path: root/src/mango/src/mango_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mango/src/mango_util.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_util.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d31f15f9..000000000
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
- open_doc/2,
- open_ddocs/1,
- load_ddoc/2,
- load_ddoc/3,
- defer/3,
- do_defer/3,
- assert_ejson/1,
- to_lower/1,
- enc_dbname/1,
- dec_dbname/1,
- enc_hex/1,
- dec_hex/1,
- lucene_escape_field/1,
- lucene_escape_query_value/1,
- lucene_escape_user/1,
- is_number_string/1,
- has_suffix/2,
- join/2,
- parse_field/1,
- cached_re/2
--define(DIGITS, "(\\p{N}+)").
--define(HEXDIGITS, "([0-9a-fA-F]+)").
--define(EXP, "[eE][+-]?" ++ ?DIGITS).
-"[\\x00-\\x20]*" ++ "[+-]?(" ++ "NaN|"
- ++ "Infinity|" ++ "((("
- ++ ?DIGITS
- ++ "(\\.)?("
- ++ ?DIGITS
- ++ "?)("
- ++ ?EXP
- ++ ")?)|"
- ++ "(\\.("
- ++ ?DIGITS
- ++ ")("
- ++ ?EXP
- ++ ")?)|"
- ++ "(("
- ++ "(0[xX]"
- ++ "(\\.)?)|"
- ++ "(0[xX]"
- ++ "?(\\.)"
- ++ ")"
- ++ ")[pP][+-]?" ++ ?DIGITS ++ "))" ++ "[fFdD]?))" ++ "[\\x00-\\x20]*").
-open_doc(Db, DocId) ->
- open_doc(Db, DocId, [deleted, ejson_body]).
-open_doc(Db, DocId, Options) ->
- case mango_util:defer(fabric, open_doc, [Db, DocId, Options]) of
- {ok, Doc} ->
- {ok, Doc};
- {not_found, _} ->
- not_found;
- _ ->
- ?MANGO_ERROR({error_loading_doc, DocId})
- end.
-open_ddocs(Db) ->
- case mango_util:defer(fabric, design_docs, [Db]) of
- {ok, Docs} ->
- {ok, Docs};
- _ ->
- ?MANGO_ERROR(error_loading_ddocs)
- end.
-load_ddoc(Db, DDocId) ->
- load_ddoc(Db, DDocId, [deleted, ejson_body]).
-load_ddoc(Db, DDocId, DbOpts) ->
- case open_doc(Db, DDocId, DbOpts) of
- {ok, Doc} ->
- {ok, check_lang(Doc)};
- not_found ->
- Body = {[
- {<<"language">>, <<"query">>}
- ]},
- {ok, #doc{id = DDocId, body = Body}}
- end.
-defer(Mod, Fun, Args) ->
- {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, do_defer, [Mod, Fun, Args]),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {mango_defer_ok, Value}} ->
- Value;
- {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {mango_defer_throw, Value}} ->
- erlang:throw(Value);
- {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {mango_defer_error, Value}} ->
- erlang:error(Value);
- {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {mango_defer_exit, Value}} ->
- erlang:exit(Value)
- end.
-do_defer(Mod, Fun, Args) ->
- try erlang:apply(Mod, Fun, Args) of
- Resp ->
- erlang:exit({mango_defer_ok, Resp})
- catch
- throw:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- couch_log:error("Defered error: ~w~n ~p", [{throw, Error}, Stack]),
- erlang:exit({mango_defer_throw, Error});
- error:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- couch_log:error("Defered error: ~w~n ~p", [{error, Error}, Stack]),
- erlang:exit({mango_defer_error, Error});
- exit:Error ->
- Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- couch_log:error("Defered error: ~w~n ~p", [{exit, Error}, Stack]),
- erlang:exit({mango_defer_exit, Error})
- end.
-assert_ejson({Props}) ->
- assert_ejson_obj(Props);
-assert_ejson(Vals) when is_list(Vals) ->
- assert_ejson_arr(Vals);
-assert_ejson(null) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson(true) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson(false) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson(String) when is_binary(String) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson(Number) when is_number(Number) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson(_Else) ->
- false.
