path: root/src/smoosh/test/smoosh_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/smoosh/test/smoosh_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/src/smoosh/test/smoosh_tests.erl b/src/smoosh/test/smoosh_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index adabc8c49..000000000
--- a/src/smoosh/test/smoosh_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
--define(KILOBYTE, binary:copy(<<"x">>, 1024)).
-%% ==========
-%% Setup
-%% ----------
-setup(ChannelType) ->
- DbName = ?tempdb(),
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- couch_db:close(Db),
- {ok, ChannelPid} = smoosh_server:get_channel(ChannelType),
- smoosh_channel:flush(ChannelPid),
- ok = config:set(config_section(ChannelType), "min_size", "200000", false),
- DbName.
-teardown(ChannelType, DbName) ->
- ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- ok = config:delete(config_section(DbName), "min_size", false),
- {ok, ChannelPid} = smoosh_server:get_channel(ChannelType),
- smoosh_channel:flush(ChannelPid),
- ok.
-config_section(ChannelType) ->
- "smoosh." ++ ChannelType.
-%% ==========
-%% Tests
-%% ----------
-smoosh_test_() ->
- {
- "Testing smoosh",
- {
- setup,
- fun() -> test_util:start_couch([smoosh]) end,
- fun test_util:stop/1,
- [
- channels_tests(),
- persistence_tests()
- ]
- }
- }.
-persistence_tests() ->
- Tests = [
- fun should_persist_queue/2
- ],
- {
- "Should persist queue state",
- [
- make_test_case("ratio_dbs", Tests)
- ]
- }.
-channels_tests() ->
- Tests = [
- fun should_enqueue/2
- ],
- {
- "Various channels tests",
- [
- make_test_case("ratio_dbs", Tests)
- ]
- }.
-make_test_case(Type, Funs) ->
- {foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{Type, Fun} || Fun <- Funs]}.
-should_enqueue(ChannelType, DbName) ->
- ?_test(begin
- ok = grow_db_file(DbName, 300),
- ok = wait_enqueue(ChannelType, DbName),
- ?assert(is_enqueued(ChannelType, DbName)),
- ok
- end).
-should_persist_queue(ChannelType, DbName) ->
- ?_test(begin
- {ok, ChannelPid} = smoosh_server:get_channel(ChannelType),
- ok = grow_db_file(DbName, 300),
- ok = wait_enqueue(ChannelType, DbName),
- ok = smoosh_channel:persist(ChannelPid),
- Q0 = channel_queue(ChannelType),
- ok = application:stop(smoosh),
- ok = application:start(smoosh),
- Q1 = channel_queue(ChannelType),
- ?assertEqual(Q0, Q1),
- ok
- end).
-grow_db_file(DbName, SizeInKb) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
- FilePath = couch_db:get_filepath(Db),
- {ok, Fd} = file:open(FilePath, [append]),
- Bytes = binary:copy(?KILOBYTE, SizeInKb),
- file:write(Fd, Bytes),
- ok = file:close(Fd),
- Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(
- {[
- {<<"_id">>, ?l2b(?docid())},
- {<<"value">>, ?l2b(?docid())}
- ]}
- ),
- {ok, _} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, [Doc], []),
- couch_db:close(Db),
- ok.
-is_enqueued(ChannelType, DbName) ->
- {ok, ChannelPid} = smoosh_server:get_channel(ChannelType),
- smoosh_channel:is_key(ChannelPid, DbName).
-wait_enqueue(ChannelType, DbName) ->
- test_util:wait(fun() ->
- case is_enqueued(ChannelType, DbName) of
- false ->
- wait;
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end).
-channel_queue(ChannelType) ->
- Q0 = smoosh_priority_queue:new(ChannelType),
- smoosh_priority_queue:recover(Q0).