path: root/lib/CPAN/Mini/
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2013-07-30 13:39:34 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2013-07-30 13:39:34 +0000
commit74e30d582ac01d80a7f1b28af247d0a5ee913d55 (patch)
tree2fdf53fd16ae0708e1180e4da06bea72a02175f0 /lib/CPAN/Mini/
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CPAN/Mini/')
1 files changed, 747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CPAN/Mini/ b/lib/CPAN/Mini/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd59cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CPAN/Mini/
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+package CPAN::Mini::Inject;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use CPAN::Checksums qw( updatedir );
+use CPAN::Mini;
+use CPAN::Mini::Inject::Config;
+use Carp;
+use Compress::Zlib;
+use Env;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path qw( make_path );
+use File::Spec;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use Dist::Metadata ();
+=head1 NAME
+CPAN::Mini::Inject - Inject modules into a CPAN::Mini mirror.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.33
+our $VERSION = '0.33';
+our @ISA = qw( CPAN::Mini );
+=head1 Synopsis
+If you're not going to customize the way CPAN::Mini::Inject works you
+probably want to look at the L<mcpani> command instead.
+ use CPAN::Mini::Inject;
+ $mcpi=CPAN::Mini::Inject->new;
+ $mcpi->parsecfg('t/.mcpani/config');
+ $mcpi->add( module => 'CPAN::Mini::Inject',
+ authorid => 'SSORICHE',
+ version => ' 0.01',
+ file => 'mymodules/CPAN-Mini-Inject-0.01.tar.gz' )
+ $mcpi->writelist;
+ $mcpi->update_mirror;
+ $mcpi->inject;
+CPAN::Mini::Inject uses CPAN::Mini to build or update a local CPAN mirror
+then adds modules from your repository to it, allowing the inclusion
+of private modules in a minimal CPAN mirror.
+=head1 METHODS
+Each method in CPAN::Mini::Inject returns a CPAN::Mini::Inject object which
+allows method chaining. For example:
+ my $mcpi=CPAN::Mini::Inject->new;
+ $mcpi->parsecfg
+ ->update_mirror
+ ->inject;
+A C<CPAN::Mini::Inject> ISA L<CPAN::Mini>. Refer to the
+L<documentation|CPAN::Mini> for that module for details of the interface
+C<CPAN::Mini::Inject> inherits from it.
+=head2 C<new>
+Create a new CPAN::Mini::Inject object.
+sub new {
+ return bless
+ { config_class => 'CPAN::Mini::Inject::Config' },
+ $_[0];
+=head2 C<< config_class( [CLASS] ) >>
+Returns the name of the class handling the configuration.
+With an argument, it sets the name of the class to handle
+the config. To use that, you'll have to call it before you
+load the configuration.
+sub config_class {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( @_ ) { $self->{config_class} = shift }
+ $self->{config_class};
+=head2 C<< config >>
+Returns the configuration object. This object should be from
+the class returned by C<config_class> unless you've done something
+sub config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( @_ ) { $self->{config} = shift }
+ $self->{config};
+=head2 C<< loadcfg( [FILENAME] ) >>
+This is a bridge to CPAN::Mini::Inject::Config's loadconfig. It sets the
+filename for the configuration, or uses one of the defaults.
+sub loadcfg {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{config} ) {
+ $self->{config} = $self->config_class->new;
+ }
+ $self->{cfgfile} = $self->{config}->load_config( @_ );
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<< parsecfg() >>
+This is a bridge to CPAN::Mini::Inject::Config's parseconfig.
+sub parsecfg {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{config} ) {
+ $self->config( $self->config_class->new );
+ }
+ $self->config->parse_config( @_ );
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<< site( [SITE] ) >>
+Returns the CPAN site that CPAN::Mini::Inject chose from the
+list specified in the C<remote> directive.
+sub site {
+ no warnings;
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( @_ ) { $self->{site} = shift }
+ $self->{site} || '';
+=head2 C<testremote>
+Test each site listed in the remote parameter of the config file by performing
+a get on each site in order for authors/01mailrc.txt.gz. The first site to
+respond successfully is set as the instance variable site.
+ print "$mcpi->{site}\n"; #
+C<testremote> accepts an optional parameter to enable verbose mode.
+sub testremote {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift;
+ $self->site( undef ) if $self->site;
+ $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1 if ( $self->config->get( 'passive' ) );
+ for my $site ( split( /\s+/, $self->config->get( 'remote' ) ) ) {
+ $site .= '/' unless ( $site =~ m/\/$/ );
+ print "Testing site: $site\n" if ( $verbose );
+ if ( get( $site . 'authors/01mailrc.txt.gz' ) ) {
+ $self->site( $site );
+ print "\n$site selected.\n" if ( $verbose );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ croak "Unable to connect to any remote site" unless $self->site;
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<update_mirror>
+This is a subclass of CPAN::Mini.
