path: root/src/setup/src/setup.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/setup/src/setup.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/src/setup/src/setup.erl b/src/setup/src/setup.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1757a43e7..000000000
--- a/src/setup/src/setup.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([enable_cluster/1, finish_cluster/1, add_node/1, receive_cookie/1]).
--export([is_cluster_enabled/0, has_cluster_system_dbs/1, cluster_system_dbs/0]).
--export([enable_single_node/1, is_single_node_enabled/1]).
-require_admins(undefined, {undefined, undefined}) ->
- % no admin in CouchDB, no admin in request
- throw({error, "Cluster setup requires admin account to be configured"});
-require_admins(_, _) ->
- ok.
-require_node_count(undefined) ->
- throw({error, "Cluster setup requires node_count to be configured"});
-require_node_count(_) ->
- ok.
-error_local_bind_address() ->
- throw({error, "Cluster setup requires a remote bind_address (not nor ::1)"}).
-error_invalid_bind_address(InvalidBindAddress) ->
- throw(
- {error,
- io:format(
- "Setup requires a valid IP bind_address. " ++
- "~p is invalid.",
- [InvalidBindAddress]
- )}
- ).
-require_remote_bind_address(OldBindAddress, NewBindAddress) ->
- case {OldBindAddress, NewBindAddress} of
- {"", undefined} -> error_local_bind_address();
- {_, <<"">>} -> error_local_bind_address();
- {"::1", undefined} -> error_local_bind_address();
- {_, <<"::1">>} -> error_local_bind_address();
- {_, undefined} -> ok;
- {_, PresentNewBindAddress} -> require_valid_bind_address(PresentNewBindAddress)
- end.
-require_valid_bind_address(BindAddress) ->
- ListBindAddress = binary_to_list(BindAddress),
- case inet_parse:address(ListBindAddress) of
- {ok, _} -> ok;
- {error, _} -> error_invalid_bind_address(ListBindAddress)
- end.
-is_cluster_enabled() ->
- % bind_address != AND admins != empty
- BindAddress = config:get("chttpd", "bind_address"),
- Admins = config:get("admins"),
- case {BindAddress, Admins} of
- {"", _} -> false;
- {_, []} -> false;
- {_, _} -> true
- end.
-is_single_node_enabled(Dbs) ->
- % admins != empty AND dbs exist
- Admins = config:get("admins"),
- HasDbs = has_cluster_system_dbs(Dbs),
- case {Admins, HasDbs} of
- {[], _} -> false;
- {_, false} -> false;
- {_, _} -> true
- end.
-cluster_system_dbs() ->
- ["_users", "_replicator"].
-has_cluster_system_dbs([]) ->
- true;
-has_cluster_system_dbs([Db | Dbs]) ->
- case catch fabric:get_db_info(Db) of
- {ok, _} -> has_cluster_system_dbs(Dbs);
- _ -> false
- end.
-enable_cluster(Options) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(remote_node, Options, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- enable_cluster_int(Options, is_cluster_enabled());
- _ ->
- enable_cluster_http(Options)
- end.
-get_remote_request_options(Options) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(remote_current_user, Options, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- [];
- _ ->
- [
- {basic_auth, {
- binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_user, Options)),
- binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_password, Options))
- }}
- ]
- end.
-enable_cluster_http(Options) ->
- % POST to nodeB/_setup
- RequestOptions = get_remote_request_options(Options),
- AdminUsername = couch_util:get_value(username, Options),
- AdminPasswordHash = config:get("admins", binary_to_list(AdminUsername)),
- Body = ?JSON_ENCODE(
- {[
- {<<"action">>, <<"enable_cluster">>},
- {<<"username">>, AdminUsername},
- {<<"password_hash">>, ?l2b(AdminPasswordHash)},
- {<<"bind_address">>, couch_util:get_value(bind_address, Options)},
- {<<"port">>, couch_util:get_value(port, Options)},
- {<<"node_count">>, couch_util:get_value(node_count, Options)}
- ]}
- ),
- Headers = [
- {"Content-Type", "application/json"}
- ],
- RemoteNode = couch_util:get_value(remote_node, Options),
- Port = get_port(couch_util:get_value(port, Options, 5984)),
- Url = binary_to_list(<<"http://", RemoteNode/binary, ":", Port/binary, "/_cluster_setup">>),
- case ibrowse:send_req(Url, Headers, post, Body, RequestOptions) of
- {ok, "201", _, _} ->
- ok;
- Else ->
- {error, Else}
- end.
