path: root/lib
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2014-08-08 22:52:09 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2014-08-08 22:52:09 +0000
commit2a051e40a3fc09bba24c335060e8df327d313e55 (patch)
tree4ab817c1ef19de5ef30213d9accb8786b0b69302 /lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 1520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CPAN/ b/lib/CPAN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9569082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CPAN/
@@ -0,0 +1,1311 @@
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package CPAN::Mini;
+$CPAN::Mini::VERSION = '1.111016';
+# ABSTRACT: create a minimal mirror of CPAN
+## no critic RequireCarping
+#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
+#pod (If you're not going to do something weird, you probably want to look at the
+#pod L<minicpan> command, instead.)
+#pod use CPAN::Mini;
+#pod CPAN::Mini->update_mirror(
+#pod remote => "",
+#pod local => "/usr/share/mirrors/cpan",
+#pod log_level => 'debug',
+#pod );
+#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
+#pod CPAN::Mini provides a simple mechanism to build and update a minimal mirror of
+#pod the CPAN on your local disk. It contains only those files needed to install
+#pod the newest version of every distribution. Those files are:
+#pod =for :list
+#pod * 01mailrc.txt.gz
+#pod * 02packages.details.txt.gz
+#pod *
+#pod * the last non-developer release of every dist for every author
+#pod =cut
+use Carp ();
+use File::Basename ();
+use File::Copy ();
+use File::HomeDir 0.57 (); # Win32 support
+use File::Find ();
+use File::Path 2.04 (); # new API, bugfixes
+use File::Spec ();
+use File::Temp ();
+use URI 1 ();
+use LWP::UserAgent 5 ();
+use Compress::Zlib 1.20 ();
+#pod =method update_mirror
+#pod CPAN::Mini->update_mirror(
+#pod remote => "",
+#pod local => "/usr/share/mirrors/cpan",
+#pod force => 0,
+#pod log_level => 'debug',
+#pod );
+#pod This is the only method that need be called from outside this module. It will
+#pod update the local mirror with the files from the remote mirror.
+#pod If called as a class method, C<update_mirror> creates an ephemeral CPAN::Mini
+#pod object on which other methods are called. That object is used to store mirror
+#pod location and state.
+#pod This method returns the number of files updated.
+#pod The following options are recognized:
+#pod =begin :list
+#pod * C<local>
+#pod This is the local file path where the mirror will be written or updated.
+#pod * C<remote>
+#pod This is the URL of the CPAN mirror from which to work. A reasonable default
+#pod will be picked by default. A list of CPAN mirrors can be found at
+#pod L<>
+#pod * C<dirmode>
+#pod Generally an octal number, this option sets the permissions of created
+#pod directories. It defaults to 0711.
+#pod * C<exact_mirror>
+#pod If true, the C<files_allowed> method will allow all extra files to be mirrored.
+#pod * C<ignore_source_control>
+#pod If true, CPAN::Mini will not try to remove source control files during
+#pod cleanup. See C<clean_unmirrored> for details.
+#pod * C<force>
+#pod If true, this option will cause CPAN::Mini to read the entire module list and
+#pod update anything out of date, even if the module list itself wasn't out of date
+#pod on this run.
+#pod * C<skip_perl>
+#pod If true, CPAN::Mini will skip the major language distributions: perl, parrot,
+#pod and ponie. It will also skip embperl, sybperl, bioperl, and kurila.
+#pod * C<log_level>
+#pod This defines the minimum level of message to log: debug, info, warn, or fatal
+#pod * C<errors>
+#pod If true, CPAN::Mini will warn with status messages on errors. (default: true)
+#pod * C<path_filters>
+#pod This options provides a set of rules for filtering paths. If a distribution
+#pod matches one of the rules in C<path_filters>, it will not be mirrored. A regex
+#pod rule is matched if the path matches the regex; a code rule is matched if the
+#pod code returns 1 when the path is passed to it. For example, the following
+#pod setting would skip all distributions from RJBS and SUNGO:
+#pod path_filters => [
+#pod qr/RJBS/,
+#pod sub { $_[0] =~ /SUNGO/ }
+#pod ]
+#pod * C<module_filters>
+#pod This option provides a set of rules for filtering modules. It behaves like
+#pod path_filters, but acts only on module names. (Since most modules are in
+#pod distributions with more than one module, this setting will probably be less
+#pod useful than C<path_filters>.) For example, this setting will skip any
+#pod distribution containing only modules with the word "Acme" in them:
+#pod module_filters => [ qr/Acme/i ]
+#pod * C<also_mirror>
+#pod This option should be an arrayref of extra files in the remote CPAN to mirror
+#pod locally.
+#pod * C<skip_cleanup>
+#pod If this option is true, CPAN::Mini will not try delete unmirrored files when it
+#pod has finished mirroring
+#pod * C<offline>
+#pod If offline, CPAN::Mini will not attempt to contact remote resources.
