path: root/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch/src/couch_att.erl')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 584 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
index a24de21d6..b4c95e933 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
+ external_size/1,
- from_disk_term/2
+ from_disk_term/3
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
- flush/2,
+ flush/3,
+ read_data/1,
@@ -46,11 +48,6 @@
- upgrade/1,
- downgrade/1
@@ -58,137 +55,59 @@
-%% Legacy attachment record. This is going to be phased out by the new proplist
-%% based structure. It's needed for now to allow code to perform lazy upgrades
-%% while the patch is rolled out to the cluster. Attachments passed as records
-%% will remain so until they are required to be represented as property lists.
-%% Once this has been widely deployed, this record will be removed entirely and
-%% property lists will be the main format.
--record(att, {
- name :: binary(),
- type :: binary(),
- att_len :: non_neg_integer(),
- %% length of the attachment in its identity form
- %% (that is, without a content encoding applied to it)
- %% differs from att_len when encoding /= identity
- disk_len :: non_neg_integer(),
- md5 = <<>> :: binary(),
- revpos = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- data :: stub | follows | binary() | {any(), any()} |
- {follows, pid(), reference()} | fun(() -> binary()),
- %% Encoding of the attachment
- %% currently supported values are:
- %% identity, gzip
- %% additional values to support in the future:
- %% deflate, compress
- encoding = identity :: identity | gzip
-%% Extensible Attachment Type
-%% The following types describe the known properties for attachment fields
-%% encoded as property lists to allow easier upgrades. Values not in this list
-%% should be accepted at runtime but should be treated as opaque data as might
-%% be used by upgraded code. If you plan on operating on new data, please add
-%% an entry here as documentation.
-%% The name of the attachment is also used as the mime-part name for file
-%% downloads. These must be unique per document.
--type name_prop() :: {name, binary()}.
-%% The mime type of the attachment. This does affect compression of certain
-%% attachments if the type is found to be configured as a compressable type.
-%% This is commonly reserved for text/* types but could include other custom
-%% cases as well. See definition and use of couch_util:compressable_att_type/1.
--type type_prop() :: {type, binary()}.
-%% The attachment length is similar to disk-length but ignores additional
-%% encoding that may have occurred.
--type att_len_prop() :: {att_len, non_neg_integer()}.
-%% The size of the attachment as stored in a disk stream.
--type disk_len_prop() :: {disk_len, non_neg_integer()}.
-%% This is a digest of the original attachment data as uploaded by the client.
-%% it's useful for checking validity of contents against other attachment data
-%% as well as quick digest computation of the enclosing document.
--type md5_prop() :: {md5, binary()}.
--type revpos_prop() :: {revpos, 0}.
+-define(CURRENT_ATT_FORMAT, 0).
-%% This field is currently overloaded with just about everything. The
-%% {any(), any()} type is just there until I have time to check the actual
-%% values expected. Over time this should be split into more than one property
-%% to allow simpler handling.
--type data_prop() :: {
- data, stub | follows | binary() | {any(), any()} |
- {follows, pid(), reference()} | fun(() -> binary())
+-type prop_name() ::
+ name |
+ type |
+ att_len |
+ disk_len |
+ md5 |
+ revpos |
+ data |
+ encoding.
-%% We will occasionally compress our data. See type_prop() for more information
-%% on when this happens.
--type encoding_prop() :: {encoding, identity | gzip}.
+-type data_prop_type() ::
+ {loc, #{}, binary(), binary()} |
+ stub |
+ follows |
+ binary() |
+ {follows, pid(), reference()} |
+ fun(() -> binary()).
--type attachment() :: [
- name_prop() | type_prop() |
- att_len_prop() | disk_len_prop() |
- md5_prop() | revpos_prop() |
- data_prop() | encoding_prop()
--type disk_att_v1() :: {
- Name :: binary(),
- Type :: binary(),
- Sp :: any(),
- AttLen :: non_neg_integer(),
- RevPos :: non_neg_integer(),
- Md5 :: binary()
--type disk_att_v2() :: {
- Name :: binary(),
- Type :: binary(),
- Sp :: any(),
- AttLen :: non_neg_integer(),
- DiskLen :: non_neg_integer(),
- RevPos :: non_neg_integer(),
- Md5 :: binary(),
- Enc :: identity | gzip
+-type att() :: #{
+ name := binary(),
+ type := binary(),
+ att_len := non_neg_integer() | undefined,
+ disk_len := non_neg_integer() | undefined,
+ md5 := binary() | undefined,
+ revpos := non_neg_integer(),
+ data := data_prop_type(),
+ encoding := identity | gzip | undefined
--type disk_att_v3() :: {Base :: tuple(), Extended :: list()}.
--type disk_att() :: disk_att_v1() | disk_att_v2() | disk_att_v3().
--type att() :: #att{} | attachment() | disk_att().
new() ->
- %% We construct a record by default for compatability. This will be
- %% upgraded on demand. A subtle effect this has on all attachments
- %% constructed via new is that it will pick up the proper defaults
- %% from the #att record definition given above. Newer properties do
- %% not support special default values and will all be treated as
- %% undefined.
- #att{}.
+ #{
+ name => <<>>,
+ type => <<>>,
+ att_len => undefined,
+ disk_len => undefined,
+ md5 => undefined,
+ revpos => 0,
+ data => undefined,
+ encoding => undefined
+ }.