+sub update_mirror {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ croak 'Can not write to local: ' . $self->config->get( 'local' )
+ unless ( -w $self->config->get( 'local' ) );
+ $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1 if $self->config->get( 'passive' );
+ $options{local} ||= $self->config->get( 'local' );
+ $options{trace} ||= 0;
+ $options{skip_perl} ||= $self->config->get( 'perl' ) || 1;
+ $self->testremote( $options{trace} )
+ unless ( $self->site || $options{remote} );
+ $options{remote} ||= $self->site;
+ $options{dirmode} ||= oct( $self->config->get( 'dirmode' )
+ || sprintf( '0%o', 0777 & ~umask ) );
+ CPAN::Mini->update_mirror( %options );
+=head2 C<add>
+Add a new module to the repository. The add method copies the module
+file into the repository with the same structure as a CPAN site. For
+example CPAN-Mini-Inject-0.01.tar.gz is copied to
+MYCPAN/authors/id/S/SS/SSORICHE. add creates the required directory
+structure below the repository.
+Packages found in the distribution will be added to the module list
+(for example both C<CPAN::Mini::Inject> and C<CPAN::Mini::Inject::Config>
+will be added to the F<modules/02packages.details.txt.gz> file).
+Packages will be looked for in the C<provides> key of the META file if present,
+otherwise the files in the dist will be searched.
+See L<Dist::Metadata> for more information.
+=over 4
+=item * module
+The name of the module to add.
+The distribution file will be searched for modules
+but you can specify the main one explicitly.
+=item * authorid
+CPAN author id. This does not have to be a real author id.
+=item * version
+The modules version number.
+Module names and versions will be determined,
+but you can specify one explicitly.
+=item * file
+The tar.gz of the module.
+=head3 Example
+ add( module => 'Module::Name',
+ authorid => 'AUTHOR',
+ version => 0.01,
+ file => './Module-Name-0.01.tar.gz' );
+sub add {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ my $optionchk
+ = _optionchk( \%options, qw/authorid file/ );
+ croak "Required option not specified: $optionchk" if $optionchk;
+ croak "No repository configured"
+ unless ( $self->config->get( 'repository' ) );
+ croak "Can not write to repository: "
+ . $self->config->get( 'repository' )
+ unless ( -w $self->config->get( 'repository' ) );
+ croak "Can not read module file: $options{file}"
+ unless -r $options{file};
+ # attempt to guess module and version
+ my $distmeta = Dist::Metadata->new( file => $options{file} );
+ my $packages = $distmeta->package_versions;
+ # include passed in module and version (prefer discovered version)
+ if ( $options{module} ) {
+ $packages->{ $options{module} } ||= $options{version};
+ }
+ # if no packages were found we need explicit options
+ if ( !keys %$packages ) {
+ $optionchk
+ = _optionchk( \%options, qw/module version/ );
+ croak "Required option not specified and no modules were found: $optionchk"
+ if $optionchk;
+ }
+ my $modulefile = basename( $options{file} );
+ $self->readlist unless exists( $self->{modulelist} );
+ $options{authorid} = uc( $options{authorid} );
+ $self->{authdir} = $self->_authordir( $options{authorid},
+ $self->config->get( 'repository' ) );
+ my $target
+ = $self->config->get( 'repository' )
+ . '/authors/id/'
+ . $self->{authdir} . '/'
+ . basename( $options{file} );
+ copy( $options{file}, dirname( $target ) )
+ or croak "Copy failed: $!";
+ $self->_updperms( $target );
+ {
+ my $mods = join('|', keys %$packages);
+ # remove old versions from the list
+ @{ $self->{modulelist} }
+ = grep { $_ !~ m/\A($mods)\s+/ } @{ $self->{modulelist} };
+ }
+ # make data available afterwards (since method returns $self)
+ push @{ $self->{added_modules} ||= [] },
+ { file => $modulefile, authorid => $options{authorid}, modules => $packages };
+ push(
+ @{ $self->{modulelist} },
+ map {
+ _fmtmodule(
+ $_, File::Spec::Unix->catfile( File::Spec->splitdir( $self->{authdir} ), $modulefile ),
+ defined($packages->{$_}) ? $packages->{$_} : 'undef'
+ )
+ } keys %$packages
+ );
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<added_modules>
+Returns a list of hash references describing the modules added by this instance.
+Each hashref will contain C<file>, C<authorid>, and C<modules>.