+#pod * C<no_conn_cache>
+#pod If true, no connection cache will be established. This is mostly useful as a
+#pod workaround for connection cache failures.
+#pod =end :list
+#pod =cut
+sub update_mirror {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self = $self->new(@_) unless ref $self;
+ unless ($self->{offline}) {
+ my $local = $self->{local};
+ $self->log("Updating $local");
+ $self->log("Mirroring from $self->{remote}");
+ $self->log("=" x 63);
+ die "local mirror target $local is not writable" unless -w $local;
+ # mirrored tracks the already done, keyed by filename
+ # 1 = local-checked, 2 = remote-mirrored
+ $self->mirror_indices;
+ return unless $self->{force} or $self->{changes_made};
+ # mirror all the files
+ $self->_mirror_extras;
+ $self->mirror_file($_, 1) for @{ $self->_get_mirror_list };
+ # install indices after files are mirrored in case we're interrupted
+ # so indices will seem new again when continuing
+ $self->_install_indices;
+ $self->_write_out_recent;
+ # eliminate files we don't need
+ $self->clean_unmirrored unless $self->{skip_cleanup};
+ }
+ return $self->{changes_made};
+sub _recent { $_[0]->{recent}{ $_[1] } = 1 }
+sub _write_out_recent {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless my @keys = keys %{ $self->{recent} };
+ my $recent = File::Spec->catfile($self->{local}, 'RECENT');
+ open my $recent_fh, '>', $recent or die "can't open $recent for writing: $!";
+ for my $file (sort keys %{ $self->{recent} }) {
+ print {$recent_fh} "$file\n" or die "can't write to $recent: $!";
+ }
+ die "error closing $recent: $!" unless close $recent_fh;
+ return;
+sub _get_mirror_list {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %mirror_list;
+ # now walk the packages list
+ my $details = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $self->_scratch_dir,
+ qw(modules 02packages.details.txt.gz)
+ );
+ my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($details, "rb")
+ or die "Cannot open details: $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno";
+ my $inheader = 1;
+ my $file_ok = 0;
+ while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {
+ if ($inheader) {
+ if (/\S/) {
+ my ($header, $value) = split /:\s*/, $_, 2;
+ chomp $value;
+ if ($header eq 'File'
+ and ($value eq '02packages.details.txt'
+ or $value eq '02packages.details.txt.gz')) {
+ $file_ok = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $inheader = 0;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ die "02packages.details.txt file is not a valid index\n"
+ unless $file_ok;
+ my ($module, $version, $path) = split;
+ next if $self->_filter_module({
+ module => $module,
+ version => $version,
+ path => $path,
+ });
+ $mirror_list{"authors/id/$path"}++;
+ }
+ return [ sort keys %mirror_list ];
+#pod =method new
+#pod my $minicpan = CPAN::Mini->new;
+#pod This method constructs a new CPAN::Mini object. Its parameters are described
+#pod above, under C<update_mirror>.
+#pod =cut
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %defaults = (
+ changes_made => 0,
+ dirmode => 0711, ## no critic Zero
+ errors => 1,
+ mirrored => {},
+ log_level => 'info',
+ );
+ my $self = bless { %defaults, @_ } => $class;
+ $self->{dirmode} = $defaults{dirmode} unless defined $self->{dirmode};
+ $self->{recent} = {};
+ Carp::croak "no local mirror supplied" unless $self->{local};
+ substr($self->{local}, 0, 1, $class->__homedir)
+ if substr($self->{local}, 0, 1) eq q{~};
+ Carp::croak "local mirror path exists but is not a directory"
+ if (-e $self->{local})
+ and not(-d $self->{local});
+ unless (-e $self->{local}) {
+ File::Path::mkpath(
+ $self->{local},
+ {
+ verbose => $self->{log_level} eq 'debug',
+ mode => $self->{dirmode},
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ Carp::croak "no write permission to local mirror" unless -w $self->{local};
+ Carp::croak "no remote mirror supplied" unless $self->{remote};
+ $self->{remote} = "$self->{remote}/" if substr($self->{remote}, -1) ne '/';
+ my $version = $class->VERSION;
+ $version = 'v?' unless defined $version;
+ $self->{__lwp} = LWP::UserAgent->new(
+ agent => "$class/$version",
+ env_proxy => 1,
+ ($self->{no_conn_cache} ? () : (keep_alive => 5)),
+ ($self->{timeout} ? (timeout => $self->{timeout}) : ()),
+ );
+ unless ($self->{offline}) {
+ my $test_uri = URI->new_abs(
+ 'modules/02packages.details.txt.gz',
+ $self->{remote},
+ )->as_string;
+ Carp::croak "unable to contact the remote mirror"
+ unless eval { $self->__lwp->head($test_uri)->is_success };
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub __lwp { $_[0]->{__lwp} }
+#pod =method mirror_indices
+#pod $minicpan->mirror_indices;
+#pod This method updates the index files from the CPAN.
