path: root/src/mem3/src/mem3_reshard_job.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem3/src/mem3_reshard_job.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 716 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem3/src/mem3_reshard_job.erl b/src/mem3/src/mem3_reshard_job.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index aedca21bb..000000000
--- a/src/mem3/src/mem3_reshard_job.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
- start_link/1,
- checkpoint_done/1,
- jobfmt/1,
- pickfun/3
- init/1,
- initial_copy/1,
- initial_copy_impl/1,
- topoff/1,
- topoff_impl/1,
- build_indices/1,
- copy_local_docs/1,
- copy_local_docs_impl/1,
- update_shardmap/1,
- wait_source_close/1,
- wait_source_close_impl/1,
- source_delete/1,
- source_delete_impl/1,
- completed/1
-% Batch size for internal replication topoffs
--define(INTERNAL_REP_BATCH_SIZE, 2000).
-% The list of possible job states. The order of this
-% list is important as a job will progress linearly
-% through it. However, when starting a job we may
-% have to resume from an earlier state as listed
-% below in STATE_RESTART.
--define(SPLIT_STATES, [
- new,
- initial_copy,
- topoff1,
- build_indices,
- topoff2,
- copy_local_docs,
- update_shardmap,
- wait_source_close,
- topoff3,
- source_delete,
- completed
-% When a job starts it may be resuming from a partially
-% completed state. These state pairs list the state
-% we have to restart from for each possible state.
--define(STATE_RESTART, #{
- new => initial_copy,
- initial_copy => initial_copy,
- topoff1 => topoff1,
- build_indices => topoff1,
- topoff2 => topoff1,
- copy_local_docs => topoff1,
- update_shardmap => update_shardmap,
- wait_source_close => wait_source_close,
- topoff3 => wait_source_close,
- source_delete => wait_source_close,
- completed => completed
-% If we have a worker failing during any of these
-% states we need to clean up the targets
- initial_copy,
- topoff1,
- build_indices,
- topoff2,
- copy_local_docs
-start_link(#job{} = Job) ->
- proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [Job]).
-% This is called by the main proces after it has checkpointed the progress
-% of the job. After the new state is checkpointed, we signal the job to start
-% executing that state.
-checkpoint_done(#job{pid = Pid} = Job) ->
- couch_log:notice(" ~p : checkpoint done for ~p", [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- Pid ! checkpoint_done,
- ok.
-% Formatting function, used for logging mostly
-jobfmt(#job{} = Job) ->
- #job{
- id = Id,
- source = #shard{name = Source},
- target = Target,
- split_state = State,
- job_state = JobState,
- pid = Pid
- } = Job,
- TargetCount = length(Target),
- Msg = "#job{~s ~s /~B job_state:~s split_state:~s pid:~p}",
- Fmt = io_lib:format(Msg, [Id, Source, TargetCount, JobState, State, Pid]),
- lists:flatten(Fmt).
-% This is the function which picks between various targets. It is used here as
-% well as in mem3_rep internal replicator and couch_db_split bulk copy logic.
-% Given a document id and list of ranges, and a hash function, it will pick one
-% of the range or return not_in_range atom.
-pickfun(DocId, [[B, E] | _] = Ranges, {_M, _F, _A} = HashFun) when
- is_integer(B), is_integer(E), B =< E ->
- HashKey = mem3_hash:calculate(HashFun, DocId),
- Pred = fun([Begin, End]) ->
- Begin =< HashKey andalso HashKey =< End
- end,
- case lists:filter(Pred, Ranges) of
- [] -> not_in_range;
- [Key] -> Key
- end.
-init(#job{} = Job0) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Job1 = set_start_state(Job0#job{
- pid = self(),
- start_time = mem3_reshard:now_sec(),
- workers = [],
- retries = 0
- }),
- Job2 = update_split_history(Job1),
- proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
- couch_log:notice("~p starting job ~s", [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job2)]),
- ok = checkpoint(Job2),
- run(Job2).
-run(#job{split_state = CurrState} = Job) ->
- StateFun = case CurrState of
- topoff1 -> topoff;
- topoff2 -> topoff;
- topoff3 -> topoff;
- _ -> CurrState
- end,
- NewJob = try
- Job1 = ?MODULE:StateFun(Job),
- Job2 = wait_for_workers(Job1),
- Job3 = switch_to_next_state(Job2),
- ok = checkpoint(Job3),
- Job3
- catch
- throw:{retry, RetryJob} ->
- RetryJob
- end,
- run(NewJob).
