path: root/src/couch_index/src/couch_index.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_index/src/couch_index.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_index/src/couch_index.erl b/src/couch_index/src/couch_index.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe0d9e4f..000000000
--- a/src/couch_index/src/couch_index.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-%% API
--export([start_link/1, stop/1, get_state/2, get_info/1]).
--export([compact/1, compact/2, get_compactor_pid/1]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
--define(CHECK_INTERVAL, 600000). % 10 minutes
--record(st, {
- mod,
- idx_state,
- updater,
- compactor,
- waiters=[],
- committed=true,
- shutdown=false
-start_link({Module0, IdxState0}) ->
- [Module, IdxState] = couch_index_plugin:before_open(Module0, IdxState0),
- proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [{Module, IdxState}]).
-stop(Pid) ->
- gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).
-get_state(Pid, RequestSeq) ->
- gen_server:call(Pid, {get_state, RequestSeq}, infinity).
-get_info(Pid) ->
- gen_server:call(Pid, get_info, group_info_timeout_msec()).
-trigger_update(Pid, UpdateSeq) ->
- gen_server:cast(Pid, {trigger_update, UpdateSeq}).
-compact(Pid) ->
- compact(Pid, []).
-compact(Pid, Options) ->
- {ok, CPid} = gen_server:call(Pid, compact),
- case lists:member(monitor, Options) of
- true -> {ok, erlang:monitor(process, CPid)};
- false -> ok
- end.
-get_compactor_pid(Pid) ->
- gen_server:call(Pid, get_compactor_pid).
-init({Mod, IdxState}) ->
- DbName = Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- erlang:send_after(?CHECK_INTERVAL, self(), maybe_close),
- Resp = couch_util:with_db(DbName, fun(Db) ->
- case Mod:open(Db, IdxState) of
- {ok, IdxSt} ->
- couch_db:monitor(Db),
- {ok, IdxSt};
- Error ->
- Error
- end
- end),
- case Resp of
- {ok, NewIdxState} ->
- {ok, UPid} = couch_index_updater:start_link(self(), Mod),
- {ok, CPid} = couch_index_compactor:start_link(self(), Mod),
- State = #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=NewIdxState,
- updater=UPid,
- compactor=CPid
- },
- Args = [
- Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState),
- couch_index_util:hexsig(Mod:get(signature, IdxState))
- ],
- couch_log:debug("Opening index for db: ~s idx: ~s sig: ~p", Args),
- proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
- gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], State);
- Other ->
- proc_lib:init_ack(Other)
- end.
-terminate(Reason0, State) ->
- #st{mod=Mod, idx_state=IdxState}=State,
- case Reason0 of
- {shutdown, ddoc_updated} ->
- Mod:shutdown(IdxState),
- Reason = ddoc_updated;
- _ ->
- Mod:close(IdxState),
- Reason = Reason0
- end,
- send_all(State#st.waiters, Reason),
- couch_util:shutdown_sync(State#st.updater),
- couch_util:shutdown_sync(State#st.compactor),
- Args = [
- Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState),
- couch_index_util:hexsig(Mod:get(signature, IdxState)),
- Reason
- ],
- couch_log:debug("Closing index for db: ~s idx: ~s sig: ~p because ~r", Args),
- ok.
