path: root/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_key_tree_prop_tests.erl
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diff --git a/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_key_tree_prop_tests.erl b/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_key_tree_prop_tests.erl
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index 9c09aace5..000000000
--- a/src/couch/test/eunit/couch_key_tree_prop_tests.erl
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-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(SIZE_REDUCTION, 3). % How much to reduce size with tree depth.
--define(MAX_BRANCHES, 4). % Maximum number of branches.
--define(RAND_SIZE, 1 bsl 64).
-property_test_() ->
-% Properties
-% Merge random paths from a revtree into itself. Check that no revisions have
-% been lost in the process and that result is one of the 3 expected values.
-prop_revtree_merge_with_subset_of_own_nodes() ->
- ?FORALL(Revs, g_revs(),
- ?FORALL({RevTree, Branch}, {g_revtree(Revs), g_revtree(Revs, 1)},
- ?IMPLIES(length(Branch) > 0 andalso repeating_revs(levels(RevTree ++ Branch)) == [],
- begin
- {Merged, Result} = couch_key_tree:merge(RevTree, hd(Branch)),
- lists:member(Result, [new_leaf, new_branch, internal_node])
- andalso same_keys(RevTree ++ Branch, Merged)
- andalso valid_revtree(Merged)
- end
- )
- )
- ).
-% Merge random trees into revtree.
-prop_revtree_merge_random_nodes() ->
- ?FORALL({RevTree, Branch}, {g_revtree(), g_revtree([], 1)},
- ?IMPLIES(length(Branch) > 0,
- begin
- {Merged, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(RevTree, hd(Branch)),
- valid_revtree(Merged)
- end
- )
- ).
-% Merge mix or random and existing revtree paths into revtree
-prop_revtree_merge_some_existing_some_new() ->
- ?FORALL(RevTree, g_revtree(),
- ?FORALL(Branch,
- begin
- KeyList = keylist(RevTree),
- Half = lists:sublist(KeyList, length(KeyList) div 2),
- g_revtree(Half, 1)
- end,
- ?IMPLIES(length(Branch) > 0 andalso repeating_revs(levels(RevTree ++ Branch)) == [],
- begin
- {Merged, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(RevTree, hd(Branch)),
- valid_revtree(Merged)
- end
- )
- )
- ).
-% Stem deeper than the current max level. Expect no changes to the revtree
-prop_no_change_stemming_deeper_than_current_depth() ->
- ?FORALL(RevTree, g_revtree(),
- begin
- StemDepth = depth(RevTree) + 1,
- Stemmed = couch_key_tree:stem(RevTree, StemDepth),
- StemmedKeys = lists:usort(keylist(Stemmed)),
- InputKeys = lists:usort(keylist(RevTree)),
- StemmedKeys == InputKeys
- end
- ).
-% Stem at a random small depth, make sure that resulting tree has
-% unique revisions and the same number or less revisions than input
-prop_stemming_results_in_same_or_less_total_revs() ->
- ?FORALL({RevTree, StemDepth}, {g_revtree(), choose(1, 20)},
- begin
- Stemmed = couch_key_tree:stem(RevTree, StemDepth),
- OldRealDepth = real_depth(RevTree),
- StemmedKeys = keylist(Stemmed),
- UniqueStemmedKeys = lists:usort(StemmedKeys),
- UniqueInputKeys = lists:usort(keylist(RevTree)),
- NewRealDepth = real_depth(Stemmed),
- length(StemmedKeys) == length(UniqueStemmedKeys)
- andalso length(UniqueStemmedKeys) =< length(UniqueInputKeys)
- andalso OldRealDepth >= NewRealDepth
- end
- ).
-% Generate a longer path (revtree with no branches) then stem it.
-% Always expect it to shrink to stemmed depth.
-prop_stem_path_expect_size_to_get_smaller() ->
- ?FORALL({RevTree, StemDepth},
- {
- ?SIZED(Size, g_revtree(Size * 10, [], 1)),
- choose(1,3)
- },
- ?IMPLIES(real_depth(RevTree) > 3,
- begin
- Stemmed = couch_key_tree:stem(RevTree, StemDepth),
- StemmedKeys = lists:usort(keylist(Stemmed)),
- InputKeys = lists:usort(keylist(RevTree)),
- length(InputKeys) > length(StemmedKeys)
- andalso real_depth(Stemmed) == StemDepth
- end
- )
- ).
