path: root/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs')
1 files changed, 1706 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c8d8e060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,1706 @@
+defmodule ReplicationTest do
+ use CouchTestCase
+ @moduledoc """
+ Test CouchDB View Collation Behavior
+ This is a port of the view_collation.js suite
+ """
+ # TODO: Parameterize these
+ @admin_account "adm:pass"
+ @db_pairs_prefixes [
+ {"local-to-local", "", ""},
+ {"remote-to-local", "http://localhost:15984/", ""},
+ {"local-to-remote", "", "http://localhost:15984/"},
+ {"remote-to-remote", "http://localhost:15984/", "http://localhost:15984/"}
+ ]
+ # This should probably go into `make elixir` like what
+ # happens for JavaScript tests.
+ @moduletag config: [{"replicator", "startup_jitter", "0"}]
+ test "source database does not exist" do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ check_not_found(name <> "_src", name <> "_tgt")
+ end
+ test "source database not found with path - COUCHDB-317" do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ check_not_found(name <> "_src", name <> "_tgt")
+ end
+ test "source database not found with host" do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ url = "http://localhost:15984/" <> name <> "_src"
+ check_not_found(url, name <> "_tgt")
+ end
+ def check_not_found(src, tgt) do
+ body = %{:source => src, :target => tgt}
+ resp ="/_replicate", body: body)
+ assert resp.body["error"] == "db_not_found"
+ end
+ test "replicating attachment without conflict - COUCHDB-885" do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = name <> "_tgt"
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ doc = %{"_id" => "doc1"}
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [doc])
+ result = replicate(src_db_name, "http://localhost:15984/" <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ doc = Map.put(doc, "_attachments", %{
+ "hello.txt" => %{
+ "content_type" => "text/plain",
+ "data" => "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" # base64:encode("hello world")
+ },
+ "foo.dat" => %{
+ "content_type" => "not/compressible",
+ "data" => "aSBhbSBub3QgZ3ppcGVk" # base64:encode("i am not gziped")
+ }
+ })
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [doc])
+ result = replicate(src_db_name, "http://localhost:15984/" <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 2
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ query = %{
+ :conflicts => true,
+ :deleted_conflicts => true,
+ :attachments => true,
+ :att_encoding_info => true
+ }
+ opts = [headers: ["Accept": "application/json"], query: query]
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}", opts)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success? resp
+ assert is_map(resp.body)
+ refute Map.has_key? resp.body, "_conflicts"
+ refute Map.has_key? resp.body, "_deleted_conflicts"
+ atts = resp.body["_attachments"]
+ assert atts["hello.txt"]["content_type"] == "text/plain"
+ assert atts["hello.txt"]["data"] == "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
+ assert atts["hello.txt"]["encoding"] == "gzip"
+ assert atts["foo.dat"]["content_type"] == "not/compressible"
+ assert atts["foo.dat"]["data"] == "aSBhbSBub3QgZ3ppcGVk"
+ refute Map.has_key? atts["foo.dat"], "encoding"
+ end
+ test "replication cancellation" do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = name <> "_tgt"
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ save_docs(src_db_name, make_docs(1..6))
+ repl_body = %{:continuous => true, :create_target => true}
+ repl_src = "" <> src_db_name
+ result = replicate(repl_src, tgt_db_name, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_binary(result["_local_id"])
+ repl_id = result["_local_id"]
+ task = get_task(repl_id, 3_000)
+ assert is_map(task)
+ assert task["replication_id"] == repl_id
+ repl_body = %{
+ "replication_id" => repl_id,
+ "cancel": true
+ }
+ result ="/_replicate", body: repl_body)
+ assert result.status_code == 200
+ wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id)
+ assert get_task(repl_id, 0) == :nil
+ result ="/_replicate", body: repl_body)
+ assert result.status_code == 404
+ end
+ @tag user: [name: "joe", password: "erly", roles: ["erlanger"]]
+ test "unauthorized replication cancellation", ctx do
+ name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = name <> "_tgt"
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ save_docs(src_db_name, make_docs(1..6))
+ repl_src = "http://localhost:15984/" <> src_db_name
+ repl_body = %{"continuous" => true}
+ result = replicate(repl_src, tgt_db_name, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_binary(result["_local_id"])
+ repl_id = result["_local_id"]
+ task = get_task(repl_id, 5_000)
+ assert is_map(task)
+ sess = Couch.login(ctx[:userinfo])
+ resp = Couch.Session.get(sess, "/_session")
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == "joe"
+ repl_body = %{
+ "replication_id" => repl_id,
+ "cancel": true
+ }
+ resp =, "/_replicate", body: repl_body)
+ assert resp.status_code == 401
+ assert resp.body["error"] == "unauthorized"
+ assert Couch.Session.logout(sess).body["ok"]
+ resp ="/_replicate", body: repl_body)
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ end
+ Enum.each(@db_pairs_prefixes, fn {name, src_prefix, tgt_prefix} ->
+ @src_prefix src_prefix
+ @tgt_prefix tgt_prefix
+ test "simple #{name} replication - #{name}" do
+ run_simple_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "replicate with since_seq - #{name}" do
+ run_since_seq_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "validate_doc_update failure replications - #{name}" do
+ run_vdu_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "create_target filter option - #{name}" do
+ run_create_target_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "filtered replications - #{name}" do
+ run_filtered_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "replication restarts after filter change - COUCHDB-892 - #{name}" do
+ run_filter_changed_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "replication by doc ids - #{name}" do
+ run_by_id_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ test "continuous replication - #{name}" do
