path: root/test/elixir/test/users_db_test.exs
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/elixir/test/users_db_test.exs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/users_db_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/users_db_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index db86b2739..000000000
--- a/test/elixir/test/users_db_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-defmodule UsersDbTest do
- use CouchTestCase
- @moduletag :authentication
- @moduletag kind: :single_node
- @users_db_name "_users"
- @moduletag config: [
- {
- "chttpd_auth",
- "authentication_db",
- @users_db_name
- },
- {
- "couch_httpd_auth",
- "authentication_db",
- @users_db_name
- },
- {
- "couch_httpd_auth",
- "iterations",
- "1"
- },
- {
- "admins",
- "jan",
- "apple"
- }
- ]
- setup do
- # Create db if not exists
- Couch.put("/#{@users_db_name}")
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/#{@users_db_name}/_changes",
- query: [feed: "longpoll", timeout: 5000, filter: "_design"]
- )
- assert resp.body
- on_exit(&tear_down/0)
- :ok
- end
- defp tear_down do
- delete_db(@users_db_name)
- create_db(@users_db_name)
- end
- defp save_as(db_name, doc, options) do
- session = Keyword.get(options, :use_session)
- expect_response = Keyword.get(options, :expect_response, [201, 202])
- expect_message = Keyword.get(options, :error_message)
- expect_reason = Keyword.get(options, :error_reason)
- headers =
- if session != nil do
- [
- Cookie: session.cookie,
- "X-CouchDB-www-Authenticate": "Cookie"
- ]
- else
- []
- end
- resp =
- Couch.put(
- "/#{db_name}/#{URI.encode(doc["_id"])}",
- headers: headers,
- body: doc
- )
- if is_list(expect_response) do
- assert resp.status_code in expect_response
- else
- assert resp.status_code == expect_response
- end
- if expect_message != nil do
- assert resp.body["error"] == expect_message
- end
- if expect_reason != nil do
- assert resp.body["reason"] == expect_reason
- end
- resp
- end
- defp login(user, password) do
- sess = Couch.login(user, password)
- assert sess.cookie, "Login correct is expected"
- sess
- end
- defp logout(session) do
- assert Couch.Session.logout(session).body["ok"]
- end
- @tag :with_db
- test "users db", context do
- db_name = context[:db_name]
- # test that the users db is born with the auth ddoc
- ddoc = Couch.get("/#{@users_db_name}/_design/_auth")
- assert ddoc.body["validate_doc_update"] != nil
- jchris_user_doc =
- prepare_user_doc([
- {:name, ""},
- {:password, "funnybone"}
- ])
- {:ok, resp} = create_doc(@users_db_name, jchris_user_doc)
- jchris_rev = resp.body["rev"]
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/_session",
- headers: [authorization: "Basic #{:base64.encode("")}"]
- )
- assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == ""
- assert resp.body["info"]["authenticated"] == "default"
- assert resp.body["info"]["authentication_db"] == @users_db_name
- assert Enum.member?(resp.body["info"]["authentication_handlers"], "cookie")
- assert Enum.member?(resp.body["info"]["authentication_handlers"], "default")
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/_session",
- headers: [authorization: "Basic Xzpf"]
- )
- assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == :null
- assert not Enum.member?(resp.body["info"], "authenticated")
- # ok, now create a conflicting edit on the jchris doc, and make sure there's no login.
- # (use replication to create the conflict) - need 2 be admin
- session = login("jan", "apple")
- replicate(@users_db_name, db_name)
- jchris_user_doc = Map.put(jchris_user_doc, "_rev", jchris_rev)
- jchris_user_doc2 = Map.put(jchris_user_doc, "foo", "bar")
- save_as(@users_db_name, jchris_user_doc2, use_session: session)
- save_as(@users_db_name, jchris_user_doc, use_session: session, expect_response: 409)
- # then in the other
- jchris_user_doc3 = Map.put(jchris_user_doc, "foo", "barrrr")
- save_as(db_name, jchris_user_doc3, use_session: session)
- replicate(db_name, @users_db_name)
- # now we should have a conflict
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/#{@users_db_name}/#{jchris_user_doc3["_id"]}",
- query: [conflicts: true]
- )
- assert length(resp.body["_conflicts"]) == 1
- jchris_with_conflict = resp.body
- logout(session)
- # wait for auth_cache invalidation
- retry_until(
- fn ->
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/_session",
- headers: [
- authorization: "Basic #{:base64.encode("")}"
- ]
- )
- assert resp.body["error"] == "unauthorized"
- assert String.contains?(resp.body["reason"], "conflict")
- resp
- end,
- 500,
- 20_000
- )
- # You can delete a user doc
- session = login("jan", "apple")
- info =
- assert Enum.member?(info["userCtx"]["roles"], "_admin")
- resp =
- Couch.delete(
- "/#{@users_db_name}/#{jchris_with_conflict["_id"]}",
- query: [rev: jchris_with_conflict["_rev"]],
- headers: [
- Cookie: session.cookie,
- "X-CouchDB-www-Authenticate": "Cookie"
- ]
- )
- assert resp.body["ok"]
- # you can't change doc from type "user"
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/#{@users_db_name}/#{jchris_user_doc["_id"]}",
- headers: [
- Cookie: session.cookie,
- "X-CouchDB-www-Authenticate": "Cookie"
- ]
- )
- assert resp.status_code == 200
- jchris_user_doc = Map.replace!(resp.body, "type", "not user")
- save_as(
- @users_db_name,
- jchris_user_doc,
- use_session: session,
- expect_response: 403,
- error_message: "forbidden",
- error_reason: "doc.type must be user"
- )
- # "roles" must be an array
- jchris_user_doc =
- jchris_user_doc
- |> Map.replace!("type", "user")
- |> Map.replace!("roles", "not an array")
- save_as(
- @users_db_name,
- jchris_user_doc,
- use_session: session,
- expect_response: 403,
- error_message: "forbidden",
- error_reason: "doc.roles must be an array"
- )
- # "roles" must be and array of strings
- jchris_user_doc = Map.replace!(jchris_user_doc, "roles", [12])
- save_as(
- @users_db_name,
- jchris_user_doc,
- use_session: session,
- expect_response: 403,
- error_message: "forbidden",
- error_reason: "doc.roles can only contain strings"
- )
- # "roles" must exist
- jchris_user_doc = Map.drop(jchris_user_doc, ["roles"])
- save_as(
- @users_db_name,
- jchris_user_doc,
- use_session: session,
- expect_response: 403,
- error_message: "forbidden",
- error_reason: "doc.roles must exist"
- )
- # character : is not allowed in usernames
- joe_user_doc =
- prepare_user_doc([
- {:name, "joe:erlang"},
- {:password, "querty"}
- ])
- save_as(
- @users_db_name,
- joe_user_doc,
- use_session: session,
- expect_response: 403,
- error_message: "forbidden",
- error_reason: "Character `:` is not allowed in usernames."
- )
- # test that you can login as a user with a password starting with :
- joe_user_doc =
- prepare_user_doc([
- {:name, ""},
- {:password, ":bar"}
- ])
- {:ok, _} = create_doc(@users_db_name, joe_user_doc)
- logout(session)
- resp =
- Couch.get(
- "/_session",
- headers: [authorization: "Basic #{:base64.encode("")}"]
- )
- assert resp.body["userCtx"]["name"] == ""
- end