-% After stemming all leaves are still present
-prop_after_stemming_all_leaves_are_present() ->
- ?FORALL({RevTree, StemDepth},
- {g_revtree(), choose(1,20)},
- begin
- OldRealDepth = real_depth(RevTree),
- OldLeaves = leaves(RevTree),
- Stemmed = couch_key_tree:stem(RevTree, StemDepth),
- NewRealDepth = real_depth(Stemmed),
- NewLeaves = leaves(Stemmed),
- valid_revtree(Stemmed)
- andalso OldRealDepth >= NewRealDepth
- andalso OldLeaves == NewLeaves
- end
- ).
-% After stemming paths to root didn't get longer
-prop_after_stemming_paths_are_shorter() ->
- ?FORALL({StemDepth, RevTree}, {choose(2,10), g_revtree()},
- begin
- OldPaths = paths(RevTree),
- Stemmed = couch_key_tree:stem(RevTree, StemDepth),
- NewPaths = paths(Stemmed),
- GrowingPaths = orddict:fold(fun(Rev, Path, Acc) ->
- OldPath = orddict:fetch(Rev, OldPaths),
- case length(Path) > length(OldPath) of
- true ->
- [{Rev, Path, OldPath}| Acc];
- false ->
- Acc
- end
- end, [], NewPaths),
- valid_revtree(Stemmed) andalso GrowingPaths == []
- end
- ).
-% Check leaf count
-prop_leaf_count() ->
- ?FORALL(RevTree, g_revtree(),
- length(leaves(RevTree)) == couch_key_tree:count_leafs(RevTree)
- ).
-% Check get leafs
-prop_get_leafs() ->
- ?FORALL(RevTree, g_revtree(),
- begin
- LeafsFull = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(RevTree),
- lists:usort([Rev || {_V, {_D, [Rev | _]}} <- LeafsFull]) == leaves(RevTree)
- end
- ).
-% Generators
-% Generate a full rev tree. Most of the forms are just there to set up default
-% parameters, _revtree/3 does all heavy lifting.
-g_revtree() ->
- ?SIZED(Size, g_revtree(Size)).
-g_revtree(Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
- g_revtree(Size, [], ?MAX_BRANCHES);
-g_revtree(Revs) when is_list(Revs) ->
- ?SIZED(Size, g_revtree(Size, Revs, ?MAX_BRANCHES)).
-g_revtree(Size, Revs) when is_integer(Size), is_list(Revs) ->
- g_revtree(Size, Revs, ?MAX_BRANCHES);
-g_revtree(Revs, MaxBranches) when is_list(Revs), is_integer(MaxBranches) ->
- ?SIZED(Size, g_revtree(Size, Revs, MaxBranches)).
-g_revtree(0, _Revs, _MaxBranches) ->
- [];
-g_revtree(Size, ERevs, MaxBranches) ->
- ?LET({Depth, Revs}, {g_stem_depth(Size), g_revs(Size, ERevs)},
- [{Depth, g_treenode(Size, Revs, MaxBranches)}]
- ).
-% Generate a tree node and then recursively generate its children.
-g_treenode(0, Revs, _) ->
- {elements(Revs), x, []};
-g_treenode(Size, Revs, MaxBranches) ->
- ?LAZY(?LET(N, choose(0, MaxBranches),
- begin
- [Rev | ChildRevs] = Revs,
- {Rev, x, g_nodes(Size div ?SIZE_REDUCTION, N, ChildRevs, MaxBranches)}
- end
- )).
-% Generate a list of child nodes. Depending on how many children there are
-% the pre-generarated revision list is split into that many sublists.
-g_nodes(0, _N, _Revs, _MaxBranches) ->
- [];
-g_nodes(_Size, 0, _Revs, _MaxBranches) ->
- [];
-g_nodes(Size, ChildCount, Revs, MaxBranches) ->
- ChildNodes,
- begin
- ChildRevList = child_revs(ChildCount, Revs, Size, MaxBranches),
- [g_treenode(Size, ChildRevs, MaxBranches) || ChildRevs <- ChildRevList]
- end,
- ordered_nodes(ChildNodes)
- ).
-% Generate each subtree's stem depth
-g_stem_depth(Size) ->
- choose(0, expected_height(Size, ?SIZE_REDUCTION) div 2).
-% Uses the shuffle/1 function to shuffle the input list. Unshuffled list is
-% used as the shrink value.