+ run_continuous_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ @tag config: [
+ {"attachments", "compression_level", "8"},
+ {"attachments", "compressible_types", "text/*"}
+ ]
+ test "compressed attachment replication - #{name}" do
+ run_compressed_att_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix)
+ end
+ @tag user: [name: "joe", password: "erly", roles: ["erlanger"]]
+ test "non-admin user on target - #{name}", ctx do
+ run_non_admin_target_user_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix, ctx)
+ end
+ @tag user: [name: "joe", password: "erly", roles: ["erlanger"]]
+ test "non-admin or reader user on source - #{name}", ctx do
+ run_non_admin_or_reader_source_user_repl(@src_prefix, @tgt_prefix, ctx)
+ end
+ end)
+ def run_simple_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ att1_data = get_att1_data()
+ att2_data = get_att2_data()
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/foo",
+ "language" => "javascript",
+ "value" => "ddoc"
+ }
+ docs = make_docs(1..20) ++ [ddoc]
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, docs)
+ docs = for doc <- docs do
+ if doc["integer"] >= 10 and doc["integer"] < 15 do
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, body: att1_data)
+ else
+ doc
+ end
+ end
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert src_info["doc_count"] == tgt_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_binary(result["session_id"])
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 1
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert is_binary(history["start_time"])
+ assert is_binary(history["end_time"])
+ assert history["start_last_seq"] == 0
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert history["missing_found"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert history["docs_read"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert history["docs_written"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ for doc <- docs do
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}").body
+ assert cmp_json(doc, copy)
+ if doc["integer"] >= 10 and doc["integer"] < 15 do
+ atts = copy["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ att = atts["readme.txt"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 2
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{copy["_id"]}/readme.txt")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length(att1_data)
+ assert resp.body == att1_data
+ end
+ end
+ # Add one more doc to source and more attachments to existing docs
+ new_doc = %{"_id" => "foo666", "value" => "d"}
+ [new_doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [new_doc])
+ docs = for doc <- docs do
+ if doc["integer"] >= 10 and doc["integer"] < 15 do
+ ctype = "application/binary"
+ opts = [name: "data.dat", body: att2_data, content_type: ctype]
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, opts)
+ else
+ doc
+ end
+ end
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_binary(result["session_id"])
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 2
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["session_id"] == result["session_id"]
+ assert is_binary(history["start_time"])
+ assert is_binary(history["end_time"])
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 6
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 6
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 6
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 6
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{new_doc["_id"]}").body
+ assert copy["_id"] == new_doc["_id"]
+ assert copy["value"] == new_doc["value"]
+ for i <- 10..14 do
+ doc =, i - 1)
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{i}").body
+ assert cmp_json(doc, copy)
+ atts = copy["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ att = atts["readme.txt"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 2
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{i}/readme.txt")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length(att1_data)
+ assert resp.body == att1_data
+ att = atts["data.dat"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 3
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/application\/binary/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{i}/data.dat")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length(att2_data)
+ assert resp.body == att2_data
+ end
+ # Test deletion is replicated
+ del_doc = %{
+ "_id" => "1",
+ "_rev" =>, 0)["_rev"],
+ "_deleted" => true
+ }
+ [del_doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [del_doc])
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert tgt_info["doc_del_count"] == src_info["doc_del_count"]
+ assert tgt_info["doc_del_count"] == 1
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 3
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 1
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{del_doc["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/_changes")
+ [change] = Enum.filter(resp.body["results"], &(&1["id"] == del_doc["_id"]))
+ assert change["id"] == del_doc["_id"]
+ assert change["deleted"]
+ # Test replicating a conflict
+ doc = Couch.get!("/#{src_db_name}/2").body
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [Map.put(doc, :value, "white")])
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/2").body
+ save_docs(tgt_db_name, [Map.put(copy, :value, "black")])
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 4
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 1
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/2", query: %{:conflicts => true}).body
+ assert String.match?(copy["_rev"], ~r/^2-/)
+ assert is_list(copy["_conflicts"])
+ assert length(copy["_conflicts"]) == 1
+ conflict =["_conflicts"], 0)
+ assert String.match?(conflict, ~r/^2-/)
+ # Re-replicate updated conflict
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [Map.put(doc, :value, "yellow")])
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 5
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 1
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/2", query: %{:conflicts => true}).body
+ assert String.match?(copy["_rev"], ~r/^3-/)
