path: root/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_doc_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch/test/eunit/couch_doc_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_doc_tests.erl b/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_doc_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index cf41df61d..000000000
--- a/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_doc_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
- filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, "multipart.http"])).
-parse_rev_test() ->
- ?assertEqual({1, <<"123">>}, couch_doc:parse_rev("1-123")),
- ?assertEqual({1, <<"123">>}, couch_doc:parse_rev(<<"1-123">>)),
- ?assertException(throw, {bad_request, _}, couch_doc:parse_rev("1f-123")),
- ?assertException(throw, {bad_request, _}, couch_doc:parse_rev("bar")).
-doc_from_multi_part_stream_test() ->
- ContentType = "multipart/related;boundary=multipart_related_boundary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",
- DataFun = fun() -> request(start) end,
- mock_config(),
- {ok, #doc{id = <<"doc0">>, atts = [_]}, _Fun, _Parser} =
- couch_doc:doc_from_multi_part_stream(ContentType, DataFun),
- meck:unload(config),
- ok.
-doc_to_multi_part_stream_test() ->
- Boundary = <<"multipart_related_boundary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">>,
- JsonBytes = <<"{\n \"_id\": \"our document goes here\"\n}\n\n">>,
- AttData = <<"Hello my important document">>,
- AttLength = size(AttData),
- Atts = [couch_att:new([
- {name, <<"test">>}, {data, AttData}, {type, <<"text/plain">>},
- {att_len, AttLength}, {disk_len, AttLength}])],
- couch_doc:doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, fun send/1, true),
- AttLengthStr = integer_to_binary(AttLength),
- BoundaryLen = size(Boundary),
- [
- <<"--", Boundary/binary>>,
- <<"Content-Type: application/json">>,
- <<>>,
- JsonBytes,
- <<"--", Boundary/binary>>,
- <<"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"test\"">>,
- <<"Content-Type: text/plain">>,
- <<"Content-Length: ", AttLengthStr/binary>>,
- <<>>,
- AttData,
- <<"--", Boundary:BoundaryLen/binary, "--">>
- ] = collected(),
- ok.
-len_doc_to_multi_part_stream_test() ->
- Boundary = <<"simple_boundary">>,
- JsonBytes = <<"{\n \"_id\": \"our document goes here\"\n}\n\n">>,
- ContentType = <<"multipart/related; boundary=\"", Boundary/binary, "\"">>,
- AttData = <<"Hello my important document">>,
- AttLength = size(AttData),
- Atts = [couch_att:new([
- {name, <<"test">>}, {data, AttData}, {type, <<"text/plain">>},
- {att_len, AttLength}, {disk_len, AttLength}])],
- {ContentType, 258} = %% 258 is expected size of the document
- couch_doc:len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, true),
- ok.
-validate_docid_test_() ->
- {setup,
- fun() ->
- mock_config(),
- ok = meck:new(couch_db_plugin, [passthrough]),
- meck:expect(couch_db_plugin, validate_docid, fun(_) -> false end)
- end,
- fun(_) ->
- meck:unload(config),
- meck:unload(couch_db_plugin)
- end,
- [
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"idx">>)),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_design/idx">>)),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_local/idx">>)),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(large_id(1024))),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_users">>, <<"_dbs">>)),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_replicator">>, <<"_dbs">>)),
- ?_assertEqual(ok, couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_global_changes">>, <<"_dbs">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<>>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<16#80>>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_idx">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_design/">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_local/">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(large_id(1025))),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_users">>, <<"foo">>)),
- ?_assertThrow({illegal_docid, _},
- couch_doc:validate_docid(<<"_weeee">>, <<"_dbs">>))
- ]
- }.
-large_id(N) ->
- << <<"x">> || _ <- lists:seq(1, N) >>.
-request(start) ->
- {ok, Doc} = file:read_file(?REQUEST_FIXTURE),
- {Doc, fun() -> request(stop) end};
-request(stop) ->
- {"", fun() -> request(stop) end}.
-send(Data) ->
- send(Data, get(data)).
-send(Data, undefined) ->
- send(Data, []);
-send(Data, Acc) ->
- put(data, [Acc|Data]).
-collected() ->
- B = binary:replace(iolist_to_binary(get(data)), <<"\r\n">>, <<0>>, [global]),
- binary:split(B, [<<0>>], [global]).
-mock_config() ->
- ok = meck:new(config, [passthrough]),
- meck:expect(config, get,
- fun("couchdb", "max_document_id_length", "infinity") -> "1024";
- ("couchdb", "max_attachment_size", "infinity") -> "infinity";
- ("mem3", "shards_db", "_dbs") -> "_dbs";
- (Key, Val, Default) -> meck:passthrough([Key, Val, Default])
- end
- ).