path: root/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/javascript/tests/list_views.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js b/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d74586fe..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.list_views = function(debug) {
- var db_name = get_random_db_name();
- var db = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- db.createDb();
- if (debug) debugger;
- var designDoc = {
- _id:"_design/lists",
- language: "javascript",
- views : {
- basicView : {
- map : stringFun(function(doc) {
- emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
- })
- },
- withReduce : {
- map : stringFun(function(doc) {
- emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
- }),
- reduce : stringFun(function(keys, values, rereduce) {
- if (rereduce) {
- return sum(values);
- } else {
- return values.length;
- }
- })
- }
- },
- lists: {
- basicBasic : stringFun(function(head, req) {
- send("head");
- var row;
- while(row = getRow()) {
- log("row: "+toJSON(row));
- send(row.key);
- };
- return "tail";
- }),
- basicJSON : stringFun(function(head, req) {
- start({"headers":{"Content-Type" : "application/json"}});
- send('{"head":'+toJSON(head)+', ');
- send('"req":'+toJSON(req)+', ');
- send('"rows":[');
- var row, sep = '';
- while (row = getRow()) {
- send(sep + toJSON(row));
- sep = ', ';
- }
- return "]}";
- }),
- simpleForm: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- log("simpleForm");
- send('<ul>');
- var row, row_number = 0, prevKey, firstKey = null;
- while (row = getRow()) {
- row_number += 1;
- if (!firstKey) firstKey = row.key;
- prevKey = row.key;
- send('\n<li>Key: '+row.key
- +' Value: '+row.value
- +' LineNo: '+row_number+'</li>');
- }
- return '</ul><p>FirstKey: '+ firstKey + ' LastKey: '+ prevKey+'</p>';
- }),
- acceptSwitch: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- // respondWith takes care of setting the proper headers
- provides("html", function() {
- send("HTML <ul>");
- var row, num = 0;
- while (row = getRow()) {
- num ++;
- send('\n<li>Key: '
- +row.key+' Value: '+row.value
- +' LineNo: '+num+'</li>');
- }
- // tail
- return '</ul>';
- });
- }),
- qsParams: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- return toJSON(req.query) + "\n";
- }),
- stopIter: stringFun(function(req) {
- send("head");
- var row, row_number = 0;
- while(row = getRow()) {
- if(row_number > 2) break;
- send(" " + row_number);
- row_number += 1;
- };
- return " tail";
- }),
- stopIter2: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- provides("html", function() {
- send("head");
- var row, row_number = 0;
- while(row = getRow()) {
- if(row_number > 2) break;
- send(" " + row_number);
- row_number += 1;
- };
- return " tail";
- });
- }),
- tooManyGetRows : stringFun(function() {
- send("head");
- var row;
- while(row = getRow()) {
- send(row.key);
- };
- getRow();
- getRow();
- getRow();
- row = getRow();
- return "after row: "+toJSON(row);
- }),
- emptyList: stringFun(function() {
- return " ";
- }),
- rowError : stringFun(function(head, req) {
- send("head");
- var row = getRow();
- send(fooBarBam); // intentional error
- return "tail";
- }),
- docReference : stringFun(function(head, req) {
- send("head");
- var row = getRow();
- send(row.doc.integer);
- return "tail";
- }),
- secObj: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- return toJSON(req.secObj);
- }),
- setHeaderAfterGotRow: stringFun(function(head, req) {
- getRow();
- start({
- code: 400,
- headers: {
- "X-My-Header": "MyHeader"
- }
- });
- send("bad request");
- }),
- allDocs: stringFun(function(head, req){
- start({'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});
- var resp = head;
- var rows = [];
- while(row=getRow()){
- rows.push(row);
- }
- resp.rows = rows;
- return toJSON(resp);
- })
- }
- };
- var viewOnlyDesignDoc = {
- _id:"_design/views",
- language: "javascript",
- views : {
- basicView : {
- map : stringFun(function(doc) {
- emit(-doc.integer, doc.string);
- })
- }
- }
- };
- var erlListDoc = {
- _id: "_design/erlang",
- language: "erlang",
- lists: {
- simple:
- 'fun(Head, {Req}) -> ' +
- ' Send(<<"[">>), ' +
- ' Fun = fun({Row}, Sep) -> ' +
- ' Val = couch_util:get_value(<<"key">>, Row, 23), ' +
- ' Send(list_to_binary(Sep ++ integer_to_list(Val))), ' +
- ' {ok, ","} ' +
- ' end, ' +
- ' {ok, _} = FoldRows(Fun, ""), ' +
- ' Send(<<"]">>) ' +
- 'end.'