+The C<modules> entry is a hashref of module names and versions included in the C<file>.
+The list is cumulative.
+There will be one entry for each time L</add> was called.
+This functionality is mostly provided for the included L<mcpani> script
+to be able to verbosely print all the modules added.
+sub added_modules {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{ $self->{added_modules} ||= [] };
+=head2 C<inject>
+Insert modules from the repository into the local CPAN::Mini mirror. inject
+copies each module into the appropriate directory in the CPAN::Mini mirror
+and updates the CHECKSUMS file.
+Passing a value to C<inject> enables verbose mode, which lists each module
+as it's injected.
+sub inject {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift;
+ my $dirmode = oct( $self->config->get( 'dirmode' ) )
+ if ( $self->config->get( 'dirmode' ) );
+ $self->readlist unless ( exists( $self->{modulelist} ) );
+ my %updatedir;
+ my %already_injected;
+ for my $modline ( @{ $self->{modulelist} } ) {
+ my ( $module, $version, $file ) = split( /\s+/, $modline );
+ next if $already_injected{$file}++;
+ my $target = $self->config->get( 'local' ) . '/authors/id/' . $file;
+ my $source
+ = $self->config->get( 'repository' ) . '/authors/id/' . $file;
+ $updatedir{ dirname( $file ) } = 1;
+ my $tdir = dirname $target;
+ _make_path( $tdir, defined $dirmode ? { mode => $dirmode } : {} );
+ copy( $source, $tdir )
+ or croak "Copy $source to $tdir failed: $!";
+ $self->_updperms( $target );
+ print "$target ... injected $module\n" if $verbose;
+ }
+ for my $dir ( keys( %updatedir ) ) {
+ my $authdir = $self->config->get( 'local' ) . "/authors/id/$dir";
+ updatedir( $authdir );
+ $self->_updperms( "$authdir/CHECKSUMS" );
+ }
+ $self->updpackages;
+ $self->updauthors;
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<updpackages>
+Update the CPAN::Mini mirror's modules/02packages.details.txt.gz with the
+injected module information.
+sub updpackages {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @modules = sort( @{ $self->{modulelist} } );
+ my $infile = $self->_readpkgs;
+ my %packages;
+ # These need to be unique-per-package, with ones that come from the input
+ # file being overridden.
+ for my $line (@$infile, @modules) {
+ my ($pkg) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2);
+ $packages{$pkg} = $line;
+ };
+ $self->_writepkgs( [ sort values %packages ] );
+=head2 C<updauthors>
+Update the CPAN::Mini mirror's authors/01mailrc.txt.gz with
+stub information should the author not actually exist on CPAN
+sub updauthors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $repo_authors = $self->_readauthors;
+ my %author_ids_in_repo = map {
+ my ( $id ) = $_ =~ /alias \s+ (\S+)/xms;
+ $id => 1;
+ } @$repo_authors;
+ my @authors;
+ my %authors_added;
+ for my $modline ( @{ $self->{modulelist} } ) {
+ my ( $module, $version, $file ) = split( /\s+/, $modline );
+ # extract the author from the path
+ my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $file );
+ my $author = $dirs[2];
+ next AUTHOR if defined $author_ids_in_repo{$author};
+ next AUTHOR if defined $authors_added{$author};
+ push @$repo_authors,
+ sprintf( 'alias %-10s "Custom Non-CPAN author <CENSORED>"',
+ $author );
+ $authors_added{$author} = 1;
+ }
+ $self->_writeauthors( $repo_authors );
+=head2 C<readlist>
+Load the repository's modulelist.
+sub _repo_file {
+ File::Spec->catfile( shift->config->get( 'repository' ), @_ );
+sub _modulelist { shift->_repo_file( 'modulelist' ) }
+sub readlist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{modulelist} = undef;
+ my $ml = $self->_modulelist;
+ return $self unless -e $ml;
+ open MODLIST, '<', $ml or croak "Can not read module list: $ml ($!)";
+ while ( <MODLIST> ) {
+ chomp;
+ push @{ $self->{modulelist} }, $_;
+ }
+ close MODLIST;
+ return $self;
+=head2 C<writelist>
+Write to the repository modulelist.
+sub writelist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ croak 'Can not write module list: '
+ . $self->config->get( 'repository' )
+ . "/modulelist ERROR: $!"
