path: root/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl b/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
index ee217108f..6d5a56093 100644
--- a/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
+++ b/src/custodian/src/custodian_util.erl
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
% the License.
@@ -19,7 +18,10 @@
-export([summary/0, report/0]).
--record(state, {live, safe, n, callback, db, acc}).
+% Old design doc which should be cleaned up
+-define(CUSTODIAN_ID, <<"_design/custodian">>).
+-record(state, {live, safe, callback, db, acc}).
%% public functions.
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ report() ->
ensure_dbs_exists() ->
DbName = mem3_sync:shards_db(),
{ok, Db} = mem3_util:ensure_exists(DbName),
- ensure_custodian_ddoc_exists(Db),
+ ensure_custodian_ddoc_is_deleted(Db),
{ok, Db}.
%% private functions.
@@ -53,10 +55,9 @@ ensure_dbs_exists() ->
fold_dbs(Acc, Fun) ->
Safe = maybe_redirect([node() | nodes()]),
Live = Safe -- maintenance_nodes(Safe),
- N = cluster_n(),
{ok, Db} = ensure_dbs_exists(),
- State0 = #state{live=Live, safe=Safe, n=N, callback=Fun, db=Db, acc=Acc},
+ State0 = #state{live=Live, safe=Safe, callback=Fun, db=Db, acc=Acc},
{ok, State1} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, fun fold_dbs1/2, State0, []),
@@ -80,9 +81,9 @@ fold_dbs1(#full_doc_info{id = Id} = FDI, State) ->
fold_dbs(Id, Shards, State) ->
IsSafe = fun(#shard{node = N}) -> lists:member(N, end,
IsLive = fun(#shard{node = N}) -> lists:member(N, end,
- TargetN = State#state.n,
LiveShards = lists:filter(IsLive, Shards),
SafeShards = lists:filter(IsSafe, Shards),
+ TargetN = mem3_util:calculate_max_n(Shards),
Acc0 = State#state.acc,
Acc1 = case mem3_util:calculate_max_n(LiveShards) of
LiveN when LiveN < TargetN ->
@@ -180,41 +181,28 @@ count_conflicts(#full_doc_info{rev_tree = T}) ->
Leafs = [1 || {#leaf{deleted=false}, _} <- couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(T)],
length(Leafs) - 1.
-ensure_custodian_ddoc_exists(Db) ->
+% Ensure the design doc which was added 3.2.0 is deleted as we switched to using a BDU
+% function instead. After a few releases this function could be removed as well
+ensure_custodian_ddoc_is_deleted(Db) ->
case couch_db:open_doc(Db, ?CUSTODIAN_ID, [ejson_body]) of
{not_found, _Reason} ->
- try couch_db:update_doc(Db, custodian_ddoc(), []) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok
- catch conflict ->
- {ok, NewDb} = couch_db:reopen(Db),
- ensure_custodian_ddoc_exists(NewDb)
- end;
+ ok;
{ok, Doc} ->
- {Props} = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []),
- Props1 = lists:keystore(<<"validate_doc_update">>, 1, Props, {<<"validate_doc_update">>, ?CUSTODIAN_VALIDATION}),
- case Props =:= Props1 of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- try couch_db:update_doc(Db, couch_doc:from_json_obj({Props1}), []) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok
- catch conflict ->
- {ok, NewDb} = couch_db:reopen(Db),
- ensure_custodian_ddoc_exists(NewDb)
- end
+ DeletedDoc = Doc#doc{deleted = true, body = {[]}},
+ try couch_db:update_doc(Db, DeletedDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ LogMsg = "~p : deleted custodian ddoc ~s",
+ couch_log:notice(LogMsg, [?MODULE, ?CUSTODIAN_ID]),
+ ok
+ catch
+ conflict ->
+ {ok, NewDb} = couch_db:reopen(Db),
+ ensure_custodian_ddoc_is_deleted(NewDb)
-custodian_ddoc() ->
- Props = [
- {<<"_id">>, ?CUSTODIAN_ID},
- {<<"language">>, <<"javascript">>},
- {<<"validate_doc_update">>, ?CUSTODIAN_VALIDATION}
- ],
- couch_doc:from_json_obj({Props}).