path: root/extras
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authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2011-06-07 08:06:16 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2011-06-07 08:06:16 +0000
commit9d4173f2716c2f9a2d26f8f9ab0f47b351b87de7 (patch)
tree98ae3fb82096d8bb96686512ada27fa72126b09a /extras
Diffstat (limited to 'extras')
3 files changed, 1590 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/ b/extras/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f24792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+package FileSlurp_12;
+use strict;
+use Carp ;
+use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT ) ;
+use POSIX qw( :fcntl_h ) ;
+use Symbol ;
+use base 'Exporter' ;
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [
+ qw( read_file write_file overwrite_file append_file read_dir ) ] ) ;
+@EXPORT = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( slurp ) ;
+$VERSION = '9999.13';
+my $is_win32 = $^O =~ /win32/i ;
+# Install subs for various constants that aren't set in older perls
+# (< 5.005). Fcntl on old perls uses Exporter to define subs without a
+# () prototype These can't be overridden with the constant pragma or
+# we get a prototype mismatch. Hence this less than aesthetically
+# appealing BEGIN block:
+ unless( eval { defined SEEK_SET() } ) {
+ *SEEK_SET = sub { 0 };
+ *SEEK_CUR = sub { 1 };
+ *SEEK_END = sub { 2 };
+ }
+ unless( eval { defined O_BINARY() } ) {
+ *O_BINARY = sub { 0 };
+ *O_RDONLY = sub { 0 };
+ *O_WRONLY = sub { 1 };
+ }
+ unless ( eval { defined O_APPEND() } ) {
+ if ( $^O =~ /olaris/ ) {
+ *O_APPEND = sub { 8 };
+ *O_CREAT = sub { 256 };
+ *O_EXCL = sub { 1024 };
+ }
+ elsif ( $^O =~ /inux/ ) {
+ *O_APPEND = sub { 1024 };
+ *O_CREAT = sub { 64 };
+ *O_EXCL = sub { 128 };
+ }
+ elsif ( $^O =~ /BSD/i ) {
+ *O_APPEND = sub { 8 };
+ *O_CREAT = sub { 512 };
+ *O_EXCL = sub { 2048 };
+ }
+ }
+# print "OS [$^O]\n" ;
+# print "O_BINARY = ", O_BINARY(), "\n" ;
+# print "O_RDONLY = ", O_RDONLY(), "\n" ;
+# print "O_WRONLY = ", O_WRONLY(), "\n" ;
+# print "O_APPEND = ", O_APPEND(), "\n" ;
+# print "O_CREAT ", O_CREAT(), "\n" ;
+# print "O_EXCL ", O_EXCL(), "\n" ;
+*slurp = \&read_file ;
+sub read_file {
+ my( $file_name, %args ) = @_ ;
+# set the buffer to either the passed in one or ours and init it to the null
+# string
+ my $buf ;
+ my $buf_ref = $args{'buf_ref'} || \$buf ;
+ ${$buf_ref} = '' ;
+ my( $read_fh, $size_left, $blk_size ) ;
+# check if we are reading from a handle (glob ref or IO:: object)
+ if ( ref $file_name ) {
+# slurping a handle so use it and don't open anything.
+# set the block size so we know it is a handle and read that amount
+ $read_fh = $file_name ;
+ $blk_size = $args{'blk_size'} || 1024 * 1024 ;
+ $size_left = $blk_size ;
+# DEEP DARK MAGIC. this checks the UNTAINT IO flag of a
+# glob/handle. only the DATA handle is untainted (since it is from
+# trusted data in the source file). this allows us to test if this is
+# the DATA handle and then to do a sysseek to make sure it gets
+# slurped correctly. on some systems, the buffered i/o pointer is not
+# left at the same place as the fd pointer. this sysseek makes them
+# the same so slurping with sysread will work.
+ eval{ require B } ;
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ @_ = ( \%args, <<ERR ) ;
+Can't find with this Perl: $!.
+That module is needed to slurp the DATA handle.
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
+ if ( B::svref_2object( $read_fh )->IO->IoFLAGS & 16 ) {
+# set the seek position to the current tell.
+ sysseek( $read_fh, tell( $read_fh ), SEEK_SET ) ||
+ croak "sysseek $!" ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+# a regular file. set the sysopen mode
+ my $mode = O_RDONLY ;
+ $mode |= O_BINARY if $args{'binmode'} ;
+#printf "RD: BINARY %x MODE %x\n", O_BINARY, $mode ;
+# open the file and handle any error
+ $read_fh = gensym ;
+ unless ( sysopen( $read_fh, $file_name, $mode ) ) {
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysopen: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
+# get the size of the file for use in the read loop
+ $size_left = -s $read_fh ;
+ unless( $size_left ) {
+ $blk_size = $args{'blk_size'} || 1024 * 1024 ;
+ $size_left = $blk_size ;
+ }
+ }
+# infinite read loop. we exit when we are done slurping
+ while( 1 ) {
+# do the read and see how much we got
+ my $read_cnt = sysread( $read_fh, ${$buf_ref},
+ $size_left, length ${$buf_ref} ) ;
+ if ( defined $read_cnt ) {
+# good read. see if we hit EOF (nothing left to read)
+ last if $read_cnt == 0 ;
+# loop if we are slurping a handle. we don't track $size_left then.
