path: root/src/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 766 deletions
diff --git a/src/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl b/src/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 284187bff..000000000
--- a/src/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--record(state, {
- dbname,
- worker_count,
- workers,
- reply_count = 0,
- reply_error_count = 0,
- r,
- revs,
- latest,
- replies = [],
- node_revs = [],
- repair = false
-go(DbName, Id, Revs, Options) ->
- Workers = fabric_util:submit_jobs(
- mem3:shards(DbName, Id),
- open_revs,
- [Id, Revs, Options]
- ),
- R = couch_util:get_value(r, Options, integer_to_list(mem3:quorum(DbName))),
- State = #state{
- dbname = DbName,
- worker_count = length(Workers),
- workers = Workers,
- r = list_to_integer(R),
- revs = Revs,
- latest = lists:member(latest, Options),
- replies = []
- },
- RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(Workers),
- try fabric_util:recv(Workers, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3, State) of
- {ok, all_workers_died} ->
- {error, all_workers_died};
- {ok, Replies} ->
- {ok, Replies};
- {timeout, #state{workers = DefunctWorkers}} ->
- fabric_util:log_timeout(DefunctWorkers, "open_revs"),
- {error, timeout};
- Else ->
- Else
- after
- rexi_monitor:stop(RexiMon)
- end.
-handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, {_, NodeRef}, _}, _Worker, #state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
- NewState = State#state{
- workers = lists:keydelete(NodeRef, #shard.node, Workers),
- reply_error_count = State#state.reply_error_count + 1
- },
- handle_message({ok, []}, nil, NewState);
-handle_message({rexi_EXIT, _}, Worker, #state{workers = Workers} = State) ->
- NewState = State#state{
- workers = lists:delete(Worker, Workers),
- reply_error_count = State#state.reply_error_count + 1
- },
- handle_message({ok, []}, nil, NewState);
-handle_message({ok, RawReplies}, Worker, State) ->
- #state{
- dbname = DbName,
- reply_count = ReplyCount,
- worker_count = WorkerCount,
- workers = Workers,
- replies = PrevReplies,
- node_revs = PrevNodeRevs,
- r = R,
- revs = Revs,
- latest = Latest,
- repair = InRepair,
- reply_error_count = ReplyErrorCount
- } = State,
- IsTree = Revs == all orelse Latest,
- % Do not count error replies when checking quorum
- RealReplyCount = ReplyCount + 1 - ReplyErrorCount,
- QuorumReplies = RealReplyCount >= R,
- {NewReplies, QuorumMet, Repair} =
- case IsTree of
- true ->
- {NewReplies0, AllInternal, Repair0} =
- tree_replies(PrevReplies, tree_sort(RawReplies)),
- NumLeafs = couch_key_tree:count_leafs(PrevReplies),
- SameNumRevs = length(RawReplies) == NumLeafs,
- QMet = AllInternal andalso SameNumRevs andalso QuorumReplies,
- % Don't set repair=true on the first reply
- {NewReplies0, QMet, (ReplyCount > 0) and Repair0};
- false ->
- {NewReplies0, MinCount} = dict_replies(PrevReplies, RawReplies),
- {NewReplies0, MinCount >= R, false}
- end,
- NewNodeRevs =
- if
- Worker == nil ->
- PrevNodeRevs;
- true ->
- IdRevs = lists:foldl(
- fun
- ({ok, #doc{revs = {Pos, [Rev | _]}}}, Acc) ->
- [{Pos, Rev} | Acc];
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end,
- [],
- RawReplies
- ),
- if
- IdRevs == [] -> PrevNodeRevs;
- true -> [{Worker#shard.node, IdRevs} | PrevNodeRevs]
- end
- end,
- Complete = (ReplyCount =:= (WorkerCount - 1)),
- case QuorumMet orelse Complete of
- true ->
- fabric_util:cleanup(lists:delete(Worker, Workers)),
- maybe_read_repair(
- DbName,
- IsTree,
- NewReplies,
- NewNodeRevs,
- ReplyCount + 1,
- InRepair orelse Repair
- ),
- {stop, format_reply(IsTree, NewReplies, RealReplyCount)};
- false ->
- {ok, State#state{
- replies = NewReplies,
- node_revs = NewNodeRevs,
- reply_count = ReplyCount + 1,
- workers = lists:delete(Worker, Workers),
- repair = InRepair orelse Repair
- }}
- end.