+ unless ( -w $self->{config}{repository} . '/modulelist'
+ || -w $self->{config}{repository} );
+ return $self unless defined( $self->{modulelist} );
+ open( MODLIST,
+ '>' . $self->config->get( 'repository' ) . '/modulelist' );
+ for ( sort( @{ $self->{modulelist} } ) ) {
+ chomp;
+ print MODLIST "$_\n";
+ }
+ close( MODLIST );
+ $self->_updperms(
+ $self->config->get( 'repository' ) . '/modulelist' );
+ return $self;
+sub _updperms {
+ my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+ chmod oct( $self->config->get( 'dirmode' ) ) & 06666, $file
+ if $self->config->get( 'dirmode' );
+sub _optionchk {
+ my ( $options, @list ) = @_;
+ my @missing;
+ for my $option ( @list ) {
+ push @missing, $option
+ unless defined $$options{$option};
+ }
+ return join ' ', @missing;
+sub _make_path {
+ my $um = umask 0;
+ make_path( @_ );
+ umask $um;
+sub _authordir {
+ my ( $self, $author, $dir ) = @_;
+ my @author
+ = ( substr( $author, 0, 1 ), substr( $author, 0, 2 ), $author );
+ my $dm = $self->config->get( 'dirmode' );
+ my @new
+ = _make_path( File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'authors', 'id', @author ),
+ defined $dm ? { mode => oct $dm } : {} );
+ return return File::Spec->catdir( @author );
+sub _fmtmodule {
+ my ( $module, $file, $version ) = @_;
+ my $fw = 38 - length $version;
+ $fw = length $module if $fw < length $module;
+ return sprintf "%-${fw}s %s %s", $module, $version, $file;
+sub _cfg { $_[0]->{config}{ $_[1] } }
+sub _readpkgs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $gzread = gzopen(
+ $self->config->get( 'local' )
+ . '/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz', 'rb'
+ ) or croak "Cannot open local 02packages.details.txt.gz: $gzerrno";
+ my $inheader = 1;
+ my @packages;
+ my $package;
+ while ( $gzread->gzreadline( $package ) ) {
+ if ( $inheader ) {
+ $inheader = 0 unless $package =~ /\S/;
+ next;
+ }
+ chomp( $package );
+ push( @packages, $package );
+ }
+ $gzread->gzclose;
+ return \@packages;
+sub _writepkgs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkgs = shift;
+ my $gzwrite = gzopen(
+ $self->config->get( 'local' )
+ . '/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz', 'wb'
+ )
+ or croak
+ "Can't open local 02packages.details.txt.gz for writing: $gzerrno";
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "File: 02packages.details.txt\n" );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite(
+ "URL:\n"
+ );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite(
+ 'Description: Package names found in directory $CPAN/authors/id/'
+ . "\n" );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "Columns: package name, version, path\n" );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite(
+ "Intended-For: Automated fetch routines, namespace documentation.\n"
+ );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "Written-By: CPAN::Mini::Inject $VERSION\n" );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "Line-Count: " . scalar( @$pkgs ) . "\n" );
+ # Last-Updated: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 19:49:10 GMT
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "Last-Updated: " . _fmtdate() . "\n\n" );
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "$_\n" ) for ( @$pkgs );
+ $gzwrite->gzclose;
+sub _readauthors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $gzread
+ = gzopen( $self->config->get( 'local' ) . '/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz',
+ 'rb' )
+ or croak "Cannot open "
+ . $self->config->get( 'local' )
+ . "/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz: $gzerrno";
+ my @authors;
+ my $author;
+ while ( $gzread->gzreadline( $author ) ) {
+ chomp( $author );
+ push( @authors, $author );
+ }
+ $gzread->gzclose;
+ return \@authors;
+sub _writeauthors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $authors = shift;
+ my $gzwrite
+ = gzopen( $self->config->get( 'local' ) . '/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz',
+ 'wb' )
+ or croak
+ "Can't open local authors/01mailrc.txt.gz for writing: $gzerrno";
+ $gzwrite->gzwrite( "$_\n" ) for ( sort @$authors );
+ $gzwrite->gzclose;
+sub _fmtdate {
+ my @date = split( /\s+/, scalar( gmtime ) );
+ return "$date[0], $date[2] $date[1] $date[4] $date[3] GMT";
+=head1 See Also
+=head1 Current Maintainer
+Christian Walde C<< <> >>
+=head1 Original Author
+Shawn Sorichetti, C<< <> >>
+=head1 Acknowledgements
+Special thanks to David Bartle, for bringing this module up
+to date, and resolving the reported bugs.
+Thanks to Jozef Kutej <> for numerous patches.
+=head1 Bugs
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<>, or through the web interface at
+L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically
+be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 Copyright & License
+Copyright 2008-2009 Shawn Sorichetti, Andy Armstrong, All Rights Reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+1; # End of CPAN::Mini::Inject