-set_start_state(#job{split_state = State} = Job) ->
- case maps:get(State, ?STATE_RESTART, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- Fmt1 = "~p recover : unknown state ~s",
- couch_log:error(Fmt1, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- erlang:error({invalid_split_job_recover_state, Job});
- StartState->
- Job#job{split_state = StartState}
- end.
-get_next_state(#job{split_state = State}) ->
- get_next_state(State, ?SPLIT_STATES).
-get_next_state(completed, _) ->
- completed;
-get_next_state(CurrState, [CurrState, NextState | _]) ->
- NextState;
-get_next_state(CurrState, [_ | Rest]) ->
- get_next_state(CurrState, Rest).
-switch_to_next_state(#job{} = Job0) ->
- Info0 = Job0#job.state_info,
- Info1 = info_delete(error, Info0),
- Info2 = info_delete(reason, Info1),
- Job1 = Job0#job{
- split_state = get_next_state(Job0),
- update_time = mem3_reshard:now_sec(),
- retries = 0,
- state_info = Info2,
- workers = []
- },
- Job2 = update_split_history(Job1),
- check_state(Job2).
-checkpoint(Job) ->
- % Ask main process to checkpoint. When it has finished it will notify us
- % by calling by checkpoint_done/1. The reason not to call the main process
- % via a gen_server:call is because the main process could be in the middle
- % of terminating the job and then it would deadlock (after sending us a
- % shutdown message) and it would end up using the whole supervisor
- % termination timeout before finally.
- ok = mem3_reshard:checkpoint(Job#job.manager, Job),
- Parent = parent(),
- receive
- {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- handle_exit(Job, Reason);
- checkpoint_done ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- handle_unknown_msg(Job, "checkpoint", Other)
- end.
-wait_for_workers(#job{workers = []} = Job) ->
- Job;
-wait_for_workers(#job{workers = Workers} = Job) ->
- Parent = parent(),
- receive
- {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- handle_exit(Job, Reason);
- {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
- case lists:member(Pid, Workers) of
- true ->
- NewJob = handle_worker_exit(Job, Pid, Reason),
- wait_for_workers(NewJob);
- false ->
- handle_unknown_msg(Job, "wait_for_workers", {Pid, Reason})
- end;
- Other ->
- handle_unknown_msg(Job, "wait_for_workers", Other)
- end.
-handle_worker_exit(#job{workers = Workers} = Job, Pid, normal) ->
- Job#job{workers = Workers -- [Pid]};
-handle_worker_exit(#job{} = Job, _Pid, {error, missing_source}) ->
- Msg1 = "~p stopping worker due to source missing ~p",
- couch_log:error(Msg1, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- kill_workers(Job),
- case lists:member(Job#job.split_state, ?CLEAN_TARGET_STATES) of
- true ->
- Msg2 = "~p cleaning target after db was deleted ~p",
- couch_log:error(Msg2, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- reset_target(Job),
- exit({error, missing_source});
- false ->
- exit({error, missing_source})
- end;
-handle_worker_exit(#job{} = Job, _Pid, {error, missing_target}) ->
- Msg = "~p stopping worker due to target db missing ~p",
- couch_log:error(Msg, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- kill_workers(Job),
- exit({error, missing_target});
-handle_worker_exit(#job{} = Job0, _Pid, Reason) ->
- couch_log:error("~p worker error ~p ~p", [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job0), Reason]),
- kill_workers(Job0),
- Job1 = Job0#job{workers = []},
- case Job1#job.retries =< max_retries() of
- true ->
- retry_state(Job1, Reason);
- false ->
- exit(Reason)
- end.
-% Cleanup and exit when we receive an 'EXIT' message from our parent. In case
-% the shard map is being updated, try to wait some time for it to finish.
-handle_exit(#job{split_state = update_shardmap, workers = [WPid]} = Job,
- Reason) ->
- Timeout = update_shard_map_timeout_sec(),
- Msg1 = "~p job exit ~s ~p while shard map is updating, waiting ~p sec",
- couch_log:warning(Msg1, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), Reason, Timeout]),
- receive
- {'EXIT', WPid, normal} ->
- Msg2 = "~p ~s shard map finished updating successfully, exiting",
- couch_log:notice(Msg2, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- exit(Reason);
- {'EXIT', WPid, Error} ->
- Msg3 = "~p ~s shard map update failed with error ~p",
- couch_log:error(Msg3, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), Error]),
- exit(Reason)
- after Timeout * 1000->
- Msg4 = "~p ~s shard map update timeout exceeded ~p sec",
- couch_log:error(Msg4, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), Timeout]),
- kill_workers(Job),
- exit(Reason)
- end;
-handle_exit(#job{} = Job, Reason) ->
- kill_workers(Job),
- exit(Reason).
