path: root/src/mem3/src/mem3_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem3/src/mem3_util.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 650 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem3/src/mem3_util.erl b/src/mem3/src/mem3_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 28cb17778..000000000
--- a/src/mem3/src/mem3_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([name_shard/2, create_partition_map/5, build_shards/2,
- n_val/2, q_val/1, to_atom/1, to_integer/1, write_db_doc/1, delete_db_doc/1,
- shard_info/1, ensure_exists/1, open_db_doc/1, get_or_create_db/2]).
--export([is_deleted/1, rotate_list/2]).
--export([get_shard_opts/1, get_engine_opt/1, get_props_opt/1]).
--export([get_shard_props/1, find_dirty_shards/0]).
- iso8601_timestamp/0,
- live_nodes/0,
- replicate_dbs_to_all_nodes/1,
- replicate_dbs_from_all_nodes/1,
- range_overlap/2,
- get_ring/1,
- get_ring/2,
- get_ring/3,
- get_ring/4,
- non_overlapping_shards/1,
- non_overlapping_shards/3,
- calculate_max_n/1
-%% do not use outside mem3.
--export([build_ordered_shards/2, downcast/1]).
--export([create_partition_map/4, name_shard/1]).
--deprecated({create_partition_map, 4, eventually}).
--deprecated({name_shard, 1, eventually}).
--define(RINGTOP, 2 bsl 31). % CRC32 space
-name_shard(Shard) ->
- name_shard(Shard, "").
-name_shard(#shard{dbname = DbName, range=Range} = Shard, Suffix) ->
- Name = make_name(DbName, Range, Suffix),
- Shard#shard{name = ?l2b(Name)};
-name_shard(#ordered_shard{dbname = DbName, range=Range} = Shard, Suffix) ->
- Name = make_name(DbName, Range, Suffix),
- Shard#ordered_shard{name = ?l2b(Name)}.
-make_name(DbName, [B,E], Suffix) ->
- ["shards/", couch_util:to_hex(<<B:32/integer>>), "-",
- couch_util:to_hex(<<E:32/integer>>), "/", DbName, Suffix].
-create_partition_map(DbName, N, Q, Nodes) ->
- create_partition_map(DbName, N, Q, Nodes, "").
-create_partition_map(DbName, N, Q, Nodes, Suffix) when Q > 0 ->
- UniqueShards = make_key_ranges((?RINGTOP) div Q, 0, []),
- Shards0 = lists:flatten([lists:duplicate(N, S) || S <- UniqueShards]),
- Shards1 = attach_nodes(Shards0, [], Nodes, []),
- [name_shard(S#shard{dbname=DbName}, Suffix) || S <- Shards1].
-make_key_ranges(I, CurrentPos, Acc) when I > 0, CurrentPos >= ?RINGTOP ->
- Acc;
-make_key_ranges(Increment, Start, Acc) when Increment > 0 ->
- case Start + 2*Increment of
- X when X > ?RINGTOP ->
- End = ?RINGTOP - 1;
- _ ->
- End = Start + Increment - 1
- end,
- make_key_ranges(Increment, End+1, [#shard{range=[Start, End]} | Acc]).
-attach_nodes([], Acc, _, _) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-attach_nodes(Shards, Acc, [], UsedNodes) ->
- attach_nodes(Shards, Acc, lists:reverse(UsedNodes), []);
-attach_nodes([S | Rest], Acc, [Node | Nodes], UsedNodes) ->
- attach_nodes(Rest, [S#shard{node=Node} | Acc], Nodes, [Node | UsedNodes]).
-open_db_doc(DocId) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(mem3_sync:shards_db(), [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- try couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, [ejson_body]) after couch_db:close(Db) end.
-write_db_doc(Doc) ->
- write_db_doc(mem3_sync:shards_db(), Doc, true).
-write_db_doc(DbName, #doc{id=Id, body=Body} = Doc, ShouldMutate) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- try couch_db:open_doc(Db, Id, [ejson_body]) of
- {ok, #doc{body = Body}} ->
- % the doc is already in the desired state, we're done here
- ok;
- {not_found, _} when ShouldMutate ->
- try couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok
- catch conflict ->
- % check to see if this was a replication race or a different edit
- write_db_doc(DbName, Doc, false)
- end;
- _ ->
- % the doc already exists in a different state
- conflict
- after
- couch_db:close(Db)
- end.