-g_shuffle([]) -> [];
-g_shuffle(L) when is_list(L) ->
- ?LET(X, elements(L), [X | g_shuffle(lists:delete(X,L))]).
-% Wrapper to make a list shuffling generator that doesn't shrink
-g_shuffle_noshrink(L) when is_list(L) ->
- proper_types:noshrink(g_shuffle(L)).
-% Generate shuffled sublists up to N items long from a list.
-g_shuffled_sublists(L, N) ->
- ?LET(Shuffled, g_shuffle_noshrink(L), lists:sublist(Shuffled, N)).
-% Generate revision lists.
-g_revs() ->
- ?SIZED(Size, g_revs(Size)).
-g_revs(Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
- g_revs(Size, []).
-g_revs(Size, Existing) when is_integer(Size), is_list(Existing) ->
- Expected = keys_needed(Size, ?SIZE_REDUCTION, ?MAX_BRANCHES),
- Revs = revs(Expected, Existing),
- case length(Revs) > Expected of
- true -> % have extra, try various sublists
- g_shuffled_sublists(Revs, Expected);
- false ->
- proper_types:return(Revs)
- end.
-% Helper functions
-valid_revtree(RevTree) ->
- repeating_revs(levels(RevTree)) == [] andalso children_sorted(RevTree).
-same_keys(RevTree1, RevTree2) ->
- Keys1 = lists:usort(keylist(RevTree1)),
- Keys2 = lists:usort(keylist(RevTree2)),
- Keys1 == Keys2.
-all(L) ->
- lists:all(fun(E) -> E end, L).
-% Generate list of relateively unique large random numbers
-rand_list(N) when N =< 0 ->
- [];
-rand_list(N) ->
- [rand:uniform(?RAND_SIZE) || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)].
-% Generate a list of revisions to be used as key in revision trees. Expected
-% must the number of maximum expected nodes in a revision tree. Existing is an
-% optional list revisions which must be included in the result. The output list
-% is sorted.
-revs(0, _Existing) ->
- [];
-revs(Expected, Existing) when is_integer(Expected), is_list(Existing) ->
- Need = Expected - length(Existing),
- lists:usort(lists:append(Existing, rand_list(Need))).
-% Get the list of all the keys in a revision tree. The input can also be a
-% an individual tree (tagged with the depth to virtual root) or a node.
-% Yes, this is not tail recursive but the idea is to keep it simple.
-keylist({_D, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- keylist(Node);
-keylist({K, _V, Nodes}) ->
- [K | keylist(Nodes)];
-keylist(Nodes) ->
- lists:append([keylist(Node) || Node <- Nodes]).
-% Get the list of leaves from a revision tree.
-leaves([]) ->
- [];
-leaves({_D, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- leaves(Node);
-leaves({K, _V, []}) ->
- [K];
-leaves({_K, _V, Nodes}) ->
- leaves(Nodes);
-leaves(Nodes) ->
- lists:usort(lists:append([leaves(N) || N <- Nodes])).
-% Get paths from leaf to root. Result is an orddict of [{LeafRev, [Rev]}]
-paths([]) ->
- orddict:new();
-paths(RevTree) when is_list(RevTree) ->
- paths_merge_dicts([paths(T) || T <- RevTree]);
-paths({_Depth, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- paths(Node);
-paths({K, _V, []}) ->
- orddict:store(K, [], orddict:new());
-paths({K, _V, Nodes}) ->
- CombinedDict = paths_merge_dicts([paths(N) || N <- Nodes]),
- orddict:map(fun(_LeafKey, Path) -> Path ++ [K] end, CombinedDict).
-paths_merge_dicts(Dicts) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(D, AccD) ->
- orddict:merge(fun(K, V1, V2) ->
- throw({found_duplicates, K, V1, V2})
- end, D, AccD)
- end, orddict:new(), Dicts).
-% Get lists of all the keys at each depth level. Result is an orddict that
-% looks like [{depth, [key]}]. The depth used here is the "virtual" depth as
-% indicated by the stemmed depth tag that goes with every top level subtree.
-levels([]) ->
- orddict:new();
-levels(RevTree) when is_list(RevTree) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(T, Dict) -> levels(T, Dict) end, orddict:new(), RevTree).
-levels({Depth, Node}, Dict) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- levels(Node, Depth, Dict).