-handle_call({get_state, ReqSeq}, From, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=IdxState,
- waiters=Waiters
- } = State,
- IdxSeq = Mod:get(update_seq, IdxState),
- case ReqSeq =< IdxSeq of
- true ->
- {reply, {ok, IdxState}, State};
- _ -> % View update required
- couch_index_updater:run(State#st.updater, IdxState),
- Waiters2 = [{From, ReqSeq} | Waiters],
- {noreply, State#st{waiters=Waiters2}, infinity}
- end;
-handle_call(get_info, _From, State) ->
- #st{mod=Mod} = State,
- IdxState = State#st.idx_state,
- {ok, Info0} = Mod:get(info, IdxState),
- IsUpdating = couch_index_updater:is_running(State#st.updater),
- IsCompacting = couch_index_compactor:is_running(State#st.compactor),
- IdxSeq = Mod:get(update_seq, IdxState),
- GetCommSeq = fun(Db) -> couch_db:get_committed_update_seq(Db) end,
- DbName = Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- CommittedSeq = couch_util:with_db(DbName, GetCommSeq),
- Info = Info0 ++ [
- {updater_running, IsUpdating},
- {compact_running, IsCompacting},
- {waiting_commit, State#st.committed == false},
- {waiting_clients, length(State#st.waiters)},
- {pending_updates, max(CommittedSeq - IdxSeq, 0)}
- ],
- {reply, {ok, Info}, State};
-handle_call(reset, _From, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=IdxState
- } = State,
- {ok, NewIdxState} = Mod:reset(IdxState),
- {reply, {ok, NewIdxState}, State#st{idx_state=NewIdxState}};
-handle_call(compact, _From, State) ->
- Resp = couch_index_compactor:run(State#st.compactor, State#st.idx_state),
- {reply, Resp, State};
-handle_call(get_compactor_pid, _From, State) ->
- {reply, {ok, State#st.compactor}, State};
-handle_call({compacted, NewIdxState}, _From, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=OldIdxState
- } = State,
- assert_signature_match(Mod, OldIdxState, NewIdxState),
- NewSeq = Mod:get(update_seq, NewIdxState),
- OldSeq = Mod:get(update_seq, OldIdxState),
- % For indices that require swapping files, we have to make sure we're
- % up to date with the current index. Otherwise indexes could roll back
- % (perhaps considerably) to previous points in history.
- case is_recompaction_enabled(NewIdxState, State) of
- true ->
- case NewSeq >= OldSeq of
- true -> {reply, ok, commit_compacted(NewIdxState, State)};
- false -> {reply, recompact, State}
- end;
- false ->
- {reply, ok, commit_compacted(NewIdxState, State)}
- end;
-handle_call({compaction_failed, Reason}, _From, State) ->
- #st{
- mod = Mod,
- idx_state = OldIdxState,
- waiters = Waiters
- } = State,
- send_all(Waiters, Reason),
- {ok, NewIdxState} = Mod:remove_compacted(OldIdxState),
- NewState = State#st{idx_state = NewIdxState, waiters = []},
- {reply, {ok, NewIdxState}, NewState}.
-handle_cast({trigger_update, UpdateSeq}, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=IdxState
- } = State,
- case UpdateSeq =< Mod:get(update_seq, IdxState) of
- true ->
- {noreply, State};
- false ->
- couch_index_updater:run(State#st.updater, IdxState),
- {noreply, State}
- end;
-handle_cast({updated, NewIdxState}, State) ->
- {noreply, NewState} = handle_cast({new_state, NewIdxState}, State),
- case NewState#st.shutdown andalso (NewState#st.waiters =:= []) of
- true ->
- {stop, normal, NewState};
- false ->
- maybe_restart_updater(NewState),
- {noreply, NewState}
- end;
-handle_cast({new_state, NewIdxState}, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=OldIdxState
- } = State,
- OldFd = Mod:get(fd, OldIdxState),
- NewFd = Mod:get(fd, NewIdxState),
- case NewFd == OldFd of
- true ->
- assert_signature_match(Mod, OldIdxState, NewIdxState),
- CurrSeq = Mod:get(update_seq, NewIdxState),
- Args = [
- Mod:get(db_name, NewIdxState),
- Mod:get(idx_name, NewIdxState),
- CurrSeq
- ],
- couch_log:debug("Updated index for db: ~s idx: ~s seq: ~B", Args),
- Rest = send_replies(State#st.waiters, CurrSeq, NewIdxState),
- case State#st.committed of
- true -> erlang:send_after(commit_delay(), self(), commit);
- false -> ok
- end,
- {noreply, State#st{
- idx_state=NewIdxState,
- waiters=Rest,
- committed=false
- }};
- false ->
- Fmt = "Ignoring update from old indexer for db: ~s idx: ~s",
- Args = [
