path: root/bin/mcpani
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2013-07-30 13:39:34 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2013-07-30 13:39:34 +0000
commit74e30d582ac01d80a7f1b28af247d0a5ee913d55 (patch)
tree2fdf53fd16ae0708e1180e4da06bea72a02175f0 /bin/mcpani
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/mcpani')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/mcpani b/bin/mcpani
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913971c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mcpani
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Pod::Usage 1.12;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use YAML qw( Load );
+use CPAN::Mini::Inject;
+use Env;
+use File::Slurp 'write_file';
+use File::Temp;
+our $VERSION = '0.33';
+our %options = ();
+sub print_version {
+ printf( "mcpani v%s, using CPAN::Mini::Inject v%s and Perl v%vd\n",
+ $VERSION, $CPAN::Mini::Inject::VERSION, $^V );
+sub chkactions {
+ for my $action ( qw(add update mirror inject) ) {
+ return 1 if ( $options{actionname} eq $action );
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub setsub {
+ $options{actionname} = shift;
+ $options{action} = shift;
+sub add {
+ my $mcpi = shift;
+ $mcpi->readlist;
+ $mcpi->add(
+ module => $options{module},
+ authorid => $options{authorid},
+ version => $options{version},
+ file => $options{file}
+ );
+ if ( $options{verbose} ) {
+ my @added = $mcpi->added_modules;
+ foreach my $added ( @added ){
+ print "\nAdding File: $added->{file}\n";
+ print "Author ID: $added->{authorid}\n";
+ my $modules = $added->{modules};
+ foreach my $mod ( sort keys %$modules ){
+ print "Module: $mod\n";
+ print "Version: $modules->{$mod}\n";
+ }
+ print "To repository: $mcpi->{config}{repository}\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $mcpi->writelist;
+sub update {
+ my $mcpi = shift;
+ mirror( $mcpi );
+ inject( $mcpi );
+sub mirror {
+ my $mcpi = shift;
+ my %mirroropts;
+ $mirroropts{remote} = $options{remote}
+ if ( defined( $options{remote} ) );
+ $mirroropts{local} = $options{local}
+ if ( defined( $options{local} ) );
+ $mirroropts{trace} = $options{verbose}
+ if ( defined( $options{verbose} ) );
+ $mcpi->update_mirror( %mirroropts );
+sub inject {
+ my $mcpi = shift;
+ print "Injecting modules from $mcpi->{config}{repository}\n"
+ if ( $options{verbose} );
+ $mcpi->inject( $options{verbose} );
+Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case' );
+Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling' );
+ 'h|help|?' =>
+ sub { pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -input => \*DATA } ); exit },
+ 'H|man' =>
+ sub { pod2usage( { -verbose => 2, -input => \*DATA } ); exit },
+ 'V|version' => sub { print_version(); exit; },
+ 'v|verbose' => \$options{verbose},
+ 'l|local=s' => \$options{local},
+ 'r|remote=s' => \$options{remote},
+ 'p|passive' => \$ENV{FTP_PASSIVE},
+ 'add' => sub { setsub( 'add', \&add ) },
+ 'update' => sub { setsub( 'update', \&update ) },
+ 'mirror' => sub { setsub( 'mirror', \&mirror ) },
+ 'inject' => sub { setsub( 'inject', \&inject ) },
+ 'module=s' => \$options{module},
+ 'authorid=s' => \$options{authorid},
+ 'modversion=s' => \$options{version},
+ 'file=s' => \$options{file},
+ 'all-in-meta' => \$options{'all-in-meta'},
+ 'signing-key=s' => \$options{'signing_key'},
+ 'discover-packages' => \$options{'discover-packages'},
+) or exit 1;
+unless ( defined( $options{action} ) && chkactions() ) {
+ pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -input => \*DATA } );
+ exit;
+my $mcpi = CPAN::Mini::Inject->new->loadcfg( $options{cfg} )->parsecfg;
+$CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_KEY = $options{'signing_key'}
+ if ($options{'signing_key'});
+&{ $options{action} }( $mcpi );
+=head1 NAME
+mcpani -- A command line tool to manage a CPAN Mini Mirror.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+mcpani [options] < --add | --update | --mirror | --inject >
+ --add Add a new package to the repository
+ --module Name of the module to add
+ --authorid Author ID of the module
+ --modversion Version number of the module
+ --file tar.gz file of the module
+ --update Update local CPAN mirror and inject modules
+ --mirror Update local CPAN mirror from remote
+ --inject Add modules from repository to CPAN mirror
+ -h, --help This synopsis
+ -H, --man Detailed description
+ -l, --local local location for CPAN::Mini Mirror
+ -r, --remote CPAN mirror to mirror from
+ -p, --passive Enable passive ftp for mirroring.
+ -v, --verbose verbose output
+ -V, --version Version information.
+ --signing-key See CPAN::Checksums $SIGNING_KEY
+=head2 --add
+Add a module to the repository for later inclusion in the CPAN Mini
+mirror. The add command requires the following parameters:
+=over 4
+=item --module
+This is the name of the module (ie CPAN::Mini::Inject).
+=item --authorid
+A CPAN 'like' author ID for the module. The author ID does not need to
+exist on CPAN.
+=item --modversion
+Version number of the module. This must match the version number in the
+file name.
+=item --all-in-meta
+=item --discover-packages
+L<CPAN::Mini::Inject/add> adds all modules found in the file.
+These options remain for backward compatibility and do nothing.
+=item --file
+File name and path of the module. The file name must follow the
+standard CPAN naming convention (the resulting file from a
+C<make tardist>).
+ Example:
+ mcpani --add --module CPAN::Mini::Inject --authorid SSORICHE
+ --modversion 0.01 --file ./CPAN-Mini-Inject-0.01.tar.gz
+=head2 --update
+Update your local CPAN Mini mirror from a CPAN site. Once completed
+add the modules contained in the repository to it. This is the same
+as running C<mcpani --mirror> followed by C<mcpani --inject>
+=head2 --mirror
+Update the local CPAN Mini mirror from CPAN.
+=head2 --inject
+Add the repository modules into the CPAN Mini mirror.
+=head2 -l, --local
+A local directory to store the CPAN Mini mirror in. Specifying this
+option overrides the value in the config file.
+=head2 -r, --remote
+A CPAN site to create the local CPAN Mini mirror from.
+=head2 -v, --verbose
+Display verbose processing information
+=head2 -V, --version
+Display version information.
+F<mcpani> uses a simple configuration file in the following format:
+ local: /www/CPAN
+ remote:
+ repository: /work/mymodules
+ passive: yes
+ dirmode: 0755
+Description of options:
+=over 4
+=item * local
+location to store local CPAN::Mini mirror (*REQUIRED*)
+=item * remote
+CPAN site(s) to mirror from. Multiple sites can be listed, with spaces
+between them. (*REQUIRED*)
+=item * repository
+Location to store modules to add to the local CPAN::Mini mirror.
+=item * passive
+Enable passive FTP.
+=item * dirmode
+Set the permissions of created directories to the specified mode
+(octal value). The default value is based on the umask (if supported).
+F<mcpani> will search the following four places in order:
+=over 4
+=item * file pointed to by the environment variable MCPANI_CONFIG
+=item * $HOME/.mcpani/config
+=item * /usr/local/etc/mcpani
+=item * /etc/mcpani
+Christian Walde C<< <> >>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Shawn Sorichetti C<< <> >>
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<>, or through the web interface at
+L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically
+be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 Copyright & License
+Copyright 2004 Shawn Sorichetti, All Rights Reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.