-delete_db_doc(DocId) ->
- gen_server:cast(mem3_shards, {cache_remove, DocId}),
- delete_db_doc(mem3_sync:shards_db(), DocId, true).
-delete_db_doc(DbName, DocId, ShouldMutate) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- {ok, Revs} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, all, []),
- try [Doc#doc{deleted=true} || {ok, #doc{deleted=false}=Doc} <- Revs] of
- [] ->
- not_found;
- Docs when ShouldMutate ->
- try couch_db:update_docs(Db, Docs, []) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok
- catch conflict ->
- % check to see if this was a replication race or if leafs survived
- delete_db_doc(DbName, DocId, false)
- end;
- _ ->
- % we have live leafs that we aren't allowed to delete. let's bail
- conflict
- after
- couch_db:close(Db)
- end.
-%% Always returns original #shard records.
--spec build_shards(binary(), list()) -> [#shard{}].
-build_shards(DbName, DocProps) ->
- build_shards_by_node(DbName, DocProps).
-%% Will return #ordered_shard records if by_node and by_range
-%% are symmetrical, #shard records otherwise.
--spec build_ordered_shards(binary(), list()) ->
- [#shard{}] | [#ordered_shard{}].
-build_ordered_shards(DbName, DocProps) ->
- ByNode = build_shards_by_node(DbName, DocProps),
- ByRange = build_shards_by_range(DbName, DocProps),
- Symmetrical = lists:sort(ByNode) =:= lists:sort(downcast(ByRange)),
- case Symmetrical of
- true -> ByRange;
- false -> ByNode
- end.
-build_shards_by_node(DbName, DocProps) ->
- {ByNode} = couch_util:get_value(<<"by_node">>, DocProps, {[]}),
- Suffix = couch_util:get_value(<<"shard_suffix">>, DocProps, ""),
- lists:flatmap(fun({Node, Ranges}) ->
- lists:map(fun(Range) ->
- [B,E] = string:tokens(?b2l(Range), "-"),
- Beg = httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer(B),
- End = httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer(E),
- name_shard(#shard{
- dbname = DbName,
- node = to_atom(Node),
- range = [Beg, End],
- opts = get_shard_opts(DocProps)
- }, Suffix)
- end, Ranges)
- end, ByNode).
-build_shards_by_range(DbName, DocProps) ->
- {ByRange} = couch_util:get_value(<<"by_range">>, DocProps, {[]}),
- Suffix = couch_util:get_value(<<"shard_suffix">>, DocProps, ""),
- lists:flatmap(fun({Range, Nodes}) ->
- lists:map(fun({Node, Order}) ->
- [B,E] = string:tokens(?b2l(Range), "-"),
- Beg = httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer(B),
- End = httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer(E),
- name_shard(#ordered_shard{
- dbname = DbName,
- node = to_atom(Node),
- range = [Beg, End],
- order = Order,
- opts = get_shard_opts(DocProps)
- }, Suffix)
- end, lists:zip(Nodes, lists:seq(1, length(Nodes))))
- end, ByRange).
-to_atom(Node) when is_binary(Node) ->
- list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Node));
-to_atom(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
- Node.
-to_integer(N) when is_integer(N) ->
- N;
-to_integer(N) when is_binary(N) ->
- list_to_integer(binary_to_list(N));
-to_integer(N) when is_list(N) ->
- list_to_integer(N).
-get_shard_opts(DocProps) ->
- get_engine_opt(DocProps) ++ get_props_opt(DocProps).
-get_engine_opt(DocProps) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(<<"engine">>, DocProps) of
- Engine when is_binary(Engine) ->
- [{engine, Engine}];
- _ ->
- []
- end.
-get_props_opt(DocProps) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(<<"props">>, DocProps) of
- {Props} when is_list(Props) ->
- [{props, db_props_from_json(Props)}];
- _ ->
- []
- end.
-db_props_from_json([]) ->
- [];
-db_props_from_json([{<<"partitioned">>, Value} | Rest]) ->
- [{partitioned, Value} | db_props_from_json(Rest)];
-db_props_from_json([{<<"hash">>, [MBin, FBin, A]} | Rest]) ->
- M = binary_to_existing_atom(MBin, utf8),
- F = binary_to_existing_atom(FBin, utf8),
- [{hash, [M, F, A]} | db_props_from_json(Rest)];
-db_props_from_json([{K, V} | Rest]) ->
- [{K, V} | db_props_from_json(Rest)].