-tree_replies(RevTree, []) ->
- {RevTree, true, false};
-tree_replies(RevTree0, [{ok, Doc} | Rest]) ->
- {RevTree1, Done, Repair} = tree_replies(RevTree0, Rest),
- Path = couch_doc:to_path(Doc),
- case couch_key_tree:merge(RevTree1, Path) of
- {RevTree2, internal_node} ->
- {RevTree2, Done, Repair};
- {RevTree2, new_leaf} ->
- {RevTree2, Done, true};
- {RevTree2, _} ->
- {RevTree2, false, true}
- end;
-tree_replies(RevTree0, [{{not_found, missing}, {Pos, Rev}} | Rest]) ->
- {RevTree1, Done, Repair} = tree_replies(RevTree0, Rest),
- Node = {Rev, ?REV_MISSING, []},
- Path = {Pos, Node},
- case couch_key_tree:merge(RevTree1, Path) of
- {RevTree2, internal_node} ->
- {RevTree2, Done, true};
- {RevTree2, _} ->
- {RevTree2, false, Repair}
- end.
-tree_sort(Replies) ->
- SortFun = fun(A, B) -> sort_key(A) =< sort_key(B) end,
- lists:sort(SortFun, Replies).
-sort_key({ok, #doc{revs = {Pos, [Rev | _]}}}) ->
- {Pos, Rev};
-sort_key({{not_found, _}, {Pos, Rev}}) ->
- {Pos, Rev}.
-dict_replies(Dict, []) ->
- case [Count || {_Key, {_Reply, Count}} <- Dict] of
- [] -> {Dict, 0};
- Counts -> {Dict, lists:min(Counts)}
- end;
-dict_replies(Dict, [Reply | Rest]) ->
- NewDict = fabric_util:update_counter(Reply, 1, Dict),
- dict_replies(NewDict, Rest).
-maybe_read_repair(Db, IsTree, Replies, NodeRevs, ReplyCount, DoRepair) ->
- Docs =
- case IsTree of
- true -> tree_repair_docs(Replies, DoRepair);
- false -> dict_repair_docs(Replies, ReplyCount)
- end,
- case Docs of
- [] ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- erlang:spawn(fun() -> read_repair(Db, Docs, NodeRevs) end)
- end.
-tree_repair_docs(_Replies, false) ->
- [];
-tree_repair_docs(Replies, true) ->
- Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(Replies),
- [Doc || {Doc, {_Pos, _}} <- Leafs, is_record(Doc, doc)].
-dict_repair_docs(Replies, ReplyCount) ->
- NeedsRepair = lists:any(fun({_, {_, C}}) -> C < ReplyCount end, Replies),
- if
- not NeedsRepair -> [];
- true -> [Doc || {_, {{ok, Doc}, _}} <- Replies]
- end.
-read_repair(Db, Docs, NodeRevs) ->
- Opts = [?ADMIN_CTX, replicated_changes, {read_repair, NodeRevs}],
- Res = fabric:update_docs(Db, Docs, Opts),
- case Res of
- {ok, []} ->
- couch_stats:increment_counter([fabric, read_repairs, success]);
- _ ->
- couch_stats:increment_counter([fabric, read_repairs, failure]),
- [#doc{id = Id} | _] = Docs,
- couch_log:notice("read_repair ~s ~s ~p", [Db, Id, Res])
- end.
-format_reply(_, _, RealReplyCount) when RealReplyCount =< 0 ->
- all_workers_died;
-format_reply(true, Replies, _) ->
- tree_format_replies(Replies);
-format_reply(false, Replies, _) ->
- dict_format_replies(Replies).
-tree_format_replies(RevTree) ->
- Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(RevTree),
- lists:sort(
- lists:map(
- fun(Reply) ->
- case Reply of
- {?REV_MISSING, {Pos, [Rev]}} ->
- {{not_found, missing}, {Pos, Rev}};
- {Doc, _} when is_record(Doc, doc) ->
- {ok, Doc}
- end
- end,
- Leafs
- )
- ).