- Mod:get(db_name, NewIdxState),
- Mod:get(idx_name, NewIdxState)
- ],
- couch_log:warning(Fmt, Args),
- {noreply, State}
- end;
-handle_cast({update_error, Error}, State) ->
- send_all(State#st.waiters, Error),
- {noreply, State#st{waiters=[]}};
-handle_cast(stop, State) ->
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_cast(delete, State) ->
- #st{mod=Mod, idx_state=IdxState} = State,
- ok = Mod:delete(IdxState),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_cast({ddoc_updated, DDocResult}, State) ->
- #st{mod = Mod, idx_state = IdxState} = State,
- Shutdown = case DDocResult of
- {not_found, deleted} ->
- true;
- {ok, DDoc} ->
- DbName = Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- couch_util:with_db(DbName, fun(Db) ->
- {ok, NewIdxState} = Mod:init(Db, DDoc),
- Mod:get(signature, NewIdxState) =/= Mod:get(signature, IdxState)
- end)
- end,
- case Shutdown of
- true ->
- {stop, {shutdown, ddoc_updated}, State#st{shutdown = true}};
- false ->
- {noreply, State#st{shutdown = false}}
- end;
-handle_cast(ddoc_updated, State) ->
- #st{mod = Mod, idx_state = IdxState} = State,
- DbName = Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- DDocId = Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState),
- Shutdown = couch_util:with_db(DbName, fun(Db) ->
- case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DDocId, [ejson_body, ?ADMIN_CTX]) of
- {not_found, deleted} ->
- true;
- {ok, DDoc} ->
- {ok, NewIdxState} = Mod:init(Db, DDoc),
- Mod:get(signature, NewIdxState) =/= Mod:get(signature, IdxState)
- end
- end),
- case Shutdown of
- true ->
- {stop, {shutdown, ddoc_updated}, State#st{shutdown = true}};
- false ->
- {noreply, State#st{shutdown = false}}
- end;
-handle_cast(_Mesg, State) ->
- {stop, unhandled_cast, State}.
-handle_info(commit, #st{committed=true}=State) ->
- {noreply, State};
-handle_info(commit, State) ->
- #st{mod=Mod, idx_state=IdxState} = State,
- DbName = Mod:get(db_name, IdxState),
- IdxName = Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState),
- GetCommSeq = fun(Db) -> couch_db:get_committed_update_seq(Db) end,
- CommittedSeq = couch_util:with_db(DbName, GetCommSeq),
- case CommittedSeq >= Mod:get(update_seq, IdxState) of
- true ->
- % Commit the updates
- ok = Mod:commit(IdxState),
- couch_event:notify(DbName, {index_commit, IdxName}),
- {noreply, State#st{committed=true}};
- _ ->
- % We can't commit the header because the database seq that's
- % fully committed to disk is still behind us. If we committed
- % now and the database lost those changes our view could be
- % forever out of sync with the database. But a crash before we
- % commit these changes, no big deal, we only lose incremental
- % changes since last committal.
- erlang:send_after(commit_delay(), self(), commit),
- {noreply, State}
- end;
-handle_info(maybe_close, State) ->
- % We need to periodically check if our index file still
- % exists on disk because index cleanups don't notify
- % the couch_index process when a file has been deleted. If
- % we don't check for this condition then the index can
- % remain open indefinitely wasting disk space.
- %
- % We make sure that we're idle before closing by looking
- % to see if we have any clients waiting for an update.
- Mod = State#st.mod,
- case State#st.waiters of
- [] ->
- case Mod:index_file_exists(State#st.idx_state) of
- true ->
- erlang:send_after(?CHECK_INTERVAL, self(), maybe_close),
- {noreply, State};
- false ->
- {stop, normal, State}
- end;
- _ ->
- erlang:send_after(?CHECK_INTERVAL, self, maybe_close),
- {noreply, State}
- end;
-handle_info({'DOWN', _, _, _Pid, _}, #st{mod=Mod, idx_state=IdxState}=State) ->
- Args = [Mod:get(db_name, IdxState), Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState)],
- couch_log:debug("Index shutdown by monitor notice for db: ~s idx: ~s", Args),
- catch send_all(State#st.waiters, shutdown),
- {stop, normal, State#st{waiters=[]}}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-maybe_restart_updater(#st{waiters=[]}) ->
- ok;
-maybe_restart_updater(#st{idx_state=IdxState}=State) ->
- couch_index_updater:run(State#st.updater, IdxState).