+ next if $blk_size ;
+# count down how much we read and loop if we have more to read.
+ $size_left -= $read_cnt ;
+ last if $size_left <= 0 ;
+ next ;
+ }
+# handle the read error
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysread: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
+# fix up cr/lf to be a newline if this is a windows text file
+ ${$buf_ref} =~ s/\015\012/\n/g if $is_win32 && !$args{'binmode'} ;
+# this is the 5 returns in a row. each handles one possible
+# combination of caller context and requested return type
+ my $sep = $/ ;
+ $sep = '\n\n+' if defined $sep && $sep eq '' ;
+# caller wants to get an array ref of lines
+# this split doesn't work since it tries to use variable length lookbehind
+# the m// line works.
+# return [ split( m|(?<=$sep)|, ${$buf_ref} ) ] if $args{'array_ref'} ;
+ return [ length(${$buf_ref}) ? ${$buf_ref} =~ /(.*?$sep|.+)/sg : () ]
+ if $args{'array_ref'} ;
+# caller wants a list of lines (normal list context)
+# same problem with this split as before.
+# return split( m|(?<=$sep)|, ${$buf_ref} ) if wantarray ;
+ return length(${$buf_ref}) ? ${$buf_ref} =~ /(.*?$sep|.+)/sg : ()
+ if wantarray ;
+# caller wants a scalar ref to the slurped text
+ return $buf_ref if $args{'scalar_ref'} ;
+# caller wants a scalar with the slurped text (normal scalar context)
+ return ${$buf_ref} if defined wantarray ;
+# caller passed in an i/o buffer by reference (normal void context)
+ return ;
+# error handling section
+# all the error handling uses magic goto so the caller will get the
+# error message as if from their code and not this module. if we just
+# did a call on the error code, the carp/croak would report it from
+# this module since the error sub is one level down on the call stack
+# from read_file/write_file/read_dir.
+my %err_func = (
+ 'carp' => \&carp,
+ 'croak' => \&croak,
+) ;
+sub _error {
+ my( $args, $err_msg ) = @_ ;
+# get the error function to use
+ my $func = $err_func{ $args->{'err_mode'} || 'croak' } ;
+# if we didn't find it in our error function hash, they must have set
+# it to quiet and we don't do anything.
+ return unless $func ;
+# call the carp/croak function
+ $func->($err_msg) ;
+# return a hard undef (in list context this will be a single value of
+# undef which is not a legal in-band value)
+ return undef ;
diff --git a/extras/slurp_article.pod b/extras/slurp_article.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b000f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/slurp_article.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+=head1 Perl Slurp Ease
+=head2 Introduction
+One of the common Perl idioms is processing text files line by line:
+ while( <FH> ) {
+ do something with $_
+ }
+This idiom has several variants, but the key point is that it reads in
+only one line from the file in each loop iteration. This has several
+advantages, including limiting memory use to one line, the ability to
+handle any size file (including data piped in via STDIN), and it is
+easily taught and understood to Perl newbies. In fact newbies are the
+ones who do silly things like this:
+ while( <FH> ) {
+ push @lines, $_ ;
+ }
+ foreach ( @lines ) {
+ do something with $_
+ }
+Line by line processing is fine, but it isn't the only way to deal with
+reading files. The other common style is reading the entire file into a
+scalar or array, and that is commonly known as slurping. Now, slurping has
+somewhat of a poor reputation, and this article is an attempt at
+rehabilitating it. Slurping files has advantages and limitations, and is
+not something you should just do when line by line processing is fine.
+It is best when you need the entire file in memory for processing all at
+once. Slurping with in memory processing can be faster and lead to
+simpler code than line by line if done properly.
+The biggest issue to watch for with slurping is file size. Slurping very
+large files or unknown amounts of data from STDIN can be disastrous to
+your memory usage and cause swap disk thrashing. You can slurp STDIN if
+you know that you can handle the maximum size input without
+detrimentally affecting your memory usage. So I advocate slurping only
+disk files and only when you know their size is reasonable and you have
+a real reason to process the file as a whole. Note that reasonable size
+these days is larger than the bad old days of limited RAM. Slurping in a
+megabyte is not an issue on most systems. But most of the
+files I tend to slurp in are much smaller than that. Typical files that
+work well with slurping are configuration files, (mini-)language scripts,
+some data (especially binary) files, and other files of known sizes
+which need fast processing.
+Another major win for slurping over line by line is speed. Perl's IO
+system (like many others) is slow. Calling C<< <> >> for each line
+requires a check for the end of line, checks for EOF, copying a line,
+munging the internal handle structure, etc. Plenty of work for each line
+read in. Whereas slurping, if done correctly, will usually involve only
+one I/O call and no extra data copying. The same is true for writing
+files to disk, and we will cover that as well (even though the term
+slurping is traditionally a read operation, I use the term ``slurp'' for
+the concept of doing I/O with an entire file in one operation).
+Finally, when you have slurped the entire file into memory, you can do
+operations on the data that are not possible or easily done with line by
+line processing. These include global search/replace (without regard for
+newlines), grabbing all matches with one call of C<//g>, complex parsing
+(which in many cases must ignore newlines), processing *ML (where line
+endings are just white space) and performing complex transformations
+such as template expansion.
