path: root/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl
index 27c89a0cd..fcbdf229f 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_large_atts_tests.erl
@@ -14,12 +14,8 @@
--import(couch_replicator_test_helper, [
- db_url/1,
- replicate/2,
- compare_dbs/2
-define(ATT_SIZE_1, 2 * 1024 * 1024).
-define(ATT_SIZE_2, round(6.6 * 1024 * 1024)).
@@ -27,90 +23,65 @@
-define(TIMEOUT_EUNIT, 120).
-setup() ->
- DbName = ?tempdb(),
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- ok = couch_db:close(Db),
- DbName.
-setup(remote) ->
- {remote, setup()};
-setup({A, B}) ->
- Ctx = test_util:start_couch([couch_replicator]),
- config:set("attachments", "compressible_types", "text/*", false),
- Source = setup(A),
- Target = setup(B),
- {Ctx, {Source, Target}}.
-teardown({remote, DbName}) ->
- teardown(DbName);
-teardown(DbName) ->
- ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- ok.
-teardown(_, {Ctx, {Source, Target}}) ->
- teardown(Source),
- teardown(Target),
- ok = application:stop(couch_replicator),
- ok = test_util:stop_couch(Ctx).
large_atts_test_() ->
- Pairs = [{remote, remote}],
- "Replicate docs with large attachments",
+ "Large attachment replication test",
- foreachx,
- fun setup/1, fun teardown/2,
- [{Pair, fun should_populate_replicate_compact/2}
- || Pair <- Pairs]
+ setup,
+ fun couch_replicator_test_helper:start_couch/0,
+ fun couch_replicator_test_helper:stop_couch/1,
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun setup/0,
+ fun teardown/1,
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(should_replicate_attachments, 120)
+ ]
+ }
-should_populate_replicate_compact({From, To}, {_Ctx, {Source, Target}}) ->
- {lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p -> ~p", [From, To])),
- {inorder, [should_populate_source(Source),
- should_replicate(Source, Target),
- should_compare_databases(Source, Target)]}}.
+setup() ->
+ AttCfg = config:get("attachments", "compressible_types"),
+ config:set("attachments", "compressible_types", "text/*", false),
+ Source = couch_replicator_test_helper:create_db(),
+ ok = populate_db(Source, ?DOCS_COUNT),
+ Target = couch_replicator_test_helper:create_db(),
+ {AttCfg, Source, Target}.
-should_populate_source({remote, Source}) ->
- should_populate_source(Source);
-should_populate_source(Source) ->
- {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(populate_db(Source, ?DOCS_COUNT))}.
+teardown({AttCfg, Source, Target}) ->
+ couch_replicator_test_helper:delete_db(Source),
+ couch_replicator_test_helper:delete_db(Target),
+ case AttCfg of
+ undefined ->
+ config:delete("attachments", "compressible_types", false);
+ _ ->
+ config:set("attachments", "compressible_types", AttCfg)
+ end.
-should_replicate({remote, Source}, Target) ->
- should_replicate(db_url(Source), Target);
-should_replicate(Source, {remote, Target}) ->
- should_replicate(Source, db_url(Target));
-should_replicate(Source, Target) ->
- {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(replicate(Source, Target))}.
-should_compare_databases({remote, Source}, Target) ->
- should_compare_databases(Source, Target);
-should_compare_databases(Source, {remote, Target}) ->
- should_compare_databases(Source, Target);
-should_compare_databases(Source, Target) ->
- {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(compare_dbs(Source, Target))}.
+should_replicate_attachments({_AttCfg, Source, Target}) ->
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _},
+ couch_replicator_test_helper:replicate(Source, Target)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, couch_replicator_test_helper:compare_dbs(Source, Target)).
populate_db(DbName, DocCount) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []),
- Docs = lists:foldl(
- fun(DocIdCounter, Acc) ->
- Doc = #doc{
- id = iolist_to_binary(["doc", integer_to_list(DocIdCounter)]),
- body = {[]},
- atts = [
- att(<<"att1">>, ?ATT_SIZE_1, <<"text/plain">>),
- att(<<"att2">>, ?ATT_SIZE_2, <<"app/binary">>)
- ]
- },
- [Doc | Acc]
- end,
- [], lists:seq(1, DocCount)),
- {ok, _} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, Docs, []),
- couch_db:close(Db).
+ Docs = lists:foldl(fun(DocIdCounter, Acc) ->
+ Doc = #doc{
+ id = iolist_to_binary(["doc", integer_to_list(DocIdCounter)]),
+ body = {[]},
+ atts = [
+ att(<<"att1">>, ?ATT_SIZE_1, <<"text/plain">>),
+ att(<<"att2">>, ?ATT_SIZE_2, <<"app/binary">>)
+ ]
+ },
+ [Doc | Acc]
+ end, [], lists:seq(1, DocCount)),
+ couch_replicator_test_helper:create_docs(DbName, Docs).
att(Name, Size, Type) ->