--spec new([{atom(), any()}]) -> att().
+-spec new([{prop_name(), any()}]) -> att().
new(Props) ->
store(Props, new()).
@@ -197,71 +116,28 @@ new(Props) ->
(atom(), att()) -> any().
fetch(Fields, Att) when is_list(Fields) ->
[fetch(Field, Att) || Field <- Fields];
-fetch(Field, Att) when is_list(Att) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Field, 1, Att) of
- {Field, Value} -> Value;
- false -> undefined
- end;
-fetch(name, #att{name = Name}) ->
- Name;
-fetch(type, #att{type = Type}) ->
- Type;
-fetch(att_len, #att{att_len = AttLen}) ->
- AttLen;
-fetch(disk_len, #att{disk_len = DiskLen}) ->
- DiskLen;
-fetch(md5, #att{md5 = Digest}) ->
- Digest;
-fetch(revpos, #att{revpos = RevPos}) ->
- RevPos;
-fetch(data, #att{data = Data}) ->
- Data;
-fetch(encoding, #att{encoding = Encoding}) ->
- Encoding;
-fetch(_, _) ->
- undefined.
+fetch(Field, Att) ->
+ maps:get(Field, Att).
-spec store([{atom(), any()}], att()) -> att().
store(Props, Att0) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Field, Value}, Att) ->
- store(Field, Value, Att)
+ maps:update(Field, Value, Att)
end, Att0, Props).
--spec store(atom(), any(), att()) -> att().
-store(Field, undefined, Att) when is_list(Att) ->
- lists:keydelete(Field, 1, Att);
-store(Field, Value, Att) when is_list(Att) ->
- lists:keystore(Field, 1, Att, {Field, Value});
-store(name, Name, Att) ->
- Att#att{name = Name};
-store(type, Type, Att) ->
- Att#att{type = Type};
-store(att_len, AttLen, Att) ->
- Att#att{att_len = AttLen};
-store(disk_len, DiskLen, Att) ->
- Att#att{disk_len = DiskLen};
-store(md5, Digest, Att) ->
- Att#att{md5 = Digest};
-store(revpos, RevPos, Att) ->
- Att#att{revpos = RevPos};
-store(data, Data, Att) ->
- Att#att{data = Data};
-store(encoding, Encoding, Att) ->
- Att#att{encoding = Encoding};
store(Field, Value, Att) ->
- store(Field, Value, upgrade(Att)).
+ maps:update(Field, Value, Att).
-spec transform(atom(), fun(), att()) -> att().
transform(Field, Fun, Att) ->
- NewValue = Fun(fetch(Field, Att)),
- store(Field, NewValue, Att).
+ maps:update_with(Field, Fun, Att).
-is_stub(Att) ->
- stub == fetch(data, Att).
+is_stub(#{data := stub}) -> true;
+is_stub(#{}) -> false.
%% merge_stubs takes all stub attachments and replaces them with on disk
@@ -275,8 +151,7 @@ merge_stubs(MemAtts, DiskAtts) ->
merge_stubs(MemAtts, OnDisk, []).
-%% restore spec when R14 support is dropped
-%% -spec merge_stubs([att()], dict:dict(), [att()]) -> [att()].
+-spec merge_stubs([att()], dict:dict(), [att()]) -> [att()].
merge_stubs([Att | Rest], OnDisk, Merged) ->
case fetch(data, Att) of
stub ->
@@ -304,18 +179,26 @@ merge_stubs([], _, Merged) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Merged)}.
+external_size(Att) ->
+ NameSize = size(fetch(name, Att)),
+ TypeSize = case fetch(type, Att) of
+ undefined -> 0;
+ Type -> size(Type)
+ end,
+ AttSize = fetch(att_len, Att),
+ Md5Size = case fetch(md5, Att) of
+ undefined -> 0;
+ Md5 -> size(Md5)
+ end,
+ NameSize + TypeSize + AttSize + Md5Size.
size_info([]) ->
{ok, []};
size_info(Atts) ->
Info = lists:map(fun(Att) ->
- AttLen = fetch(att_len, Att),
- case fetch(data, Att) of
- {stream, StreamEngine} ->
- {ok, SPos} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
- {SPos, AttLen};
- {_, SPos} ->
- {SPos, AttLen}
- end
+ [{loc, _Db, _DocId, AttId}, AttLen] = fetch([data, att_len], Att),
+ {AttId, AttLen}
end, Atts),
{ok, lists:usort(Info)}.
@@ -324,89 +207,41 @@ size_info(Atts) ->
%% old format when possible. This should help make the attachment lazy upgrade
%% as safe as possible, avoiding the need for complicated disk versioning
%% schemes.
-to_disk_term(#att{} = Att) ->
- {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
- {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
- {
+to_disk_term(Att) ->
+ {loc, #{}, _DocId, AttId} = fetch(data, Att),
fetch(name, Att),
fetch(type, Att),
- Sp,
+ AttId,
fetch(att_len, Att),
fetch(disk_len, Att),
fetch(revpos, Att),
fetch(md5, Att),
fetch(encoding, Att)
- };
-to_disk_term(Att) ->
- BaseProps = [name, type, data, att_len, disk_len, revpos, md5, encoding],
- {Extended, Base} = lists:foldl(
- fun
- (data, {Props, Values}) ->
- case lists:keytake(data, 1, Props) of
- {value, {_, {stream, StreamEngine}}, Other} ->
- {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
- {Other, [Sp | Values]};
- {value, {_, Value}, Other} ->
- {Other, [Value | Values]};
- false ->
- {Props, [undefined | Values]}
- end;
- (Key, {Props, Values}) ->
- case lists:keytake(Key, 1, Props) of
- {value, {_, Value}, Other} -> {Other, [Value | Values]};
- false -> {Props, [undefined | Values]}
- end
- end,
- {Att, []},
- BaseProps
- ),
- {list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Base)), Extended}.