+ assert is_list(copy["_conflicts"])
+ assert length(copy["_conflicts"]) == 1
+ conflict =["_conflicts"], 0)
+ assert String.match?(conflict, ~r/^2-/)
+ # Resolve the conflict and re-replicate new revision
+ resolve_doc = %{"_id" => "2", "_rev" => conflict, "_deleted" => true}
+ save_docs(tgt_db_name, [resolve_doc])
+ save_docs(src_db_name, [Map.put(doc, :value, "rainbow")])
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 6
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 1
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/2", query: %{:conflicts => true}).body
+ assert String.match?(copy["_rev"], ~r/^4-/)
+ assert not Map.has_key?(copy, "_conflicts")
+ # Test that existing revisions are not replicated
+ src_docs = [
+ %{"_id" => "foo1", "value" => 111},
+ %{"_id" => "foo2", "value" => 222},
+ %{"_id" => "foo3", "value" => 333}
+ ]
+ save_docs(src_db_name, src_docs)
+ save_docs(tgt_db_name, Enum.filter(src_docs, &(&1["_id"] != "foo2")))
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 7
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 3
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ docs = [
+ %{"_id" => "foo4", "value" => 444},
+ %{"_id" => "foo5", "value" => 555}
+ ]
+ save_docs(src_db_name, docs)
+ save_docs(tgt_db_name, docs)
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 8
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 2
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 0
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 0
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 0
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ # Test nothing to replicate
+ result = replicate(src_prefix <> src_db_name, tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert result["no_changes"]
+ end
+ def run_since_seq_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ docs = make_docs(1..5)
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, docs)
+ changes = get_db_changes(src_db_name)["results"]
+ since_seq =, 2)["seq"]
+ # TODO: In JS we re-fetch _changes with since_seq, is that
+ # really necessary?
+ expected_ids = for change <- Enum.drop(changes, 3) do
+ change["id"]
+ end
+ assert length(expected_ids) == 2
+ cancel_replication(repl_src, repl_tgt)
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: %{:since_seq => since_seq})
+ cancel_replication(repl_src, repl_tgt)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 2
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 2
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 2
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 2
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ result = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ if Enum.member?(expected_ids, doc["_id"]) do
+ assert result.status_code < 300
+ assert cmp_json(doc, result.body)
+ else
+ assert result.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ def run_vdu_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ docs = make_docs(1..7)
+ docs = for doc <- docs do
+ if doc["integer"] == 2 do
+ Map.put(doc, "_attachments", %{
+ "hello.txt" => %{
+ :content_type => "text/plain",
+ :data => "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" # base64:encode("hello world")
+ }
+ })
+ else
+ doc
+ end
+ end
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, docs)
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/test",
+ "language" => "javascript",
+ "validate_doc_update" => """
+ function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
+ if((newDoc.integer % 2) !== 0) {
+ throw {forbidden: "I only like multiples of 2."};
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ }
+ [_] = save_docs(tgt_db_name, [ddoc])
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 7
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 7
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 7
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 3
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 4
+ for doc <- docs do
+ result = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ if rem(doc["integer"], 2) == 0 do
+ assert result.status_code < 300
+ assert result.body["integer"] == doc["integer"]
+ else
+ assert result.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run_create_target_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ # tgt_db_name is created by the replication
+ docs = make_docs(1..2)
+ save_docs(src_db_name, docs)
+ replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: %{:create_target => true})
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ src_shards = seq_to_shards(src_info["update_seq"])
+ tgt_shards = seq_to_shards(tgt_info["update_seq"])
+ assert tgt_shards == src_shards
+ end
+ def run_filtered_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ docs = make_docs(1..30)
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/mydesign",
+ "language" => "javascript",
+ "filters" => %{
+ "myfilter" => """
+ function(doc, req) {
+ var modulus = Number(req.query.modulus);
+ var special = req.query.special;
+ return (doc.integer % modulus === 0) || (doc.string === special);
+ }
+ """
+ }
+ }
+ [_ | docs] = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc | docs])
+ repl_body = %{
+ "filter" => "mydesign/myfilter",
+ "query_params" => %{
+ "modulus" => "2",
+ "special" => "7"
+ }
+ }
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ if(rem(doc["integer"], 2) == 0 || doc["string"] == "7") do
+ assert resp.status_code < 300
+ assert cmp_json(doc, resp.body)
+ else
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end)
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 1
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ # We (incorrectly) don't record update sequences for things
+ # that don't pass the changes feed filter. Historically the
+ # last document to pass was the second to last doc which has
+ # an update sequence of 30. Work that has been applied to avoid
+ # conflicts from duplicate IDs breaking _bulk_docs updates added
+ # a sort to the logic which changes this. Now the last document
+ # to pass has a doc id of "8" and is at update_seq 29 (because only
+ # "9" and the design doc are after it).