-enable_cluster_int(_Options, true) ->
- {error, cluster_enabled};
-enable_cluster_int(Options, false) ->
- % if no admin in config and no admin in req -> error
- CurrentAdmins = config:get("admins"),
- NewCredentials = {
- proplists:get_value(username, Options),
- case proplists:get_value(password_hash, Options) of
- undefined -> proplists:get_value(password, Options);
- Pw -> Pw
- end
- },
- ok = require_admins(CurrentAdmins, NewCredentials),
- % if bind_address == and no bind_address in req -> error
- CurrentBindAddress = config:get("chttpd", "bind_address"),
- NewBindAddress = proplists:get_value(bind_address, Options),
- ok = require_remote_bind_address(CurrentBindAddress, NewBindAddress),
- NodeCount = couch_util:get_value(node_count, Options),
- ok = require_node_count(NodeCount),
- Port = proplists:get_value(port, Options),
- setup_node(NewCredentials, NewBindAddress, NodeCount, Port),
- couch_log:debug("Enable Cluster: ~p~n", [Options]).
-set_admin(Username, Password) ->
- config:set("admins", binary_to_list(Username), binary_to_list(Password), #{sensitive => true}).
-setup_node(NewCredentials, NewBindAddress, NodeCount, Port) ->
- case NewCredentials of
- {undefined, undefined} ->
- ok;
- {Username, Password} ->
- set_admin(Username, Password)
- end,
- ok = require_valid_bind_address(NewBindAddress),
- case NewBindAddress of
- undefined ->
- config:set("chttpd", "bind_address", "");
- NewBindAddress ->
- config:set("chttpd", "bind_address", binary_to_list(NewBindAddress))
- end,
- % for single node setups, set n=1, for larger setups, don’t
- % exceed n=3 as a default
- config:set_integer("cluster", "n", min(NodeCount, 3)),
- case Port of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Port when is_binary(Port) ->
- config:set("chttpd", "port", binary_to_list(Port));
- Port when is_integer(Port) ->
- config:set_integer("chttpd", "port", Port)
- end.
-finish_cluster(Options) ->
- % ensure that uuid is set
- couch_server:get_uuid(),
- ok = wait_connected(),
- ok = sync_admins(),
- ok = sync_uuid(),
- ok = sync_auth_secret(),
- Dbs = proplists:get_value(ensure_dbs_exist, Options, cluster_system_dbs()),
- finish_cluster_int(Dbs, has_cluster_system_dbs(Dbs)).
-wait_connected() ->
- Nodes = other_nodes(),
- Result = test_util:wait(fun() ->
- case disconnected(Nodes) of
- [] -> ok;
- _ -> wait
- end
- end),
- case Result of
- timeout ->
- Reason = "Cluster setup timed out waiting for nodes to connect",
- throw({setup_error, Reason});
- ok ->
- ok
- end.
-other_nodes() ->
- mem3:nodes() -- [node()].
-disconnected(Nodes) ->
- lists:filter(
- fun(Node) ->
- case net_adm:ping(Node) of
- pong -> false;
- pang -> true
- end
- end,
- Nodes
- ).
-sync_admins() ->
- ok = lists:foreach(
- fun({User, Pass}) ->
- sync_admin(User, Pass)
- end,
- config:get("admins")
- ).
-sync_admin(User, Pass) ->
- sync_config("admins", User, Pass).
-sync_uuid() ->
- Uuid = config:get("couchdb", "uuid"),
- sync_config("couchdb", "uuid", Uuid).
-sync_auth_secret() ->
- Secret = config:get("chttpd_auth", "secret"),
- sync_config("chttpd_auth", "secret", Secret).
