path: root/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl b/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c829323..000000000
--- a/src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_doc_processor_worker.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
- spawn_worker/4
--import(couch_replicator_utils, [
- pp_rep_id/1
-% 61 seconds here because request usually have 10, 15, 30 second
-% timeouts set. We'd want the worker to get a chance to make a few
-% requests (maybe one failing one and a retry) and then fail with its
-% own error (timeout, network error), which would be more specific and
-% informative, before it simply gets killed because of the timeout
-% here. That is, if all fails and the worker is actually blocked then
-% 61 sec is a safety net to brutally kill the worker so doesn't end up
-% hung forever.
--define(WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC, 61000).
-% Spawn a worker which attempts to calculate replication id then add a
-% replication job to scheduler. This function create a monitor to the worker
-% a worker will then exit with the #doc_worker_result{} record within
-% ?WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC timeout period.A timeout is considered a
-%`temporary_error`. Result will be sent as the `Reason` in the {'DOWN',...}
-% message.
--spec spawn_worker(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, seconds(), reference()) -> pid().
-spawn_worker(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef) ->
- {Pid, _Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- worker_fun(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef)
- end),
- Pid.
-% Private functions
--spec worker_fun(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, seconds(), reference()) -> no_return().
-worker_fun(Id, Rep, WaitSec, WRef) ->
- timer:sleep(WaitSec * 1000),
- Fun = fun() ->
- try maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, WRef) of
- Res ->
- exit(Res)
- catch
- throw:{filter_fetch_error, Reason} ->
- exit({temporary_error, Reason});
- _Tag:Reason ->
- exit({temporary_error, Reason})
- end
- end,
- {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(Fun),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, Pid, Result} ->
- exit(#doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = Result})
- erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- {DbName, DocId} = Id,
- TimeoutSec = round(?WORKER_TIMEOUT_MSEC / 1000),
- Msg = io_lib:format("Replication for db ~p doc ~p failed to start due "
- "to timeout after ~B seconds", [DbName, DocId, TimeoutSec]),
- Result = {temporary_error, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)},
- exit(#doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = Result})
- end.
-% Try to start a replication. Used by a worker. This function should return
-% rep_start_result(), also throws {filter_fetch_error, Reason} if cannot fetch
-% filter.It can also block for an indeterminate amount of time while fetching
-% filter.
-maybe_start_replication(Id, RepWithoutId, WRef) ->
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:update_rep_id(RepWithoutId),
- case maybe_add_job_to_scheduler(Id, Rep, WRef) of
- ignore ->
- ignore;
- {ok, RepId} ->
- {ok, RepId};
- {temporary_error, Reason} ->
- {temporary_error, Reason};
- {permanent_failure, Reason} ->
- {DbName, DocId} = Id,
- couch_replicator_docs:update_failed(DbName, DocId, Reason),
- {permanent_failure, Reason}
- end.
--spec maybe_add_job_to_scheduler(db_doc_id(), #rep{}, reference()) ->
- rep_start_result().
-maybe_add_job_to_scheduler({DbName, DocId}, Rep, WRef) ->
- RepId =,
- case couch_replicator_scheduler:rep_state(RepId) of
- nil ->
- % Before adding a job check that this worker is still the current
- % worker. This is to handle a race condition where a worker which was
- % sleeping and then checking a replication filter may inadvertently
- % re-add a replication which was already deleted.
- case couch_replicator_doc_processor:get_worker_ref({DbName, DocId}) of
- WRef ->
- ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep),
- {ok, RepId};
- _NilOrOtherWRef ->
- ignore
- end;
- #rep{doc_id = DocId} ->
- {ok, RepId};
- #rep{doc_id = null} ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Replication `~s` specified by document `~s`"
- " already running as a transient replication, started via"
- " `_replicate` API endpoint", [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId]),
- {temporary_error, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)};
- #rep{db_name = OtherDb, doc_id = OtherDocId} ->
- Msg = io_lib:format("Replication `~s` specified by document `~s`"
- " already started, triggered by document `~s` from db `~s`",
- [pp_rep_id(RepId), DocId, OtherDocId, mem3:dbname(OtherDb)]),
- {permanent_failure, couch_util:to_binary(Msg)}
- end.