-%% The new disk term format is a simple wrapper around the legacy format. Base
-%% properties will remain in a tuple while the new fields and possibly data from
-%% future extensions will be stored in a list of atom/value pairs. While this is
-%% slightly less efficient, future work should be able to make use of
-%% compression to remove these sorts of common bits (block level compression
-%% with something like a shared dictionary that is checkpointed every now and
-%% then).
-from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Base, Extended})
- when is_tuple(Base), is_list(Extended) ->
- store(Extended, from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Base));
-from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
- {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
- #att{
- name=Name,
- type=Type,
- att_len=AttLen,
- disk_len=DiskLen,
- md5=Md5,
- revpos=RevPos,
- data={stream, Stream},
- encoding=upgrade_encoding(Enc)
- };
-from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
- {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
- #att{
- name=Name,
- type=Type,
- att_len=AttLen,
- disk_len=AttLen,
- md5=Md5,
- revpos=RevPos,
- data={stream, Stream}
- };
-from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
- {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
- #att{
- name=Name,
- type=Type,
- att_len=AttLen,
- disk_len=AttLen,
- md5= <<>>,
- revpos=0,
- data={stream, Stream}
- }.
+ }}.
+from_disk_term(#{} = Db, DocId, {?CURRENT_ATT_FORMAT, Props}) ->
+ {
+ Name,
+ Type,
+ AttId,
+ AttLen,
+ DiskLen,
+ RevPos,
+ Md5,
+ Encoding
+ } = Props,
+ new([
+ {name, Name},
+ {type, Type},
+ {data, {loc, Db#{tx := undefined}, DocId, AttId}},
+ {att_len, AttLen},
+ {disk_len, DiskLen},
+ {revpos, RevPos},
+ {md5, Md5},
+ {encoding, Encoding}
+ ]).
%% from_json reads in embedded JSON attachments and creates usable attachment
@@ -433,8 +268,12 @@ stub_from_json(Att, Props) ->
%% json object. See merge_stubs/3 for the stub check.
RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, Props),
- {md5, Digest}, {revpos, RevPos}, {data, stub}, {disk_len, DiskLen},
- {att_len, EncodedLen}, {encoding, Encoding}
+ {data, stub},
+ {disk_len, DiskLen},
+ {att_len, EncodedLen},
+ {revpos, RevPos},
+ {md5, Digest},
+ {encoding, Encoding}
], Att).
@@ -443,8 +282,12 @@ follow_from_json(Att, Props) ->
Digest = digest_from_json(Props),
RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, Props, 0),
- {md5, Digest}, {revpos, RevPos}, {data, follows}, {disk_len, DiskLen},
- {att_len, EncodedLen}, {encoding, Encoding}
+ {data, follows},
+ {disk_len, DiskLen},
+ {att_len, EncodedLen},
+ {revpos, RevPos},
+ {md5, Digest},
+ {encoding, Encoding}
], Att).
@@ -455,8 +298,10 @@ inline_from_json(Att, Props) ->
Length = size(Data),
RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, Props, 0),
- {data, Data}, {revpos, RevPos}, {disk_len, Length},
- {att_len, Length}
+ {data, Data},
+ {disk_len, Length},
+ {att_len, Length},
+ {revpos, RevPos}
], Att)
_:_ ->
@@ -466,7 +311,6 @@ inline_from_json(Att, Props) ->
encoded_lengths_from_json(Props) ->
Len = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, Props),
case couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, Props) of
@@ -488,9 +332,16 @@ digest_from_json(Props) ->
to_json(Att, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncoding) ->
- [Name, Data, DiskLen, AttLen, Enc, Type, RevPos, Md5] = fetch(
- [name, data, disk_len, att_len, encoding, type, revpos, md5], Att
- ),
+ #{
+ name := Name,
+ type := Type,
+ data := Data,
+ disk_len := DiskLen,
+ att_len := AttLen,
+ revpos := RevPos,
+ md5 := Md5,
+ encoding := Encoding
+ } = Att,
Props = [
{<<"content_type">>, Type},
{<<"revpos">>, RevPos}
@@ -505,71 +356,87 @@ to_json(Att, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncoding) ->
DataToFollow ->
[{<<"length">>, DiskLen}, {<<"follows">>, true}];
true ->
- AttData = case Enc of
+ AttData = case Encoding of
gzip -> zlib:gunzip(to_binary(Att));
identity -> to_binary(Att)
[{<<"data">>, base64:encode(AttData)}]
EncodingProps = if
- ShowEncoding andalso Enc /= identity ->
+ ShowEncoding andalso Encoding /= identity ->
- {<<"encoding">>, couch_util:to_binary(Enc)},
+ {<<"encoding">>, couch_util:to_binary(Encoding)},
{<<"encoded_length">>, AttLen}
true ->
- HeadersProp = case fetch(headers, Att) of
- undefined -> [];
- Headers -> [{<<"headers">>, Headers}]
+ {Name, {Props ++ DigestProp ++ DataProps ++ EncodingProps}}.
