path: root/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl')
1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl b/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89997538d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/src/test_engine_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(TEST_MODULES, [
+ test_engine_open_close_delete,
+ test_engine_get_set_props,
+ test_engine_read_write_docs,
+ test_engine_attachments,
+ test_engine_fold_docs,
+ test_engine_fold_changes,
+ test_engine_purge_docs,
+ test_engine_compaction,
+ test_engine_ref_counting
+-define(COMPACTOR_TIMEOUT, 50000).
+create_tests(EngineApp) ->
+ create_tests(EngineApp, EngineApp).
+create_tests(EngineApp, EngineModule) ->
+ application:set_env(couch, test_engine, {EngineApp, EngineModule}),
+ Tests = lists:map(fun(TestMod) ->
+ {atom_to_list(TestMod), gather(TestMod)}
+ end, ?TEST_MODULES),
+ Setup = fun() ->
+ Ctx = test_util:start_couch(),
+ config:set("log", "include_sasl", "false", false),
+ Ctx
+ end,
+ {
+ setup,
+ Setup,
+ fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
+ fun(_) -> Tests end
+ }.
+gather(Module) ->
+ Exports = Module:module_info(exports),
+ Tests = lists:foldl(fun({Fun, Arity}, Acc) ->
+ case {atom_to_list(Fun), Arity} of
+ {[$c, $e, $t, $_ | _], 0} ->
+ TestFun = make_test_fun(Module, Fun),
+ [{timeout, 60, {spawn, TestFun}} | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end, [], Exports),
+ lists:reverse(Tests).
+make_test_fun(Module, Fun) ->
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s:~s", [Module, Fun])),
+ Wrapper = fun() ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Module:Fun()
+ end,
+ {Name, Wrapper}.
+rootdir() ->
+ config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", ".").
+dbpath() ->
+ binary_to_list(filename:join(rootdir(), couch_uuids:random())).
+get_engine() ->
+ case application:get_env(couch, test_engine) of
+ {ok, {_, Engine}} ->
+ Engine;
+ _ ->
+ couch_bt_engine
+ end.
+init_engine() ->
+ init_engine(default).
+init_engine(default) ->
+ Engine = get_engine(),
+ DbPath = dbpath(),
+ {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+ create,
+ {default_security_object, []}
+ ]),
+ {ok, Engine, St};
+init_engine(dbpath) ->
+ Engine = get_engine(),
+ DbPath = dbpath(),
+ {ok, St} = Engine:init(DbPath, [
+ create,
+ {default_security_object, []}
+ ]),
+ {ok, Engine, DbPath, St}.
+apply_actions(_Engine, St, []) ->
+ {ok, St};
+apply_actions(Engine, St, [Action | Rest]) ->
+ NewSt = apply_action(Engine, St, Action),
+ apply_actions(Engine, NewSt, Rest).
+apply_action(Engine, St, {batch, BatchActions}) ->
+ apply_batch(Engine, St, BatchActions);
+apply_action(Engine, St, Action) ->
+ apply_batch(Engine, St, [Action]).
+apply_batch(Engine, St, Actions) ->
+ UpdateSeq = Engine:get_update_seq(St) + 1,
+ AccIn = {UpdateSeq, [], [], []},
+ AccOut = lists:foldl(fun(Action, Acc) ->
+ {SeqAcc, DocAcc, LDocAcc, PurgeAcc} = Acc,
+ case Action of
+ {_, {<<"_local/", _/binary>>, _}} ->
+ LDoc = gen_local_write(Engine, St, Action),
+ {SeqAcc, DocAcc, [LDoc | LDocAcc], PurgeAcc};
+ _ ->
+ case gen_write(Engine, St, Action, SeqAcc) of
+ {_OldFDI, _NewFDI} = Pair ->
+ {SeqAcc + 1, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, PurgeAcc};
+ {Pair, NewSeqAcc, NewPurgeInfo} ->
+ NewPurgeAcc = [NewPurgeInfo | PurgeAcc],
+ {NewSeqAcc, [Pair | DocAcc], LDocAcc, NewPurgeAcc}
+ end
+ end
+ end, AccIn, Actions),
+ {_, Docs0, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs} = AccOut,
+ Docs = lists:reverse(Docs0),
+ {ok, NewSt} = Engine:write_doc_infos(St, Docs, LDocs, PurgeIdRevs),
+ NewSt.