--define(DB, <<"db">>).
--define(DOC1, <<"doc1">>).
--define(R1, {"ad08e05057046eabe898a2572bbfb573", ""}).
-doc_processor_worker_test_() ->
- {
- foreach,
- fun setup/0,
- fun teardown/1,
- [
- t_should_add_job(),
- t_already_running_same_docid(),
- t_already_running_transient(),
- t_already_running_other_db_other_doc(),
- t_spawn_worker(),
- t_ignore_if_doc_deleted(),
- t_ignore_if_worker_ref_does_not_match()
- ]
- }.
-% Replication is already running, with same doc id. Ignore change.
-t_should_add_job() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- ?assertEqual({ok, ?R1}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
- ?assert(added_job())
- end).
-% Replication is already running, with same doc id. Ignore change.
-t_already_running_same_docid() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- mock_already_running(?DB, ?DOC1),
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- ?assertEqual({ok, ?R1}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, nil)),
- ?assert(did_not_add_job())
- end).
-% There is a transient replication with same replication id running. Ignore.
-t_already_running_transient() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- mock_already_running(null, null),
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- ?assertMatch({temporary_error, _}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep,
- nil)),
- ?assert(did_not_add_job())
- end).
-% There is a duplicate replication potentially from a different db and doc.
-% Write permanent failure to doc.
-t_already_running_other_db_other_doc() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- mock_already_running(<<"otherdb">>, <<"otherdoc">>),
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- ?assertMatch({permanent_failure, _}, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep,
- nil)),
- ?assert(did_not_add_job()),
- 1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, '_')
- end).
-% Should spawn worker
-t_spawn_worker() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- WRef = make_ref(),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, WRef),
- Pid = spawn_worker(Id, Rep, 0, WRef),
- Res = receive {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, Reason} -> Reason
- after 1000 -> timeout end,
- Expect = #doc_worker_result{id = Id, wref = WRef, result = {ok, ?R1}},
- ?assertEqual(Expect, Res),
- ?assert(added_job())
- end).
-% Should not add job if by the time worker got to fetching the filter
-% and getting a replication id, replication doc was deleted
-t_ignore_if_doc_deleted() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, nil),
- ?assertEqual(ignore, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, make_ref())),
- ?assertNot(added_job())
- end).
-% Should not add job if by the time worker got to fetchign the filter
-% and building a replication id, another worker was spawned.
-t_ignore_if_worker_ref_does_not_match() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Id = {?DB, ?DOC1},
- Rep = couch_replicator_docs:parse_rep_doc_without_id(change()),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1,
- make_ref()),
- ?assertEqual(ignore, maybe_start_replication(Id, Rep, make_ref())),
- ?assertNot(added_job())
- end).
-% Test helper functions
-setup() ->
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, 1, ok),
- meck:expect(config, get, fun(_, _, Default) -> Default end),
- meck:expect(couch_server, get_uuid, 0, this_is_snek),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_docs, update_failed, 3, ok),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state, 1, nil),
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_doc_processor, get_worker_ref, 1, nil),
- ok.
-teardown(_) ->
- meck:unload().
-mock_already_running(DbName, DocId) ->
- meck:expect(couch_replicator_scheduler, rep_state,
- fun(RepId) -> #rep{id = RepId, doc_id = DocId, db_name = DbName} end).
-added_job() ->
- 1 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, '_').
-did_not_add_job() ->
- 0 == meck:num_calls(couch_replicator_scheduler, add_job, '_').
-change() ->
- {[
- {<<"_id">>, ?DOC1},
- {<<"source">>, <<"http://srchost.local/src">>},
- {<<"target">>, <<"http://tgthost.local/tgt">>}
- ]}.