-send_all(Waiters, Reply) ->
- [gen_server:reply(From, Reply) || {From, _} <- Waiters].
-send_replies(Waiters, UpdateSeq, IdxState) ->
- Pred = fun({_, S}) -> S =< UpdateSeq end,
- {ToSend, Remaining} = lists:partition(Pred, Waiters),
- [gen_server:reply(From, {ok, IdxState}) || {From, _} <- ToSend],
- Remaining.
-assert_signature_match(Mod, OldIdxState, NewIdxState) ->
- case {Mod:get(signature, OldIdxState), Mod:get(signature, NewIdxState)} of
- {Sig, Sig} -> ok;
- _ -> erlang:error(signature_mismatch)
- end.
-commit_compacted(NewIdxState, State) ->
- #st{
- mod=Mod,
- idx_state=OldIdxState,
- updater=Updater
- } = State,
- {ok, NewIdxState1} = Mod:swap_compacted(OldIdxState, NewIdxState),
- % Restart the indexer if it's running.
- case couch_index_updater:is_running(Updater) of
- true -> ok = couch_index_updater:restart(Updater, NewIdxState1);
- false -> ok
- end,
- case State#st.committed of
- true -> erlang:send_after(commit_delay(), self(), commit);
- false -> ok
- end,
- State#st{
- idx_state=NewIdxState1,
- committed=false
- }.
-is_recompaction_enabled(IdxState, #st{mod = Mod}) ->
- DbName = binary_to_list(Mod:get(db_name, IdxState)),
- IdxName = binary_to_list(Mod:get(idx_name, IdxState)),
- IdxKey = DbName ++ ":" ++ IdxName,
- IdxSignature = couch_index_util:hexsig((Mod:get(signature, IdxState))),
- Global = get_value("view_compaction", "enabled_recompaction"),
- PerSignature = get_value("view_compaction.recompaction", IdxSignature),
- PerIdx = get_value("view_compaction.recompaction", IdxKey),
- PerDb = get_value("view_compaction.recompaction", DbName),
- find_most_specific([Global, PerDb, PerIdx, PerSignature], true).
-find_most_specific(Settings, Default) ->
- Reversed = lists:reverse([Default | Settings]),
- [Value | _] = lists:dropwhile(fun(A) -> A =:= undefined end, Reversed),
- Value.
-get_value(Section, Key) ->
- case config:get(Section, Key) of
- "enabled" -> true;
- "disabled" -> false;
- "true" -> true;
- "false" -> false;
- undefined -> undefined
- end.
-commit_delay() ->
- config:get_integer("query_server_config", "commit_freq", 5) * 1000.
-group_info_timeout_msec() ->
- Timeout = config:get("query_server_config", "group_info_timeout", "5000"),
- case Timeout of
- "infinity" ->
- infinity;
- Milliseconds ->
- list_to_integer(Milliseconds)
- end.
-get(db_name, _, _) ->
- <<"db_name">>;
-get(idx_name, _, _) ->
- <<"idx_name">>;
-get(signature, _, _) ->
- <<61,237,157,230,136,93,96,201,204,17,137,186,50,249,44,135>>.
-setup_all() ->
- Ctx = test_util:start_couch(),
- ok = meck:new([config], [passthrough]),
- ok = meck:new([test_index], [non_strict]),
- ok = meck:expect(test_index, get, fun get/3),
- Ctx.
-teardown_all(Ctx) ->
- meck:unload(),
- test_util:stop_couch(Ctx).