+gen_local_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}) ->
+ PrevRev = case Engine:open_local_docs(St, [DocId]) of
+ [not_found] ->
+ 0;
+ [#doc{revs = {0, []}}] ->
+ 0;
+ [#doc{revs = {0, [RevStr | _]}}] ->
+ binary_to_integer(RevStr)
+ end,
+ {RevId, Deleted} = case Action of
+ Action when Action == create; Action == update ->
+ {PrevRev + 1, false};
+ delete ->
+ {0, true}
+ end,
+ #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {0, [RevId]},
+ body = Body,
+ deleted = Deleted
+ }.
+gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+ gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, []}}, UpdateSeq);
+gen_write(Engine, St, {create, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+ [not_found] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+ Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
+ Rev = crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts})),
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {0, [Rev]},
+ deleted = false,
+ body = Body,
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
+ {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
+ Sizes = #size_info{
+ active = Len,
+ external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
+ },
+ Leaf = #leaf{
+ deleted = false,
+ ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
+ seq = UpdateSeq,
+ sizes = Sizes,
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ {not_found, #full_doc_info{
+ id = DocId,
+ deleted = false,
+ update_seq = UpdateSeq,
+ rev_tree = [{0, {Rev, Leaf, []}}],
+ sizes = Sizes
+ }};
+gen_write(Engine, St, {purge, {DocId, PrevRevs0, _}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+ [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+ PrevRevs = if is_list(PrevRevs0) -> PrevRevs0; true -> [PrevRevs0] end,
+ #full_doc_info{
+ rev_tree = PrevTree
+ } = PrevFDI,
+ {NewTree, RemRevs} = couch_key_tree:remove_leafs(PrevTree, PrevRevs),
+ RemovedAll = lists:sort(RemRevs) == lists:sort(PrevRevs),
+ if RemovedAll -> ok; true ->
+ % If we didn't purge all the requested revisions
+ % then its a bug in the test.
+ erlang:error({invalid_purge_test_revs, PrevRevs})
+ end,
+ case NewTree of
+ [] ->
+ % We've completely purged the document
+ {{PrevFDI, not_found}, UpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}};
+ _ ->
+ % We have to relabel the update_seq of all
+ % leaves. See couch_db_updater for details.
+ {NewNewTree, NewUpdateSeq} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun
+ (_RevId, Leaf, leaf, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+ {Leaf#leaf{seq = InnerSeqAcc}, InnerSeqAcc + 1};
+ (_RevId, Value, _Type, InnerSeqAcc) ->
+ {Value, InnerSeqAcc}
+ end, UpdateSeq, NewTree),
+ NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
+ update_seq = NewUpdateSeq - 1,
+ rev_tree = NewNewTree
+ },
+ {{PrevFDI, NewFDI}, NewUpdateSeq, {DocId, RemRevs}}
+ end;
+gen_write(Engine, St, {Action, {DocId, Body, Atts0}}, UpdateSeq) ->
+ [#full_doc_info{} = PrevFDI] = Engine:open_docs(St, [DocId]),
+ Atts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts0],
+ #full_doc_info{
+ id = DocId,
+ rev_tree = PrevRevTree
+ } = PrevFDI,
+ #rev_info{
+ rev = PrevRev
+ } = prev_rev(PrevFDI),
+ {RevPos, PrevRevId} = PrevRev,
+ Rev = gen_revision(Action, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts),
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {RevPos + 1, [Rev, PrevRevId]},
+ deleted = false,
+ body = Body,
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ Doc1 = make_doc_summary(Engine, St, Doc0),
+ {ok, Doc2, Len} = Engine:write_doc_body(St, Doc1),
+ Deleted = case Action of
+ update -> false;
+ conflict -> false;
+ delete -> true
+ end,
+ Sizes = #size_info{
+ active = Len,
+ external = erlang:external_size(Doc1#doc.body)
+ },
+ Leaf = #leaf{
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ ptr = Doc2#doc.body,
+ seq = UpdateSeq,
+ sizes = Sizes,
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ Path = gen_path(Action, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf),
+ RevsLimit = Engine:get_revs_limit(St),
+ NodeType = case Action of
+ conflict -> new_branch;
+ _ -> new_leaf
+ end,
+ {NewTree, NodeType} = couch_key_tree:merge(PrevRevTree, Path, RevsLimit),
+ NewFDI = PrevFDI#full_doc_info{
+ deleted = couch_doc:is_deleted(NewTree),
+ update_seq = UpdateSeq,
+ rev_tree = NewTree,
+ sizes = Sizes
+ },
+ {PrevFDI, NewFDI}.