-sync_config(Section, Key, Value) ->
- {Results, Errors} = rpc:multicall(
- other_nodes(),
- config,
- set,
- [Section, Key, Value]
- ),
- case validate_multicall(Results, Errors) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- error ->
- couch_log:error(
- "~p sync_admin results ~p errors ~p",
- [?MODULE, Results, Errors]
- ),
- Reason = "Cluster setup unable to sync admin passwords",
- throw({setup_error, Reason})
- end.
-validate_multicall(Results, Errors) ->
- AllOk = lists:all(
- fun
- (ok) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end,
- Results
- ),
- case AllOk andalso Errors == [] of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- error
- end.
-finish_cluster_int(_Dbs, true) ->
- {error, cluster_finished};
-finish_cluster_int(Dbs, false) ->
- lists:foreach(fun fabric:create_db/1, Dbs).
-enable_single_node(Options) ->
- % if no admin in config and no admin in req -> error
- CurrentAdmins = config:get("admins"),
- NewCredentials = {
- proplists:get_value(username, Options),
- case proplists:get_value(password_hash, Options) of
- undefined -> proplists:get_value(password, Options);
- Pw -> Pw
- end
- },
- ok = require_admins(CurrentAdmins, NewCredentials),
- % skip bind_address validation, anything is fine
- NewBindAddress = proplists:get_value(bind_address, Options),
- Port = proplists:get_value(port, Options),
- setup_node(NewCredentials, NewBindAddress, 1, Port),
- Dbs = proplists:get_value(ensure_dbs_exist, Options, cluster_system_dbs()),
- finish_cluster_int(Dbs, has_cluster_system_dbs(Dbs)),
- couch_log:debug("Enable Single Node: ~p~n", [Options]).
-add_node(Options) ->
- add_node_int(Options, is_cluster_enabled()).
-add_node_int(_Options, false) ->
- {error, cluster_not_enabled};
-add_node_int(Options, true) ->
- couch_log:debug("add node_int: ~p~n", [Options]),
- ErlangCookie = erlang:get_cookie(),
- % POST to nodeB/_setup
- RequestOptions = [
- {basic_auth, {
- binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(username, Options)),
- binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(password, Options))
- }}
- ],
- Body = ?JSON_ENCODE(
- {[
- {<<"action">>, <<"receive_cookie">>},
- {<<"cookie">>, atom_to_binary(ErlangCookie, utf8)}
- ]}
- ),
- Headers = [
- {"Content-Type", "application/json"}
- ],
- Host = proplists:get_value(host, Options),
- Port = get_port(proplists:get_value(port, Options, 5984)),
- Name = proplists:get_value(name, Options, get_default_name(Port)),
- Url = binary_to_list(<<"http://", Host/binary, ":", Port/binary, "/_cluster_setup">>),
- case ibrowse:send_req(Url, Headers, post, Body, RequestOptions) of
- {ok, "201", _, _} ->
- % when done, PUT :5986/nodes/nodeB
- create_node_doc(Host, Name);
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-get_port(Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
- list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Port));
-get_port(Port) when is_list(Port) ->
- list_to_binary(Port);
-get_port(Port) when is_binary(Port) ->
- Port.
-create_node_doc(Host, Name) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(<<"_nodes">>, []),
- Doc = {[{<<"_id">>, <<Name/binary, "@", Host/binary>>}]},
- Options = [],
- CouchDoc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(Doc),
- couch_db:update_doc(Db, CouchDoc, Options).
-get_default_name(Port) ->
- case Port of
- % shortcut for easier development
- <<"15984">> ->
- <<"node1">>;
- <<"25984">> ->
- <<"node2">>;
- <<"35984">> ->
- <<"node3">>;
- % by default, all nodes have the user `couchdb`
- _ ->
- <<"couchdb">>
- end.
-receive_cookie(Options) ->
- Cookie = proplists:get_value(cookie, Options),
- erlang:set_cookie(node(), binary_to_atom(Cookie, latin1)).