-dict_format_replies(Dict) ->
- Replies0 = [Reply || {_, {Reply, _}} <- Dict],
- AllFoundRevs = lists:foldl(
- fun(Reply, Acc) ->
- case Reply of
- {ok, #doc{revs = {Pos, [RevId | _]}}} ->
- [{Pos, RevId} | Acc];
- _ ->
- Acc
- end
- end,
- [],
- Replies0
- ),
- %% Drop any not_found replies for which we
- %% found the revision on a different node.
- Replies1 = lists:filter(
- fun(Reply) ->
- case Reply of
- {{not_found, missing}, Rev} ->
- not lists:member(Rev, AllFoundRevs);
- _ ->
- true
- end
- end,
- Replies0
- ),
- % Remove replies with shorter revision
- % paths for a given revision.
- collapse_duplicate_revs(Replies1).
-collapse_duplicate_revs(Replies) ->
- % The collapse logic requires that replies are
- % sorted so that shorter rev paths are in
- % the list just before longer lists.
- %
- % This somewhat implicitly relies on Erlang's
- % sorting of [A, B] < [A, B, C] for all values
- % of C.
- collapse_duplicate_revs_int(lists:sort(Replies)).
-collapse_duplicate_revs_int([]) ->
- [];
-collapse_duplicate_revs_int([{ok, Doc1}, {ok, Doc2} | Rest]) ->
- {D1, R1} = Doc1#doc.revs,
- {D2, R2} = Doc2#doc.revs,
- Head =
- case D1 == D2 andalso lists:prefix(R1, R2) of
- true -> [];
- false -> [{ok, Doc1}]
- end,
- Head ++ collapse_duplicate_revs([{ok, Doc2} | Rest]);
-collapse_duplicate_revs_int([Reply | Rest]) ->
- [Reply | collapse_duplicate_revs(Rest)].
-setup_all() ->
- config:start_link([]),
- meck:new([fabric, couch_stats, couch_log]),
- meck:new(fabric_util, [passthrough]),
- meck:expect(fabric, update_docs, fun(_, _, _) -> {ok, nil} end),
- meck:expect(couch_stats, increment_counter, fun(_) -> ok end),
- meck:expect(couch_log, notice, fun(_, _) -> ok end),
- meck:expect(fabric_util, cleanup, fun(_) -> ok end).
-teardown_all(_) ->
- meck:unload(),
- config:stop().
-setup() ->
- meck:reset([
- couch_log,
- couch_stats,
- fabric,
- fabric_util
- ]).
-teardown(_) ->
- ok.
-state0(Revs, Latest) ->
- #state{
- worker_count = 3,
- workers =
- [#shard{node = 'node1'}, #shard{node = 'node2'}, #shard{node = 'node3'}],
- r = 2,
- revs = Revs,
- latest = Latest
- }.
-revs() -> [{1, <<"foo">>}, {1, <<"bar">>}, {1, <<"baz">>}].
-foo1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"foo">>]}}}.
-foo2() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>, <<"foo">>]}}}.
-foo2stemmed() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>]}}}.
-fooNF() -> {{not_found, missing}, {1, <<"foo">>}}.
-foo2NF() -> {{not_found, missing}, {2, <<"foo2">>}}.
-bar1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"bar">>]}}}.
-barNF() -> {{not_found, missing}, {1, <<"bar">>}}.
-bazNF() -> {{not_found, missing}, {1, <<"baz">>}}.
-baz1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"baz">>]}}}.
