path: root/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 77518d690..000000000
--- a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_runner.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% weatherreport - automated diagnostic tools for CouchDB
-%% Copyright (c) 2014 Cloudant
-%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
-%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-%% a copy of the License at
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% @doc <p>The <code>weatherreport_runner</code> module provides
-%% utility functions for running checks either on a single node or
-%% multiple nodes.
--export([run/1, run/2, format/1]).
-%% @doc Run the supplied list of checks on the local node
--spec run([Module :: atom()]) -> [tuple()].
-run(Checks) ->
- weatherreport_node:can_connect(),
- run(Checks, [weatherreport_node:nodename()]).
-%% @doc Run the supplied list of checks on the supplied list of cluster nodes
--spec run([Module :: atom()], [node()] | all) -> [tuple()].
-run(Checks, all) ->
- weatherreport_node:can_connect(),
- case weatherreport_node:local_command(mem3, nodes, []) of
- ClusterNodes when is_list(ClusterNodes) ->
- run(Checks, ClusterNodes);
- Error ->
- [{node(), critical, weatherreport_runner, {checks_failed, Error}}]
- end;
-run(Checks, Nodes) ->
- CheckOpts = get_check_options(),
- lists:flatten(
- lists:foldl(
- fun(Mod, Acc) ->
- {Resps, BadNodes} = weatherreport_node:multicall(
- Nodes,
- erlang,
- apply,
- [fun() -> {node(), weatherreport_check:check(Mod, CheckOpts)} end, []],
- weatherreport_config:timeout()
- ),
- TransformFailedCheck = fun(Node) ->
- {node(), crit, weatherreport_runner, {check_failed, Mod, Node}}
- end,
- FailedChecks = [TransformFailedCheck(Node) || Node <- BadNodes],
- TransformResponse = fun
- ({badrpc, Error}) ->
- [{node(), crit, weatherreport_runner, {badrpc, Mod, Error}}];
- ({Node, Messages}) ->
- [{Node, Lvl, Module, Msg} || {Lvl, Module, Msg} <- Messages]
- end,
- Responses = [TransformResponse(Resp) || Resp <- Resps],
- [Responses ++ FailedChecks | Acc]
- end,
- [],
- Checks
- )
- ).
-%% @doc Part of the weatherreport_check behaviour. This means that any messages
-%% returned by this module can be handled via the existing message reporting
-%% code.
-format({checks_failed, Error}) ->
- {"Could not run checks - received error: ~w", [Error]};
-format({check_failed, Check, Node}) ->
- {"Could not run check ~w on cluster node ~w", [Check, Node]};
-format({badrpc, Check, Error}) ->
- {"Bad rpc call executing check ~w: ~w", [Check, Error]}.
-%% Private functions
-get_check_options() ->
- Expert =
- case application:get_env(weatherreport, expert) of
- {ok, true} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end,
- [{expert, Expert}].