+flush(Db, DocId, Att1) ->
+ Data0 = fetch(data, Att1),
+ case {Data0, Db} of
+ {{follows, _, _}, #{tx := Tx}} when Tx =/= undefined ->
+ error(follows_cannot_be_used_in_a_transaction);
+ {_, #{}} ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ Att2 = read_data(Data0, Att1),
+ [
+ Data,
+ AttLen,
+ DiskLen,
+ ReqMd5,
+ Encoding
+ ] = fetch([data, att_len, disk_len, md5, encoding], Att2),
+ % Eventually, we'll check if we can compress this
+ % attachment here and do so if possible.
+ % If we were sent a gzip'ed attachment with no
+ % length data, we have to set it here.
+ Att3 = case DiskLen of
+ undefined when AttLen /= undefined ->
+ store(disk_len, AttLen, Att2);
+ undefined when is_binary(Data) ->
+ store(disk_len, size(Data), Att2);
+ _ ->
+ Att2
- {Name, {Props ++ DigestProp ++ DataProps ++ EncodingProps ++ HeadersProp}}.
+ % If no encoding has been set, default to
+ % identity
+ Att4 = case Encoding of
+ undefined -> store(encoding, identity, Att3);
+ _ -> Att3
+ end,
-flush(Db, Att) ->
- flush_data(Db, fetch(data, Att), Att).
+ case Data of
+ {loc, _, _, _} ->
+ % Already flushed
+ Att1;
+ _ when is_binary(Data) ->
+ DataMd5 = couch_hash:md5_hash(Data),
+ if ReqMd5 == undefined -> ok; true ->
+ couch_util:check_md5(DataMd5, ReqMd5)
+ end,
+ Att5 = store(md5, DataMd5, Att4),
+ Att6 = maybe_compress(Att5),
+ fabric2_db:write_attachment(Db, DocId, Att6)
+ end.
-flush_data(Db, Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
- couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
- couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Data)
- end);
-flush_data(Db, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
- AttName = fetch(name, Att),
- MaxAttSize = max_attachment_size(),
- case fetch(att_len, Att) of
- undefined ->
- couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
- % Fun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
- % once for each chunk of the attachment,
- Fun(4096,
- % WriterFun({Length, Binary}, State)
- % WriterFun({0, _Footers}, State)
- % Called with Length == 0 on the last time.
- % WriterFun returns NewState.
- fun({0, Footers}, _Total) ->
- F = mochiweb_headers:from_binary(Footers),
- case mochiweb_headers:get_value("Content-MD5", F) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Md5 ->
- {md5, base64:decode(Md5)}
- end;
- ({Length, Chunk}, Total0) ->
- Total = Total0 + Length,
- validate_attachment_size(AttName, Total, MaxAttSize),
- couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Chunk),
- Total
- end, 0)
- end);
- AttLen ->
- validate_attachment_size(AttName, AttLen, MaxAttSize),
- couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
- write_streamed_attachment(OutputStream, Fun, AttLen)
- end)
- end;
-flush_data(Db, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
+read_data(Att) ->
+ Data = fetch(data, Att),
+ read_data(Data, Att).
+read_data({loc, #{}, _DocId, _AttId}, Att) ->
+ % Attachment already written to fdb
+ Att;
+read_data({follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
ParserRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parser),
Fun = fun() ->
Parser ! {get_bytes, Ref, self()},
@@ -583,41 +450,75 @@ flush_data(Db, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
- flush_data(Db, Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
+ read_data(Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
erlang:demonitor(ParserRef, [flush])
-flush_data(Db, {stream, StreamEngine}, Att) ->
- case couch_db:is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine) of
- true ->
- % Already written
- Att;
- false ->
- NewAtt = couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
- couch_stream:copy(StreamEngine, OutputStream)
- end),
- InMd5 = fetch(md5, Att),
- OutMd5 = fetch(md5, NewAtt),
- couch_util:check_md5(OutMd5, InMd5),
- NewAtt
+read_data(Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
+ case fetch(att_len, Att) of
+ undefined -> store(att_len, size(Data), Att);
+ Int when is_integer(Int) -> Att
+ end;
+read_data(Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ [AttName, AttLen, InMd5] = fetch([name, att_len, md5], Att),
+ MaxAttSize = max_attachment_size(),
+ case AttLen of
+ undefined ->
+ % Fun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
+ % once for each chunk of the attachment,
+ WriterFun = fun
+ ({0, Footers}, {Len, Acc}) ->
+ F = mochiweb_headers:from_binary(Footers),
+ Md5 = case mochiweb_headers:get_value("Content-MD5", F) of
+ undefined -> undefined;
+ Value -> base64:decode(Value)
+ end,
+ Props0 = [
+ {data, iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))},
+ {att_len, Len}
+ ],
+ Props1 = if InMd5 /= md5_in_footer -> Props0; true ->
+ [{md5, Md5} | Props0]
+ end,
+ store(Props1, Att);
+ ({ChunkLen, Chunk}, {Len, Acc}) ->
+ NewLen = Len + ChunkLen,
+ validate_attachment_size(AttName, NewLen, MaxAttSize),
+ {NewLen, [Chunk | Acc]}
+ end,
+ Fun(8192, WriterFun, {0, []});
+ AttLen ->
+ validate_attachment_size(AttName, AttLen, MaxAttSize),
+ read_streamed_attachment(Att, Fun, AttLen, [])
-write_streamed_attachment(_Stream, _F, 0) ->
- ok;
-write_streamed_attachment(_Stream, _F, LenLeft) when LenLeft < 0 ->
+read_streamed_attachment(Att, _F, 0, Acc) ->
+ Bin = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),
+ store([
+ {data, Bin},
+ {att_len, size(Bin)}
+ ], Att);
+read_streamed_attachment(_Att, _F, LenLeft, _Acc) when LenLeft < 0 ->
throw({bad_request, <<"attachment longer than expected">>});
-write_streamed_attachment(Stream, F, LenLeft) when LenLeft > 0 ->
- Bin = try read_next_chunk(F, LenLeft)
+read_streamed_attachment(Att, F, LenLeft, Acc) when LenLeft > 0 ->
+ Bin = try
+ read_next_chunk(F, LenLeft)
{mp_parser_died, normal} ->
throw({bad_request, <<"attachment shorter than expected">>})
- ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Bin),
- write_streamed_attachment(Stream, F, LenLeft - iolist_size(Bin)).