+gen_revision(conflict, DocId, _PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+ crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, Body, Atts}));
+gen_revision(delete, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+ gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts);
+gen_revision(update, DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts) ->
+ crypto:hash(md5, term_to_binary({DocId, PrevRev, Body, Atts})).
+gen_path(conflict, _RevPos, _PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+ {0, {Rev, Leaf, []}};
+gen_path(delete, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+ gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf);
+gen_path(update, RevPos, PrevRevId, Rev, Leaf) ->
+ {RevPos, {PrevRevId, ?REV_MISSING, [{Rev, Leaf, []}]}}.
+make_doc_summary(Engine, St, DocData) ->
+ {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ exit({result, Engine:serialize_doc(St, DocData)})
+ end),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {result, Summary}} ->
+ Summary;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Error} ->
+ erlang:error({make_doc_summary_error, Error})
+ erlang:error(make_doc_summary_timeout)
+ end.
+prep_atts(_Engine, _St, []) ->
+ [];
+prep_atts(Engine, St, [{FileName, Data} | Rest]) ->
+ {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
+ {ok, Stream} = Engine:open_write_stream(St, []),
+ exit(write_att(Stream, FileName, Data, Data))
+ end),
+ Att = receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, {{no_catch, not_supported}, _}} ->
+ throw(not_supported);
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Resp} ->
+ Resp
+ erlang:error(attachment_write_timeout)
+ end,
+ [Att | prep_atts(Engine, St, Rest)].
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, <<>>) ->
+ {StreamEngine, Len, Len, Md5, Md5} = couch_stream:close(Stream),
+ couch_util:check_md5(Md5, crypto:hash(md5, OrigData)),
+ Len = size(OrigData),
+ couch_att:new([
+ {name, FileName},
+ {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
+ {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
+ {att_len, Len},
+ {disk_len, Len},
+ {md5, Md5},
+ {encoding, identity}
+ ]);
+write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Data) ->
+ {Chunk, Rest} = case size(Data) > 4096 of
+ true ->
+ <<Head:4096/binary, Tail/binary>> = Data,
+ {Head, Tail};
+ false ->
+ {Data, <<>>}
+ end,
+ ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Chunk),
+ write_att(Stream, FileName, OrigData, Rest).
+prev_rev(#full_doc_info{} = FDI) ->
+ #doc_info{
+ revs = [#rev_info{} = PrevRev | _]
+ } = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
+ PrevRev.
+db_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+ [
+ {props, db_props_as_term(Engine, St)},
+ {docs, db_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
+ {local_docs, db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St)},
+ {changes, db_changes_as_term(Engine, St)}
+ ].
+db_props_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+ Props = [
+ get_doc_count,
+ get_del_doc_count,
+ get_disk_version,
+ get_update_seq,
+ get_purge_seq,
+ get_last_purged,
+ get_security,
+ get_revs_limit,
+ get_uuid,
+ get_epochs
+ ],
+ lists:map(fun(Fun) ->
+ {Fun, Engine:Fun(St)}
+ end, Props).
+db_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, FDIs} = Engine:fold_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+ fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
+ end, FDIs)).
+db_local_docs_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(Doc, Acc) -> {ok, [Doc | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, LDocs} = Engine:fold_local_docs(St, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(LDocs).
+db_changes_as_term(Engine, St) ->
+ FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+ {ok, Changes} = Engine:fold_changes(St, 0, FoldFun, [], []),
+ lists:reverse(lists:map(fun(FDI) ->
+ fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI)
+ end, Changes)).
