path: root/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e97fda9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/src/test_engine_fold_changes.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(NUM_DOCS, 100).
+cet_empty_changes() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ ?assertEqual(0, Engine:count_changes_since(St, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, []}, Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_single_change() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions = [{create, {<<"a">>, []}}],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 1}]},
+ Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_two_changes() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
+ ],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_two_changes_batch() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions1 = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, []}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions1),
+ ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes1} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes1)),
+ {ok, Engine, St3} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions2 = [
+ {batch, [
+ {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ {ok, St4} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St3, Actions2),
+ ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St4, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes2} = Engine:fold_changes(St4, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 1}, {<<"a">>, 2}], lists:reverse(Changes2)).
+cet_update_one() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+ {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
+ ],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(1, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, [{<<"a">>, 2}]},
+ Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], [])).
+cet_update_first_of_two() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+ {update, {<<"a">>, []}}
+ ],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"a">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_update_second_of_two() ->
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ Actions = [
+ {create, {<<"a">>, []}},
+ {create, {<<"b">>, []}},
+ {update, {<<"b">>, []}}
+ ],
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ ?assertEqual(2, Engine:count_changes_since(St2, 0)),
+ {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual([{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 3}], lists:reverse(Changes)).
+cet_check_mutation_ordering() ->
+ Actions = shuffle(lists:map(fun(Seq) ->
+ {create, {docid(Seq), []}}
+ end, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS))),
+ DocIdOrder = [DocId || {_, {DocId, _}} <- Actions],
+ DocSeqs = lists:zip(DocIdOrder, lists:seq(1, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+ {ok, Engine, St1} = test_engine_util:init_engine(),
+ {ok, St2} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St1, Actions),
+ % First lets see that we can get the correct
+ % suffix/prefix starting at every update sequence
+ lists:foreach(fun(Seq) ->
+ {ok, Suffix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(lists:nthtail(Seq, DocSeqs), lists:reverse(Suffix)),
+ {ok, Prefix} = Engine:fold_changes(St2, Seq, fun fold_fun/2, [], [
+ {dir, rev}
+ ]),
+ ?assertEqual(lists:sublist(DocSeqs, Seq + 1), Prefix)
+ end, lists:seq(0, ?NUM_DOCS)),
+ ok = do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St2, ?NUM_DOCS + 1, DocSeqs, []).
+do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, _Seq, [], FinalDocSeqs) ->
+ {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(FinalDocSeqs, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+ ok;
+do_mutation_ordering(Engine, St, Seq, [{DocId, _OldSeq} | Rest], DocSeqAcc) ->
+ Actions = [{update, {DocId, []}}],
+ {ok, NewSt} = test_engine_util:apply_actions(Engine, St, Actions),
+ NewAcc = DocSeqAcc ++ [{DocId, Seq}],
+ Expected = Rest ++ NewAcc,
+ {ok, RevOrder} = Engine:fold_changes(NewSt, 0, fun fold_fun/2, [], []),
+ ?assertEqual(Expected, lists:reverse(RevOrder)),
+ do_mutation_ordering(Engine, NewSt, Seq + 1, Rest, NewAcc).
+shuffle(List) ->
+ random:seed(os:timestamp()),
+ Paired = [{random:uniform(), I} || I <- List],
+ Sorted = lists:sort(Paired),
+ [I || {_, I} <- Sorted].
+remove_random(List) ->
+ Pos = random:uniform(length(List)),
+ remove_random(Pos, List).
+remove_random(1, [Item | Rest]) ->
+ {Item, Rest};
+remove_random(N, [Skip | Rest]) when N > 1 ->
+ {Item, Tail} = remove_random(N - 1, Rest),
+ {Item, [Skip | Tail]}.
+fold_fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq}, Acc) ->
+ {ok, [{Id, Seq} | Acc]}.
+docid(I) ->
+ Str = io_lib:format("~4..0b", [I]),
+ iolist_to_binary(Str).