+ #
+ # In the future the fix ought to be that we record that update
+ # sequence of the database. BigCouch has some existing work on
+ # this in the clustered case because if you have very few documents
+ # that pass the filter then (given single node's behavior) you end
+ # up having to rescan a large portion of the database.
+ # we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
+ # not only can one figure appear twice (at least for n>1), there's also
+ # hashes involved now - so comparing seq==29 is lottery
+ # (= cutting off hashes is nonsense) above, there was brute-force
+ # comparing all attrs of all docs - now we did check if excluded docs
+ # did NOT make it in any way, we can't rely on sequences in a
+ # cluster (so leave out)
+ # 16 => 15 docs with even integer field + 1 doc with string field "7"
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 16
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 16
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 16
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 16
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ new_docs = make_docs(50..55)
+ new_docs = save_docs(src_db_name, new_docs)
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ Enum.each(new_docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ if(rem(doc["integer"], 2) == 0) do
+ assert resp.status_code < 300
+ assert cmp_json(doc, resp.body)
+ else
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end)
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 2
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 3
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 3
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 3
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 3
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ end
+ def run_filter_changed_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ filter_fun_1 = """
+ function(doc, req) {
+ if(doc.value < Number(req.query.maxvalue)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ filter_fun_2 = """
+ function(doc, req) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ """
+ docs = [
+ %{"_id" => "foo1", "value" => 1},
+ %{"_id" => "foo2", "value" => 2},
+ %{"_id" => "foo3", :value => 3},
+ %{"_id" => "foo4", :value => 4}
+ ]
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/mydesign",
+ :language => "javascript",
+ :filters => %{
+ :myfilter => filter_fun_1
+ }
+ }
+ [ddoc | _] = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc | docs])
+ repl_body = %{
+ :filter => "mydesign/myfilter",
+ :query_params => %{
+ :maxvalue => "3"
+ }
+ }
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 1
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 2
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 2
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo1")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 1
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo2")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 2
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo3")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo4")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ # Replication should start from scratch after the filter's code changed
+ ddoc = Map.put(ddoc, :filters, %{:myfilter => filter_fun_2})
+ [_] = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc])
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 1
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 3
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 3
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo1")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 1
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo2")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 2
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo3")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 3
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/foo4")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["value"] == 4
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/_design/mydesign")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ end
+ def run_by_id_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ target_doc_ids = [
+ %{
+ :initial => ["1", "2", "10"],
+ :after => [],
+ :conflict_id => "2"
+ },
+ %{
+ :initial => ["1", "2"],
+ :after => ["7"],
+ :conflict_id => "1"
+ },
+ %{
+ :initial => ["1", "foo_666", "10"],
+ :after => ["7"],
+ :conflict_id => "10"
+ },
+ %{
+ :initial => ["_design/foo", "8"],
+ :after => ["foo_5"],
+ :conflict_id => "8"
+ },
+ %{
+ :initial => ["_design%2Ffoo", "8"],
+ :after => ["foo_5"],
+ :conflict_id => "8"
+ },
+ %{
+ :initial => [],
+ :after => ["foo_1000", "_design/foo", "1"],
+ :conflict_id => "1"
+ }
+ ]
+ Enum.each(target_doc_ids, fn test_data ->
+ run_by_id_repl_impl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix, test_data)
+ end)
+ end
+ def run_by_id_repl_impl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix, test_data) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ docs = make_docs(1..10)
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/foo",
+ :language => "javascript",
+ "integer" => 1
+ }
+ doc_ids = test_data[:initial]
