path: root/src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_lru.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_lru.erl')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_lru.erl b/src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_lru.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..810cbef63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ddoc_cache/src/ddoc_cache_lru.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+ start_link/0,
+ open/1,
+ insert/2,
+ refresh/2
+ init/1,
+ terminate/2,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ code_change/3
+ handle_db_event/3
+-record(st, {
+ pids, % pid -> key
+ dbs, % dbname -> docid -> key -> pid
+ evictor
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+open(Key) ->
+ try ets:lookup(?CACHE, Key) of
+ [] ->
+ lru_start(Key, true);
+ [#entry{pid = undefined}] ->
+ lru_start(Key, false);
+ [#entry{val = undefined, pid = Pid}] ->
+ couch_stats:increment_counter([ddoc_cache, miss]),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:open(Pid, Key);
+ [#entry{val = Val, pid = Pid}] ->
+ couch_stats:increment_counter([ddoc_cache, hit]),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:accessed(Pid),
+ {ok, Val}
+ catch _:_ ->
+ couch_stats:increment_counter([ddoc_cache, recovery]),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:recover(Key)
+ end.
+insert(Key, Value) ->
+ case ets:lookup(?CACHE, Key) of
+ [] ->
+ Wrapped = ddoc_cache_value:wrap(Value),
+ gen_server:call(?MODULE, {start, Key, Wrapped}, infinity);
+ [#entry{}] ->
+ ok
+ end.
+refresh(DbName, DDocIds) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {refresh, DbName, DDocIds}).
+init(_) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ BaseOpts = [public, named_table],
+ CacheOpts = [
+ set,
+ {read_concurrency, true},
+ {keypos, #entry.key}
+ ] ++ BaseOpts,
+ ets:new(?CACHE, CacheOpts),
+ ets:new(?LRU, [ordered_set, {write_concurrency, true}] ++ BaseOpts),
+ {ok, Pids} = khash:new(),
+ {ok, Dbs} = khash:new(),
+ {ok, Evictor} = couch_event:link_listener(
+ ?MODULE, handle_db_event, nil, [all_dbs]
+ ),
+ ?EVENT(lru_init, nil),
+ {ok, #st{
+ pids = Pids,
+ dbs = Dbs,
+ evictor = Evictor
+ }}.
+terminate(_Reason, St) ->
+ case is_pid(St#st.evictor) of
+ true -> exit(St#st.evictor, kill);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ ok.
+handle_call({start, Key, Default}, _From, St) ->
+ #st{
+ pids = Pids,
+ dbs = Dbs
+ } = St,
+ case ets:lookup(?CACHE, Key) of
+ [] ->
+ MaxSize = config:get_integer("ddoc_cache", "max_size", 104857600),
+ case trim(St, max(0, MaxSize)) of
+ ok ->
+ true = ets:insert_new(?CACHE, #entry{key = Key}),
+ {ok, Pid} = ddoc_cache_entry:start_link(Key, Default),
+ true = ets:update_element(?CACHE, Key, {, Pid}),
+ ok = khash:put(Pids, Pid, Key),
+ store_key(Dbs, Key, Pid),
+ {reply, {ok, Pid}, St};
+ full ->
+ ?EVENT(full, Key),
+ {reply, full, St}
+ end;
+ [#entry{pid = Pid}] ->
+ {reply, {ok, Pid}, St}
+ end;
+handle_call(Msg, _From, St) ->
+ {stop, {invalid_call, Msg}, {invalid_call, Msg}, St}.
+handle_cast({evict, DbName}, St) ->
+ gen_server:abcast(mem3:nodes(), ?MODULE, {do_evict, DbName}),
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_cast({refresh, DbName, DDocIds}, St) ->
+ gen_server:abcast(mem3:nodes(), ?MODULE, {do_refresh, DbName, DDocIds}),
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_cast({do_evict, DbName}, St) ->
+ #st{
+ dbs = Dbs
+ } = St,
+ ToRem = case khash:lookup(Dbs, DbName) of
+ {value, DDocIds} ->
+ AccOut = khash:fold(DDocIds, fun(_, Keys, Acc1) ->
+ khash:to_list(Keys) ++ Acc1
+ end, []),
+ ?EVENT(evicted, DbName),
+ AccOut;
+ not_found ->
+ ?EVENT(evict_noop, DbName),
+ []
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(fun({Key, Pid}) ->
+ remove_entry(St, Key, Pid)
+ end, ToRem),
+ khash:del(Dbs, DbName),
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_cast({do_refresh, DbName, DDocIdList}, St) ->
+ #st{
+ dbs = Dbs
+ } = St,
+ % We prepend no_ddocid to the DDocIdList below
+ % so that we refresh all custom and validation
+ % function entries which load data from all
+ % design documents.
