path: root/src/dreyfus/src/dreyfus_fabric_search.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/src/dreyfus/src/dreyfus_fabric_search.erl b/src/dreyfus/src/dreyfus_fabric_search.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e78e5fc3..000000000
--- a/src/dreyfus/src/dreyfus_fabric_search.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
--record(state, {
- limit,
- sort,
- top_docs,
- counters,
- start_args,
- replacements,
- ring_opts
-go(DbName, GroupId, IndexName, QueryArgs) when is_binary(GroupId) ->
- {ok, DDoc} = fabric:open_doc(
- DbName,
- <<"_design/", GroupId/binary>>,
- [ejson_body]
- ),
- dreyfus_util:maybe_deny_index(DbName, GroupId, IndexName),
- go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs);
-go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, #index_query_args{bookmark = nil} = QueryArgs) ->
- DesignName = dreyfus_util:get_design_docid(DDoc),
- dreyfus_util:maybe_deny_index(DbName, DesignName, IndexName),
- Shards = dreyfus_util:get_shards(DbName, QueryArgs),
- RingOpts = dreyfus_util:get_ring_opts(QueryArgs, Shards),
- Workers = fabric_util:submit_jobs(
- Shards,
- dreyfus_rpc,
- search,
- [DDoc, IndexName, dreyfus_util:export(QueryArgs)]
- ),
- Counters = fabric_dict:init(Workers, nil),
- go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs, Counters, Counters, RingOpts);
-go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, #index_query_args{} = QueryArgs) ->
- Bookmark0 =
- try
- dreyfus_bookmark:unpack(DbName, QueryArgs)
- catch
- _:_ ->
- throw({bad_request, "Invalid bookmark parameter supplied"})
- end,
- Shards = dreyfus_util:get_shards(DbName, QueryArgs),
- LiveNodes = [node() | nodes()],
- LiveShards = [S || #shard{node = Node} = S <- Shards, lists:member(Node, LiveNodes)],
- Bookmark1 = dreyfus_bookmark:add_missing_shards(Bookmark0, LiveShards),
- Counters0 = lists:flatmap(
- fun({#shard{name = Name, node = N} = Shard, After}) ->
- QueryArgs1 = dreyfus_util:export(QueryArgs#index_query_args{
- bookmark = After
- }),
- case lists:member(Shard, LiveShards) of
- true ->
- Ref = rexi:cast(N, {dreyfus_rpc, search, [Name, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs1]}),
- [Shard#shard{ref = Ref}];
- false ->
- lists:map(
- fun(#shard{name = Name2, node = N2} = NewShard) ->
- Ref = rexi:cast(
- N2, {dreyfus_rpc, search, [Name2, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs1]}
- ),
- NewShard#shard{ref = Ref}
- end,
- find_replacement_shards(Shard, LiveShards)
- )
- end
- end,
- Bookmark1
- ),
- Counters = fabric_dict:init(Counters0, nil),
- WorkerShards = fabric_dict:fetch_keys(Counters),
- RingOpts = dreyfus_util:get_ring_opts(QueryArgs, WorkerShards),
- QueryArgs2 = QueryArgs#index_query_args{
- bookmark = Bookmark1
- },
- go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs2, Counters, Bookmark1, RingOpts);
-go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, OldArgs) ->
- go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, dreyfus_util:upgrade(OldArgs)).
-go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs, Counters, Bookmark, RingOpts) ->
- {Workers, _} = lists:unzip(Counters),
- #index_query_args{
- limit = Limit,
- sort = Sort,
- raw_bookmark = RawBookmark
- } = QueryArgs,
- Replacements = fabric_view:get_shard_replacements(DbName, Workers),
- State = #state{
- limit = Limit,
- sort = Sort,
- top_docs = #top_docs{total_hits = 0, hits = []},
- counters = Counters,
- start_args = [DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs],
- replacements = Replacements,
- ring_opts = RingOpts
- },
- RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(Workers),
- try
- rexi_utils:recv(
- Workers,
- #shard.ref,
- fun handle_message/3,
- State,
- infinity,
- 1000 * 60 * 60
- )
- of
- {ok, Result} ->
- #state{top_docs = TopDocs} = Result,
- #top_docs{
- total_hits = TotalHits,
- hits = Hits,
- counts = Counts,
- ranges = Ranges
- } = TopDocs,
- case RawBookmark of
- true ->
- {ok, Bookmark, TotalHits, Hits, Counts, Ranges};
- false ->
- Bookmark1 = dreyfus_bookmark:update(Sort, Bookmark, Hits),
- Hits1 = remove_sortable(Hits),
- {ok, Bookmark1, TotalHits, Hits1, Counts, Ranges}
- end;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- after
- rexi_monitor:stop(RexiMon),
- fabric_util:cleanup(Workers)
- end.