+ num_missing = Enum.count(doc_ids, fn doc_id ->
+ String.starts_with?(doc_id, "foo_")
+ end)
+ total_replicated = length(doc_ids) - num_missing
+ [_ | docs] = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc | docs])
+ repl_body = %{:doc_ids => doc_ids}
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ if(total_replicated == 0) do
+ assert result["no_changes"]
+ else
+ assert is_binary(result["start_time"])
+ assert is_binary(result["end_time"])
+ assert result["docs_read"] == total_replicated
+ assert result["docs_written"] == total_replicated
+ assert result["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ end
+ Enum.each(doc_ids, fn doc_id ->
+ doc_id = URI.decode(doc_id)
+ orig = Couch.get!("/#{src_db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ if(String.starts_with?(doc_id, "foo_")) do
+ assert orig.status_code == 404
+ assert copy.status_code == 404
+ else
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(orig)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(copy)
+ assert cmp_json(orig.body, copy.body)
+ end
+ end)
+ # Be absolutely sure that other docs were not replicated
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ encoded_id = URI.encode_www_form(doc["_id"])
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ is_doc_id = &(Enum.member?(doc_ids, &1))
+ if(is_doc_id.(doc["_id"]) or is_doc_id.(encoded_id)) do
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(copy)
+ else
+ assert copy.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == total_replicated
+ doc_ids_after = test_data[:after]
+ num_missing_after = Enum.count(doc_ids_after, fn doc_id ->
+ String.starts_with?(doc_id, "foo_")
+ end)
+ repl_body = %{:doc_ids => doc_ids_after}
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ total_replicated_after = length(doc_ids_after) - num_missing_after
+ if(total_replicated_after == 0) do
+ assert result["no_changes"]
+ else
+ assert is_binary(result["start_time"])
+ assert is_binary(result["end_time"])
+ assert result["docs_read"] == total_replicated_after
+ assert result["docs_written"] == total_replicated_after
+ assert result["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ end
+ Enum.each(doc_ids_after, fn doc_id ->
+ orig = Couch.get!("/#{src_db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc_id}")
+ if(String.starts_with?(doc_id, "foo_")) do
+ assert orig.status_code == 404
+ assert copy.status_code == 404
+ else
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(orig)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(copy)
+ assert cmp_json(orig.body, copy.body)
+ end
+ end)
+ # Be absolutely sure that other docs were not replicated
+ all_doc_ids = doc_ids ++ doc_ids_after
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ encoded_id = URI.encode_www_form(doc["_id"])
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ is_doc_id = &(Enum.member?(all_doc_ids, &1))
+ if(is_doc_id.(doc["_id"]) or is_doc_id.(encoded_id)) do
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(copy)
+ else
+ assert copy.status_code == 404
+ end
+ end)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == total_replicated + total_replicated_after,
+ "#{inspect test_data}"
+ # Update a source document and re-replicate (no conflict introduced)
+ conflict_id = test_data[:conflict_id]
+ doc = Couch.get!("/#{src_db_name}/#{conflict_id}").body
+ assert is_map(doc)
+ doc = Map.put(doc, "integer", 666)
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [doc])
+ att1 = [
+ name: "readme.txt",
+ body: get_att1_data(),
+ content_type: "text/plain"
+ ]
+ att2 = [
+ name: "data.dat",
+ body: get_att2_data(),
+ content_type: "application/binary"
+ ]
+ doc = add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, att1)
+ doc = add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, att2)
+ repl_body = %{:doc_ids => [conflict_id]}
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert result["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert result["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert result["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ query = %{"conflicts" => "true"}
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{conflict_id}", query: query)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(copy)
+ assert copy.body["integer"] == 666
+ assert String.starts_with?(copy.body["_rev"], "4-")
+ assert not Map.has_key?(doc, "_conflicts")
+ atts = copy.body["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ assert is_map(atts["readme.txt"])
+ assert atts["readme.txt"]["revpos"] == 3
+ assert String.match?(atts["readme.txt"]["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert atts["readme.txt"]["stub"]
+ att1_data = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{conflict_id}/readme.txt").body
+ assert String.length(att1_data) == String.length(att1[:body])
+ assert att1_data == att1[:body]
+ assert is_map(atts["data.dat"])
+ assert atts["data.dat"]["revpos"] == 4
+ ct_re = ~r/application\/binary/
+ assert String.match?(atts["data.dat"]["content_type"], ct_re)
+ assert atts["data.dat"]["stub"]
+ att2_data = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{conflict_id}/data.dat").body
+ assert String.length(att2_data) == String.length(att2[:body])
