path: root/src/couch_event/src/couch_event_listener.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_event/src/couch_event_listener.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_event/src/couch_event_listener.erl b/src/couch_event/src/couch_event_listener.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a9ed33199..000000000
--- a/src/couch_event/src/couch_event_listener.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
- start/3,
- start/4,
- start_link/3,
- start_link/4,
- enter_loop/3,
- cast/2
- do_init/3,
- loop/2
--record(st, {
- module,
- state
--callback init(Arg :: term()) ->
- term().
--callback terminate(Reason :: term(), State :: term()) ->
- term().
--callback handle_cast(Message :: term(), State :: term()) ->
- term().
--callback handle_event(DbName :: term(), Event :: term(), State :: term()) ->
- term().
--callback handle_info(Message :: term(), State :: term()) ->
- term().
-start(Mod, Arg, Options) ->
- Pid = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, do_init, [Mod, Arg, Options]),
- {ok, Pid}.
-start(Name, Mod, Arg, Options) ->
- case where(Name) of
- undefined ->
- start(Mod, Arg, [{name, Name} | Options]);
- Pid ->
- {error, {already_started, Pid}}
- end.
-start_link(Mod, Arg, Options) ->
- Pid = erlang:spawn_link(?MODULE, do_init, [Mod, Arg, Options]),
- {ok, Pid}.
-start_link(Name, Mod, Arg, Options) ->
- case where(Name) of
- undefined ->
- start_link(Mod, Arg, [{name, Name} | Options]);
- Pid ->
- {error, {already_started, Pid}}
- end.
-enter_loop(Module, State, Options) ->
- ok = register_listeners(Options),
- ?MODULE:loop(#st{module=Module, state=State}, infinity).
-cast(Pid, Message) ->
- Pid ! {'$couch_event_cast', Message},
- ok.
-do_init(Module, Arg, Options) ->
- ok = maybe_name_process(Options),
- ok = register_listeners(Options),
- case (catch Module:init(Arg)) of
- {ok, State} ->
- ?MODULE:loop(#st{module=Module, state=State}, infinity);
- {ok, State, Timeout} when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- ?MODULE:loop(#st{module=Module, state=State}, Timeout);
- Else ->
- erlang:exit(Else)
- end.
-loop(St, Timeout) ->
- receive
- {'$couch_event', DbName, Event} ->
- do_event(St, DbName, Event);
- {'$couch_event_cast', Message} ->
- do_cast(St, Message);
- Else ->
- do_info(St, Else)
- after Timeout ->
- do_info(St, timeout)
- end.
-maybe_name_process(Options) ->
- case proplists:lookup(name, Options) of
- {name, Name} ->
- case name_register(Name) of
- true ->
- ok;
- {false, Pid} ->
- erlang:error({already_started, Pid})
- end;
- none ->
- ok
- end.
-register_listeners(Options) ->
- case get_all_dbnames(Options) of
- all_dbs ->
- couch_event:register_all(self());
- DbNames ->
- couch_event:register_many(self(), DbNames)
- end,
- ok.
-do_event(#st{module=Module, state=State}=St, DbName, Event) ->
- case (catch Module:handle_event(DbName, Event, State)) of
- {ok, NewState} ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, infinity);
- {ok, NewState, Timeout} when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, Timeout);
- {stop, Reason, NewState} ->
- do_terminate(Reason, St#st{state=NewState});
- Else ->
- erlang:error(Else)
- end.
-do_cast(#st{module=Module, state=State}=St, Message) ->
- case (catch Module:handle_cast(Message, State)) of
- {ok, NewState} ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, infinity);
- {ok, NewState, Timeout} when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, Timeout);
- {stop, Reason, NewState} ->
- do_terminate(Reason, St#st{state=NewState});
- Else ->
- erlang:error(Else)
- end.
-do_info(#st{module=Module, state=State}=St, Message) ->
- case (catch Module:handle_info(Message, State)) of
- {ok, NewState} ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, infinity);
- {ok, NewState, Timeout} when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- ?MODULE:loop(St#st{state=NewState}, Timeout);
- {stop, Reason, NewState} ->
- do_terminate(Reason, St#st{state=NewState});
- Else ->
- erlang:error(Else)
- end.
-do_terminate(Reason, #st{module=Module, state=State}) ->
- % Order matters. We want to make sure Module:terminate/1
- % is called even if couch_event:unregister/1 hangs
- % indefinitely.
- catch Module:terminate(Reason, State),
- catch couch_event:unregister(self()),
- Status = case Reason of
- normal -> normal;
- shutdown -> normal;
- ignore -> normal;
- Else -> Else
- end,
- erlang:exit(Status).
-where({global, Name}) -> global:whereis_name(Name);
-where({local, Name}) -> whereis(Name).
-name_register({global, Name}=GN) ->
- case global:register_name(Name, self()) of
- yes -> true;
- no -> {false, where(GN)}
- end;
-name_register({local, Name}=LN) ->
- try register(Name, self()) of
- true -> true
- catch error:_ ->
- {false, where(LN)}
- end.
-get_all_dbnames(Options) ->
- case proplists:get_value(all_dbs, Options) of
- true -> all_dbs;
- _ -> get_all_dbnames(Options, [])
- end.
-get_all_dbnames([], []) ->
- erlang:error(no_dbnames_provided);
-get_all_dbnames([], Acc) ->
- lists:usort(convert_dbname_list(Acc));
-get_all_dbnames([{dbname, DbName} | Rest], Acc) ->
- get_all_dbnames(Rest, [DbName | Acc]);
-get_all_dbnames([{dbnames, DbNames} | Rest], Acc) when is_list(DbNames) ->
- get_all_dbnames(Rest, DbNames ++ Acc);
-get_all_dbnames([_Ignored | Rest], Acc) ->
- get_all_dbnames(Rest, Acc).
-convert_dbname_list([]) ->
- [];
-convert_dbname_list([DbName | Rest]) when is_binary(DbName) ->
- [DbName | convert_dbname_list(Rest)];
-convert_dbname_list([DbName | Rest]) when is_list(DbName) ->
- [list_to_binary(DbName) | convert_dbname_list(Rest)];
-convert_dbname_list([DbName | _]) ->
- erlang:error({invalid_dbname, DbName}).