+#pod =cut
+sub _fixed_mirrors {
+ qw(
+ authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
+ modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
+ modules/
+ );
+sub _scratch_dir {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{scratch} ||= File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ return $self->{scratch};
+sub mirror_indices {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_make_index_dirs($self->_scratch_dir);
+ for my $path ($self->_fixed_mirrors) {
+ my $local_file = File::Spec->catfile($self->{local}, split m{/}, $path);
+ my $scratch_file = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $self->_scratch_dir,
+ split(m{/}, $path),
+ );
+ File::Copy::copy($local_file, $scratch_file);
+ utime((stat $local_file)[ 8, 9 ], $scratch_file);
+ $self->mirror_file($path, undef, { to_scratch => 1 });
+ }
+sub _mirror_extras {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $path (@{ $self->{also_mirror} }) {
+ $self->mirror_file($path, undef);
+ }
+sub _make_index_dirs {
+ my ($self, $base_dir, $dir_mode, $trace) = @_;
+ $base_dir ||= $self->_scratch_dir;
+ $dir_mode = 0711 if !defined $dir_mode; ## no critic Zero
+ $trace = 0 if !defined $trace;
+ for my $index ($self->_fixed_mirrors) {
+ my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($index);
+ my $needed = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, $dir);
+ File::Path::mkpath($needed, { verbose => $trace, mode => $dir_mode });
+ die "couldn't create $needed: $!" unless -d $needed;
+ }
+sub _install_indices {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_make_index_dirs(
+ $self->{local},
+ $self->{dirmode},
+ $self->{log_level} eq 'debug',
+ );
+ for my $file ($self->_fixed_mirrors) {
+ my $local_file = File::Spec->catfile($self->{local}, split m{/}, $file);
+ unlink $local_file;
+ File::Copy::copy(
+ File::Spec->catfile($self->_scratch_dir, split m{/}, $file),
+ $local_file,
+ );
+ $self->{mirrored}{$local_file} = 1;
+ }
+#pod =method mirror_file
+#pod $minicpan->mirror_file($path, $skip_if_present)
+#pod This method will mirror the given file from the remote to the local mirror,
+#pod overwriting any existing file unless C<$skip_if_present> is true.
+#pod =cut
+sub mirror_file {
+ my ($self, $path, $skip_if_present, $arg) = @_;
+ $arg ||= {};
+ # full URL
+ my $remote_uri = eval { $path->isa('URI') }
+ ? $path
+ : URI->new_abs($path, $self->{remote})->as_string;
+ # native absolute file
+ my $local_file = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $arg->{to_scratch} ? $self->_scratch_dir : $self->{local},
+ split m{/}, $path
+ );
+ my $checksum_might_be_up_to_date = 1;
+ if ($skip_if_present and -f $local_file) {
+ ## upgrade to checked if not already
+ $self->{mirrored}{$local_file} ||= 1;
+ } elsif (($self->{mirrored}{$local_file} || 0) < 2) {
+ ## upgrade to full mirror
+ $self->{mirrored}{$local_file} = 2;
+ File::Path::mkpath(
+ File::Basename::dirname($local_file),
+ {
+ verbose => $self->{log_level} eq 'debug',
+ mode => $self->{dirmode},
+ },
+ );
+ $self->log($path, { no_nl => 1 });
+ my $res = $self->{__lwp}->mirror($remote_uri, $local_file);
+ if ($res->is_success) {
+ utime undef, undef, $local_file if $arg->{update_times};
+ $checksum_might_be_up_to_date = 0;
+ $self->_recent($path);
+ $self->log(" ... updated");
+ $self->{changes_made}++;
+ } elsif ($res->code != 304) { # not modified
+ $self->log(" ... resulted in an HTTP error with status " . $res->code);
+ $self->log_warn("$remote_uri: " . $res->status_line);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $self->log(" ... up to date");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($path =~ m{^authors/id}) { # maybe fetch CHECKSUMS
+ my $checksum_path
+ = URI->new_abs("CHECKSUMS", $remote_uri)->rel($self->{remote})->as_string;
+ if ($path ne $checksum_path) {
+ $self->mirror_file($checksum_path, $checksum_might_be_up_to_date);
+ }
+ }
+#pod =begin devel
+#pod =method _filter_module
+#pod next
+#pod if $self->_filter_module({ module => $foo, version => $foo, path => $foo });
+#pod This method holds the filter chain logic. C<update_mirror> takes an optional
+#pod set of filter parameters. As C<update_mirror> encounters a distribution, it
+#pod calls this method to figure out whether or not it should be downloaded. The
+#pod user provided filters are taken into account. Returns 1 if the distribution is
+#pod filtered (to be skipped). Returns 0 if the distribution is to not filtered
+#pod (not to be skipped).