+=head2 Global Operations
+Here are some simple global operations that can be done quickly and
+easily on an entire file that has been slurped in. They could also be
+done with line by line processing but that would be slower and require
+more code.
+A common problem is reading in a file with key/value pairs. There are
+modules which do this but who needs them for simple formats? Just slurp
+in the file and do a single parse to grab all the key/value pairs.
+ my $text = read_file( $file ) ;
+ my %config = $text =~ /^(\w+)=(.+)$/mg ;
+That matches a key which starts a line (anywhere inside the string
+because of the C</m> modifier), the '=' char and the text to the end of the
+line (again, C</m> makes that work). In fact the ending C<$> is not even needed
+since C<.> will not normally match a newline. Since the key and value are
+grabbed and the C<m//> is in list context with the C</g> modifier, it will
+grab all key/value pairs and return them. The C<%config>hash will be
+assigned this list and now you have the file fully parsed into a hash.
+Various projects I have worked on needed some simple templating and I
+wasn't in the mood to use a full module (please, no flames about your
+favorite template module :-). So I rolled my own by slurping in the
+template file, setting up a template hash and doing this one line:
+ $text =~ s/<%(.+?)%>/$template{$1}/g ;
+That only works if the entire file was slurped in. With a little
+extra work it can handle chunks of text to be expanded:
+ $text =~ s/<%(\w+)_START%>(.+?)<%\1_END%>/ template($1, $2)/sge ;
+Just supply a C<template> sub to expand the text between the markers and
+you have yourself a simple system with minimal code. Note that this will
+work and grab over multiple lines due the the C</s> modifier. This is
+something that is much trickier with line by line processing.
+Note that this is a very simple templating system, and it can't directly
+handle nested tags and other complex features. But even if you use one
+of the myriad of template modules on the CPAN, you will gain by having
+speedier ways to read and write files.
+Slurping in a file into an array also offers some useful advantages.
+One simple example is reading in a flat database where each record has
+fields separated by a character such as C<:>:
+ my @pw_fields = map [ split /:/ ], read_file( '/etc/passwd' ) ;
+Random access to any line of the slurped file is another advantage. Also
+a line index could be built to speed up searching the array of lines.
+=head2 Traditional Slurping
+Perl has always supported slurping files with minimal code. Slurping of
+a file to a list of lines is trivial, just call the C<< <> >> operator
+in a list context:
+ my @lines = <FH> ;
+and slurping to a scalar isn't much more work. Just set the built in
+variable C<$/> (the input record separator to the undefined value and read
+in the file with C<< <> >>:
+ {
+ local( $/, *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, $file ) or die "sudden flaming death\n"
+ $text = <FH>
+ }
+Notice the use of C<local()>. It sets C<$/> to C<undef> for you and when
+the scope exits it will revert C<$/> back to its previous value (most
+likely "\n").
+Here is a Perl idiom that allows the C<$text> variable to be declared,
+and there is no need for a tightly nested block. The C<do> block will
+execute C<< <FH> >> in a scalar context and slurp in the file named by
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, $file ) or die "sudden flaming death\n"
+ my $text = do { local( $/ ) ; <FH> } ;
+Both of those slurps used localized filehandles to be compatible with
+5.005. Here they are with 5.6.0 lexical autovivified handles:
+ {
+ local( $/ ) ;
+ open( my $fh, $file ) or die "sudden flaming death\n"
+ $text = <$fh>
+ }
+ open( my $fh, $file ) or die "sudden flaming death\n"
+ my $text = do { local( $/ ) ; <$fh> } ;
+And this is a variant of that idiom that removes the need for the open
+ my $text = do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = $file ; <> } ;
+The filename in C<$file> is assigned to a localized C<@ARGV> and the
+null filehandle is used which reads the data from the files in C<@ARGV>.
+Instead of assigning to a scalar, all the above slurps can assign to an
+array and it will get the file but split into lines (using C<$/> as the
+end of line marker).
+There is one common variant of those slurps which is very slow and not
+good code. You see it around, and it is almost always cargo cult code:
+ my $text = join( '', <FH> ) ;
+That needlessly splits the input file into lines (C<join> provides a
+list context to C<< <FH> >>) and then joins up those lines again. The
+original coder of this idiom obviously never read I<perlvar> and learned
+how to use C<$/> to allow scalar slurping.
+=head2 Write Slurping
+While reading in entire files at one time is common, writing out entire
+files is also done. We call it ``slurping'' when we read in files, but
+there is no commonly accepted term for the write operation. I asked some
+Perl colleagues and got two interesting nominations. Peter Scott said to
+call it ``burping'' (rhymes with ``slurping'' and suggests movement in
+the opposite direction). Others suggested ``spewing'' which has a
+stronger visual image :-) Tell me your favorite or suggest your own. I
+will use both in this section so you can see how they work for you.
+Spewing a file is a much simpler operation than slurping. You don't have
+context issues to worry about and there is no efficiency problem with
+returning a buffer. Here is a simple burp subroutine:
+ sub burp {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ open( my $fh, ">$file_name" ) ||
+ die "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ print $fh @_ ;
+ }
+Note that it doesn't copy the input text but passes @_ directly to
+print. We will look at faster variations of that later on.