+ Size = iolist_size(Bin),
+ read_streamed_attachment(Att, F, LenLeft - Size, [Bin | Acc]).
read_next_chunk(F, _) when is_function(F, 0) ->
read_next_chunk(F, LenLeft) when is_function(F, 1) ->
F(lists:min([LenLeft, 16#2000])).
@@ -626,14 +527,17 @@ foldl(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
foldl(fetch(data, Att), Att, Fun, Acc).
+foldl({loc, Db, DocId, AttId}, _Att, Fun, Acc) ->
+ Bin = fabric2_db:read_attachment(Db#{tx := undefined}, DocId, AttId),
+ Fun(Bin, Acc);
foldl(Bin, _Att, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
Fun(Bin, Acc);
-foldl({stream, StreamEngine}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
- Md5 = fetch(md5, Att),
- couch_stream:foldl(StreamEngine, Md5, Fun, Acc);
foldl(DataFun, Att, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->
Len = fetch(att_len, Att),
fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc);
foldl({follows, Parser, Ref}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
ParserRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parser),
DataFun = fun() ->
@@ -654,18 +558,40 @@ foldl({follows, Parser, Ref}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
+range_foldl(Bin1, From, To, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin1) ->
+ ReadLen = To - From,
+ Bin2 = case Bin1 of
+ _ when size(Bin1) < From -> <<>>;
+ <<_:From/binary, B2/binary>> -> B2
+ end,
+ Bin3 = case Bin2 of
+ _ when size(Bin2) < ReadLen -> Bin2;
+ <<B3:ReadLen/binary, _/binary>> -> B3
+ end,
+ Fun(Bin3, Acc);
range_foldl(Att, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
- {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
- couch_stream:range_foldl(StreamEngine, From, To, Fun, Acc).
+ {loc, Db, DocId, AttId} = fetch(data, Att),
+ Bin = fabric2_db:read_attachment(Db, DocId, AttId),
+ range_foldl(Bin, From, To, Fun, Acc).
foldl_decode(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
- case fetch([data, encoding], Att) of
- [{stream, StreamEngine}, Enc] ->
- couch_stream:foldl_decode(
- StreamEngine, fetch(md5, Att), Enc, Fun, Acc);
- [Fun2, identity] ->
- fold_streamed_data(Fun2, fetch(att_len, Att), Fun, Acc)
+ [Encoding, Data] = fetch([encoding, data], Att),
+ case {Encoding, Data} of
+ {gzip, {loc, Db, DocId, AttId}} ->
+ NoTxDb = Db#{tx := undefined},
+ Bin = fabric2_db:read_attachment(NoTxDb, DocId, AttId),
+ foldl_decode(store(data, Bin, Att), Fun, Acc);
+ {gzip, _} when is_binary(Data) ->
+ Z = zlib:open(),
+ ok = zlib:inflateInit(Z, 16 + 15),
+ Inflated = iolist_to_binary(zlib:inflate(Z, Data)),
+ ok = zlib:inflateEnd(Z),
+ ok = zlib:close(Z),
+ foldl(Inflated, Att, Fun, Acc);
+ _ ->
+ foldl(Att, Fun, Acc)
@@ -677,10 +603,9 @@ to_binary(Bin, _Att) when is_binary(Bin) ->
to_binary(Iolist, _Att) when is_list(Iolist) ->
-to_binary({stream, _StreamEngine}, Att) ->
- iolist_to_binary(
- lists:reverse(foldl(Att, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, []))
- );
+to_binary({loc, Db, DocId, AttId}, _Att) ->
+ NoTxDb = Db#{tx := undefined},
+ fabric2_db:read_attachment(NoTxDb, DocId, AttId);
to_binary(DataFun, Att) when is_function(DataFun)->
Len = fetch(att_len, Att),
@@ -695,46 +620,60 @@ to_binary(DataFun, Att) when is_function(DataFun)->
fold_streamed_data(_RcvFun, 0, _Fun, Acc) ->
fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft, Fun, Acc) when LenLeft > 0->
Bin = RcvFun(),
ResultAcc = Fun(Bin, Acc),
fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft - size(Bin), Fun, ResultAcc).