-n_val(undefined, NodeCount) ->
- n_val(config:get("cluster", "n", "3"), NodeCount);
-n_val(N, NodeCount) when is_list(N) ->
- n_val(list_to_integer(N), NodeCount);
-n_val(N, NodeCount) when is_integer(NodeCount), N > NodeCount ->
- couch_log:error("Request to create N=~p DB but only ~p node(s)", [N, NodeCount]),
- NodeCount;
-n_val(N, _) when N < 1 ->
- 1;
-n_val(N, _) ->
- N.
-q_val(Q) when is_list(Q) ->
- q_val(list_to_integer(Q));
-q_val(Q) when Q > 0 ->
- Q;
-q_val(_) ->
- throw({error, invalid_q_value}).
-shard_info(DbName) ->
- [{n, mem3:n(DbName)},
- {q, length(mem3:shards(DbName)) div mem3:n(DbName)}].
-ensure_exists(DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
- ensure_exists(list_to_binary(DbName));
-ensure_exists(DbName) ->
- Options = [nologifmissing, sys_db, {create_if_missing, true}, ?ADMIN_CTX],
- case couch_db:open(DbName, Options) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- {ok, Db};
- file_exists ->
- couch_db:open(DbName, [sys_db, ?ADMIN_CTX])
- end.
-is_deleted(Change) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(<<"deleted">>, Change) of
- undefined ->
- % keep backwards compatibility for a while
- couch_util:get_value(deleted, Change, false);
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-rotate_list(_Key, []) ->
- [];
-rotate_list(Key, List) when not is_binary(Key) ->
- rotate_list(term_to_binary(Key), List);
-rotate_list(Key, List) ->
- {H, T} = lists:split(erlang:crc32(Key) rem length(List), List),
- T ++ H.
-downcast(#shard{}=S) ->
- S;
-downcast(#ordered_shard{}=S) ->
- #shard{
- name =,
- node = S#ordered_shard.node,
- dbname = S#ordered_shard.dbname,
- range = S#ordered_shard.range,
- ref = S#ordered_shard.ref,
- opts = S#ordered_shard.opts
- };
-downcast(Shards) when is_list(Shards) ->
- [downcast(Shard) || Shard <- Shards].
-iso8601_timestamp() ->
- {_,_,Micro} = Now = os:timestamp(),
- {{Year,Month,Date},{Hour,Minute,Second}} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now),
- Format = "~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0BT~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~6.10.0BZ",
- io_lib:format(Format, [Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second, Micro]).
-live_nodes() ->
- LiveNodes = [node() | nodes()],
- Mem3Nodes = lists:sort(mem3:nodes()),
- [N || N <- Mem3Nodes, lists:member(N, LiveNodes)].
-% Replicate "dbs" db to all nodes. Basically push the changes to all the live
-% mem3:nodes(). Returns only after all current changes have been replicated,
-% which could be a while.
-replicate_dbs_to_all_nodes(Timeout) ->
- DbName = mem3_sync:shards_db(),
- Targets= mem3_util:live_nodes() -- [node()],
- Res = [start_replication(node(), T, DbName, Timeout) || T <- Targets],
- collect_replication_results(Res, Timeout).
-% Replicate "dbs" db from all nodes to this node. Basically make an rpc call
-% to all the nodes an have them push their changes to this node. Then monitor
-% them until they are all done.
-replicate_dbs_from_all_nodes(Timeout) ->
- DbName = mem3_sync:shards_db(),
- Sources = mem3_util:live_nodes() -- [node()],
- Res = [start_replication(S, node(), DbName, Timeout) || S <- Sources],
- collect_replication_results(Res, Timeout).
-% Spawn and monitor a single replication of a database to a target node.
-% Returns {ok, PidRef}. This function could be called locally or remotely from
-% mem3_rpc, for instance when replicating other nodes' data to this node.
-start_replication(Source, Target, DbName, Timeout) ->
- spawn_monitor(fun() ->
- case mem3_rpc:replicate(Source, Target, DbName, Timeout) of
- {ok, 0} ->
- exit(ok);
- Other ->
- exit(Other)
- end
- end).