+ case khash:lookup(Dbs, DbName) of
+ {value, DDocIds} ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(DDocId) ->
+ case khash:lookup(DDocIds, DDocId) of
+ {value, Keys} ->
+ khash:fold(Keys, fun(_, Pid, _) ->
+ ddoc_cache_entry:refresh(Pid)
+ end, nil);
+ not_found ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, [no_ddocid | DDocIdList]);
+ not_found ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_cast(Msg, St) ->
+ {stop, {invalid_cast, Msg}, St}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #st{evictor = Pid} = St) ->
+ {stop, Reason, St};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, St) ->
+ % This clause handles when an entry starts
+ % up but encounters an error or uncacheable
+ % response from its recover call.
+ #st{
+ pids = Pids
+ } = St,
+ {value, Key} = khash:lookup(Pids, Pid),
+ khash:del(Pids, Pid),
+ remove_key(St, Key),
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_info(Msg, St) ->
+ {stop, {invalid_info, Msg}, St}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, St}.
+handle_db_event(ShardDbName, created, St) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {evict, mem3:dbname(ShardDbName)}),
+ {ok, St};
+handle_db_event(ShardDbName, deleted, St) ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {evict, mem3:dbname(ShardDbName)}),
+ {ok, St};
+handle_db_event(_DbName, _Event, St) ->
+ {ok, St}.
+lru_start(Key, DoInsert) ->
+ case gen_server:call(?MODULE, {start, Key, undefined}, infinity) of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ couch_stats:increment_counter([ddoc_cache, miss]),
+ Resp = ddoc_cache_entry:open(Pid, Key),
+ if not DoInsert -> ok; true ->
+ ddoc_cache_entry:insert(Key, Resp)
+ end,
+ Resp;
+ full ->
+ couch_stats:increment_counter([ddoc_cache, recovery]),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:recover(Key)
+ end.
+trim(_, 0) ->
+ full;
+trim(St, MaxSize) ->
+ CurSize = ets:info(?CACHE, memory) * erlang:system_info(wordsize),
+ if CurSize =< MaxSize -> ok; true ->
+ case ets:first(?LRU) of
+ {_Ts, Key, Pid} ->
+ remove_entry(St, Key, Pid),
+ trim(St, MaxSize);
+ '$end_of_table' ->
+ full
+ end
+ end.
+remove_entry(St, Key, Pid) ->
+ #st{
+ pids = Pids
+ } = St,
+ unlink_and_flush(Pid),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:shutdown(Pid),
+ khash:del(Pids, Pid),
+ remove_key(St, Key).
+store_key(Dbs, Key, Pid) ->
+ DbName = ddoc_cache_entry:dbname(Key),
+ DDocId = ddoc_cache_entry:ddocid(Key),
+ case khash:lookup(Dbs, DbName) of
+ {value, DDocIds} ->
+ case khash:lookup(DDocIds, DDocId) of
+ {value, Keys} ->
+ khash:put(Keys, Key, Pid);
+ not_found ->
+ {ok, Keys} = khash:from_list([{Key, Pid}]),
+ khash:put(DDocIds, DDocId, Keys)
+ end;
+ not_found ->
+ {ok, Keys} = khash:from_list([{Key, Pid}]),
+ {ok, DDocIds} = khash:from_list([{DDocId, Keys}]),
+ khash:put(Dbs, DbName, DDocIds)
+ end.
+remove_key(St, Key) ->
+ #st{
+ dbs = Dbs
+ } = St,
+ DbName = ddoc_cache_entry:dbname(Key),
+ DDocId = ddoc_cache_entry:ddocid(Key),
+ {value, DDocIds} = khash:lookup(Dbs, DbName),
+ {value, Keys} = khash:lookup(DDocIds, DDocId),
+ khash:del(Keys, Key),
+ case khash:size(Keys) of
+ 0 -> khash:del(DDocIds, DDocId);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ case khash:size(DDocIds) of
+ 0 -> khash:del(Dbs, DbName);
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
+unlink_and_flush(Pid) ->
+ erlang:unlink(Pid),
+ % Its possible that the entry process has already exited before
+ % we unlink it so we have to flush out a possible 'EXIT'
+ % message sitting in our message queue. Notice that we're
+ % maintaining the assertion that all entry processes only
+ % ever exit normally.
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
+ ok
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end.