-%% Upgrade an attachment record to a property list on demand. This is a one-way
-%% operation as downgrading potentially truncates fields with important data.
--spec upgrade(#att{}) -> attachment().
-upgrade(#att{} = Att) ->
- Map = lists:zip(
- record_info(fields, att),
- lists:seq(2, record_info(size, att))
- ),
- %% Don't store undefined elements since that is default
- [{F, element(I, Att)} || {F, I} <- Map, element(I, Att) /= undefined];
-upgrade(Att) ->
- Att.
+maybe_compress(Att) ->
+ [Encoding, Type] = fetch([encoding, type], Att),
+ IsCompressible = is_compressible(Type),
+ CompLevel = config:get_integer("attachments", "compression_level", 0),
+ case Encoding of
+ identity when IsCompressible, CompLevel >= 1, CompLevel =< 9 ->
+ compress(Att, CompLevel);
+ _ ->
+ Att
+ end.
-%% Downgrade is exposed for interactive convenience. In practice, unless done
-%% manually, upgrades are always one-way.
-downgrade(#att{} = Att) ->
- Att;
-downgrade(Att) ->
- #att{
- name = fetch(name, Att),
- type = fetch(type, Att),
- att_len = fetch(att_len, Att),
- disk_len = fetch(disk_len, Att),
- md5 = fetch(md5, Att),
- revpos = fetch(revpos, Att),
- data = fetch(data, Att),
- encoding = fetch(encoding, Att)
- }.
+compress(Att, Level) ->
+ Data = fetch(data, Att),
+ Z = zlib:open(),
+ % 15 = ?MAX_WBITS (defined in the zlib module)
+ % the 16 + ?MAX_WBITS formula was obtained by inspecting zlib:gzip/1
+ ok = zlib:deflateInit(Z, Level, deflated, 16 + 15, 8, default),
+ CompData = iolist_to_binary(zlib:deflate(Z, Data, finish)),
+ ok = zlib:deflateEnd(Z),
+ ok = zlib:close(Z),
+ store([
+ {att_len, size(CompData)},
+ {md5, couch_hash:md5_hash(CompData)},
+ {data, CompData},
+ {encoding, gzip}
+ ], Att).
-upgrade_encoding(true) -> gzip;
-upgrade_encoding(false) -> identity;
-upgrade_encoding(Encoding) -> Encoding.
+is_compressible(Type) when is_binary(Type) ->
+ is_compressible(binary_to_list(Type));
+is_compressible(Type) ->
+ TypeExpList = re:split(
+ config:get("attachments", "compressible_types", ""),
+ "\\s*,\\s*",
+ [{return, list}]
+ ),
+ lists:any(
+ fun(TypeExp) ->
+ Regexp = ["^\\s*", re:replace(TypeExp, "\\*", ".*"),
+ "(?:\\s*;.*?)?\\s*", $$],
+ re:run(Type, Regexp, [caseless]) =/= nomatch
+ end,
+ [T || T <- TypeExpList, T /= []]
+ ).
max_attachment_size() ->
@@ -753,204 +692,190 @@ validate_attachment_size(_AttName, _AttSize, _MAxAttSize) ->
-open_stream(StreamSrc, Data) ->
- case couch_db:is_db(StreamSrc) of
- true ->
- couch_db:open_read_stream(StreamSrc, Data);
- false ->
- case is_function(StreamSrc, 1) of
- true ->
- StreamSrc(Data);
- false ->
- erlang:error({invalid_stream_source, StreamSrc})
- end
- end.
-% Eww...
-%% Test utilities
-empty_att() -> new().
-upgraded_empty_att() ->
- new([{headers, undefined}]).
-%% Test groups
-attachment_upgrade_test_() ->
- {"Lazy record upgrade tests", [
- {"Existing record fields don't upgrade",
- {with, empty_att(), [fun test_non_upgrading_fields/1]}
- },
- {"New fields upgrade",
- {with, empty_att(), [fun test_upgrading_fields/1]}
- }
- ]}.
-attachment_defaults_test_() ->
- {"Attachment defaults tests", [
- {"Records retain old default values", [
- {with, empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
- ]},
- {"Upgraded records inherit defaults", [
- {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
- ]},
- {"Undefined entries are elided on upgrade", [
- {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_elided_entries/1]}
- ]}
- ]}.
-attachment_field_api_test_() ->
- {"Basic attachment field api", [
- fun test_construction/0,
- fun test_store_and_fetch/0,
- fun test_transform/0
- ]}.
-attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
- BaseAttachment = new([
- {name, <<"empty">>},
- {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
- {att_len, 0},
- {disk_len, 0},
- {md5, <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>},
- {revpos, 4},
- {data, {stream, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {fake_fd, fake_sp}}}},
- {encoding, identity}
- ]),
- BaseDiskTerm = {
- <<"empty">>,
- <<"application/octet-stream">>,
- fake_sp,
- 0, 0, 4,
- <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>,
- identity
- },
- Headers = [{<<"X-Foo">>, <<"bar">>}],
- ExtendedAttachment = store(headers, Headers, BaseAttachment),
- ExtendedDiskTerm = {BaseDiskTerm, [{headers, Headers}]},
- FakeDb = test_util:fake_db([{engine, {couch_bt_engine, #st{fd=fake_fd}}}]),
- {"Disk term tests", [
- ?_assertEqual(BaseDiskTerm, to_disk_term(BaseAttachment)),
- ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, BaseDiskTerm)),
- ?_assertEqual(ExtendedDiskTerm, to_disk_term(ExtendedAttachment)),
- ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, ExtendedDiskTerm))
- ]}.
