path: root/src/couch_log/src/couch_log_formatter.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_log/src/couch_log_formatter.erl b/src/couch_log/src/couch_log_formatter.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d81f184f..000000000
--- a/src/couch_log/src/couch_log_formatter.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% @doc The formatting functions in this module are pulled
-% from lager's error_logger_lager_h.erl which is available
-% under the ASFv2 license.
- format/4,
- format/3,
- format/1,
- format_reason/1,
- format_mfa/1,
- format_trace/1,
- format_args/3
--define(DEFAULT_TRUNCATION, 1024).
-format(Level, Pid, Fmt, Args) ->
- #log_entry{
- level = couch_log_util:level_to_atom(Level),
- pid = Pid,
- msg = maybe_truncate(Fmt, Args),
- msg_id = couch_log_util:get_msg_id(),
- time_stamp = couch_log_util:iso8601_timestamp()
- }.
-format(Level, Pid, Msg) ->
- #log_entry{
- level = couch_log_util:level_to_atom(Level),
- pid = Pid,
- msg = maybe_truncate(Msg),
- msg_id = couch_log_util:get_msg_id(),
- time_stamp = couch_log_util:iso8601_timestamp()
- }.
-format(Event) ->
- try
- do_format(Event)
- catch
- Tag:Err ->
- Msg = "Encountered error ~w when formatting ~w",
- format(error, self(), Msg, [{Tag, Err}, Event])
- end.
-do_format({error, _GL, {Pid, "** Generic server " ++ _, Args}}) ->
- %% gen_server terminate
- [Name, LastMsg, State, Reason | Extra] = Args,
- MsgFmt = "gen_server ~w terminated with reason: ~s~n" ++
- " last msg: ~p~n state: ~p~n extra: ~p",
- MsgArgs = [Name, format_reason(Reason), LastMsg, State, Extra],
- format(error, Pid, MsgFmt, MsgArgs);
-do_format({error, _GL, {Pid, "** State machine " ++ _, Args}}) ->
- %% gen_fsm terminate
- [Name, LastMsg, StateName, State, Reason | Extra] = Args,
- MsgFmt = "gen_fsm ~w in state ~w terminated with reason: ~s~n" ++
- " last msg: ~p~n state: ~p~n extra: ~p",
- MsgArgs = [Name, StateName, format_reason(Reason), LastMsg, State, Extra],
- format(error, Pid, MsgFmt, MsgArgs);
-do_format({error, _GL, {Pid, "** gen_event handler" ++ _, Args}}) ->
- %% gen_event handler terminate
- [ID, Name, LastMsg, State, Reason] = Args,
- MsgFmt = "gen_event ~w installed in ~w terminated with reason: ~s~n" ++
- " last msg: ~p~n state: ~p",
- MsgArgs = [ID, Name, format_reason(Reason), LastMsg, State],
- format(error, Pid, MsgFmt, MsgArgs);
-do_format({error, _GL, {emulator, "~s~n", [Msg]}}) when is_list(Msg) ->
- % These messages are for whenever any process exits due
- % to a throw or error. We intercept here to remove the
- % extra newlines.
- NewMsg = lists:sublist(Msg, length(Msg) - 1),
- format(error, emulator, NewMsg);
-do_format({error, _GL, {Pid, Fmt, Args}}) ->
- format(error, Pid, Fmt, Args);
-do_format({error_report, _GL, {Pid, std_error, D}}) ->
- format(error, Pid, print_silly_list(D));
-do_format({error_report, _GL, {Pid, supervisor_report, D}}) ->
- case lists:sort(D) of
- [{errorContext, Ctx}, {offender, Off},
- {reason, Reason}, {supervisor, Name}] ->
- Offender = format_offender(Off),
- MsgFmt = "Supervisor ~w had child ~s exit " ++
- "with reason ~s in context ~w",
- Args = [
- supervisor_name(Name),
- Offender,
- format_reason(Reason),
- Ctx
- ],
- format(error, Pid, MsgFmt, Args);
- _ ->
- format(error, Pid, "SUPERVISOR REPORT " ++ print_silly_list(D))
- end;
-do_format({error_report, _GL, {Pid, crash_report, [Report, Neighbors]}}) ->
- Msg = "CRASH REPORT " ++ format_crash_report(Report, Neighbors),
- format(error, Pid, Msg);
-do_format({warning_msg, _GL, {Pid, Fmt, Args}}) ->
- format(warning, Pid, Fmt, Args);
-do_format({warning_report, _GL, {Pid, std_warning, Report}}) ->
- format(warning, Pid, print_silly_list(Report));
-do_format({info_msg, _GL, {Pid, Fmt, Args}}) ->
- format(info, Pid, Fmt, Args);
-do_format({info_report, _GL, {Pid, std_info, D}}) when is_list(D) ->
- case lists:sort(D) of
- [{application, App}, {exited, Reason}, {type, _Type}] ->
- MsgFmt = "Application ~w exited with reason: ~s",
- format(info, Pid, MsgFmt, [App, format_reason(Reason)]);
- _ ->
- format(info, Pid, print_silly_list(D))
- end;
-do_format({info_report, _GL, {Pid, std_info, D}}) ->
- format(info, Pid, "~w", [D]);
-do_format({info_report, _GL, {Pid, progress, D}}) ->
- case lists:sort(D) of
- [{application, App}, {started_at, Node}] ->
- MsgFmt = "Application ~w started on node ~w",
- format(info, Pid, MsgFmt, [App, Node]);
- [{started, Started}, {supervisor, Name}] ->
- MFA = format_mfa(get_value(mfargs, Started)),
- ChildPid = get_value(pid, Started),
- MsgFmt = "Supervisor ~w started ~s at pid ~w",
- format(debug, Pid, MsgFmt, [supervisor_name(Name), MFA, ChildPid]);
- _ ->
- format(info, Pid, "PROGRESS REPORT " ++ print_silly_list(D))
- end;
-do_format(Event) ->
- format(warning, self(), "Unexpected error_logger event ~w", [Event]).