-setup(Settings) ->
- meck:reset([config, test_index]),
- ok = meck:expect(config, get, fun(Section, Key) ->
- configure(Section, Key, Settings)
- end),
- {undefined, #st{mod = {test_index}}}.
-teardown(_, _) ->
- ok.
-configure("view_compaction", "enabled_recompaction", [Global, _Db, _Index]) ->
- Global;
-configure("view_compaction.recompaction", "db_name", [_Global, Db, _Index]) ->
- Db;
-configure("view_compaction.recompaction", "db_name:" ++ _, [_, _, Index]) ->
- Index;
-configure(Section, Key, _) ->
- meck:passthrough([Section, Key]).
-recompaction_configuration_test_() ->
- {
- "Compaction tests",
- {
- setup,
- fun setup_all/0,
- fun teardown_all/1,
- {
- foreachx,
- fun setup/1,
- fun teardown/2,
- recompaction_configuration_tests()
- }
- }
- }.
-recompaction_configuration_tests() ->
- AllCases = couch_tests_combinatorics:product([
- [undefined, "true", "false"],
- [undefined, "enabled", "disabled"],
- [undefined, "enabled", "disabled"]
- ]),
- EnabledCases = [
- [undefined, undefined, undefined],
- [undefined, undefined,"enabled"],
- [undefined, "enabled", undefined],
- [undefined, "disabled", "enabled"],
- [undefined, "enabled", "enabled"],
- ["true", undefined, undefined],
- ["true", undefined, "enabled"],
- ["true", "disabled", "enabled"],
- ["true", "enabled", undefined],
- ["true", "enabled", "enabled"],
- ["false", undefined, "enabled"],
- ["false", "enabled", undefined],
- ["false", "disabled", "enabled"],
- ["false", "enabled", "enabled"]
- ],
- DisabledCases = [
- [undefined, undefined, "disabled"],
- [undefined, "disabled", undefined],
- [undefined, "disabled", "disabled"],
- [undefined, "enabled", "disabled"],
- ["true", undefined, "disabled"],
- ["true", "disabled", undefined],
- ["true", "disabled", "disabled"],
- ["true", "enabled", "disabled"],
- ["false", undefined, undefined],
- ["false", undefined, "disabled"],
- ["false", "disabled", undefined],
- ["false", "disabled", "disabled"],
- ["false", "enabled", "disabled"]
- ],
- ?assertEqual([], AllCases -- (EnabledCases ++ DisabledCases)),
- [{Settings, fun should_not_call_recompact/2} || Settings <- DisabledCases]
- ++
- [{Settings, fun should_call_recompact/2} || Settings <- EnabledCases].
-should_call_recompact(Settings, {IdxState, State}) ->
- {test_id(Settings), ?_test(begin
- ?assert(is_recompaction_enabled(IdxState, State)),
- ok
- end)}.
-should_not_call_recompact(Settings, {IdxState, State}) ->
- {test_id(Settings), ?_test(begin
- ?assertNot(is_recompaction_enabled(IdxState, State)),
- ok
- end)}.
-to_string(undefined) -> "undefined";
-to_string(Value) -> Value.
-test_id(Settings0) ->
- Settings1 = [to_string(Value) || Value <- Settings0],
- "[ " ++ lists:flatten(string:join(Settings1, " , ")) ++ " ]".
-get_group_timeout_info_test_() ->
- {
- foreach,
- fun() -> ok end,
- fun(_) -> meck:unload() end,
- [
- t_group_timeout_info_integer(),
- t_group_timeout_info_infinity()
- ]
- }.
-t_group_timeout_info_integer() ->
- ?_test(begin
- meck:expect(config, get,
- fun("query_server_config", "group_info_timeout", _) ->
- "5001"
- end),
- ?assertEqual(5001, group_info_timeout_msec())
- end).
-t_group_timeout_info_infinity() ->
- ?_test(begin
- meck:expect(config, get,
- fun("query_server_config", "group_info_timeout", _) ->
- "infinity"
- end),
- ?assertEqual(infinity, group_info_timeout_msec())
- end).