-attachment_json_term_test_() ->
- Props = [
- {<<"content_type">>, <<"application/json">>},
- {<<"digest">>, <<"md5-QCNtWUNXV0UzJnEjMk92YUk1JA==">>},
- {<<"length">>, 14},
- {<<"revpos">>, 1}
- ],
- PropsInline = [{<<"data">>, <<"eyJhbnN3ZXIiOiA0Mn0=">>}] ++ Props,
- InvalidProps = [{<<"data">>, <<"!Base64Encoded$">>}] ++ Props,
- Att = couch_att:new([
- {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
- {type, <<"application/json">>}
- ]),
- ResultStub = couch_att:new([
- {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
- {type, <<"application/json">>},
- {att_len, 14},
- {disk_len, 14},
- {md5, <<"@#mYCWWE3&q#2OvaI5$">>},
- {revpos, 1},
- {data, stub},
- {encoding, identity}
- ]),
- ResultFollows = ResultStub#att{data = follows},
- ResultInline = ResultStub#att{md5 = <<>>, data = <<"{\"answer\": 42}">>},
- {"JSON term tests", [
- ?_assertEqual(ResultStub, stub_from_json(Att, Props)),
- ?_assertEqual(ResultFollows, follow_from_json(Att, Props)),
- ?_assertEqual(ResultInline, inline_from_json(Att, PropsInline)),
- ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, Props)),
- ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, InvalidProps))
- ]}.
-attachment_stub_merge_test_() ->
- %% Stub merging needs to demonstrate revpos matching, skipping, and missing
- %% attachment errors.
- {"Attachment stub merging tests", []}.
-%% Test generators
-test_non_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
- Pairs = [
- {name, "cat.gif"},
- {type, "text/very-very-plain"},
- {att_len, 1024},
- {disk_len, 42},
- {md5, <<"md5-hashhashhash">>},
- {revpos, 4},
- {data, stub},
- {encoding, gzip}
- ],
- lists:foreach(
- fun({Field, Value}) ->
- ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
- Updated = store(Field, Value, Attachment),
- ?assertMatch(#att{}, Updated)
- end,
- Pairs).
-test_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
- ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
- UpdatedHeaders = store(headers, [{<<"Ans">>, <<"42">>}], Attachment),
- ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeaders),
- UpdatedHeadersUndefined = store(headers, undefined, Attachment),
- ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeadersUndefined).
-test_legacy_defaults(Attachment) ->
- ?assertEqual(<<>>, fetch(md5, Attachment)),
- ?assertEqual(0, fetch(revpos, Attachment)),
- ?assertEqual(identity, fetch(encoding, Attachment)).
-test_elided_entries(Attachment) ->
- ?assertNot(lists:keymember(name, 1, Attachment)),
- ?assertNot(lists:keymember(type, 1, Attachment)),
- ?assertNot(lists:keymember(att_len, 1, Attachment)),
- ?assertNot(lists:keymember(disk_len, 1, Attachment)),
- ?assertNot(lists:keymember(data, 1, Attachment)).
-test_construction() ->
- ?assert(new() == new()),
- Initialized = new([{name, <<"">>}, {type, <<"application/qux">>}]),
- ?assertEqual(<<"">>, fetch(name, Initialized)),
- ?assertEqual(<<"application/qux">>, fetch(type, Initialized)).
-test_store_and_fetch() ->
- Attachment = empty_att(),
- ?assertEqual(<<"abc">>, fetch(name, store(name, <<"abc">>, Attachment))),
- ?assertEqual(42, fetch(ans, store(ans, 42, Attachment))).
-test_transform() ->
- Attachment = new([{counter, 0}]),
- Transformed = transform(counter, fun(Count) -> Count + 1 end, Attachment),
- ?assertEqual(1, fetch(counter, Transformed)).
+%% -ifdef(TEST).
+%% -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
+%% % Eww...
+%% -include("couch_bt_engine.hrl").
+%% %% Test utilities
+%% empty_att() -> new().
+%% upgraded_empty_att() ->
+%% new([{headers, undefined}]).
+%% %% Test groups
+%% attachment_upgrade_test_() ->
+%% {"Lazy record upgrade tests", [
+%% {"Existing record fields don't upgrade",
+%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_non_upgrading_fields/1]}
+%% },
+%% {"New fields upgrade",
+%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_upgrading_fields/1]}
+%% }
+%% ]}.
+%% attachment_defaults_test_() ->
+%% {"Attachment defaults tests", [
+%% {"Records retain old default values", [
+%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
+%% ]},
+%% {"Upgraded records inherit defaults", [
+%% {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
+%% ]},
+%% {"Undefined entries are elided on upgrade", [
+%% {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_elided_entries/1]}
+%% ]}
+%% ]}.