-open_doc_revs_test_() ->
- {
- setup,
- fun setup_all/0,
- fun teardown_all/1,
- {
- foreach,
- fun setup/0,
- fun teardown/1,
- [
- check_empty_response_not_quorum(),
- check_basic_response(),
- check_finish_quorum(),
- check_finish_quorum_newer(),
- check_no_quorum_on_second(),
- check_done_on_third(),
- check_specific_revs_first_msg(),
- check_revs_done_on_agreement(),
- check_latest_true(),
- check_ancestor_counted_in_quorum(),
- check_not_found_counts_for_descendant(),
- check_worker_error_skipped(),
- check_quorum_only_counts_valid_responses(),
- check_empty_list_when_no_workers_reply(),
- check_node_rev_stored(),
- check_node_rev_store_head_only(),
- check_node_rev_store_multiple(),
- check_node_rev_dont_store_errors(),
- check_node_rev_store_non_errors(),
- check_node_rev_store_concatenate(),
- check_node_rev_store_concantenate_multiple(),
- check_node_rev_unmodified_on_down_or_exit(),
- check_not_found_replies_are_removed_when_doc_found(),
- check_not_found_returned_when_one_of_docs_not_found(),
- check_not_found_returned_when_doc_not_found(),
- check_longer_rev_list_returned(),
- check_longer_rev_list_not_combined(),
- check_not_found_removed_and_longer_rev_list()
- ]
- }
- }.
-% Tests for revs=all
-check_empty_response_not_quorum() ->
- % Simple smoke test that we don't think we're
- % done with a first empty response
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- ?_assertMatch(
- {ok, #state{workers = [W2, W3]}},
- handle_message({ok, []}, W1, state0(all, false))
- ).
-check_basic_response() ->
- % Check that we've handle a response
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- ?_assertMatch(
- {ok, #state{reply_count = 1, workers = [W2, W3]}},
- handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W1, state0(all, false))
- ).
-check_finish_quorum() ->
- % Two messages with the same revisions means we're done
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(all, false),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W1, S0),
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo1()]},
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W2, S1))
- end).
-check_finish_quorum_newer() ->
- % We count a descendant of a revision for quorum so
- % foo1 should count for foo2 which means we're finished.
- % We also validate that read_repair was triggered.
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(all, false),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W1, S0),
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo2()]},
- ok = meck:reset(fabric),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message({ok, [foo2(), bar1()]}, W2, S1)),
- ok = meck:wait(fabric, update_docs, '_', 5000),
- ?assertMatch(
- [{_, {fabric, update_docs, [_, _, _]}, _}],
- meck:history(fabric)
- )
- end).
-check_no_quorum_on_second() ->
- % Quorum not yet met for the foo revision so we
- % would wait for w3
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(all, false),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertMatch(
- {ok, #state{workers = [W3]}},
- handle_message({ok, [bar1()]}, W2, S1)
- )
- end).
-check_done_on_third() ->
- % The third message of three means we're done no matter
- % what. Every revision seen in this pattern should be
- % included.
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(all, false),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1()]}, W1, S0),
- {ok, S2} = handle_message({ok, [bar1()]}, W2, S1),
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo1()]},
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message({ok, [bar1()]}, W3, S2))
- end).
-% Tests for a specific list of revs
-check_specific_revs_first_msg() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), false),
- ?assertMatch(
- {ok, #state{reply_count = 1, workers = [W2, W3]}},
- handle_message({ok, [foo1(), bar1(), bazNF()]}, W1, S0)
- )
- end).
-check_revs_done_on_agreement() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), false),
- Msg = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg, W1, S0),
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo1(), bazNF()]},
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg, W2, S1))
- end).
-check_latest_true() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {ok, [foo2(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- Msg2 = {ok, [foo2(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo2(), bazNF()]},
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1))
- end).
-check_ancestor_counted_in_quorum() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- Msg2 = {ok, [foo2(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), foo2(), bazNF()]},
- % Older first
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1)),
- % Newer first
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Msg2, W2, S0),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg1, W1, S2))
- end).
-check_not_found_counts_for_descendant() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), bazNF()]},
- Msg2 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), baz1()]},
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), baz1(), foo1()]},
- % not_found first
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1)),
- % not_found second
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Msg2, W2, S0),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg1, W1, S2))
- end).
-check_worker_error_skipped() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), baz1()]},
- Msg2 = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- Msg3 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), baz1()]},
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), baz1(), foo1()]},
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg3, W3, S2))
- end).
-check_quorum_only_counts_valid_responses() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- Msg2 = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- Msg3 = {ok, [foo1(), bar1(), baz1()]},
- Expect = {stop, [bar1(), baz1(), foo1()]},
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg3, W3, S2))
- end).