- }
- };
- T(;
- var docs = makeDocs(0, 10);
- db.bulkSave(docs);
- var view = db.view('lists/basicView');
- T(view.total_rows == 10);
- // standard get
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
- T(/head0123456789tail/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // standard options - works though it does not make lots of sense
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("OPTIONS", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
- T(/head0123456789tail/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // TODO: test that etags are available - actually they're not (yet):
- //var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView", {
- // headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
- //});
- //T(xhr.status == 304);
- // confirm ETag changes with different POST bodies
- // (not yet - see above)
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView",
- // {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[1]})}
- //);
- //var etag1 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView",
- // {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[2]})}
- //);
- //var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //T(etag1 != etag2, "POST to map _list generates key-depdendent ETags");
- // test the richness of the arguments
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicJSON/basicView?update_seq=true");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
- var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- TEquals(10, resp.head.total_rows);
- TEquals(0, resp.head.offset);
- // we don't have a (meaningful) update seq in a clustered env
- //TEquals(11, resp.head.update_seq);
- T(resp.rows.length == 10);
- TEquals(resp.rows[0], {"id": "0","key": 0,"value": "0"});
- TEquals(, "" + db_name + "");
- TEquals(resp.req.method, "GET");
- TEquals(resp.req.path, [
- "" + db_name + "",
- "_design",
- "lists",
- "_list",
- "basicJSON",
- "basicView"
- ]);
- T(resp.req.headers.Accept);
- T(resp.req.headers.Host);
- T(resp.req.headers["User-Agent"]);
- T(resp.req.cookie);
- TEquals("/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicJSON/basicView?update_seq=true",
- resp.req.raw_path, "should include raw path");
- // get with query params
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=3&endkey=8");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
- T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
- T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // with 0 rows
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=30");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "0 rows");
- T(/<\/ul>/.test(xhr.responseText));
- //too many Get Rows
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/tooManyGetRows/basicView");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "tooManyGetRows");
- T(/9after row: null/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // reduce with 0 rows
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?startkey=30");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce 0 rows");
- T(/LastKey: undefined/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // when there is a reduce present, but not used
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?reduce=false");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce false");
- T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // when there is a reduce present, and used
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "group reduce");
- T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // there should be etags on reduce as well
- // (see above 4 etags)
- //var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //T(etag, "Etags should be served with reduce lists");
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true", {
- // headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
- //});
- //T(xhr.status == 304);
- // confirm ETag changes with different POST bodies
- // (see above)
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true",
- // {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[1]})}
- //);
- //var etag1 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true",
- // {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[2]})}
- //);
- //var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
- //T(etag1 != etag2, "POST to reduce _list generates key-depdendent ETags");
- // verify the etags expire correctly
- var docs = makeDocs(11, 12);
- db.bulkSave(docs);
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true", {
- // will always be 200 as etags don't make sense (see above)
- //headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
- });
- T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce etag");
- // empty list
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/emptyList/basicView");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^ $/));
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/emptyList/withReduce?group=true");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^ $/));
- // multi-key fetch
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView", {
- body: '{"keys":[2,4,5,7]}'
- });
- T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key");
- T(!(/Key: 1 /.test(xhr.responseText)));
- T(/Key: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/FirstKey: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/LastKey: 7/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // multi-key fetch with GET
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView" +
- "?keys=[2,4,5,7]");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key");
- T(!(/Key: 1 /.test(xhr.responseText)));
- T(/Key: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/FirstKey: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/LastKey: 7/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // no multi-key fetch allowed when group=false
- xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=false", {
- body: '{"keys":[2,4,5,7]}'
- });
- T(xhr.status == 400);
- T(/query_parse_error/.test(xhr.responseText));
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/rowError/basicView");
- T(/ReferenceError/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // with include_docs and a reference to the doc.