-retry_state(#job{retries = Retries, state_info = Info} = Job0, Error) ->
- Job1 = Job0#job{
- retries = Retries + 1,
- state_info = info_update(error, Error, Info)
- },
- couch_log:notice("~p retrying ~p ~p", [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job1), Retries]),
- Job2 = report(Job1),
- Timeout = retry_interval_sec(),
- Parent = parent(),
- receive
- {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- handle_exit(Job2, Reason);
- Other ->
- handle_unknown_msg(Job2, "retry_state", Other)
- after Timeout * 1000 ->
- ok
- end,
- throw({retry, Job2}).
-report(#job{manager = ManagerPid} = Job) ->
- Job1 = Job#job{update_time = mem3_reshard:now_sec()},
- ok = mem3_reshard:report(ManagerPid, Job1),
- Job1.
-kill_workers(#job{workers = Workers}) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Worker) ->
- unlink(Worker),
- exit(Worker, kill)
- end, Workers),
- flush_worker_messages().
-flush_worker_messages() ->
- Parent = parent(),
- receive
- {'EXIT', Pid, _} when Pid =/= Parent ->
- flush_worker_messages()
- after 0 ->
- ok
- end.
-parent() ->
- case get('$ancestors') of
- [Pid | _] when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid;
- [Name | _] when is_atom(Name) -> whereis(Name);
- _ -> undefined
- end.
-handle_unknown_msg(Job, When, RMsg) ->
- LogMsg = "~p ~s received an unknown message ~p when in ~s",
- couch_log:error(LogMsg, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), RMsg, When]),
- erlang:error({invalid_split_job_message,, When, RMsg}).
-initial_copy(#job{} = Job) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, initial_copy_impl, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-initial_copy_impl(#job{source = Source, target = Targets0} = Job) ->
- #shard{name = SourceName} = Source,
- Targets = [{R, N} || #shard{range = R, name = N} <- Targets0],
- TMap = maps:from_list(Targets),
- LogMsg1 = "~p initial_copy started ~s",
- LogArgs1 = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets0)],
- couch_log:notice(LogMsg1, LogArgs1),
- reset_target(Job),
- case couch_db_split:split(SourceName, TMap, fun pickfun/3) of
- {ok, Seq} ->
- LogMsg2 = "~p initial_copy of ~s finished @ seq:~p",
- LogArgs2 = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets0), Seq],
- couch_log:notice(LogMsg2, LogArgs2),
- create_artificial_mem3_rep_checkpoints(Job, Seq);
- {error, Error} ->
- LogMsg3 = "~p initial_copy of ~p finished @ ~p",
- LogArgs3 = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets0), Error],
- couch_log:notice(LogMsg3, LogArgs3),
- exit({error, Error})
- end.
-topoff(#job{} = Job) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, topoff_impl, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-topoff_impl(#job{source = #shard{} = Source, target = Targets}) ->
- couch_log:notice("~p topoff ~p", [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets)]),
- check_source_exists(Source, topoff),
- check_targets_exist(Targets, topoff),
- TMap = maps:from_list([{R, T} || #shard{range = R} = T <- Targets]),
- Opts = [{batch_size, ?INTERNAL_REP_BATCH_SIZE}, {batch_count, all}],
- case mem3_rep:go(Source, TMap, Opts) of
- {ok, Count} ->
- Args = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets), Count],
- couch_log:notice("~p topoff done ~s, count: ~p", Args),
- ok;
- {error, Error} ->
- Args = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets), Error],
- couch_log:error("~p topoff failed ~s, error: ~p", Args),
- exit({error, Error})
- end.
-build_indices(#job{} = Job) ->
- #job{
- source = #shard{name = SourceName} = Source,
- target = Targets,
- retries = Retries,
- state_info = Info
- } = Job,
- check_source_exists(Source, build_indices),
- {ok, DDocs} = mem3_reshard_index:design_docs(SourceName),
- Indices = mem3_reshard_index:target_indices(DDocs, Targets),
- case mem3_reshard_index:spawn_builders(Indices) of
- {ok, []} ->
- % Skip the log spam if this is a no-op
- Job#job{workers = []};
- {ok, Pids} ->
- report(Job#job{workers = Pids});
- {error, Error} ->
- case Job#job.retries =< max_retries() of
- true ->
- build_indices(Job#job{
- retries = Retries + 1,
- state_info = info_update(error, Error, Info)
- });
- false ->
- exit(Error)
- end
- end.