+ assert att2_data == att2[:body]
+ # Generate a conflict using replication by doc ids
+ orig = Couch.get!("/#{src_db_name}/#{conflict_id}").body
+ orig = Map.update!(orig, "integer", &(&1 + 100))
+ [_] = save_docs(src_db_name, [orig])
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{conflict_id}").body
+ copy = Map.update!(copy, "integer", &(&1 + 1))
+ [_] = save_docs(tgt_db_name, [copy])
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert result["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert result["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert result["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ copy = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{conflict_id}", query: query).body
+ assert String.match?(copy["_rev"], ~r/^5-/)
+ assert is_list(copy["_conflicts"])
+ assert length(copy["_conflicts"]) == 1
+ conflict_rev =["_conflicts"], 0)
+ assert String.match?(conflict_rev, ~r/^5-/)
+ end
+ def run_continuous_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ ddoc = %{
+ "_id" => "_design/mydesign",
+ "language" => "javascript",
+ "filters" => %{
+ "myfilter" => "function(doc, req) { return true; }"
+ }
+ }
+ docs = make_docs(1..25)
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, docs ++ [ddoc])
+ att1_data = get_att1_data()
+ docs = for doc <- docs do
+ if doc["integer"] >= 10 and doc["integer"] < 15 do
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, doc)
+ else
+ doc
+ end
+ end
+ repl_body = %{:continuous => true}
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_binary(result["_local_id"])
+ repl_id = result["_local_id"]
+ task = get_task(repl_id, 30000)
+ assert is_map(task), "Error waiting for replication to start"
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, 26)
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code < 300
+ assert cmp_json(doc, resp.body)
+ if doc["integer"] >= 10 and doc["integer"] < 15 do
+ atts = resp.body["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ att = atts["readme.txt"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 2
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}/readme.txt")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length("some text")
+ assert resp.body == "some text"
+ end
+ end)
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ # Add attachments to more source docs
+ docs = for doc <- docs do
+ is_ddoc = String.starts_with?(doc["_id"], "_design/")
+ case doc["integer"] do
+ n when n >= 10 and n < 15 ->
+ ctype = "application/binary"
+ opts = [name: "data.dat", body: att1_data, content_type: ctype]
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, opts)
+ _ when is_ddoc ->
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, doc)
+ _ ->
+ doc
+ end
+ end
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, 32)
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ is_ddoc = String.starts_with?(doc["_id"], "_design/")
+ case doc["integer"] do
+ N when N >= 10 and N < 15 or is_ddoc ->
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ atts = resp.body["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ att = atts["readme.txt"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 2
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}/readme.txt")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length("some text")
+ assert resp.body == "some text"
+ if not is_ddoc do
+ att = atts["data.dat"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 3
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/application\/binary/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}/data.dat")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length(att1_data)
+ assert resp.body == att1_data
+ end
+ _ ->
+ :ok
+ end
+ end)
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ ddoc = List.last(docs)
+ ctype = "application/binary"
+ opts = [name: "data.dat", body: att1_data, content_type: ctype]
+ add_attachment(src_db_name, ddoc, opts)
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, 33)
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{ddoc["_id"]}")
+ atts = resp.body["_attachments"]
+ assert is_map(atts)
+ att = atts["readme.txt"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 2
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/text\/plain/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{ddoc["_id"]}/readme.txt")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length("some text")
+ assert resp.body == "some text"
+ att = atts["data.dat"]
+ assert is_map(att)
+ assert att["revpos"] == 3
+ assert String.match?(att["content_type"], ~r/application\/binary/)
+ assert att["stub"]
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{ddoc["_id"]}/data.dat")
+ assert String.length(resp.body) == String.length(att1_data)
+ assert resp.body == att1_data
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ # Check creating new normal documents
+ new_docs = make_docs(26..35)
+ new_docs = save_docs(src_db_name, new_docs)
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, 43)
+ Enum.each(new_docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get!("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code < 300
+ assert cmp_json(doc, resp.body)
+ end)
