path: root/t/040-memory.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/040-memory.t')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/040-memory.t b/t/040-memory.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89fc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/040-memory.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# -*- mode: perl -*-
+use Test::More tests => 15;
+ use_ok('Compress::Bzip2', qw(:utilities :bzip1));
+my $string = q/
+Twas brillig and the slithy toves
+did gire and gimble in the wabe
+All mimsey were the borogroves
+and the Momewrathes outgrabe
+ /;
+my $compress = memBzip( $string );
+my $uncompress = memBunzip( $compress );
+ok( substr($compress,5,16) =~ /^BZh/, "compressed starts with bzip magic header" );
+ok( $compress ne $string, "string was not inouted" );
+ok( length($compress)-10 < length($string), "string compression - ".length($compress).' vs '.length($string) );
+ok( $uncompress eq $string, "uncompressed is same as the original" );
+my $string10 = $string x 10;
+my $compress10 = memBzip( $string10 );
+my $uncompress10 = memBunzip( $compress10 );
+ok( $compress10 ne $string10, "x10 string was not inouted" );
+ok( length($compress10) < length($string10), "x10 string compression - ".length($compress10).' vs '.length($string10) );
+ok( $uncompress10 eq $string10, "x10 uncompressed is same as the original" );
+$compress = compress( $string );
+$uncompress = decompress( $compress );
+ok( $compress ne $string, "bzip1 string was not inouted" );
+ok( length($compress)-10 < length($string), "bzip1 string compression - ".length($compress).' vs '.length($string) );
+ok( $uncompress eq $string, "bzip1 decompress is same as the original" );
+do 't/';
+# allow plain BZh files with memBunzip also
+my $INFILE = catfile( qw(bzlib-src sample0.bz2) );
+local $/ = undef;
+open( IN, "< $INFILE" ) or die "$INFILE: $!";
+binmode IN;
+my $sample0 = <IN>;
+close( IN );
+$uncompress = memBunzip( $sample0 );
+ok( $uncompress, "sample0 uncompressed w/o header" );
+like( $uncompress, qr/^That\'s great, it starts with an earthquake/ );
+my $header = pack("C", 0xf0);
+$header .= pack "N", $uncompress ? length($uncompress) : 2027;
+$uncompress = memBunzip( $header . $sample0 );
+ok( $uncompress, "sample0 uncompressed w/ header" );
+like( $uncompress, qr/^That\'s great, it starts with an earthquake/ );