-format_crash_report(Report, Neighbours) ->
- Pid = get_value(pid, Report),
- Name = case get_value(registered_name, Report) of
- undefined ->
- pid_to_list(Pid);
- Atom ->
- io_lib:format("~s (~w)", [Atom, Pid])
- end,
- {Class, Reason, Trace} = get_value(error_info, Report),
- ReasonStr = format_reason({Reason, Trace}),
- Type = case Class of
- exit -> "exited";
- _ -> "crashed"
- end,
- MsgFmt = "Process ~s with ~w neighbors ~s with reason: ~s",
- Args = [Name, length(Neighbours), Type, ReasonStr],
- Msg = io_lib:format(MsgFmt, Args),
- case filter_silly_list(Report, [pid, registered_name, error_info]) of
- [] ->
- Msg;
- Rest ->
- Msg ++ "; " ++ print_silly_list(Rest)
- end.
-format_offender(Off) ->
- case get_value(mfargs, Off) of
- undefined ->
- %% supervisor_bridge
- Args = [get_value(mod, Off), get_value(pid, Off)],
- io_lib:format("at module ~w at ~w", Args);
- MFArgs ->
- %% regular supervisor
- MFA = format_mfa(MFArgs),
- %% In 2014 the error report changed from `name' to
- %% `id', so try that first.
- Name = case get_value(id, Off) of
- undefined ->
- get_value(name, Off);
- Id ->
- Id
- end,
- Args = [Name, MFA, get_value(pid, Off)],
- io_lib:format("~p started with ~s at ~w", Args)
- end.
-format_reason({'function not exported', [{M, F, A} | Trace]}) ->
- ["call to unexported function ", format_mfa({M, F, A}),
- " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({'function not exported' = C, [{M, F, A, _Props} | Rest]}) ->
- %% Drop line number from undefined function
- format_reason({C, [{M, F, A} | Rest]});
-format_reason({undef, [MFA | Trace]}) ->
- ["call to undefined function ", format_mfa(MFA),
- " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({bad_return, {MFA, Val}}) ->
- ["bad return value ", print_val(Val), " from ", format_mfa(MFA)];
-format_reason({bad_return_value, Val}) ->
- ["bad return value ", print_val(Val)];
-format_reason({{bad_return_value, Val}, MFA}) ->
- ["bad return value ", print_val(Val), " at ", format_mfa(MFA)];
-format_reason({{badrecord, Record}, Trace}) ->
- ["bad record ", print_val(Record), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({{case_clause, Val}, Trace}) ->
- ["no case clause matching ", print_val(Val), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({function_clause, [MFA | Trace]}) ->
- ["no function clause matching ", format_mfa(MFA),
- " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({if_clause, Trace}) ->
- ["no true branch found while evaluating if expression at ",
- format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({{try_clause, Val}, Trace}) ->
- ["no try clause matching ", print_val(Val), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({badarith, Trace}) ->
- ["bad arithmetic expression at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({{badmatch, Val}, Trace}) ->
- ["no match of right hand value ", print_val(Val),
- " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({emfile, Trace}) ->
- ["maximum number of file descriptors exhausted, check ulimit -n; ",
- format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({system_limit, [{M, F, A} | Trace]}) ->
- Limit = case {M, F} of
- {erlang, open_port} ->
- "maximum number of ports exceeded";
- {erlang, spawn} ->
- "maximum number of processes exceeded";
- {erlang, spawn_opt} ->
- "maximum number of processes exceeded";
- {erlang, list_to_atom} ->
- "tried to create an atom larger than 255, or maximum atom count exceeded";
- {ets, new} ->
- "maximum number of ETS tables exceeded";
- _ ->
- format_mfa({M, F, A})
- end,
- ["system limit: ", Limit, " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({badarg, [MFA | Trace]}) ->
- ["bad argument in call to ", format_mfa(MFA),
- " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({{badarg, Stack}, _}) ->
- format_reason({badarg, Stack});
-format_reason({{badarity, {Fun, Args}}, Trace}) ->
- {arity, Arity} = lists:keyfind(arity, 1, erlang:fun_info(Fun)),
- MsgFmt = "function called with wrong arity of ~w instead of ~w at ",
- [io_lib:format(MsgFmt, [length(Args), Arity]), format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({noproc, MFA}) ->
- ["no such process or port in call to ", format_mfa(MFA)];
-format_reason({{badfun, Term}, Trace}) ->
- ["bad function ", print_val(Term), " called at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({Reason, [{M, F, A} | _] = Trace})
- when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
- [format_reason(Reason), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({Reason, [{M, F, A} | _] = Trace})
- when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
- [format_reason(Reason), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({Reason, [{M, F, A, Props} | _] = Trace})
- when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A), is_list(Props) ->
- [format_reason(Reason), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason({Reason, [{M, F, A, Props} | _] = Trace})
- when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A), is_list(Props) ->
- [format_reason(Reason), " at ", format_trace(Trace)];
-format_reason(Reason) ->
- {Str, _} = couch_log_trunc_io:print(Reason, 500),
- Str.