+ src_info = get_db_info(src_db_name)
+ tgt_info = get_db_info(tgt_db_name)
+ assert tgt_info["doc_count"] == src_info["doc_count"]
+ # Delete docs from the source
+ doc1 =, 0)
+ query = %{:rev => doc1["_rev"]}
+ Couch.delete!("/#{src_db_name}/#{doc1["_id"]}", query: query)
+ doc2 =, 6)
+ query = %{:rev => doc2["_rev"]}
+ Couch.delete!("/#{src_db_name}/#{doc2["_id"]}", query: query)
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, 45)
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc1["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc2["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ changes = get_db_changes(tgt_db_name, %{:since => tgt_info["update_seq"]})
+ # quite unfortunately, there is no way on relying on ordering in a cluster
+ # but we can assume a length of 2
+ changes = for change <- changes["results"] do
+ {change["id"], change["deleted"]}
+ end
+ assert Enum.sort(changes) == [{doc1["_id"], true}, {doc2["_id"], true}]
+ # Cancel the replication
+ repl_body = %{:continuous => true, :cancel => true}
+ resp = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, body: repl_body)
+ assert resp["ok"]
+ assert resp["_local_id"] == repl_id
+ doc = %{"_id" => "foobar", "value": 666}
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [doc])
+ wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id, 30000)
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ end
+ def run_compressed_att_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ doc = %{"_id" => "foobar"}
+ [doc] = save_docs(src_db_name, [doc])
+ att1_data = get_att1_data()
+ num_copies = 1 + round(128 * 1024 / String.length(att1_data))
+ big_att = List.foldl(Enum.to_list(1..num_copies), "", fn _, acc ->
+ acc <> att1_data
+ end)
+ doc = add_attachment(src_db_name, doc, [body: big_att])
+ # Disable attachment compression
+ set_config_raw("attachments", "compression_level", "0")
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt)
+ assert result["ok"]
+ assert is_list(result["history"])
+ assert length(result["history"]) == 1
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["missing_checked"] == 1
+ assert history["missing_found"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_read"] == 1
+ assert history["docs_written"] == 1
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 0
+ token = Enum.random(1..1_000_000)
+ query = %{"att_encoding_info": "true", "bypass_cache": token}
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}", query: query)
+ assert resp.status_code < 300
+ assert is_map(resp.body["_attachments"])
+ att = resp.body["_attachments"]["readme.txt"]
+ assert att["encoding"] == "gzip"
+ assert is_integer(att["length"])
+ assert is_integer(att["encoded_length"])
+ assert att["encoded_length"] < att["length"]
+ end
+ def run_non_admin_target_user_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix, ctx) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ set_security(tgt_db_name, %{
+ :admins => %{
+ :names => ["superman"],
+ :roles => ["god"]
+ }})
+ docs = make_docs(1..6)
+ ddoc = %{"_id" => "_design/foo", "language" => "javascript"}
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc | docs])
+ sess = Couch.login(ctx[:userinfo])
+ resp = Couch.Session.get(sess, "/_session")
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == "joe"
+ opts = [
+ userinfo: ctx[:userinfo],
+ headers: [cookie: sess.cookie]
+ ]
+ result = replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, opts)
+ assert Couch.Session.logout(sess).body["ok"]
+ assert result["ok"]
+ history =["history"], 0)
+ assert history["docs_read"] == length(docs)
+ assert history["docs_written"] == length(docs) - 1 # ddoc write failed
+ assert history["doc_write_failures"] == 1 # ddoc write failed
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ if String.starts_with?(doc["_id"], "_design/") do
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ else
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert cmp_json(doc, resp.body)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ def run_non_admin_or_reader_source_user_repl(src_prefix, tgt_prefix, ctx) do
+ base_db_name = random_db_name()
+ src_db_name = base_db_name <> "_src"
+ tgt_db_name = base_db_name <> "_tgt"
+ repl_src = src_prefix <> src_db_name
+ repl_tgt = tgt_prefix <> tgt_db_name
+ create_db(src_db_name)
+ create_db(tgt_db_name)
+ delete_on_exit [src_db_name, tgt_db_name]
+ set_security(tgt_db_name, %{
+ :admins => %{
+ :names => ["superman"],
+ :roles => ["god"]
+ },
+ :readers => %{
+ :names => ["john"],
+ :roles => ["secret"]
+ }
+ })
+ docs = make_docs(1..6)
+ ddoc = %{"_id" => "_design/foo", "language" => "javascript"}
+ docs = save_docs(src_db_name, [ddoc | docs])
+ sess = Couch.login(ctx[:userinfo])
+ resp = Couch.Session.get(sess, "/_session")
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == "joe"
+ opts = [
+ userinfo: ctx[:userinfo],
+ headers: [cookie: sess.cookie]
+ ]
+ assert_raise(ExUnit.AssertionError, fn() ->
+ replicate(repl_src, repl_tgt, opts)
+ end)
+ assert Couch.Session.logout(sess).body["ok"]
+ Enum.each(docs, fn doc ->
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{tgt_db_name}/#{doc["_id"]}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 404