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/docReference/basicView?include_docs=true");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/head0tail/));
- // now with extra qs params
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/qsParams/basicView?foo=blam");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/blam/));
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter/basicView");
- // T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "basic stop");
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter2/basicView", {
- headers : {
- "Accept" : "text/html"
- }
- });
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "stop 2");
- // aborting iteration with reduce
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter/withReduce?group=true");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "reduce stop");
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter2/withReduce?group=true", {
- headers : {
- "Accept" : "text/html"
- }
- });
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "reduce stop 2");
- // with accept headers for HTML
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/acceptSwitch/basicView", {
- headers: {
- "Accept": 'text/html'
- }
- });
- T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/html; charset=utf-8");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/HTML/));
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/Value/));
- // Test we can run lists and views from separate docs.
- T(;
- var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/views/basicView" +
- "?startkey=-3";
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
- T(xhr.status == 200, "multiple design docs.");
- T(!(/Key: -4/.test(xhr.responseText)));
- T(/FirstKey: -3/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/LastKey: 0/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // Test we do multi-key requests on lists and views in separate docs.
- var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/views/basicView";
- xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", url, {
- body: '{"keys":[-2,-4,-5,-7]}'
- });
- T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key separate docs");
- T(!(/Key: -3/.test(xhr.responseText)));
- T(/Key: -7/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/FirstKey: -2/.test(xhr.responseText));
- T(/LastKey: -7/.test(xhr.responseText));
- // Test if secObj is available
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/secObj/basicView");
- T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
- var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- T(typeof(resp) == "object");
- var erlViewTest = function() {
- T(;
- var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/erlang/_list/simple/views/basicView" +
- "?startkey=-3";
- xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
- T(xhr.status == 200, "multiple languages in design docs.");
- var list = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- T(list.length == 4);
- for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
- {
- T(list[i] + 3 == i);
- }
- };
- // make _config available 4 tests or leave commented out
- //run_on_modified_server([{
- // section: "native_query_servers",
- // key: "erlang",
- // value: "{couch_native_process, start_link, []}"
- //}], erlViewTest);
- // COUCHDB-1113
- var ddoc = {
- _id: "_design/test",
- views: {
- me: {
- map: (function(doc) { emit(null,null)}).toString()
- }
- },
- lists: {
- you: (function(head, req) {
- var row;
- while(row = getRow()) {
- send(row);
- }
- }).toString()
- }
- };
- var resp = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + + "/_design/test/_list/you/me", {
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- }
- });
- TEquals(200, resp.status, "should return a 200 response");
- // TEST HTTP header response set after getRow() called in _list function.
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/setHeaderAfterGotRow/basicView");
- T(xhr.status == 400);
- T(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-My-Header") == "MyHeader");
- T(xhr.responseText.match(/^bad request$/));
- // test handling _all_docs by _list functions. the result should be equal
- var xhr_lAllDocs = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/allDocs/_all_docs");
- T(xhr_lAllDocs.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
- var xhr_allDocs = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_all_docs");
- var allDocs = JSON.parse(xhr_allDocs.responseText);
- var lAllDocs = JSON.parse(xhr_lAllDocs.responseText);
- TEquals(allDocs.total_rows, lAllDocs.total_rows, "total_rows mismatch");
- TEquals(allDocs.offset, lAllDocs.offset, "offset mismatch");
- TEquals(allDocs.rows.length, lAllDocs.rows.length, "amount of rows mismatch");
- TEquals(allDocs.rows, lAllDocs.rows, "rows mismatch");
- // cleanup
- db.deleteDb();