-assert_ejson_obj([]) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson_obj([{Key, Val} | Rest]) when is_binary(Key) ->
- case assert_ejson(Val) of
- true ->
- assert_ejson_obj(Rest);
- false ->
- false
- end;
-assert_ejson_obj(_Else) ->
- false.
-assert_ejson_arr([]) ->
- true;
-assert_ejson_arr([Val | Rest]) ->
- case assert_ejson(Val) of
- true ->
- assert_ejson_arr(Rest);
- false ->
- false
- end.
-check_lang(#doc{id = Id, deleted = true}) ->
- Body = {[
- {<<"language">>, <<"query">>}
- ]},
- #doc{id = Id, body = Body};
-check_lang(#doc{body = {Props}} = Doc) ->
- case lists:keyfind(<<"language">>, 1, Props) of
- {<<"language">>, <<"query">>} ->
- Doc;
- Else ->
- ?MANGO_ERROR({invalid_ddoc_lang, Else})
- end.
-to_lower(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
- KStr = binary_to_list(Key),
- KLower = string:to_lower(KStr),
- list_to_binary(KLower).
-enc_dbname(<<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-enc_dbname(<<A:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
- Bytes = enc_db_byte(A),
- Tail = enc_dbname(Rest),
- <<Bytes/binary, Tail/binary>>.
-enc_db_byte(N) when N >= $a, N =< $z -> <<N>>;
-enc_db_byte(N) when N >= $0, N =< $9 -> <<N>>;
-enc_db_byte(N) when N == $/; N == $_; N == $- -> <<N>>;
-enc_db_byte(N) ->
- H = enc_hex_byte(N div 16),
- L = enc_hex_byte(N rem 16),
- <<$$, H:8/integer, L:8/integer>>.
-dec_dbname(<<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-dec_dbname(<<$$, _:8/integer>>) ->
- throw(invalid_dbname_encoding);
-dec_dbname(<<$$, H:8/integer, L:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
- Byte = (dec_hex_byte(H) bsl 4) bor dec_hex_byte(L),
- Tail = dec_dbname(Rest),
- <<Byte:8/integer, Tail/binary>>;
-dec_dbname(<<N:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
- Tail = dec_dbname(Rest),
- <<N:8/integer, Tail/binary>>.
-enc_hex(<<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-enc_hex(<<V:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
- H = enc_hex_byte(V div 16),
- L = enc_hex_byte(V rem 16),
- Tail = enc_hex(Rest),
- <<H:8/integer, L:8/integer, Tail/binary>>.
-enc_hex_byte(N) when N >= 0, N < 10 -> $0 + N;
-enc_hex_byte(N) when N >= 10, N < 16 -> $a + (N - 10);
-enc_hex_byte(N) -> throw({invalid_hex_value, N}).
-dec_hex(<<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-dec_hex(<<_:8/integer>>) ->
- throw(invalid_hex_string);
-dec_hex(<<H:8/integer, L:8/integer, Rest/binary>>) ->
- Byte = (dec_hex_byte(H) bsl 4) bor dec_hex_byte(L),
- Tail = dec_hex(Rest),
- <<Byte:8/integer, Tail/binary>>.
-dec_hex_byte(N) when N >= $0, N =< $9 -> (N - $0);
-dec_hex_byte(N) when N >= $a, N =< $f -> (N - $a) + 10;
-dec_hex_byte(N) when N >= $A, N =< $F -> (N - $A) + 10;
-dec_hex_byte(N) -> throw({invalid_hex_character, N}).
-lucene_escape_field(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- Str = binary_to_list(Bin),
- Enc = lucene_escape_field(Str),
- iolist_to_binary(Enc);
-lucene_escape_field([H | T]) when is_number(H), H >= 0, H =< 255 ->
- if
- H >= $a, $z >= H ->
- [H | lucene_escape_field(T)];
- H >= $A, $Z >= H ->
- [H | lucene_escape_field(T)];
- H >= $0, $9 >= H ->
- [H | lucene_escape_field(T)];
- true ->
- Hi = enc_hex_byte(H div 16),
- Lo = enc_hex_byte(H rem 16),
- [$_, Hi, Lo | lucene_escape_field(T)]
- end;
-lucene_escape_field([]) ->
- [].