-levels({K, _V, Nodes}, Depth, Dict) ->
- Dict1 = case orddict:is_key(Depth, Dict) of
- true -> orddict:append(Depth, K, Dict);
- false -> orddict:store(Depth, [K], Dict)
- end,
- levels(Nodes, Depth + 1, Dict1);
-levels(Nodes, Depth, Dict) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(Node, AccDict) ->
- levels(Node, Depth, AccDict)
- end, Dict, Nodes).
-% Using the output of leaves/1 as input return any repeating revisions if
-% there are any at a particular level. Levels which have not revisions are
-% not returned.
-repeating_revs(Dict) ->
- orddict:filter(fun(_Depth, Revs) ->
- length(lists:usort(Revs)) =/= length(Revs)
- end, Dict).
-% Check that children of all nodes are sorted
-children_sorted([]) ->
- true;
-children_sorted(Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
- all([children_sorted(N) || N <- Nodes]);
-children_sorted({_D, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- children_sorted(Node);
-children_sorted({_K, _V, Nodes}) ->
- children_sorted(Nodes).
-% Get the maximum depth of a revtree. The depth is "virtual" as it takes into
-% account the distance to the now stemmed root node as indicated by the top
-% level subtrees.
-depth([]) ->
- 0;
-depth(RevTree) when is_list(RevTree) ->
- lists:max([depth(T) || T <- RevTree]);
-depth({Depth, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- depth(Node, Depth - 1).
-depth({_K, _V, Nodes}, Depth) ->
- depth(Nodes, Depth + 1);
-depth([], Depth) ->
- Depth;
-depth(Nodes, Depth) ->
- lists:max([depth(Node, Depth) || Node <- Nodes]).
-% Get the "real" tree depth, not the virtual one. As revtrees gets stemmed they
-% will keep their virtual depth but the actual number of nodes in the tree
-% could be reduced.
-real_depth([]) ->
- 0;
-real_depth(RevTree) when is_list(RevTree) ->
- lists:max([real_depth(T) || T <- RevTree]);
-real_depth({_Depth, Node}) when is_tuple(Node) ->
- depth(Node, 0). % Note from here on use the depth/3 function
-% Return an ordered list of revtree nodes. When sorting only immediate keys
-% (revisions) are looked at and comparison doesn't descent into the treee.
-ordered_nodes(Nodes) ->
- lists:sort(fun({K1, _, _}, {K2, _, _}) -> K1 =< K2 end, Nodes).
-% Calculate a maximum number of rev tree nodes needed for a tree of a given
-% height and branchiness. Height is derived from Size and LevelReductionFactor,
-% that is how big the sample should be and quickly the size parameter would
-% shrink on each level.
-keys_needed(0, _, _) ->
- 0;
-keys_needed(Size, LevelReductionFactor, 1) ->
- expected_height(Size, LevelReductionFactor);
-keys_needed(Size, LevelReductionFactor, Branches) ->
- Height = expected_height(Size, LevelReductionFactor),
- trunc(math:pow(Branches, Height + 1)) + 1.
-% Calculate expected tree height for a given sample size and branchiness.
-% At each step the size is divided by the reduction factor.
-expected_height(Size, LevelReductionFactor) ->
- trunc(log(LevelReductionFactor, Size)) + 1.
-log(B, X) ->
- math:log(X) / math:log(B).
-% Distribute items in a list into roughly equal chunks of a given size.
-distribute(_ChunkSize, []) ->
- [];
-distribute(ChunkSize, L) when ChunkSize >= length(L) ->
- [L];
-distribute(ChunkSize, L) ->
- {L1, L2} = lists:split(ChunkSize, L),
- [L1 | distribute(ChunkSize, L2)].
-% Split a single (parent) revision list into chunks (sub-lists), one for each
-% child. Also, for safety, double check that at this point in the process the
-% list of revisions is sufficiently large. If it isn't something went wrong and
-% a specific exception is thrown ({not_enough_revisions, Got, Needed}).
-child_revs(ChildCount, Revs, Size, MaxBranches) ->
- NeedKeys = keys_needed(Size, ?SIZE_REDUCTION, MaxBranches),
- case length(Revs) >= NeedKeys of
- true ->
- ChunkSize = trunc(length(Revs) / ChildCount) + 1,
- distribute(ChunkSize, Revs);
- false ->
- throw({not_enough_revisions, length(Revs), NeedKeys})
- end.