+#pod =end devel
+#pod =cut
+sub __do_filter {
+ my ($self, $filter, $file) = @_;
+ return unless $filter;
+ if (ref($filter) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for (@$filter) {
+ return 1 if $self->__do_filter($_, $file);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ref($filter) eq 'CODE') {
+ return $filter->($file);
+ } else {
+ return $file =~ $filter;
+ }
+sub _filter_module {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ if ($self->{skip_perl}) {
+ return 1 if $args->{path} =~ m{/(?:emb|syb|bio)?perl-\d}i;
+ return 1 if $args->{path} =~ m{/(?:parrot|ponie)-\d}i;
+ return 1 if $args->{path} =~ m{/(?:kurila)-\d}i;
+ return 1 if $args->{path} =~ m{/\bperl-?5\.004}i;
+ return 1 if $args->{path} =~ m{/\bperl_mlb\.zip}i;
+ }
+ return 1 if $self->__do_filter($self->{path_filters}, $args->{path});
+ return 1 if $self->__do_filter($self->{module_filters}, $args->{module});
+ return 0;
+#pod =method file_allowed
+#pod next unless $minicpan->file_allowed($filename);
+#pod This method returns true if the given file is allowed to exist in the local
+#pod mirror, even if it isn't one of the required mirror files.
+#pod By default, only dot-files are allowed. If the C<exact_mirror> option is true,
+#pod all files are allowed.
+#pod =cut
+sub file_allowed {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return 1 if $self->{exact_mirror};
+ # It's a cheap hack, but it gets the job done.
+ return 1 if $file eq File::Spec->catfile($self->{local}, 'RECENT');
+ return (substr(File::Basename::basename($file), 0, 1) eq q{.}) ? 1 : 0;
+#pod =method clean_unmirrored
+#pod $minicpan->clean_unmirrored;
+#pod This method looks through the local mirror's files. If it finds a file that
+#pod neither belongs in the mirror nor is allowed (see the C<file_allowed> method),
+#pod C<clean_file> is called on the file.
+#pod If you set C<ignore_source_control> to a true value, then this doesn't clean
+#pod up files that belong to source control systems. Currently this ignores:
+#pod .cvs .cvsignore
+#pod .svn .svnignore
+#pod .git .gitignore
+#pod Send patches for other source control files that you would like to have added.
+#pod =cut
+my %Source_control_files;
+ %Source_control_files = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(.cvs .svn .git .cvsignore .svnignore .gitignore);
+sub clean_unmirrored {
+ my $self = shift;
+ File::Find::find sub {
+ my $file = File::Spec->canonpath($File::Find::name); ## no critic Package
+ my $basename = File::Basename::basename( $file );
+ if (
+ $self->{ignore_source_control}
+ and exists $Source_control_files{$basename}
+ ) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ return unless (-f $file and not $self->{mirrored}{$file});
+ return if $self->file_allowed($file);
+ $self->clean_file($file);
+ }, $self->{local};
+#pod =method clean_file
+#pod $minicpan->clean_file($filename);
+#pod This method, called by C<clean_unmirrored>, deletes the named file. It returns
+#pod true if the file is successfully unlinked. Otherwise, it returns false.
+#pod =cut
+sub clean_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ unless (unlink $file) {
+ $self->log_warn("$file cannot be removed: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->log("$file removed");
+ return 1;
+#pod =method log_warn
+#pod =method log
+#pod =method log_debug
+#pod $minicpan->log($message);
+#pod This will log (print) the given message unless the log level is too low.
+#pod C<log>, which logs at the I<info> level, may also be called as C<trace> for
+#pod backward compatibility reasons.
+#pod =cut
+sub log_level {
+ return $_[0]->{log_level} if ref $_[0];
+ return 'info';
+sub log_unconditionally {
+ my ($self, $message, $arg) = @_;
+ $arg ||= {};
+ print($message, $arg->{no_nl} ? () : "\n");
+sub log_warn {
+ return if $_[0]->log_level eq 'fatal';
+ $_[0]->log_unconditionally($_[1], $_[2]);
+sub log {
+ return unless $_[0]->log_level =~ /\A(?:info|debug)\z/;
+ $_[0]->log_unconditionally($_[1], $_[2]);
+sub trace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->log(@_);
+sub log_debug {
+ my ($self, @rest) = @_;
+ return unless $_[0]->log_level eq 'debug';
+ $_[0]->log_unconditionally($_[1], $_[2]);
+#pod =method read_config
+#pod my %config = CPAN::Mini->read_config(\%options);
+#pod This routine returns a set of arguments that can be passed to CPAN::Mini's
+#pod C<new> or C<update_mirror> methods. It will look for a file called
+#pod F<.minicpanrc> in the user's home directory as determined by
+#pod L<File::HomeDir|File::HomeDir>.