+=head2 Slurp on the CPAN
+As you would expect there are modules in the CPAN that will slurp files
+for you. The two I found are called (by Rob Casey - ROBAU on
+CPAN) and (by David Muir Sharnoff - MUIR on CPAN).
+Here is the code from
+ sub slurp {
+ local( $/, @ARGV ) = ( wantarray ? $/ : undef, @_ );
+ return <ARGV>;
+ }
+ sub to_array {
+ my @array = slurp( @_ );
+ return wantarray ? @array : \@array;
+ }
+ sub to_scalar {
+ my $scalar = slurp( @_ );
+ return $scalar;
+ }
++The subroutine C<slurp()> uses the magic undefined value of C<$/> and
+the magic file +handle C<ARGV> to support slurping into a scalar or
+array. It also provides two wrapper subs that allow the caller to
+control the context of the slurp. And the C<to_array()> subroutine will
+return the list of slurped lines or a anonymous array of them according
+to its caller's context by checking C<wantarray>. It has 'slurp' in
+C<@EXPORT> and all three subroutines in C<@EXPORT_OK>.
+<Footnote: is poorly named and it shouldn't be in the top level
+The original has this code:
+sub read_file
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ local($/) = wantarray ? $/ : undef;
+ local(*F);
+ my $r;
+ my (@r);
+ open(F, "<$file") || croak "open $file: $!";
+ @r = <F>;
+ close(F) || croak "close $file: $!";
+ return $r[0] unless wantarray;
+ return @r;
+This module provides several subroutines including C<read_file()> (more
+on the others later). C<read_file()> behaves simularly to
+C<Slurp::slurp()> in that it will slurp a list of lines or a single
+scalar depending on the caller's context. It also uses the magic
+undefined value of C<$/> for scalar slurping but it uses an explicit
+open call rather than using a localized C<@ARGV> and the other module
+did. Also it doesn't provide a way to get an anonymous array of the
+lines but that can easily be rectified by calling it inside an anonymous
+array constuctor C<[]>.
+Both of these modules make it easier for Perl coders to slurp in
+files. They both use the magic C<$/> to slurp in scalar mode and the
+natural behavior of C<< <> >> in list context to slurp as lines. But
+neither is optmized for speed nor can they handle C<binmode()> to
+support binary or unicode files. See below for more on slurp features
+and speedups.
+=head2 Slurping API Design
+The slurp modules on CPAN are have a very simple API and don't support
+C<binmode()>. This section will cover various API design issues such as
+efficient return by reference, C<binmode()> and calling variations.
+Let's start with the call variations. Slurped files can be returned in
+four formats: as a single scalar, as a reference to a scalar, as a list
+of lines or as an anonymous array of lines. But the caller can only
+provide two contexts: scalar or list. So we have to either provide an
+API with more than one subroutine (as did) or just provide one
+subroutine which only returns a scalar or a list (not an anonymous
+array) as File::Slurp does.
+I have used my own C<read_file()> subroutine for years and it has the
+same API as File::Slurp: a single subroutine that returns a scalar or a
+list of lines depending on context. But I recognize the interest of
+those that want an anonymous array for line slurping. For one thing, it
+is easier to pass around to other subs and for another, it eliminates
+the extra copying of the lines via C<return>. So my module provides only
+one slurp subroutine that returns the file data based on context and any
+format options passed in. There is no need for a specific
+slurp-in-as-a-scalar or list subroutine as the general C<read_file()>
+sub will do that by default in the appropriate context. If you want
+C<read_file()> to return a scalar reference or anonymous array of lines,
+you can request those formats with options. You can even pass in a
+reference to a scalar (e.g. a previously allocated buffer) and have that
+filled with the slurped data (and that is one of the fastest slurp
+modes. see the benchmark section for more on that). If you want to
+slurp a scalar into an array, just select the desired array element and
+that will provide scalar context to the C<read_file()> subroutine.
+The next area to cover is what to name the slurp sub. I will go with
+C<read_file()>. It is descriptive and keeps compatibilty with the
+current simple and don't use the 'slurp' nickname (though that nickname
+is in the module name). Also I decided to keep the File::Slurp
+namespace which was graciously handed over to me by its current owner,
+David Muir.
+Another critical area when designing APIs is how to pass in
+arguments. The C<read_file()> subroutine takes one required argument
+which is the file name. To support C<binmode()> we need another optional
+argument. A third optional argument is needed to support returning a
+slurped scalar by reference. My first thought was to design the API with
+3 positional arguments - file name, buffer reference and binmode. But if
+you want to set the binmode and not pass in a buffer reference, you have
+to fill the second argument with C<undef> and that is ugly. So I decided
+to make the filename argument positional and the other two named. The
+subroutine starts off like this:
+ sub read_file {
+ my( $file_name, %args ) = @_ ;
+ my $buf ;
+ my $buf_ref = $args{'buf'} || \$buf ;
+The other sub (C<read_file_lines()>) will only take an optional binmode
+(so you can read files with binary delimiters). It doesn't need a buffer
+reference argument since it can return an anonymous array if the called
+in a scalar context. So this subroutine could use positional arguments,
+but to keep its API similar to the API of C<read_file()>, it will also
+use pass by name for the optional arguments. This also means that new
+optional arguments can be added later without breaking any legacy
+code. A bonus with keeping the API the same for both subs will be seen
+how the two subs are optimized to work together.