-collect_replication_results(Replications, Timeout) ->
- Res = [collect_replication_result(R, Timeout) || R <- Replications],
- case [R || R <- Res, R =/= ok] of
- [] ->
- ok;
- Errors ->
- {error, Errors}
- end.
-collect_replication_result({Pid, Ref}, Timeout) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Res} ->
- Res
- after Timeout ->
- demonitor(Pid, [flush]),
- exit(Pid, kill),
- {error, {timeout, Timeout, node(Pid)}}
- end;
-collect_replication_result(Error, _) ->
- {error, Error}.
-% Consider these cases:
-% A-------B
-% overlap:
-% X--------Y
-% X-Y
-% X-------Y
-% X-------------------Y
-% no overlap:
-% X-Y because A !=< Y
-% X-Y because X !=< B
-range_overlap([A, B], [X, Y]) when
- is_integer(A), is_integer(B),
- is_integer(X), is_integer(Y),
- A =< B, X =< Y ->
- A =< Y andalso X =< B.
-non_overlapping_shards(Shards) ->
- {Start, End} = lists:foldl(fun(Shard, {Min, Max}) ->
- [B, E] = mem3:range(Shard),
- {min(B, Min), max(E, Max)}
- end, {0, ?RING_END}, Shards),
- non_overlapping_shards(Shards, Start, End).
-non_overlapping_shards([], _, _) ->
- [];
-non_overlapping_shards(Shards, Start, End) ->
- Ranges = lists:map(fun(Shard) ->
- [B, E] = mem3:range(Shard),
- {B, E}
- end, Shards),
- Ring = get_ring(Ranges, fun sort_ranges_fun/2, Start, End),
- lists:filter(fun(Shard) ->
- [B, E] = mem3:range(Shard),
- lists:member({B, E}, Ring)
- end, Shards).
-% Given a list of shards, return the maximum number of copies
-% across all the ranges. If the ring is incomplete it will return 0.
-% If there it is an n = 1 database, it should return 1, etc.
-calculate_max_n(Shards) ->
- Ranges = lists:map(fun(Shard) ->
- [B, E] = mem3:range(Shard),
- {B, E}
- end, Shards),
- calculate_max_n(Ranges, get_ring(Ranges), 0).
-calculate_max_n(_Ranges, [], N) ->
- N;
-calculate_max_n(Ranges, Ring, N) ->
- NewRanges = Ranges -- Ring,
- calculate_max_n(NewRanges, get_ring(NewRanges), N + 1).
-get_ring(Ranges) ->
- get_ring(Ranges, fun sort_ranges_fun/2, 0, ?RING_END).
-get_ring(Ranges, SortFun) when is_function(SortFun, 2) ->
- get_ring(Ranges, SortFun, 0, ?RING_END).
-get_ring(Ranges, Start, End) when is_integer(Start), is_integer(End),
- Start >= 0, End >= 0, Start =< End ->
- get_ring(Ranges, fun sort_ranges_fun/2, Start, End).
-% Build a ring out of a list of possibly overlapping ranges. If a ring cannot
-% be built then [] is returned. Start and End supply a custom range such that
-% only intervals in that range will be considered. SortFun is a custom sorting
-% function to sort intervals before the ring is built. The custom sort function
-% can be used to prioritize how the ring is built, for example, whether to use
-% shortest ranges first (and thus have more total shards) or longer or any
-% other scheme.
-get_ring([], _SortFun, _Start, _End) ->
- [];
-get_ring(Ranges, SortFun, Start, End) when is_function(SortFun, 2),
- is_integer(Start), is_integer(End),
- Start >= 0, End >= 0, Start =< End ->
- Sorted = lists:usort(SortFun, Ranges),
- case get_subring_int(Start, End, Sorted) of
- fail -> [];
- Ring -> Ring
- end.
-get_subring_int(_, _, []) ->
- fail;
-get_subring_int(Start, EndMax, [{Start, End} = Range | Tail]) ->
- case End =:= EndMax of
- true ->
- [Range];
- false ->
- case get_subring_int(End + 1, EndMax, Tail) of
- fail ->
- get_subring_int(Start, EndMax, Tail);
- Acc ->
- [Range | Acc]
- end
- end;
-get_subring_int(Start1, _, [{Start2, _} | _]) when Start2 > Start1 ->
- % Found a gap, this attempt is done
- fail;
-get_subring_int(Start1, EndMax, [{Start2, _} | Rest]) when Start2 < Start1 ->
- % We've overlapped the head, skip the shard
- get_subring_int(Start1, EndMax, Rest).