+#pod =cut
+sub __homedir {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $homedir = File::HomeDir->my_home || $ENV{HOME};
+ Carp::croak "couldn't determine your home directory! set HOME env variable"
+ unless defined $homedir;
+ return $homedir;
+sub __homedir_configfile {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $default = File::Spec->catfile($class->__homedir, '.minicpanrc');
+sub __default_configfile {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ (my $pm_loc = $INC{'CPAN/'}) =~ s/Mini\.pm\z//;
+ File::Spec->catfile($pm_loc, 'minicpan.conf');
+sub read_config {
+ my ($class, $options) = @_;
+ my $config_file = $class->config_file($options);
+ return unless defined $config_file;
+ # This is ugly, but lets us respect -qq for now even before we have an
+ # object. I think a better fix is warranted. -- rjbs, 2010-03-04
+ $class->log("Using config from $config_file")
+ if ($options->{log_level}||'info') =~ /\A(?:warn|fatal)\z/;
+ substr($config_file, 0, 1, $class->__homedir)
+ if substr($config_file, 0, 1) eq q{~};
+ return unless -e $config_file;
+ open my $config_fh, '<', $config_file
+ or die "couldn't open config file $config_file: $!";
+ my %config;
+ my %is_multivalue = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(also_mirror module_filters path_filters);
+ $config{$_} = [] for keys %is_multivalue;
+ while (<$config_fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /\A\s*\Z/sm;
+ if (/\A(\w+):\s*(\S.*?)\s*\Z/sm) {
+ my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($is_multivalue{ $key }) {
+ push @{ $config{$key} }, split /\s+/, $value;
+ } else {
+ $config{ $key } = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (qw(also_mirror)) {
+ $config{$_} = [ grep { length } @{ $config{$_} } ];
+ }
+ for (qw(module_filters path_filters)) {
+ $config{$_} = [ map { qr/$_/ } @{ $config{$_} } ];
+ }
+ for (keys %is_multivalue) {
+ delete $config{$_} unless @{ $config{$_} };
+ }
+ return %config;
+#pod =method config_file
+#pod my $config_file = CPAN::Mini->config_file( { options } );
+#pod This routine returns the config file name. It first looks at for the
+#pod C<config_file> setting, then the C<CPAN_MINI_CONFIG> environment
+#pod variable, then the default F<~/.minicpanrc>, and finally the
+#pod F<CPAN/Mini/minicpan.conf>. It uses the first defined value it finds.
+#pod If the filename it selects does not exist, it returns false.
+#pod OPTIONS is an optional hash reference of the C<CPAN::Mini> config hash.
+#pod =cut
+sub config_file {
+ my ($class, $options) = @_;
+ my $config_file = do {
+ if (defined eval { $options->{config_file} }) {
+ $options->{config_file};
+ } elsif (defined $ENV{CPAN_MINI_CONFIG}) {
+ } elsif (defined $class->__homedir_configfile) {
+ $class->__homedir_configfile;
+ } elsif (defined $class->__default_configfile) {
+ $class->__default_configfile;
+ } else {
+ ();
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ (defined $config_file && -e $config_file)
+ ? $config_file
+ : ()
+ );
+#pod =head2 remote_from
+#pod my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from( $remote_from, $orig_remote, $quiet );
+#pod This routine take an string argument and turn it into a method
+#pod call to handle to retrieve the a cpan mirror url from a source.
+#pod Currently supported methods:
+#pod cpan - fetch the first mirror from your config
+#pod cpanplus - fetch the first mirror from your config
+#pod =cut
+sub remote_from {
+ my ( $class, $remote_from, $orig_remote, $quiet ) = @_;
+ my $method = lc "remote_from_" . $remote_from;
+ Carp::croak "unknown remote_from value: $remote_from"
+ unless $class->can($method);
+ my $new_remote = $class->$method;
+ warn "overriding '$orig_remote' with '$new_remote' via $method\n"
+ if !$quiet && $orig_remote;
+ return $new_remote;
+#pod =head2 remote_from_cpan
+#pod my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from_cpan;
+#pod This routine loads your config and returns the first mirror in mirror
+#pod list. You can set this as your default by setting remote_from:cpan in your
+#pod F<.minicpanrc> file.