+ end)
+ end
+ def get_db_info(db_name) do
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ resp.body
+ end
+ def replicate(src, tgt, options \\ []) do
+ {userinfo, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :userinfo)
+ userinfo = if userinfo == nil do
+ @admin_account
+ else
+ userinfo
+ end
+ src = set_user(src, userinfo)
+ tgt = set_user(tgt, userinfo)
+ defaults = [headers: [], body: %{}, timeout: 30_000]
+ options = Keyword.merge(defaults, options) |> Enum.into(%{})
+ %{body: body} = options
+ body = [source: src, target: tgt] |> Enum.into(body)
+ options = Map.put(options, :body, body)
+ resp ="/_replicate", Enum.to_list options)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp), "#{inspect resp}"
+ resp.body
+ end
+ def cancel_replication(src, tgt) do
+ body = %{:cancel => true}
+ try do
+ replicate(src, tgt, body: body)
+ rescue
+ ExUnit.AssertionError -> :ok
+ end
+ end
+ def get_db_changes(db_name, query \\ %{}) do
+ resp = Couch.get("/#{db_name}/_changes", query: query)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp), "#{inspect resp}"
+ resp.body
+ end
+ def save_docs(db_name, docs) do
+ query = %{w: 3}
+ body = %{docs: docs}
+ resp ="/#{db_name}/_bulk_docs", query: query, body: body)
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ for {doc, resp} <-, resp.body) do
+ assert resp["ok"], "Error saving doc: #{doc["_id"]}"
+ Map.put(doc, "_rev", resp["rev"])
+ end
+ end
+ def set_security(db_name, sec_props) do
+ resp = Couch.put("/#{db_name}/_security", body: :jiffy.encode(sec_props))
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert resp.body["ok"]
+ end
+ def add_attachment(db_name, doc, att \\ []) do
+ defaults = [
+ name: <<"readme.txt">>,
+ body: <<"some text">>,
+ content_type: "text/plain"
+ ]
+ att = Keyword.merge(defaults, att) |> Enum.into(%{})
+ uri = "/#{db_name}/#{URI.encode(doc["_id"])}/#{att[:name]}"
+ headers = ["Content-Type": att[:content_type]]
+ params = if doc["_rev"] do
+ %{:w => 3, :rev => doc["_rev"]}
+ else
+ %{:w => 3}
+ end
+ resp = Couch.put(uri, headers: headers, query: params, body: att[:body])
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ Map.put(doc, "_rev", resp.body["rev"])
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, expect_revs_checked) do
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, expect_revs_checked, 30000)
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl(_, _, _, wait_left) when wait_left <= 0 do
+ assert false, "Timeout waiting for replication"
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, expect_revs_checked, wait_left) do
+ task = get_task(repl_id, 0)
+ through_seq = task["through_seq"]
+ revs_checked = task["revisions_checked"]
+ changes = get_db_changes(src_db_name, %{:since => through_seq})
+ if length(changes["results"]) > 0 or revs_checked < expect_revs_checked do
+ :timer.sleep(500)
+ wait_for_repl(src_db_name, repl_id, expect_revs_checked, wait_left - 500)
+ end
+ task
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id) do
+ wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id, 30000)
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id, wait_left) when wait_left <= 0 do
+ assert false, "Timeout waiting for replication task to stop: #{repl_id}"
+ end
+ def wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id, wait_left) do
+ task = get_task(repl_id, 0)
+ if is_map(task) do
+ :timer.sleep(500)
+ wait_for_repl_stop(repl_id, wait_left - 500)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_last_seq(db_name) do
+ body = get_db_changes(db_name, %{:since => "now"})
+ body["last_seq"]
+ end
+ def get_task(repl_id, delay) when delay <= 0 do
+ try_get_task(repl_id)
+ end
+ def get_task(repl_id, delay) do
+ case try_get_task(repl_id) do
+ result when is_map(result) ->
+ result
+ _ ->
+ :timer.sleep(500)
+ get_task(repl_id, delay - 500)
+ end
+ end
+ def try_get_task(repl_id) do
+ resp = Couch.get("/_active_tasks")
+ assert HTTPotion.Response.success?(resp)
+ assert is_list(resp.body)
+ Enum.find(resp.body, :nil, fn task ->
+ task["replication_id"] == repl_id
+ end)
+ end
+ def set_user(uri, userinfo) do
+ case URI.parse(uri) do
+ %{scheme: nil} ->
+ uri
+ %{userinfo: nil} = uri ->
+ URI.to_string(Map.put(uri, :userinfo, userinfo))
+ _ ->
+ uri
+ end
+ end
+ def get_att1_data do
+ end
+ def get_att2_data do
+ end
+ def cmp_json(lhs, rhs) when is_map(lhs) and is_map(rhs) do
+ Enum.reduce_while(lhs, true, fn {k, v}, true ->
+ if Map.has_key?(rhs, k) do
+ if cmp_json(v, rhs[k]) do
+ {:cont, true}
+ else
+ Logger.error "#{inspect lhs} != #{inspect rhs}"
+ {:halt, false}
+ end
+ else
+ Logger.error "#{inspect lhs} != #{inspect rhs}"
+ {:halt, false}
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ def cmp_json(lhs, rhs), do: lhs == rhs
+ def seq_to_shards(seq) do
+ for {_node, range, update_seq} <- decode_seq(seq) do
+ {range, update_seq}
+ end
+ end
+ def decode_seq(seq) do
+ seq = String.replace(seq, ~r/\d+-/, "", global: false)
+ :erlang.binary_to_term(Base.url_decode64!(seq, padding: false))
+ end
+ def delete_on_exit(db_names) when is_list(db_names) do
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ Enum.each(db_names, fn(name) ->
+ delete_db name
+ end)
+ end)
+ end