+Write slurping (or spewing or burping :-)) needs to have its API
+designed as well. The biggest issue is not only needing to support
+optional arguments but a list of arguments to be written is needed. Perl
+6 will be able to handle that with optional named arguments and a final
+slurp argument. Since this is Perl 5 we have to do it using some
+cleverness. The first argument is the file name and it will be
+positional as with the C<read_file> subroutine. But how can we pass in
+the optional arguments and also a list of data? The solution lies in the
+fact that the data list should never contain a reference.
+Burping/spewing works only on plain data. So if the next argument is a
+hash reference, we can assume it cointains the optional arguments and
+the rest of the arguments is the data list. So the C<write_file()>
+subroutine will start off like this:
+ sub write_file {
+ my $file_name = shift ;
+ my $args = ( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? shift : {} ;
+Whether or not optional arguments are passed in, we leave the data list
+in C<@_> to minimize any more copying. You call C<write_file()> like this:
+ write_file( 'foo', { binmode => ':raw' }, @data ) ;
+ write_file( 'junk', { append => 1 }, @more_junk ) ;
+ write_file( 'bar', @spew ) ;
+=head2 Fast Slurping
+Somewhere along the line, I learned about a way to slurp files faster
+than by setting $/ to undef. The method is very simple, you do a single
+read call with the size of the file (which the -s operator provides).
+This bypasses the I/O loop inside perl that checks for EOF and does all
+sorts of processing. I then decided to experiment and found that
+sysread is even faster as you would expect. sysread bypasses all of
+Perl's stdio and reads the file from the kernel buffers directly into a
+Perl scalar. This is why the slurp code in File::Slurp uses
+sysopen/sysread/syswrite. All the rest of the code is just to support
+the various options and data passing techniques.
+=head2 Benchmarks
+Benchmarks can be enlightening, informative, frustrating and
+deceiving. It would make no sense to create a new and more complex slurp
+module unless it also gained signifigantly in speed. So I created a
+benchmark script which compares various slurp methods with differing
+file sizes and calling contexts. This script can be run from the main
+directory of the tarball like this:
+ perl -Ilib extras/
+If you pass in an argument on the command line, it will be passed to
+timethese() and it will control the duration. It defaults to -2 which
+makes each benchmark run to at least 2 seconds of cpu time.
+The following numbers are from a run I did on my 300Mhz sparc. You will
+most likely get much faster counts on your boxes but the relative speeds
+shouldn't change by much. If you see major differences on your
+benchmarks, please send me the results and your Perl and OS
+versions. Also you can play with the benchmark script and add more slurp
+variations or data files.
+The rest of this section will be discussing the results of the
+benchmarks. You can refer to extras/ to see the code for
+the individual benchmarks. If the benchmark name starts with cpan_, it
+is either from or Those starting with new_ are
+from the new Those that start with file_contents_ are
+from a client's code base. The rest are variations I created to
+highlight certain aspects of the benchmarks.
+The short and long file data is made like this:
+ my @lines = ( 'abc' x 30 . "\n") x 100 ;
+ my $text = join( '', @lines ) ;
+ @lines = ( 'abc' x 40 . "\n") x 1000 ;
+ $text = join( '', @lines ) ;
+So the short file is 9,100 bytes and the long file is 121,000
+=head3 Scalar Slurp of Short File
+ file_contents 651/s
+ file_contents_no_OO 828/s
+ cpan_read_file 1866/s
+ cpan_slurp 1934/s
+ read_file 2079/s
+ new 2270/s
+ new_buf_ref 2403/s
+ new_scalar_ref 2415/s
+ sysread_file 2572/s
+=head3 Scalar Slurp of Long File
+ file_contents_no_OO 82.9/s
+ file_contents 85.4/s
+ cpan_read_file 250/s
+ cpan_slurp 257/s
+ read_file 323/s
+ new 468/s
+ sysread_file 489/s
+ new_scalar_ref 766/s
+ new_buf_ref 767/s
+The primary inference you get from looking at the mumbers above is that
+when slurping a file into a scalar, the longer the file, the more time
+you save by returning the result via a scalar reference. The time for
+the extra buffer copy can add up. The new module came out on top overall
+except for the very simple sysread_file entry which was added to
+highlight the overhead of the more flexible new module which isn't that
+much. The file_contents entries are always the worst since they do a
+list slurp and then a join, which is a classic newbie and cargo culted
+style which is extremely slow. Also the OO code in file_contents slows
+it down even more (I added the file_contents_no_OO entry to show this).
+The two CPAN modules are decent with small files but they are laggards
+compared to the new module when the file gets much larger.