+#pod =cut
+sub remote_from_cpan {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ Carp::croak "unable find a CPAN, maybe you need to install it"
+ unless eval { require CPAN; 1 };
+ CPAN::HandleConfig::require_myconfig_or_config();
+ Carp::croak "unable to find mirror list in your CPAN config"
+ unless exists $CPAN::Config->{urllist};
+ Carp::croak "unable to find first mirror url in your CPAN config"
+ unless ref( $CPAN::Config->{urllist} ) eq 'ARRAY' && $CPAN::Config->{urllist}[0];
+ return $CPAN::Config->{urllist}[0];
+#pod =head2 remote_from_cpanplus
+#pod my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from_cpanplus;
+#pod This routine loads your config and returns the first mirror in
+#pod mirror list. You can set this as your default by setting remote_from:cpanplus
+#pod in your F<.minicpanrc> file.
+#pod =cut
+sub remote_from_cpanplus {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ Carp::croak "unable find a CPANPLUS, maybe you need to install it"
+ unless eval { require CPANPLUS::Backend };
+ my $cb = CPANPLUS::Backend->new;
+ my $hosts = $cb->configure_object->get_conf('hosts');
+ Carp::croak "unable to find mirror list in your CPANPLUS config"
+ unless $hosts;
+ Carp::croak "unable to find first mirror in your CPANPLUS config"
+ unless ref($hosts) eq 'ARRAY' && $hosts->[0];
+ my $url_parts = $hosts->[0];
+ return $url_parts->{scheme} . "://" . $url_parts->{host} . ( $url_parts->{path} || '' );
+#pod =head1 SEE ALSO
+#pod Randal Schwartz's original article on minicpan, here:
+#pod L<CPANPLUS::Backend>, which provides the C<local_mirror> method, which performs
+#pod the same task as this module.
+#pod =head1 THANKS
+#pod Thanks to David Dyck for letting me know about my stupid documentation errors.
+#pod Thanks to Roy Fulbright for finding an obnoxious bug on Win32.
+#pod Thanks to Shawn Sorichetti for fixing a stupid octal-number-as-string bug.
+#pod Thanks to sungo for implementing the filters, so I can finally stop mirroring
+#pod bioperl, and Robert Rothenberg for suggesting adding coderef rules.
+#pod Thanks to Adam Kennedy for noticing and complaining about a lot of stupid
+#pod little design decisions.
+#pod Thanks to Michael Schwern and Jason Kohles, for pointing out missing
+#pod documentation.
+#pod Thanks to David Golden for some important bugfixes and refactoring.
+#pod =cut
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+CPAN::Mini - create a minimal mirror of CPAN
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.111016
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+(If you're not going to do something weird, you probably want to look at the
+L<minicpan> command, instead.)
+ use CPAN::Mini;
+ CPAN::Mini->update_mirror(
+ remote => "",
+ local => "/usr/share/mirrors/cpan",
+ log_level => 'debug',
+ );
+CPAN::Mini provides a simple mechanism to build and update a minimal mirror of
+the CPAN on your local disk. It contains only those files needed to install
+the newest version of every distribution. Those files are:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+the last non-developer release of every dist for every author
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 update_mirror
+ CPAN::Mini->update_mirror(
+ remote => "",
+ local => "/usr/share/mirrors/cpan",
+ force => 0,
+ log_level => 'debug',
+ );
+This is the only method that need be called from outside this module. It will
+update the local mirror with the files from the remote mirror.
+If called as a class method, C<update_mirror> creates an ephemeral CPAN::Mini
+object on which other methods are called. That object is used to store mirror
+location and state.
+This method returns the number of files updated.
+The following options are recognized:
+=over 4
+=item *
+This is the local file path where the mirror will be written or updated.
+=item *
+This is the URL of the CPAN mirror from which to work. A reasonable default
+will be picked by default. A list of CPAN mirrors can be found at
+=item *
+Generally an octal number, this option sets the permissions of created
+directories. It defaults to 0711.
+=item *
+If true, the C<files_allowed> method will allow all extra files to be mirrored.
+=item *
+If true, CPAN::Mini will not try to remove source control files during
+cleanup. See C<clean_unmirrored> for details.
+=item *
+If true, this option will cause CPAN::Mini to read the entire module list and
+update anything out of date, even if the module list itself wasn't out of date
+on this run.
+=item *
+If true, CPAN::Mini will skip the major language distributions: perl, parrot,
+and ponie. It will also skip embperl, sybperl, bioperl, and kurila.
