path: root/src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl b/src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl
index 5ba6c9f87..a99e9f900 100644
--- a/src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl
+++ b/src/couch_epi/test/eunit/couch_epi_basic_test.erl
@@ -28,63 +28,56 @@
-define(CHILD(I, Type), {I, {I, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, Type, [I]}).
start_link() -> ok.
%% BEGIN couch_epi_plugin behaviour callbacks
app() -> test_app.
providers() ->
{my_service, provider1},
{my_service, provider2}
services() ->
{my_service, ?MODULE}
data_providers() ->
{{test_app, descriptions}, {static_module, ?MODULE}, [{interval, 100}]}
data_subscriptions() ->
{test_app, descriptions}
processes() ->
{?MODULE, [?CHILD(extra_process, worker)]},
- {?MODULE, [{to_replace, {new, start_link, [bar]},
- permanent, 5000, worker, [bar]}]},
- {?MODULE, [#{id => to_replace_map,
- start => {new, start_link, [bar]}, modules => [bar]}]}
+ {?MODULE, [{to_replace, {new, start_link, [bar]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [bar]}]},
+ {?MODULE, [
+ #{
+ id => to_replace_map,
+ start => {new, start_link, [bar]},
+ modules => [bar]
+ }
+ ]}
notify(_Key, _OldData, _NewData) ->
%% END couch_epi_plugin behaviour callbacks
parse_child_id(Id) when is_atom(Id) ->
parse_child_id(Id) ->
- ["couch_epi_codechange_monitor", ServiceName, KindStr]
- = string:tokens(Id, "|"),
+ ["couch_epi_codechange_monitor", ServiceName, KindStr] =
+ string:tokens(Id, "|"),
Kind = list_to_atom(KindStr),
case string:tokens(ServiceName, ":") of
[ServiceId, Key] ->
@@ -93,7 +86,6 @@ parse_child_id(Id) ->
{list_to_atom(Key), Kind}
basic_test() ->
@@ -101,49 +93,75 @@ basic_test() ->
{extra_process, [], [extra_process]},
{to_replace, [bar], [bar]},
{to_replace_map, [bar], [bar]},
- {{my_service, providers},
+ {{my_service, providers}, [couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service], [
+ couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
+ couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service,
+ provider1,
+ provider2
+ ]},
+ {
+ {my_service, services},
- [couch_epi_codechange_monitor, couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service,
- provider1, provider2]},
- {{my_service, services},
- [couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service],
- lists:sort([couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
- couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service, ?MODULE])},
- {{{test_app, descriptions}, data_subscriptions},
+ lists:sort([
+ couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
+ couch_epi_functions_gen_my_service,
+ ])
+ },
+ {
+ {{test_app, descriptions}, data_subscriptions},
- lists:sort([couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
- couch_epi_data_gen_test_app_descriptions, ?MODULE])},
- {{{test_app, descriptions}, data_providers},
+ lists:sort([
+ couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
+ couch_epi_data_gen_test_app_descriptions,
+ ])
+ },
+ {
+ {{test_app, descriptions}, data_providers},
- lists:sort([couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
- couch_epi_data_gen_test_app_descriptions, ?MODULE])}
+ lists:sort([
+ couch_epi_codechange_monitor,
+ couch_epi_data_gen_test_app_descriptions,
+ ])
+ }
ToReplace = [
{to_replace, {old, start_link, [foo]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [foo]},
#{id => to_replace_map, start => {old, start_link, [foo]}}
- Children = lists:sort(couch_epi_sup:plugin_childspecs(
- ?MODULE, [?MODULE], ToReplace)),
- Results = lists:map(fun
- ({Id, {_M, _F, Args}, _, _, _, Modules}) ->
- {parse_child_id(Id), Args, lists:sort(Modules)};
- (#{id := Id, start := {_M, _F, Args}, modules := Modules}) ->
- {parse_child_id(Id), Args, lists:sort(Modules)}
- end, Children),
+ Children = lists:sort(
+ couch_epi_sup:plugin_childspecs(
+ ?MODULE, [?MODULE], ToReplace
+ )
+ ),
+ Results = lists:map(
+ fun
+ ({Id, {_M, _F, Args}, _, _, _, Modules}) ->
+ {parse_child_id(Id), Args, lists:sort(Modules)};
+ (#{id := Id, start := {_M, _F, Args}, modules := Modules}) ->
+ {parse_child_id(Id), Args, lists:sort(Modules)}
+ end,
+ Children
+ ),
Tests = lists:zip(lists:sort(Expected), lists:sort(Results)),
[?assertEqual(Expect, Result) || {Expect, Result} <- Tests],
- ExpectedChild = {to_replace, {new, start_link, [bar]},
- permanent, 5000, worker, [bar]},
+ ExpectedChild = {to_replace, {new, start_link, [bar]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [bar]},
- lists:keyfind(to_replace, 1, Children)),
- ExpectedMapChildSpec = #{id => to_replace_map,
- start => {new, start_link, [bar]}, modules => [bar]},
+ lists:keyfind(to_replace, 1, Children)
+ ),
+ ExpectedMapChildSpec = #{
+ id => to_replace_map,
+ start => {new, start_link, [bar]},
+ modules => [bar]
+ },
[MapChildSpec] = [E || #{id := to_replace_map} = E <- Children],
?assertEqual(ExpectedMapChildSpec, MapChildSpec),