-copy_local_docs(#job{split_state = copy_local_docs} = Job) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, copy_local_docs_impl, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-copy_local_docs_impl(#job{source = Source, target = Targets0}) ->
- #shard{name = SourceName} = Source,
- Targets = [{R, N} || #shard{range = R, name = N} <- Targets0],
- TMap = maps:from_list(Targets),
- LogArg1 = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets)],
- couch_log:notice("~p copy local docs start ~s", LogArg1),
- case couch_db_split:copy_local_docs(SourceName, TMap, fun pickfun/3) of
- ok ->
- couch_log:notice("~p copy local docs finished for ~s", LogArg1),
- ok;
- {error, Error} ->
- LogArg2 = [?MODULE, shardsstr(Source, Targets), Error],
- couch_log:error("~p copy local docs failed for ~s ~p", LogArg2),
- exit({error, Error})
- end.
-update_shardmap(#job{} = Job) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(mem3_reshard_dbdoc, update_shard_map, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-wait_source_close(#job{source = #shard{name = Name}} = Job) ->
- couch_event:notify(Name, deleted),
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, wait_source_close_impl, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-wait_source_close_impl(#job{source = #shard{name = Name}, target = Targets}) ->
- Timeout = config:get_integer("reshard", "source_close_timeout_sec", 600),
- check_targets_exist(Targets, wait_source_close),
- case couch_db:open_int(Name, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- Now = mem3_reshard:now_sec(),
- case wait_source_close(Db, 1, Now + Timeout) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- exit({error, source_db_close_timeout, Name, Timeout})
- end;
- {not_found, _} ->
- couch_log:warning("~p source already deleted ~p", [?MODULE, Name]),
- ok
- end.
-wait_source_close(Db, SleepSec, UntilSec) ->
- case couch_db:monitored_by(Db) -- [self()] of
- [] ->
- true;
- [_ | _] ->
- Now = mem3_reshard:now_sec(),
- case Now < UntilSec of
- true ->
- LogMsg = "~p : Waiting for source shard ~p to be closed",
- couch_log:notice(LogMsg, [?MODULE, couch_db:name(Db)]),
- timer:sleep(SleepSec * 1000),
- wait_source_close(Db, SleepSec, UntilSec);
- false ->
- false
- end
- end.
-source_delete(#job{} = Job) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, source_delete_impl, [Job]),
- report(Job#job{workers = [Pid]}).
-source_delete_impl(#job{source = #shard{name = Name}, target = Targets}) ->
- check_targets_exist(Targets, source_delete),
- case config:get_boolean("mem3_reshard", "delete_source", true) of
- true ->
- case couch_server:delete(Name, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
- ok ->
- couch_log:notice("~p : deleted source shard ~p",
- [?MODULE, Name]);
- not_found ->
- couch_log:warning("~p : source was already deleted ~p",
- [?MODULE, Name])
- end;
- false ->
- % Emit deleted event even when not actually deleting the files this
- % is the second one emitted, the other one was before
- % wait_source_close. They should be idempotent. This one is just to
- % match the one that couch_server would emit had the config not
- % been set
- couch_event:notify(Name, deleted),
- LogMsg = "~p : according to configuration not deleting source ~p",
- couch_log:warning(LogMsg, [?MODULE, Name])
- end,
- TNames = [TName || #shard{name = TName} <- Targets],
- lists:foreach(fun(TName) -> couch_event:notify(TName, updated) end, TNames).
-completed(#job{} = Job) ->
- couch_log:notice("~p : ~p completed, exit normal", [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job)]),
- exit(normal).
-% This is for belt and suspenders really. Call periodically to validate the
-% state is one of the expected states.
--spec check_state(#job{}) -> #job{} | no_return().
-check_state(#job{split_state = State} = Job) ->
- case lists:member(State, ?SPLIT_STATES) of
- true ->
- Job;
- false ->
- erlang:error({invalid_shard_split_state, State, Job})
- end.
-create_artificial_mem3_rep_checkpoints(#job{} = Job, Seq) ->
- #job{source = Source = #shard{name = SourceName}, target = Targets} = Job,
- check_source_exists(Source, initial_copy),
- TNames = [TN || #shard{name = TN} <- Targets],
- Timestamp = list_to_binary(mem3_util:iso8601_timestamp()),
- couch_util:with_db(SourceName, fun(SDb) ->
- [couch_util:with_db(TName, fun(TDb) ->
- Doc = mem3_rep_checkpoint_doc(SDb, TDb, Timestamp, Seq),
- {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(SDb, Doc, []),
- {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(TDb, Doc, []),
- ok
- end) || TName <- TNames]
- end),
- ok.