+=item *
+This defines the minimum level of message to log: debug, info, warn, or fatal
+=item *
+If true, CPAN::Mini will warn with status messages on errors. (default: true)
+=item *
+This options provides a set of rules for filtering paths. If a distribution
+matches one of the rules in C<path_filters>, it will not be mirrored. A regex
+rule is matched if the path matches the regex; a code rule is matched if the
+code returns 1 when the path is passed to it. For example, the following
+setting would skip all distributions from RJBS and SUNGO:
+ path_filters => [
+ qr/RJBS/,
+ sub { $_[0] =~ /SUNGO/ }
+ ]
+=item *
+This option provides a set of rules for filtering modules. It behaves like
+path_filters, but acts only on module names. (Since most modules are in
+distributions with more than one module, this setting will probably be less
+useful than C<path_filters>.) For example, this setting will skip any
+distribution containing only modules with the word "Acme" in them:
+ module_filters => [ qr/Acme/i ]
+=item *
+This option should be an arrayref of extra files in the remote CPAN to mirror
+=item *
+If this option is true, CPAN::Mini will not try delete unmirrored files when it
+has finished mirroring
+=item *
+If offline, CPAN::Mini will not attempt to contact remote resources.
+=item *
+If true, no connection cache will be established. This is mostly useful as a
+workaround for connection cache failures.
+=head2 new
+ my $minicpan = CPAN::Mini->new;
+This method constructs a new CPAN::Mini object. Its parameters are described
+above, under C<update_mirror>.
+=head2 mirror_indices
+ $minicpan->mirror_indices;
+This method updates the index files from the CPAN.
+=head2 mirror_file
+ $minicpan->mirror_file($path, $skip_if_present)
+This method will mirror the given file from the remote to the local mirror,
+overwriting any existing file unless C<$skip_if_present> is true.
+=head2 file_allowed
+ next unless $minicpan->file_allowed($filename);
+This method returns true if the given file is allowed to exist in the local
+mirror, even if it isn't one of the required mirror files.
+By default, only dot-files are allowed. If the C<exact_mirror> option is true,
+all files are allowed.
+=head2 clean_unmirrored
+ $minicpan->clean_unmirrored;
+This method looks through the local mirror's files. If it finds a file that
+neither belongs in the mirror nor is allowed (see the C<file_allowed> method),
+C<clean_file> is called on the file.
+If you set C<ignore_source_control> to a true value, then this doesn't clean
+up files that belong to source control systems. Currently this ignores:
+ .cvs .cvsignore
+ .svn .svnignore
+ .git .gitignore
+Send patches for other source control files that you would like to have added.
+=head2 clean_file
+ $minicpan->clean_file($filename);
+This method, called by C<clean_unmirrored>, deletes the named file. It returns
+true if the file is successfully unlinked. Otherwise, it returns false.
+=head2 log_warn
+=head2 log
+=head2 log_debug
+ $minicpan->log($message);
+This will log (print) the given message unless the log level is too low.
+C<log>, which logs at the I<info> level, may also be called as C<trace> for
+backward compatibility reasons.
+=head2 read_config
+ my %config = CPAN::Mini->read_config(\%options);
+This routine returns a set of arguments that can be passed to CPAN::Mini's
+C<new> or C<update_mirror> methods. It will look for a file called
+F<.minicpanrc> in the user's home directory as determined by
+=head2 config_file
+ my $config_file = CPAN::Mini->config_file( { options } );
+This routine returns the config file name. It first looks at for the
+C<config_file> setting, then the C<CPAN_MINI_CONFIG> environment
+variable, then the default F<~/.minicpanrc>, and finally the
+F<CPAN/Mini/minicpan.conf>. It uses the first defined value it finds.
+If the filename it selects does not exist, it returns false.
+OPTIONS is an optional hash reference of the C<CPAN::Mini> config hash.
+=begin devel
+=method _filter_module
+ next
+ if $self->_filter_module({ module => $foo, version => $foo, path => $foo });
+This method holds the filter chain logic. C<update_mirror> takes an optional
+set of filter parameters. As C<update_mirror> encounters a distribution, it
+calls this method to figure out whether or not it should be downloaded. The
+user provided filters are taken into account. Returns 1 if the distribution is
+filtered (to be skipped). Returns 0 if the distribution is to not filtered
+(not to be skipped).
+=end devel
+=head2 remote_from
+ my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from( $remote_from, $orig_remote, $quiet );
+This routine take an string argument and turn it into a method
+call to handle to retrieve the a cpan mirror url from a source.
+Currently supported methods:
+ cpan - fetch the first mirror from your config
+ cpanplus - fetch the first mirror from your config
+=head2 remote_from_cpan
+ my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from_cpan;
+This routine loads your config and returns the first mirror in mirror
+list. You can set this as your default by setting remote_from:cpan in your
+F<.minicpanrc> file.
+=head2 remote_from_cpanplus
+ my $remote = CPAN::Mini->remote_from_cpanplus;
+This routine loads your config and returns the first mirror in
+mirror list. You can set this as your default by setting remote_from:cpanplus
+in your F<.minicpanrc> file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Randal Schwartz's original article on minicpan, here:
+L<CPANPLUS::Backend>, which provides the C<local_mirror> method, which performs
+the same task as this module.
+=head1 THANKS
+Thanks to David Dyck for letting me know about my stupid documentation errors.