-% Sort ranges by starting point, then sort so that
-% the longest range comes first
-sort_ranges_fun({B, E1}, {B, E2}) ->
- E2 =< E1;
-sort_ranges_fun({B1, _}, {B2, _}) ->
- B1 =< B2.
-get_or_create_db(DbName, Options) ->
- case couch_db:open_int(DbName, Options) of
- {ok, _} = OkDb ->
- OkDb;
- {not_found, no_db_file} ->
- try
- DbOpts = case mem3:dbname(DbName) of
- DbName -> [];
- MDbName -> mem3_shards:opts_for_db(MDbName)
- end,
- Options1 = [{create_if_missing, true} | Options],
- Options2 = merge_opts(DbOpts, Options1),
- couch_db:open_int(DbName, Options2)
- catch error:database_does_not_exist ->
- throw({error, missing_target})
- end;
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-%% merge two proplists, atom options only valid in Old
-merge_opts(New, Old) ->
- lists:foldl(fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
- lists:keystore(Key, 1, Acc, {Key, Val})
- end, Old, New).
-get_shard_props(ShardName) ->
- case couch_db:open_int(ShardName, []) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- Props = case couch_db_engine:get_props(Db) of
- undefined -> [];
- Else -> Else
- end,
- %% We don't normally store the default engine name
- EngineProps = case couch_db_engine:get_engine(Db) of
- couch_bt_engine ->
- [];
- EngineName ->
- [{engine, EngineName}]
- end,
- [{props, Props} | EngineProps];
- {not_found, _} ->
- not_found;
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-find_dirty_shards() ->
- mem3_shards:fold(fun(#shard{node=Node, name=Name, opts=Opts}=Shard, Acc) ->
- case Opts of
- [] ->
- Acc;
- [{props, []}] ->
- Acc;
- _ ->
- Props = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, get_shard_props, [Name]),
- case Props =:= Opts of
- true ->
- Acc;
- false ->
- [{Shard, Props} | Acc]
- end
- end
- end, []).
-range_overlap_test_() ->
- [?_assertEqual(Res, range_overlap(R1, R2)) || {R1, R2, Res} <- [
- {[2, 6], [1, 3], true},
- {[2, 6], [3, 4], true},
- {[2, 6], [4, 8], true},
- {[2, 6], [1, 9], true},
- {[2, 6], [1, 2], true},
- {[2, 6], [6, 7], true},
- {[2, 6], [0, 1], false},
- {[2, 6], [7, 9], false}
- ]].
-non_overlapping_shards_test() ->
- [?_assertEqual(Res, non_overlapping_shards(Shards)) || {Shards, Res} <- [
- {
- [shard(0, ?RING_END)],
- [shard(0, ?RING_END)]
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 1)],
- [shard(0, 1)]
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 1), shard(0, 1)],
- [shard(0, 1)]
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 1), shard(3, 4)],
- []
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 1), shard(1, 2), shard(2, 3)],
- [shard(0, 1), shard(2, 3)]
- },
- {
- [shard(1, 2), shard(0, 1)],
- [shard(0, 1), shard(1, 2)]
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 1), shard(0, 2), shard(2, 5), shard(3, 5)],
- [shard(0, 2), shard(2, 5)]
- },
- {
- [shard(0, 2), shard(4, 5), shard(1, 3)],
- []
- }
- ]].
-calculate_max_n_test_() ->
- [?_assertEqual(Res, calculate_max_n(Shards)) || {Res, Shards} <- [
- {0, []},
- {0, [shard(1, ?RING_END)]},
- {1, [shard(0, ?RING_END)]},
- {1, [shard(0, ?RING_END), shard(1, ?RING_END)]},
- {2, [shard(0, ?RING_END), shard(0, ?RING_END)]},
- {2, [shard(0, 1), shard(2, ?RING_END), shard(0, ?RING_END)]},
- {0, [shard(0, 3), shard(5, ?RING_END), shard(1, ?RING_END)]}
- ]].
-shard(Begin, End) ->
- #shard{range = [Begin, End]}.