+=head3 List Slurp of Short File
+ cpan_read_file 589/s
+ cpan_slurp_to_array 620/s
+ read_file 824/s
+ new_array_ref 824/s
+ sysread_file 828/s
+ new 829/s
+ new_in_anon_array 833/s
+ cpan_slurp_to_array_ref 836/s
+=head3 List Slurp of Long File
+ cpan_read_file 62.4/s
+ cpan_slurp_to_array 62.7/s
+ read_file 92.9/s
+ sysread_file 94.8/s
+ new_array_ref 95.5/s
+ new 96.2/s
+ cpan_slurp_to_array_ref 96.3/s
+ new_in_anon_array 97.2/s
+This is perhaps the most interesting result of this benchmark. Five
+different entries have effectively tied for the lead. The logical
+conclusion is that splitting the input into lines is the bounding
+operation, no matter how the file gets slurped. This is the only
+benchmark where the new module isn't the clear winner (in the long file
+entries - it is no worse than a close second in the short file
+Note: In the benchmark information for all the spew entries, the extra
+number at the end of each line is how many wallclock seconds the whole
+entry took. The benchmarks were run for at least 2 CPU seconds per
+entry. The unusually large wallclock times will be discussed below.
+=head3 Scalar Spew of Short File
+ cpan_write_file 1035/s 38
+ print_file 1055/s 41
+ syswrite_file 1135/s 44
+ new 1519/s 2
+ print_join_file 1766/s 2
+ new_ref 1900/s 2
+ syswrite_file2 2138/s 2
+=head3 Scalar Spew of Long File
+ cpan_write_file 164/s 20
+ print_file 211/s 26
+ syswrite_file 236/s 25
+ print_join_file 277/s 2
+ new 295/s 2
+ syswrite_file2 428/s 2
+ new_ref 608/s 2
+In the scalar spew entries, the new module API wins when it is passed a
+reference to the scalar buffer. The C<syswrite_file2> entry beats it
+with the shorter file due to its simpler code. The old CPAN module is
+the slowest due to its extra copying of the data and its use of print.
+=head3 List Spew of Short File
+ cpan_write_file 794/s 29
+ syswrite_file 1000/s 38
+ print_file 1013/s 42
+ new 1399/s 2
+ print_join_file 1557/s 2
+=head3 List Spew of Long File
+ cpan_write_file 112/s 12
+ print_file 179/s 21
+ syswrite_file 181/s 19
+ print_join_file 205/s 2
+ new 228/s 2
+Again, the simple C<print_join_file> entry beats the new module when
+spewing a short list of lines to a file. But is loses to the new module
+when the file size gets longer. The old CPAN module lags behind the
+others since it first makes an extra copy of the lines and then it calls
+C<print> on the output list and that is much slower than passing to
+C<print> a single scalar generated by join. The C<print_file> entry
+shows the advantage of directly printing C<@_> and the
+C<print_join_file> adds the join optimization.
+Now about those long wallclock times. If you look carefully at the
+benchmark code of all the spew entries, you will find that some always
+write to new files and some overwrite existing files. When I asked David
+Muir why the old File::Slurp module had an C<overwrite> subroutine, he
+answered that by overwriting a file, you always guarantee something
+readable is in the file. If you create a new file, there is a moment
+when the new file is created but has no data in it. I feel this is not a
+good enough answer. Even when overwriting, you can write a shorter file
+than the existing file and then you have to truncate the file to the new
+size. There is a small race window there where another process can slurp
+in the file with the new data followed by leftover junk from the
+previous version of the file. This reinforces the point that the only
+way to ensure consistant file data is the proper use of file locks.
+But what about those long times? Well it is all about the difference
+between creating files and overwriting existing ones. The former have to
+allocate new inodes (or the equivilent on other file systems) and the
+latter can reuse the exising inode. This mean the overwrite will save on
+disk seeks as well as on cpu time. In fact when running this benchmark,
+I could hear my disk going crazy allocating inodes during the spew
+operations. This speedup in both cpu and wallclock is why the new module
+always does overwriting when spewing files. It also does the proper
+truncate (and this is checked in the tests by spewing shorter files
+after longer ones had previously been written). The C<overwrite>
+subroutine is just an typeglob alias to C<write_file> and is there for
+backwards compatibilty with the old File::Slurp module.
+=head3 Benchmark Conclusion
+Other than a few cases where a simpler entry beat it out, the new
+File::Slurp module is either the speed leader or among the leaders. Its
+special APIs for passing buffers by reference prove to be very useful
+speedups. Also it uses all the other optimizations including using
+C<sysread/syswrite> and joining output lines. I expect many projects
+that extensively use slurping will notice the speed improvements,
+especially if they rewrite their code to take advantage of the new API
+features. Even if they don't touch their code and use the simple API
+they will get a significant speedup.
+=head2 Error Handling
+Slurp subroutines are subject to conditions such as not being able to
+open the file, or I/O errors. How these errors are handled, and what the
+caller will see, are important aspects of the design of an API. The
+classic error handling for slurping has been to call C<die()> or even
+better, C<croak()>. But sometimes you want the slurp to either
+C<warn()>/C<carp()> or allow your code to handle the error. Sure, this
+can be done by wrapping the slurp in a C<eval> block to catch a fatal
+error, but not everyone wants all that extra code. So I have added
+another option to all the subroutines which selects the error
+handling. If the 'err_mode' option is 'croak' (which is also the
+default), the called subroutine will croak. If set to 'carp' then carp
+will be called. Set to any other string (use 'quiet' when you want to
+be explicit) and no error handler is called. Then the caller can use the
+error status from the call.