-check_empty_list_when_no_workers_reply() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = 'node1'},
- W2 = #shard{node = 'node2'},
- W3 = #shard{node = 'node3'},
- S0 = state0(revs(), true),
- Msg1 = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- Msg2 = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- Msg3 = {rexi_DOWN, nodedown, {nil, node()}, nil},
- Expect = {stop, all_workers_died},
- {ok, S1} = handle_message(Msg1, W1, S0),
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Msg2, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, handle_message(Msg3, W3, S2))
- end).
-check_node_rev_stored() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = node1},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual([{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}], S1#state.node_revs)
- end).
-check_node_rev_store_head_only() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = node1},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo2()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual([{node1, [{2, <<"foo2">>}]}], S1#state.node_revs)
- end).
-check_node_rev_store_multiple() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = node1},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), foo2()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual(
- [{node1, [{2, <<"foo2">>}, {1, <<"foo">>}]}],
- S1#state.node_revs
- )
- end).
-check_node_rev_dont_store_errors() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = node1},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [barNF()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual([], S1#state.node_revs)
- end).
-check_node_rev_store_non_errors() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W1 = #shard{node = node1},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- {ok, S1} = handle_message({ok, [foo1(), barNF()]}, W1, S0),
- ?assertEqual([{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}], S1#state.node_revs)
- end).
-check_node_rev_store_concatenate() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W2 = #shard{node = node2},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- S1 = S0#state{node_revs = [{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}]},
- {ok, S2} = handle_message({ok, [foo2()]}, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(
- [{node2, [{2, <<"foo2">>}]}, {node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}],
- S2#state.node_revs
- )
- end).
-check_node_rev_store_concantenate_multiple() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W2 = #shard{node = node2},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- S1 = S0#state{node_revs = [{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}]},
- {ok, S2} = handle_message({ok, [foo2(), bar1()]}, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(
- [
- {node2, [{1, <<"bar">>}, {2, <<"foo2">>}]},
- {node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}
- ],
- S2#state.node_revs
- )
- end).
-check_node_rev_unmodified_on_down_or_exit() ->
- ?_test(begin
- W2 = #shard{node = node2},
- S0 = state0([], true),
- S1 = S0#state{node_revs = [{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}]},
- Down = {rexi_DOWN, nodedown, {nil, node()}, nil},
- {ok, S2} = handle_message(Down, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(
- [{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}],
- S2#state.node_revs
- ),
- Exit = {rexi_EXIT, reason},
- {ok, S3} = handle_message(Exit, W2, S1),
- ?assertEqual(
- [{node1, [{1, <<"foo">>}]}],
- S3#state.node_revs
- )
- end).
-check_not_found_replies_are_removed_when_doc_found() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([foo1(), bar1(), fooNF()]),
- Expect = [bar1(), foo1()],
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-check_not_found_returned_when_one_of_docs_not_found() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([foo1(), foo2(), barNF()]),
- Expect = [foo1(), foo2(), barNF()],
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-check_not_found_returned_when_doc_not_found() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([fooNF(), barNF(), bazNF()]),
- Expect = [barNF(), bazNF(), fooNF()],
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-check_longer_rev_list_returned() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([foo2(), foo2stemmed()]),
- Expect = [foo2()],
- ?assertEqual(2, length(Replies)),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-check_longer_rev_list_not_combined() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([foo2(), foo2stemmed(), bar1()]),
- Expect = [bar1(), foo2()],
- ?assertEqual(3, length(Replies)),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-check_not_found_removed_and_longer_rev_list() ->
- ?_test(begin
- Replies = replies_to_dict([foo2(), foo2stemmed(), foo2NF()]),
- Expect = [foo2()],
- ?assertEqual(3, length(Replies)),
- ?assertEqual(Expect, dict_format_replies(Replies))
- end).
-replies_to_dict(Replies) ->
- [reply_to_element(R) || R <- Replies].
-reply_to_element({ok, #doc{revs = Revs}} = Reply) ->
- {_, [Rev | _]} = Revs,
- {{Rev, Revs}, {Reply, 1}};
-reply_to_element(Reply) ->
- {Reply, {Reply, 1}}.