-format_mfa({M, F, A}) when is_list(A) ->
- {FmtStr, Args} = format_args(A, [], []),
- io_lib:format("~w:~w(" ++ FmtStr ++ ")", [M, F | Args]);
-format_mfa({M, F, A}) when is_integer(A) ->
- io_lib:format("~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]);
-format_mfa({M, F, A, Props}) when is_list(Props) ->
- case get_value(line, Props) of
- undefined ->
- format_mfa({M, F, A});
- Line ->
- [format_mfa({M, F, A}), io_lib:format("(line:~w)", [Line])]
- end;
-format_mfa(Trace) when is_list(Trace) ->
- format_trace(Trace);
-format_mfa(Other) ->
- io_lib:format("~w", [Other]).
-format_trace([MFA]) ->
- [trace_mfa(MFA)];
-format_trace([MFA | Rest]) ->
- [trace_mfa(MFA), " <= ", format_trace(Rest)];
-format_trace(Other) ->
- io_lib:format("~w", [Other]).
-trace_mfa({M, F, A}) when is_list(A) ->
- format_mfa({M, F, length(A)});
-trace_mfa({M, F, A, Props}) when is_list(A) ->
- format_mfa({M, F, length(A), Props});
-trace_mfa(Other) ->
- format_mfa(Other).
-format_args([], FmtAcc, ArgsAcc) ->
- {string:join(lists:reverse(FmtAcc), ", "), lists:reverse(ArgsAcc)};
-format_args([H|T], FmtAcc, ArgsAcc) ->
- {Str, _} = couch_log_trunc_io:print(H, 100),
- format_args(T, ["~s" | FmtAcc], [Str | ArgsAcc]).
-maybe_truncate(Fmt, Args) ->
- MaxMsgSize = couch_log_config:get(max_message_size),
- couch_log_trunc_io:format(Fmt, Args, MaxMsgSize).
-maybe_truncate(Msg) ->
- MaxMsgSize = couch_log_config:get(max_message_size),
- case iolist_size(Msg) > MaxMsgSize of
- true ->
- MsgBin = iolist_to_binary(Msg),
- PrefixSize = MaxMsgSize - 3,
- <<Prefix:PrefixSize/binary, _/binary>> = MsgBin,
- [Prefix, "..."];
- false ->
- Msg
- end.
-print_silly_list(L) when is_list(L) ->
- case couch_log_util:string_p(L) of
- true ->
- couch_log_trunc_io:format("~s", [L], ?DEFAULT_TRUNCATION);
- _ ->
- print_silly_list(L, [], [])
- end;
-print_silly_list(L) ->
- {Str, _} = couch_log_trunc_io:print(L, ?DEFAULT_TRUNCATION),
- Str.
-print_silly_list([], Fmt, Acc) ->
- couch_log_trunc_io:format(string:join(lists:reverse(Fmt), ", "),
- lists:reverse(Acc), ?DEFAULT_TRUNCATION);
-print_silly_list([{K, V} | T], Fmt, Acc) ->
- print_silly_list(T, ["~p: ~p" | Fmt], [V, K | Acc]);
-print_silly_list([H | T], Fmt, Acc) ->
- print_silly_list(T, ["~p" | Fmt], [H | Acc]).
-print_val(Val) ->
- {Str, _} = couch_log_trunc_io:print(Val, 500),
- Str.
-filter_silly_list([], _) ->
- [];
-filter_silly_list([{K, V} | T], Filter) ->
- case lists:member(K, Filter) of
- true ->
- filter_silly_list(T, Filter);
- false ->
- [{K, V} | filter_silly_list(T, Filter)]
- end;
-filter_silly_list([H | T], Filter) ->
- [H | filter_silly_list(T, Filter)].
-get_value(Key, Value) ->
- get_value(Key, Value, undefined).
-get_value(Key, List, Default) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, List) of
- false -> Default;
- {Key, Value} -> Value
- end.
-supervisor_name({local, Name}) -> Name;
-supervisor_name(Name) -> Name.