+C<write_file()> doesn't use the return value for data so it can return a
+false status value in-band to mark an error. C<read_file()> does use its
+return value for data, but we can still make it pass back the error
+status. A successful read in any scalar mode will return either a
+defined data string or a reference to a scalar or array. So a bare
+return would work here. But if you slurp in lines by calling it in a
+list context, a bare C<return> will return an empty list, which is the
+same value it would get from an existing but empty file. So now,
+C<read_file()> will do something I normally strongly advocate against,
+i.e., returning an explicit C<undef> value. In the scalar context this
+still returns a error, and in list context, the returned first value
+will be C<undef>, and that is not legal data for the first element. So
+the list context also gets a error status it can detect:
+ my @lines = read_file( $file_name, err_mode => 'quiet' ) ;
+ your_handle_error( "$file_name can't be read\n" ) unless
+ @lines && defined $lines[0] ;
+=head2 File::FastSlurp
+ sub read_file {
+ my( $file_name, %args ) = @_ ;
+ my $buf ;
+ my $buf_ref = $args{'buf_ref'} || \$buf ;
+ my $mode = O_RDONLY ;
+ $mode |= O_BINARY if $args{'binmode'} ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ sysopen( FH, $file_name, $mode ) or
+ carp "Can't open $file_name: $!" ;
+ my $size_left = -s FH ;
+ while( $size_left > 0 ) {
+ my $read_cnt = sysread( FH, ${$buf_ref},
+ $size_left, length ${$buf_ref} ) ;
+ unless( $read_cnt ) {
+ carp "read error in file $file_name: $!" ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ $size_left -= $read_cnt ;
+ }
+ # handle void context (return scalar by buffer reference)
+ return unless defined wantarray ;
+ # handle list context
+ return split m|?<$/|g, ${$buf_ref} if wantarray ;
+ # handle scalar context
+ return ${$buf_ref} ;
+ }
+ sub write_file {
+ my $file_name = shift ;
+ my $args = ( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? shift : {} ;
+ my $buf = join '', @_ ;
+ my $mode = O_WRONLY ;
+ $mode |= O_BINARY if $args->{'binmode'} ;
+ $mode |= O_APPEND if $args->{'append'} ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ sysopen( FH, $file_name, $mode ) or
+ carp "Can't open $file_name: $!" ;
+ my $size_left = length( $buf ) ;
+ my $offset = 0 ;
+ while( $size_left > 0 ) {
+ my $write_cnt = syswrite( FH, $buf,
+ $size_left, $offset ) ;
+ unless( $write_cnt ) {
+ carp "write error in file $file_name: $!" ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ $size_left -= $write_cnt ;
+ $offset += $write_cnt ;
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+=head2 Slurping in Perl 6
+As usual with Perl 6, much of the work in this article will be put to
+pasture. Perl 6 will allow you to set a 'slurp' property on file handles
+and when you read from such a handle, the file is slurped. List and
+scalar context will still be supported so you can slurp into lines or a
+<scalar. I would expect that support for slurping in Perl 6 will be
+optimized and bypass the stdio subsystem since it can use the slurp
+property to trigger a call to special code. Otherwise some enterprising
+individual will just create a File::FastSlurp module for Perl 6. The
+code in the Perl 5 module could easily be modified to Perl 6 syntax and
+semantics. Any volunteers?
+=head2 In Summary
+We have compared classic line by line processing with munging a whole
+file in memory. Slurping files can speed up your programs and simplify
+your code if done properly. You must still be aware to not slurp
+humongous files (logs, DNA sequences, etc.) or STDIN where you don't
+know how much data you will read in. But slurping megabyte sized files
+is not an major issue on today's systems with the typical amount of RAM
+installed. When Perl was first being used in depth (Perl 4), slurping
+was limited by the smaller RAM size of 10 years ago. Now, you should be
+able to slurp almost any reasonably sized file, whether it contains
+configuration, source code, data, etc.