+fdi_to_term(Engine, St, FDI) ->
+ #full_doc_info{
+ id = DocId,
+ rev_tree = OldTree
+ } = FDI,
+ {NewRevTree, _} = couch_key_tree:mapfold(fun(Rev, Node, Type, Acc) ->
+ tree_to_term(Rev, Node, Type, Acc, DocId)
+ end, {Engine, St}, OldTree),
+ FDI#full_doc_info{
+ rev_tree = NewRevTree,
+ % Blank out sizes because we allow storage
+ % engines to handle this with their own
+ % definition until further notice.
+ sizes = #size_info{
+ active = -1,
+ external = -1
+ }
+ }.
+tree_to_term(_Rev, _Leaf, branch, Acc, _DocId) ->
+ {?REV_MISSING, Acc};
+tree_to_term({Pos, RevId}, #leaf{} = Leaf, leaf, {Engine, St}, DocId) ->
+ #leaf{
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ ptr = Ptr
+ } = Leaf,
+ Doc0 = #doc{
+ id = DocId,
+ revs = {Pos, [RevId]},
+ deleted = Deleted,
+ body = Ptr
+ },
+ Doc1 = Engine:read_doc_body(St, Doc0),
+ Body = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.body) -> Doc1#doc.body; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.body)
+ end,
+ Atts1 = if not is_binary(Doc1#doc.atts) -> Doc1#doc.atts; true ->
+ couch_compress:decompress(Doc1#doc.atts)
+ end,
+ StreamSrc = fun(Sp) -> Engine:open_read_stream(St, Sp) end,
+ Atts2 = [couch_att:from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Att) || Att <- Atts1],
+ Atts = [att_to_term(Att) || Att <- Atts2],
+ NewLeaf = Leaf#leaf{
+ ptr = Body,
+ sizes = #size_info{active = -1, external = -1},
+ atts = Atts
+ },
+ {NewLeaf, {Engine, St}}.
+att_to_term(Att) ->
+ Bin = couch_att:to_binary(Att),
+ couch_att:store(data, Bin, Att).
+term_diff(T1, T2) when is_tuple(T1), is_tuple(T2) ->
+ tuple_diff(tuple_to_list(T1), tuple_to_list(T2));
+term_diff(L1, L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
+ list_diff(L1, L2);
+term_diff(V1, V2) when V1 == V2 ->
+ nodiff;
+term_diff(V1, V2) ->
+ {V1, V2}.
+tuple_diff([], []) ->
+ nodiff;
+tuple_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+ {longer, T1};
+tuple_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+ {shorter, T2};
+tuple_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+ case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+ nodiff ->
+ tuple_diff(R1, R2);
+ Else ->
+ {T1, Else}
+ end.
+list_diff([], []) ->
+ nodiff;
+list_diff([T1 | _], []) ->
+ {longer, T1};
+list_diff([], [T2 | _]) ->
+ {shorter, T2};
+list_diff([T1 | R1], [T2 | R2]) ->
+ case term_diff(T1, T2) of
+ nodiff ->
+ list_diff(R1, R2);
+ Else ->
+ {T1, Else}
+ end.
+compact(Engine, St1, DbPath) ->
+ DbName = filename:basename(DbPath),
+ {ok, St2, Pid} = Engine:start_compaction(St1, DbName, [], self()),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ % Ideally I'd assert that Pid is linked to us
+ % at this point but its technically possible
+ % that it could have finished compacting by
+ % the time we check... Quite the quandry.
+ Term = receive
+ {'$gen_cast', {compact_done, Engine, Term0}} ->
+ Term0;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ erlang:error({compactor_died, Reason})
+ erlang:error(compactor_timed_out)
+ end,
+ {ok, St2, DbName, Pid, Term}.
+with_config(Config, Fun) ->
+ OldConfig = apply_config(Config),
+ try
+ Fun()
+ after
+ apply_config(OldConfig)
+ end.
+apply_config([]) ->
+ [];
+apply_config([{Section, Key, Value} | Rest]) ->
+ Orig = config:get(Section, Key),
+ case Value of
+ undefined -> config:delete(Section, Key);
+ _ -> config:set(Section, Key, Value)
+ end,
+ [{Section, Key, Orig} | apply_config(Rest)].