkins UI to render the pipeline stages correctly. Don't ask why. -APK
+ stage(platform) {
+ node(meta[platform].get('node_label', 'docker')) {
+ docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerhub_creds') {
+ docker.image(meta[platform].image).inside("${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
+ stage("${meta[platform].name} - build & test") {
+ try {
+ sh( script: "rm -rf ${platform} apache-couchdb-*", label: 'Clean workspace' )
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}/build", label: 'Create build directories' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/build --strip-components=1", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh "./configure --skip-deps --spidermonkey-version ${meta[platform].spidermonkey_vsn}"
+ sh 'make'
+ sh 'make eunit'
+ sh 'make elixir-suite'
+ sh 'make exunit'
+ sh 'make mango-test'
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh 'ls -l'
+ sh 'make build-report'
+ }
+ error("Build step failed with error: ${err.getMessage()}")
+ }
+ finally {
+ junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}'
+ }
+ }
+ stage("${meta[platform].name} - package") {
+ try {
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${platform}/couchdb", label: 'Create build directory' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/couchdb", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ sh( script: "cd ${platform} && git clone", label: 'Clone packaging helper repo' )
+ dir( "${platform}/couchdb-pkg" ) {
+ sh( script: 'make', label: 'Build packages' )
+ }
+ sh( label: 'Stage package artifacts for archival', script: """
+ rm -rf pkgs/${platform}
+ mkdir -p pkgs/${platform}
+ mv ${platform}/rpmbuild/RPMS/\$(arch)/*rpm pkgs/${platform} || true
+ mv ${platform}/couchdb/*.deb pkgs/${platform} || true
+ """ )
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ error("Build step failed with error: ${err.getMessage()}")
+ }
+ finally {
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Finally we have the actual Pipeline. It's mostly a Declarative Pipeline,
+// except for the 'Test and Package' stage where we use the `script` step as an
+// "escape hatch" to dynamically generate a set of parallel stages to execute.
pipeline {
// no top-level agent; agents must be declared for each stage
@@ -68,8 +255,6 @@ pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'))
- // This fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
- parallelsAlwaysFailFast()
preserveStashes(buildCount: 10)
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
@@ -80,30 +265,33 @@ pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'docker'
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
+ image "apache/couchdbci-debian:erlang-${MINIMUM_ERLANG_VERSION}"
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- options {
- timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES")
+ environment {
+ // TODO find a way to avoid setting this explicitly
+ spidermonkey = '78'
steps {
- sh '''
- set
- rm -rf apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure
- make erlfmt-check
- make dist
- chmod -R a+w * .
- '''
+ timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES") {
+ sh (script: 'rm -rf apache-couchdb-*', label: 'Clean workspace of any previous release artifacts' )
+ sh "./configure --spidermonkey-version ${spidermonkey}"
+ sh 'make erlfmt-check'
+ sh 'make elixir-check-formatted'
+ sh 'make dist'
+ }
post {
success {
stash includes: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', name: 'tarball'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', fingerprint: true
+ failure {
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ }
cleanup {
// UGH see
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
@@ -111,457 +299,22 @@ pipeline {
} // stage Build Release Tarball
- // TODO Rework once Improved Docker Pipeline Engine is released
- //
- //
stage('Test and Package') {
- options {
- skipDefaultCheckout()
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
- }
- parallel {
- stage('FreeBSD') {
- agent {
- label 'freebsd'
- }
- steps {
- // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
- deleteDir()
- unstash 'tarball'
- withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
- sh '''
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- mkdir build
- cd build
- tar -xf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure
- gmake check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # No package build for FreeBSD at this time
- '''
- } // withEnv
- } // steps
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- cleanup {
- sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage FreeBSD
- stage('macOS') {
- agent {
- label 'macos'
- }
- steps {
- // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
- deleteDir()
- unstash 'tarball'
- withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
- sh '''
- PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
- export PATH
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- mkdir build
- cd build
- tar -xzf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --spidermonkey-version 60
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # No package build for macOS at this time
- '''
- } // withEnv
- } // steps
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- cleanup {
- sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage macOS
- stage('CentOS 7') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:7-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'centos7'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('CentOS 8') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:8-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'centos8'
- sm_ver = '60'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Ubuntu Bionic') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:bionic-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'bionic'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Ubuntu Focal') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:focal-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'focal'
- sm_ver = '68'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Stretch') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:stretch-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'stretch'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Buster amd64') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'buster'
- sm_ver = '60'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+ steps {
+ script {
+ // Including failFast: true in map fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
+ parallelStagesMap = meta.collectEntries( [failFast: false] ) { key, values ->
+ if (values.image) {
+ ["${key}": generateContainerStage(key)]
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Buster arm64v8') {
- when { expression { return false } }
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-'
- label 'arm64v8'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
+ else {
+ ["${key}": generateNativeStage(key)]
- environment {
- platform = 'buster'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- - Removed 2020.09.15 - VMs are offline
-// stage('Debian Buster ppc64le') {
-// agent {
-// docker {
-// image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:ppc64le-buster-erlang-'
-// label 'ppc64le'
-// args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
-// registryUrl ''
-// registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
-// }
-// }
-// environment {
-// platform = 'buster'
-// sm_ver = '60'
-// }
-// stages {
-// stage('Build from tarball & test') {
-// steps {
-// unstash 'tarball'
-// sh( script: build_and_test )
-// }
-// post {
-// always {
-// junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
-// steps {
-// sh( script: make_packages )
-// sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
-// }
-// post {
-// success {
-// archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// } // stages
-// post {
-// cleanup {
-// sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
-// }
-// } // post
-// } // stage
+ parallel parallelStagesMap
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Example of how to do a qemu-based run, please leave here
@@ -586,17 +339,17 @@ pipeline {
stages {
stage('Install latest qemu binaries') {
steps {
- sh( script: update_qemu )
+ sh( script: 'docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes' )
stage('Pull latest docker image') {
steps {
- sh "docker pull apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-"
+ sh "docker pull apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
stage('Build from tarball & test & packages') {
steps {
- withDockerContainer(image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-", args: "${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
+ withDockerContainer(image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}", args: "${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
unstash 'tarball'
withEnv(['MIX_HOME='+pwd(), 'HEX_HOME='+pwd()]) {
sh( script: build_and_test )
@@ -625,9 +378,6 @@ pipeline {
} // stage
- } // parallel
- } // stage "Test and Package"
stage('Publish') {
when {
@@ -636,7 +386,7 @@ pipeline {
agent {
docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
+ image "apache/couchdbci-debian:erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
@@ -678,8 +428,8 @@ pipeline {
sh '''
cp js/centos-7/*rpm pkgs/centos7
cp js/centos-8/*rpm pkgs/centos8
- cd pkgs/centos7 && createrepo --database .
- cd ../centos8 && createrepo --database .
+ cd pkgs/centos7 && createrepo_c --database .
+ cd ../centos8 && createrepo_c --database .
echo 'Building tree to upload...'