-mem3_rep_checkpoint_doc(SourceDb, TargetDb, Timestamp, Seq) ->
- Node = atom_to_binary(node(), utf8),
- SourceUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(SourceDb),
- TargetUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(TargetDb),
- History = {[
- {<<"source_node">>, Node},
- {<<"source_uuid">>, SourceUUID},
- {<<"source_seq">>, Seq},
- {<<"timestamp">>, Timestamp},
- {<<"target_node">>, Node},
- {<<"target_uuid">>, TargetUUID},
- {<<"target_seq">>, Seq}
- ]},
- Body = {[
- {<<"seq">>, Seq},
- {<<"target_uuid">>, TargetUUID},
- {<<"history">>, {[{Node, [History]}]}}
- ]},
- Id = mem3_rep:make_local_id(SourceUUID, TargetUUID),
- #doc{id = Id, body = Body}.
-check_source_exists(#shard{name = Name}, StateName) ->
- case couch_server:exists(Name) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- ErrMsg = "~p source ~p is unexpectedly missing in ~p",
- couch_log:error(ErrMsg, [?MODULE, Name, StateName]),
- exit({error, missing_source})
- end.
-check_targets_exist(Targets, StateName) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(#shard{name = Name}) ->
- case couch_server:exists(Name) of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- ErrMsg = "~p target ~p is unexpectedly missing in ~p",
- couch_log:error(ErrMsg, [?MODULE, Name, StateName]),
- exit({error, missing_target})
- end
- end, Targets).
--spec max_retries() -> integer().
-max_retries() ->
- config:get_integer("reshard", "max_retries", 1).
--spec retry_interval_sec() -> integer().
-retry_interval_sec() ->
- config:get_integer("reshard", "retry_interval_sec", 10).
--spec update_shard_map_timeout_sec() -> integer().
-update_shard_map_timeout_sec() ->
- config:get_integer("reshard", "update_shardmap_timeout_sec", 60).
--spec info_update(atom(), any(), [tuple()]) -> [tuple()].
-info_update(Key, Val, StateInfo) ->
- lists:keystore(Key, 1, StateInfo, {Key, Val}).
--spec info_delete(atom(), [tuple()]) -> [tuple()].
-info_delete(Key, StateInfo) ->
- lists:keydelete(Key, 1, StateInfo).
--spec shardsstr(#shard{}, #shard{} | [#shard{}]) -> string().
-shardsstr(#shard{name = SourceName}, #shard{name = TargetName}) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s -> ~s", [SourceName, TargetName]));
-shardsstr(#shard{name = SourceName}, Targets) ->
- TNames = [TN || #shard{name = TN} <- Targets],
- TargetsStr = string:join([binary_to_list(T) || T <- TNames], ","),
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s -> ~s", [SourceName, TargetsStr])).
--spec reset_target(#job{}) -> #job{}.
-reset_target(#job{source = Source, target = Targets} = Job) ->
- ShardNames = try
- [N || #shard{name = N} <- mem3:local_shards(mem3:dbname(Source))]
- catch
- error:database_does_not_exist ->
- []
- end,
- lists:map(fun(#shard{name = Name}) ->
- case {couch_server:exists(Name), lists:member(Name, ShardNames)} of
- {_, true} ->
- % Should never get here but if we do crash and don't continue
- LogMsg = "~p : ~p target unexpectedly found in shard map ~p",
- couch_log:error(LogMsg, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), Name]),
- erlang:error({target_present_in_shard_map, Name});
- {true, false} ->
- LogMsg = "~p : ~p resetting ~p target",
- couch_log:warning(LogMsg, [?MODULE, jobfmt(Job), Name]),
- couch_db_split:cleanup_target(, Name);
- {false, false} ->
- ok
- end
- end, Targets),
- Job.
--spec update_split_history(#job{}) -> #job{}.
-update_split_history(#job{split_state = St, update_time = Ts} = Job) ->
- Hist = Job#job.history,
- JobSt = case St of
- completed -> completed;
- failed -> failed;
- new -> new;
- stopped -> stopped;
- _ -> running
- end,
- Job#job{history = mem3_reshard:update_history(JobSt, St, Ts, Hist)}.