-handle_message({ok, #top_docs{} = NewTopDocs}, Shard, State0) ->
- State = upgrade_state(State0),
- #state{top_docs = TopDocs, limit = Limit, sort = Sort} = State,
- case fabric_dict:lookup_element(Shard, State#state.counters) of
- undefined ->
- %% already heard from someone else in this range
- {ok, State};
- nil ->
- C1 = fabric_dict:store(Shard, ok, State#state.counters),
- C2 = fabric_view:remove_overlapping_shards(Shard, C1),
- Sortable = make_sortable(Shard, NewTopDocs),
- MergedTopDocs = merge_top_docs(TopDocs, Sortable, Limit, Sort),
- State1 = State#state{
- counters = C2,
- top_docs = MergedTopDocs
- },
- case fabric_dict:any(nil, C2) of
- true ->
- {ok, State1};
- false ->
- {stop, State1}
- end
- end;
-% upgrade clause
-handle_message({ok, {top_docs, UpdateSeq, TotalHits, Hits}}, Shard, State) ->
- TopDocs = #top_docs{
- update_seq = UpdateSeq,
- total_hits = TotalHits,
- hits = Hits
- },
- handle_message({ok, TopDocs}, Shard, State);
-handle_message(Error, Worker, State0) ->
- State = upgrade_state(State0),
- case
- dreyfus_fabric:handle_error_message(
- Error,
- Worker,
- State#state.counters,
- State#state.replacements,
- search,
- State#state.start_args,
- State#state.ring_opts
- )
- of
- {ok, Counters} ->
- {ok, State#state{counters = Counters}};
- {new_refs, NewRefs, NewCounters, NewReplacements} ->
- NewState = State#state{
- counters = NewCounters,
- replacements = NewReplacements
- },
- {new_refs, NewRefs, NewState};
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-find_replacement_shards(#shard{range = Range}, AllShards) ->
- [Shard || Shard <- AllShards, Shard#shard.range =:= Range].
-make_sortable(Shard, #top_docs{} = TopDocs) ->
- Hits = make_sortable(Shard, TopDocs#top_docs.hits),
- TopDocs#top_docs{hits = Hits};
-make_sortable(Shard, List) when is_list(List) ->
- make_sortable(Shard, List, []).
-make_sortable(_, [], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-make_sortable(Shard, [#hit{} = Hit | Rest], Acc) ->
- make_sortable(Shard, Rest, [#sortable{item = Hit, order = Hit#hit.order, shard = Shard} | Acc]).
-remove_sortable(List) ->
- remove_sortable(List, []).
-remove_sortable([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-remove_sortable([#sortable{item = Item} | Rest], Acc) ->
- remove_sortable(Rest, [Item | Acc]).
-merge_top_docs(#top_docs{} = TopDocsA, #top_docs{} = TopDocsB, Limit, Sort) ->
- MergedTotal = sum_element(#top_docs.total_hits, TopDocsA, TopDocsB),
- MergedHits = lists:sublist(
- dreyfus_util:sort(
- Sort,
- TopDocsA#top_docs.hits ++ TopDocsB#top_docs.hits
- ),
- Limit
- ),
- MergedCounts = merge_facets(TopDocsA#top_docs.counts, TopDocsB#top_docs.counts),
- MergedRanges = merge_facets(TopDocsA#top_docs.ranges, TopDocsB#top_docs.ranges),
- #top_docs{
- total_hits = MergedTotal,
- hits = MergedHits,
- counts = MergedCounts,
- ranges = MergedRanges
- }.
-merge_facets(undefined, undefined) ->
- undefined;
-merge_facets(undefined, Facets) ->
- sort_facets(Facets);
-merge_facets(Facets, undefined) ->
- sort_facets(Facets);
-merge_facets(FacetsA, FacetsB) ->
- merge_facets_int(sort_facets(FacetsA), sort_facets(FacetsB)).
-merge_facets_int([], []) ->
- [];
-merge_facets_int(FacetsA, []) ->
- FacetsA;
-merge_facets_int([], FacetsB) ->
- FacetsB;
-merge_facets_int([{KA, _, _} = A | RA], [{KB, _, _} | _] = FB) when KA < KB ->
- [A | merge_facets_int(RA, FB)];
-merge_facets_int([{KA, VA, CA} | RA], [{KB, VB, CB} | RB]) when KA =:= KB ->
- [{KA, VA + VB, merge_facets_int(CA, CB)} | merge_facets_int(RA, RB)];
-merge_facets_int([{KA, _, _} | _] = FA, [{KB, _, _} = B | RB]) when KA > KB ->
- [B | merge_facets_int(FA, RB)].
-sort_facets([]) ->
- [];
-sort_facets(Facets) ->
- lists:sort(
- lists:map(
- fun({K, V, C}) -> {K, V, sort_facets(C)} end,
- Facets
- )
- ).
-sum_element(N, T1, T2) ->
- element(N, T1) + element(N, T2).
-upgrade_state({state, Limit, Sort, TopDocs, Counters}) ->
- #state{
- limit = Limit,
- sort = Sort,
- top_docs = TopDocs,
- counters = Counters,
- replacements = []
- };
-upgrade_state(#state{} = State) ->
- State.
-merge_facets_test() ->
- % empty list is a no-op
- ?assertEqual([{foo, 1.0, []}], merge_facets([{foo, 1.0, []}], [])),
- % one level, one key
- ?assertEqual(
- [{foo, 3.0, []}],
- merge_facets(
- [{foo, 1.0, []}],
- [{foo, 2.0, []}]
- )
- ),
- % one level, two keys
- ?assertEqual(
- [{bar, 6.0, []}, {foo, 9.0, []}],
- merge_facets(
- [{foo, 1.0, []}, {bar, 2.0, []}],
- [{bar, 4.0, []}, {foo, 8.0, []}]
- )
- ),
- % multi level, multi keys
- ?assertEqual(
- [{foo, 2.0, [{bar, 2.0, []}]}],
- merge_facets(
- [{foo, 1.0, [{bar, 1.0, []}]}],
- [{foo, 1.0, [{bar, 1.0, []}]}]
- )
- ),
- ?assertEqual(
- [{foo, 5.0, [{bar, 7.0, [{bar, 1.0, []}, {baz, 3.0, []}, {foo, 6.5, []}]}]}],
- merge_facets(
- [{foo, 1.0, [{bar, 2.0, [{baz, 3.0, []}, {foo, 0.5, []}]}]}],
- [{foo, 4.0, [{bar, 5.0, [{foo, 6.0, []}, {bar, 1.0, []}]}]}]
- )
- ).