-lucene_escape_query_value(IoList) when is_list(IoList) ->
- lucene_escape_query_value(iolist_to_binary(IoList));
-lucene_escape_query_value(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- IoList = lucene_escape_qv(Bin),
- iolist_to_binary(IoList).
-% This escapes the special Lucene query characters
-% listed below as well as any whitespace.
-% + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? : \ " /
-lucene_escape_qv(<<>>) -> [];
-lucene_escape_qv(<<"&&", Rest/binary>>) ->
- ["\\&&" | lucene_escape_qv(Rest)];
-lucene_escape_qv(<<"||", Rest/binary>>) ->
- ["\\||" | lucene_escape_qv(Rest)];
-lucene_escape_qv(<<C, Rest/binary>>) ->
- NeedsEscape = "+-(){}[]!^~*?:/\\\" \t\r\n",
- Out = case lists:member(C, NeedsEscape) of
- true -> ["\\", C];
- false -> [C]
- end,
- Out ++ lucene_escape_qv(Rest).
-lucene_escape_user(Field) ->
- {ok, Path} = parse_field(Field),
- Escaped = [mango_util:lucene_escape_field(P) || P <- Path],
- iolist_to_binary(join(".", Escaped)).
-has_suffix(Bin, Suffix) when is_binary(Bin), is_binary(Suffix) ->
- SBin = size(Bin),
- SSuffix = size(Suffix),
- if SBin < SSuffix -> false; true ->
- PSize = SBin - SSuffix,
- case Bin of
- <<_:PSize/binary, Suffix/binary>> ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end.
-join(_Sep, []) ->
- [];
-join(_Sep, [Item]) ->
- [Item];
-join(Sep, [Item | Rest]) ->
- [Item, Sep | join(Sep, Rest)].
-is_number_string(Value) when is_binary(Value) ->
- is_number_string(binary_to_list(Value));
-is_number_string(Value) when is_list(Value)->
- MP = cached_re(mango_numstring_re, ?NUMSTRING),
- case re:run(Value, MP) of
- nomatch ->
- false;
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-cached_re(Name, RE) ->
- case mochiglobal:get(Name) of
- undefined ->
- {ok, MP} = re:compile(RE),
- ok = mochiglobal:put(Name, MP),
- MP;
- MP ->
- MP
- end.
-parse_field(Field) ->
- case binary:match(Field, <<"\\">>, []) of
- nomatch ->
- % Fast path, no regex required
- {ok, check_non_empty(Field, binary:split(Field, <<".">>, [global]))};
- _ ->
- parse_field_slow(Field)
- end.
-parse_field_slow(Field) ->
- Path = lists:map(fun
- (P) when P =:= <<>> ->
- ?MANGO_ERROR({invalid_field_name, Field});
- (P) ->
- re:replace(P, <<"\\\\">>, <<>>, [global, {return, binary}])
- end, re:split(Field, <<"(?<!\\\\)\\.">>)),
- {ok, Path}.
-check_non_empty(Field, Parts) ->
- case lists:member(<<>>, Parts) of
- true ->
- ?MANGO_ERROR({invalid_field_name, Field});
- false ->
- Parts
- end.
-parse_field_test() ->
- ?assertEqual({ok, [<<"ab">>]}, parse_field(<<"ab">>)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>]}, parse_field(<<"a.b">>)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [<<"a.b">>]}, parse_field(<<"a\\.b">>)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [<<"a">>, <<"b">>, <<"c">>]}, parse_field(<<"a.b.c">>)),
- ?assertEqual({ok, [<<"a">>, <<"b.c">>]}, parse_field(<<"a.b\\.c">>)),
- Exception = {mango_error, ?MODULE, {invalid_field_name, <<"a..b">>}},
- ?assertThrow(Exception, parse_field(<<"a..b">>)).
-is_number_string_test() ->
- ?assert(is_number_string("0")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("1")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("1.0")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("1.0E10")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("0d")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("-1")),
- ?assert(is_number_string("-1.0")),
- ?assertNot(is_number_string("hello")),
- ?assertNot(is_number_string("")),
- ?assertMatch({match, _}, re:run("1.0", mochiglobal:get(mango_numstring_re))).