path: root/mix.exs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mix.exs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae42af5d6..000000000
--- a/mix.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-defmodule CoverTool do
- def start(path, options) do
- {dirs, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :dirs, [])
- fun = ExCoveralls.start(path, options)
-"Cover compiling modules ...")
- :cover.stop()
- :cover.start()
- Enum.each(dirs, fn path ->
- path
- |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
- |> String.to_charlist()
- |> :cover.compile_beam_directory()
- end)
- ExCoveralls.ConfServer.start()
- ExCoveralls.ConfServer.set(options)
- ExCoveralls.StatServer.start()
- fun
- end
-defmodule CouchDBTest.Mixfile do
- use Mix.Project
- def project do
- [
- app: :couchdbtest,
- version: "0.1.0",
- elixir: "~> 1.5",
- lockfile: Path.expand("mix.lock", __DIR__),
- deps_path: Path.expand("src", __DIR__),
- build_path: Path.expand("_build", __DIR__),
- compilers: [:elixir, :app],
- start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
- build_embedded: Mix.env() == :prod,
- deps: deps(),
- consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() not in [:test, :dev, :integration],
- test_paths: get_test_paths(Mix.env()),
- elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
- test_coverage: [
- tool: CoverTool,
- dirs: get_coverage_paths(),
- type: "html"
- ]
- ]
- end
- # Run "mix help" to learn about applications.
- def application do
- [
- extra_applications: [:logger],
- applications: [:httpotion]
- ]
- end
- # Specifies which paths to compile per environment.
- defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["test/elixir/lib", "test/elixir/test/support"]
- defp elixirc_paths(:integration), do: ["test/elixir/lib", "test/elixir/test/support"]
- defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["test/elixir/lib"]
- # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
- defp deps() do
- [
- {:junit_formatter, "~> 3.0", only: [:dev, :test, :integration]},
- {:httpotion, ">= 3.1.3", only: [:dev, :test, :integration], runtime: false},
- {:excoveralls, "~> 0.12", only: :test},
- {:b64url, path: Path.expand("src/b64url", __DIR__)},
- {:jiffy, path: Path.expand("src/jiffy", __DIR__)},
- {:jwtf, path: Path.expand("src/jwtf", __DIR__)},
- {:ibrowse,
- path: Path.expand("src/ibrowse", __DIR__), override: true, compile: false},
- {:credo, "~> 1.4.0", only: [:dev, :test, :integration], runtime: false}
- ]
- end
- def get_test_paths(:test) do
- Path.wildcard("src/*/test/exunit") |> Enum.filter(&File.dir?/1)
- end
- def get_test_paths(:integration) do
- integration_tests =
- Path.wildcard("src/*/test/integration") |> Enum.filter(&File.dir?/1)
- ["test/elixir/test" | integration_tests]
- end
- def get_test_paths(_) do
- []
- end
- defp get_deps_paths() do
- deps = [
- "bunt",
- "certifi",
- "credo",
- "excoveralls",
- "hackney",
- "httpotion",
- "ibrowse",
- "idna",
- "jason",
- "jiffy",
- "junit_formatter",
- "metrics",
- "mimerl",
- "parse_trans",
- "ssl_verify_fun",
- "unicode_util_compat",
- "b64url",
- "bear",
- "mochiweb",
- "snappy",
- "rebar",
- "proper",
- "mochiweb",
- "meck",
- "khash",
- "hyper",
- "fauxton",
- "folsom",
- "hqueue"
- ]
- deps |> app -> "src/#{app}" end)
- end
- defp get_coverage_paths() do
- deps =
- get_deps_paths()
- |> Enum.reduce(, fn x, set ->
- MapSet.put(set, "#{x}/ebin")
- end)
- Path.wildcard("src/*/ebin")
- |> Enum.filter(&File.dir?/1)
- |> Enum.filter(fn path -> not MapSet.member?(deps, path) end)
- end