+%% attachment_field_api_test_() ->
+%% {"Basic attachment field api", [
+%% fun test_construction/0,
+%% fun test_store_and_fetch/0,
+%% fun test_transform/0
+%% ]}.
+%% attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
+%% BaseAttachment = new([
+%% {name, <<"empty">>},
+%% {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
+%% {att_len, 0},
+%% {disk_len, 0},
+%% {md5, <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>},
+%% {revpos, 4},
+%% {data, {stream, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {fake_fd, fake_sp}}}},
+%% {encoding, identity}
+%% ]),
+%% BaseDiskTerm = {
+%% <<"empty">>,
+%% <<"application/octet-stream">>,
+%% fake_sp,
+%% 0, 0, 4,
+%% <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>,
+%% identity
+%% },
+%% Headers = [{<<"X-Foo">>, <<"bar">>}],
+%% ExtendedAttachment = store(headers, Headers, BaseAttachment),
+%% ExtendedDiskTerm = {BaseDiskTerm, [{headers, Headers}]},
+%% FakeDb = test_util:fake_db([{engine, {couch_bt_engine, #st{fd=fake_fd}}}]),
+%% {"Disk term tests", [
+%% ?_assertEqual(BaseDiskTerm, to_disk_term(BaseAttachment)),
+%% ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, BaseDiskTerm)),
+%% ?_assertEqual(ExtendedDiskTerm, to_disk_term(ExtendedAttachment)),
+%% ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, ExtendedDiskTerm))
+%% ]}.
+%% attachment_json_term_test_() ->
+%% Props = [
+%% {<<"content_type">>, <<"application/json">>},
+%% {<<"digest">>, <<"md5-QCNtWUNXV0UzJnEjMk92YUk1JA==">>},
+%% {<<"length">>, 14},
+%% {<<"revpos">>, 1}
+%% ],
+%% PropsInline = [{<<"data">>, <<"eyJhbnN3ZXIiOiA0Mn0=">>}] ++ Props,
+%% InvalidProps = [{<<"data">>, <<"!Base64Encoded$">>}] ++ Props,
+%% Att = couch_att:new([
+%% {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
+%% {type, <<"application/json">>}
+%% ]),
+%% ResultStub = couch_att:new([
+%% {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
+%% {type, <<"application/json">>},
+%% {att_len, 14},
+%% {disk_len, 14},
+%% {md5, <<"@#mYCWWE3&q#2OvaI5$">>},
+%% {revpos, 1},
+%% {data, stub},
+%% {encoding, identity}
+%% ]),
+%% ResultFollows = ResultStub#att{data = follows},
+%% ResultInline = ResultStub#att{md5 = <<>>, data = <<"{\"answer\": 42}">>},
+%% {"JSON term tests", [
+%% ?_assertEqual(ResultStub, stub_from_json(Att, Props)),
+%% ?_assertEqual(ResultFollows, follow_from_json(Att, Props)),
+%% ?_assertEqual(ResultInline, inline_from_json(Att, PropsInline)),
+%% ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, Props)),
+%% ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, InvalidProps))
+%% ]}.
+%% attachment_stub_merge_test_() ->
+%% %% Stub merging needs to demonstrate revpos matching, skipping, and missing
+%% %% attachment errors.
+%% {"Attachment stub merging tests", []}.
+%% %% Test generators
+%% test_non_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
+%% Pairs = [
+%% {name, "cat.gif"},
+%% {type, "text/very-very-plain"},
+%% {att_len, 1024},
+%% {disk_len, 42},
+%% {md5, <<"md5-hashhashhash">>},
+%% {revpos, 4},
+%% {data, stub},
+%% {encoding, gzip}
+%% ],
+%% lists:foreach(
+%% fun({Field, Value}) ->
+%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
+%% Updated = store(Field, Value, Attachment),
+%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Updated)
+%% end,
+%% Pairs).
+%% test_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
+%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
+%% UpdatedHeaders = store(headers, [{<<"Ans">>, <<"42">>}], Attachment),
+%% ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeaders),
+%% UpdatedHeadersUndefined = store(headers, undefined, Attachment),
+%% ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeadersUndefined).
+%% test_legacy_defaults(Attachment) ->
+%% ?assertEqual(<<>>, fetch(md5, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertEqual(0, fetch(revpos, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertEqual(identity, fetch(encoding, Attachment)).
+%% test_elided_entries(Attachment) ->
+%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(name, 1, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(type, 1, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(att_len, 1, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(disk_len, 1, Attachment)),
+%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(data, 1, Attachment)).
+%% test_construction() ->
+%% ?assert(new() == new()),
+%% Initialized = new([{name, <<"">>}, {type, <<"application/qux">>}]),
+%% ?assertEqual(<<"">>, fetch(name, Initialized)),
+%% ?assertEqual(<<"application/qux">>, fetch(type, Initialized)).
+%% test_store_and_fetch() ->
+%% Attachment = empty_att(),
+%% ?assertEqual(<<"abc">>, fetch(name, store(name, <<"abc">>, Attachment))),
+%% ?assertEqual(42, fetch(ans, store(ans, 42, Attachment))).
+%% test_transform() ->
+%% Attachment = new([{counter, 0}]),
+%% Transformed = transform(counter, fun(Count) -> Count + 1 end, Attachment),
+%% ?assertEqual(1, fetch(counter, Transformed)).
+%% -endif.