+Thanks to Roy Fulbright for finding an obnoxious bug on Win32.
+Thanks to Shawn Sorichetti for fixing a stupid octal-number-as-string bug.
+Thanks to sungo for implementing the filters, so I can finally stop mirroring
+bioperl, and Robert Rothenberg for suggesting adding coderef rules.
+Thanks to Adam Kennedy for noticing and complaining about a lot of stupid
+little design decisions.
+Thanks to Michael Schwern and Jason Kohles, for pointing out missing
+Thanks to David Golden for some important bugfixes and refactoring.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Ricardo SIGNES <>
+=item *
+Randal Schwartz <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Ricardo SIGNES.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
diff --git a/lib/CPAN/Mini/ b/lib/CPAN/Mini/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b4c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CPAN/Mini/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package CPAN::Mini::App;
+$CPAN::Mini::App::VERSION = '1.111016';
+# ABSTRACT: the guts of the minicpan command
+#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
+#pod #!/usr/bin/perl
+#pod use CPAN::Mini::App;
+#pod CPAN::Mini::App->run;
+#pod =cut
+use CPAN::Mini;
+use File::HomeDir;
+use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
+use Pod::Usage 1.00;
+sub _display_version {
+ my $class = shift;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ print "minicpan",
+ ($class ne 'CPAN::Mini' ? ' (from CPAN::Mini)' : q{}),
+ ", powered by $class ", $class->VERSION, "\n\n";
+ exit;
+#pod =method run
+#pod This method is called by F<minicpan> to do all the work. Don't rely on what it
+#pod does just yet.
+#pod =cut
+sub _validate_log_level {
+ my ($class, $level) = @_;
+ return $level if $level =~ /\A(?:fatal|warn|debug|info)\z/;
+ die "unknown logging level: $level\n";
+sub run {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $minicpan = $class->initialize_minicpan;
+ $minicpan->update_mirror;
+sub initialize_minicpan {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $version;
+ my %commandline;
+ my @option_spec = $class->_option_spec();
+ GetOptions(\%commandline, @option_spec) or pod2usage(2);
+ # These two options will cause the program to exit before finishing ->run
+ pod2usage(1) if $commandline{help};
+ $version = 1 if $commandline{version};
+ # How noisy should we be?
+ my $debug = $commandline{debug};
+ my $log_level = $commandline{log_level};
+ my $quiet = $commandline{qq} ? 2 : $commandline{quiet};
+ die "can't mix --debug, --log-level, and --debug\n"
+ if defined($quiet) + defined($debug) + defined($log_level) > 1;
+ # Set log_level accordingly
+ $quiet ||= 0;
+ $log_level = $debug ? 'debug'
+ : $quiet == 1 ? 'warn'
+ : $quiet >= 2 ? 'fatal'
+ : $log_level ? $log_level
+ : undef;
+ my %config = CPAN::Mini->read_config({
+ log_level => 'info',
+ %commandline
+ });
+ $config{class} ||= 'CPAN::Mini';
+ # Override config with commandline options
+ %config = (%config, %commandline);
+ $config{log_level} = $log_level || $config{log_level} || 'info';
+ $class->_validate_log_level($config{log_level});
+ eval "require $config{class}";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ _display_version($config{class}) if $version;
+ if ($config{remote_from} && ! $config{remote}) {
+ $config{remote} = $config{class}->remote_from(
+ $config{remote_from},
+ $config{remote},
+ $config{quiet},
+ );
+ }
+ $config{remote} ||= '';
+ pod2usage(2) unless $config{local} and $config{remote};
+ $|++;
+ # Convert dirmode string to a real octal value, if given
+ $config{dirmode} = oct $config{dirmode} if $config{dirmode};
+ # Turn the 'perl' option into 'skip_perl', for backward compatibility
+ $config{skip_perl} = not delete $config{perl};
+ return $config{class}->new(%config);
+sub _option_spec {
+ return qw<
+ class|c=s
+ help|h
+ version|v
+ quiet|q+
+ qq
+ debug
+ log_level|log-level=s
+ local|l=s
+ remote|r=s
+ dirmode|d=s
+ offline
+ force|f
+ perl
+ exact_mirror|x
+ timeout|t=i
+ config_file|config|C=s
+ remote-from=s
+ >;
+#pod =head1 SEE ALSO
+#pod Randal Schwartz's original article, which can be found here:
+#pod =cut
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+CPAN::Mini::App - the guts of the minicpan command
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.111016
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use CPAN::Mini::App;
+ CPAN::Mini::App->run;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 run
+This method is called by F<minicpan> to do all the work. Don't rely on what it
+does just yet.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Randal Schwartz's original article, which can be found here:
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Ricardo SIGNES <>
+=item *
+Randal Schwartz <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Ricardo SIGNES.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.