path: root/src/weatherreport/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/weatherreport/ b/src/weatherreport/
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index b78640e61..000000000
--- a/src/weatherreport/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# How to add a check
-A new check can be added by creating a new file in the src/ directory named
-`weatherreport_check_NAME.erl` where `NAME` is a short descriptive check name
-(e.g. memory_use).
-The file must be an erlang module which implements the `weatherreport_check`
-behaviour. This requires the following four functions to be implemented (see
-the documentation of the `weatherreport_check` module for more details):
- - `description/0` Return a short description of what the check does. This will
- be printed to the console when `weatherreport` is run with the `-l` option.
- - `valid/0` Check that running the diagnostic check is valid. Any preconditions
- required by the check (e.g. cluster connectivity) should be carried out here.
- If a check has no prerequisites then this function can just return `true`.
- - `check/0` The function that actually performs the check. Typically this will
- involve either calls to the local OS (via `weatherreport_util:run_command/1`,
- calls to the local cluster node (via `weatherreport_node:local_command/3`) or
- calls to the cluster (via `weatherreport_node:cluster_command/3`). This
- command should return a list of tuples of the form `{LogLevel, Message}`
- where `LogLevel` is an atom that specifies a supported log level (e.g.
- `warning` or `info`) and `Message` is any erlang term that is matched by the
- `format/1` function.
- - `format/1` This function is used to format the messages returned by `check/0`
- and its clauses must match all possible messages returnable by `check/0`. It
- should return a tuple of the form `{String, Args}` where `String` is the
- format string `Args` is the list of formatting arguments. The format string
- should be a human-readable description of the message.
-## Annotated example
-The following annotated example is based on `weatherreport_check_memory_use.erl`
-and the file header and licence is omitted.
-%% @doc Diagnostic that checks the current memory usage. If memory
-%% usage is high, a warning message will be sent, otherwise only
-%% informational messages.
-The module begins with an edoc declaration which provides af full description of
-the check. Any relevant details which cannot be communicated in the one-line
-string returned by `description/0` function should be included here.
- valid/0,
- check/0,
- format/1]).
-The module name is specified, the `weatherreport_check` behaviour is set and the
-functions required by that behaviour are exported.
--spec description() -> string().
-description() ->
- "Measure memory usage".
-Define `description/0` which returns a concise description for inclusion in
-command line output.
--spec valid() -> boolean().
-valid() ->
- weatherreport_node:can_connect().
-Define `valid/0` which is used to check that we can connect to the local cluster
-node. Connectivity to the local node is required in this check so that the OS
-process ID can be obtained.
--spec check() -> [{atom(), term()}].
-check() ->
- Pid = weatherreport_node:pid(),
- Output = weatherreport_util:run_command("ps -o pmem,rss -p " ++ Pid),
- [_,_,Percent, RealSize| _] = string:tokens(Output, "/n \n"),
- Messages = [{info, {process_usage, Percent, RealSize}}],
- case weatherreport_util:binary_to_float(list_to_binary(Percent)) >= 90 of
- false ->
- Messages;
- true ->
- [{critical, {high_memory, Percent}} | Messages]
- end.
-The actual code that carries out the check. Note that an `info` message is
-always returned and a `critical` message is appended to the `Messages` list
-only if memory usage exceeds a hard-coded threshold. Note also that there are
-two message forms: `{process_usage, Percent RealSize}` and
-`{high_memory, Percent}`. When `format/1` is defined it must match both of
-these message forms.
--spec format(term()) -> {io:format(), [term()]}.
-format({high_memory, Percent}) ->
- {"Memory usage is HIGH: ~s% of available RAM", [Percent]};
-format({process_usage, Percent, Real}) ->
- {"Process is using ~s% of available RAM, totalling ~s KB of real memory.", [Percent, Real]}.
-Finally `format/1` is defined. There are two function clauses, one to match each
-of the message forms that can be returned by check. The tuple returned by this
-function will eventually be used to generate the text displayed in the console