+=head2 Acknowledgements
diff --git a/extras/ b/extras/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68eb5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use Benchmark qw( timethese cmpthese ) ;
+use Carp ;
+use FileHandle ;
+use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :seek );
+use File::Slurp () ;
+use FileSlurp_12 () ;
+my $file_name = 'slurp_data' ;
+my( @lines, $text ) ;
+my %opts ;
+parse_options() ;
+run_benchmarks() ;
+unlink $file_name ;
+exit ;
+sub run_benchmarks {
+ foreach my $size ( @{$opts{size_list}} ) {
+ @lines = ( 'a' x 80 . "\n") x ( $size / 81 + 1 ) ;
+ $text = join( '', @lines ) ;
+ my $overage = length($text) - $size ;
+ substr( $text, -$overage, $overage, '' ) ;
+ substr( $lines[-1], -$overage, $overage, '' ) ;
+ if ( $opts{slurp} ) {
+ File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, $text ) ;
+ bench_list_slurp( $size ) if $opts{list} ;
+ bench_scalar_slurp( $size ) if $opts{scalar} ;
+ }
+ if ( $opts{spew} ) {
+ bench_spew_list( $size ) if $opts{list} ;
+ bench_scalar_spew( $size ) if $opts{scalar} ;
+ }
+ }
+sub bench_scalar_slurp {
+ my ( $size ) = @_ ;
+ print "\n\nReading (Slurp) into a scalar: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
+ my $buffer ;
+ my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
+ 'FS::read_file' =>
+ sub { my $text = File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) },
+ 'FS12::read_file' =>
+ sub { my $text = FileSlurp_12::read_file( $file_name ) },
+ 'FS::read_file_buf_ref' =>
+ sub { my $text ;
+ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, buf_ref => \$text ) },
+ 'FS::read_file_buf_ref2' =>
+ sub {
+ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, buf_ref => \$buffer ) },
+ 'FS::read_file_scalar_ref' =>
+ sub { my $text =
+ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, scalar_ref => 1 ) },
+ old_sysread_file =>
+ sub { my $text = old_sysread_file( $file_name ) },
+ old_read_file =>
+ sub { my $text = old_read_file( $file_name ) },
+ orig_read_file =>
+ sub { my $text = orig_read_file( $file_name ) },
+ orig_slurp =>
+ sub { my $text = orig_slurp_scalar( $file_name ) },
+ file_contents =>
+ sub { my $text = file_contents( $file_name ) },
+ file_contents_no_OO =>
+ sub { my $text = file_contents_no_OO( $file_name ) },
+ } ) ;
+ cmpthese( $result ) ;
+sub bench_list_slurp {
+ my ( $size ) = @_ ;
+ print "\n\nReading (Slurp) into a list: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
+ my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
+ 'FS::read_file' =>
+ sub { my @lines = File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) },
+ 'FS::read_file_array_ref' =>
+ sub { my $lines_ref =
+ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name, array_ref => 1 ) },
+ 'FS::read_file_scalar' =>
+ sub { my $lines_ref =
+ [ File::Slurp::read_file( $file_name ) ] },
+ old_sysread_file =>
+ sub { my @lines = old_sysread_file( $file_name ) },
+ old_read_file =>
+ sub { my @lines = old_read_file( $file_name ) },
+ orig_read_file =>
+ sub { my @lines = orig_read_file( $file_name ) },
+ orig_slurp_array =>
+ sub { my @lines = orig_slurp_array( $file_name ) },
+ orig_slurp_array_ref =>
+ sub { my $lines_ref = orig_slurp_array( $file_name ) },
+ } ) ;
+ cmpthese( $result ) ;
+# uri's old fast slurp
+sub old_read_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, $file_name ) || carp "can't open $file_name $!" ;
+ return <FH> if wantarray ;
+ my $buf ;
+ read( FH, $buf, -s FH ) ;
+ return $buf ;
+sub old_sysread_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, $file_name ) || carp "can't open $file_name $!" ;
+ return <FH> if wantarray ;
+ my $buf ;
+ sysread( FH, $buf, -s FH ) ;
+ return $buf ;
+# from on cpan
+sub orig_read_file
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ local($/) = wantarray ? $/ : undef;
+ local(*F);
+ my $r;
+ my (@r);
+ open(F, "<$file") || croak "open $file: $!";
+ @r = <F>;
+ close(F) || croak "close $file: $!";
+ return $r[0] unless wantarray;
+ return @r;
+# from on cpan
+sub orig_slurp {
+ local( $/, @ARGV ) = ( wantarray ? $/ : undef, @_ );
+ return <ARGV>;
+sub orig_slurp_array {
+ my @array = orig_slurp( @_ );
+ return wantarray ? @array : \@array;
+sub orig_slurp_scalar {
+ my $scalar = orig_slurp( @_ );
+ return $scalar;
+# very slow slurp code used by a client
+sub file_contents {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle $file or
+ warn("Util::file_contents:Can't open file $file"), return '';
+ return join '', <$fh>;
+# same code but doesn't use
+sub file_contents_no_OO {
+ my $file = shift;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, $file ) || carp "can't open $file $!" ;
+ return join '', <FH>;
+sub bench_spew_list {
+ my( $size ) = @_ ;
+ print "\n\nWriting (Spew) a list of lines: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
+ my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
+ 'FS::write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
+ 'FS::write_file Aref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, \@lines ) },
+ 'print' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ print_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
+ 'print/join' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ print_join_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
+ 'syswrite/join' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ syswrite_join_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
+ 'original write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ orig_write_file( $file_name, @lines ) },
+ } ) ;
+ cmpthese( $result ) ;
+sub print_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ print FH @_ ;
+sub print_join_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ print FH join( '', @_ ) ;
+sub syswrite_join_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ syswrite( FH, join( '', @_ ) ) ;
+sub sysopen_syswrite_join_file {
+ my( $file_name ) = shift ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ sysopen( FH, $file_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT ) ||
+ carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ syswrite( FH, join( '', @_ ) ) ;
+sub orig_write_file
+ my ($f, @data) = @_;
+ local(*F);
+ open(F, ">$f") || croak "open >$f: $!";
+ (print F @data) || croak "write $f: $!";
+ close(F) || croak "close $f: $!";
+ return 1;
+sub bench_scalar_spew {
+ my ( $size ) = @_ ;
+ print "\n\nWriting (Spew) a scalar: Size = $size bytes\n\n" ;
+ my $result = timethese( $opts{iterations}, {
+ 'FS::write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, $text ) },
+ 'FS::write_file Sref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ File::Slurp::write_file( $file_name, \$text ) },
+ 'print' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ print_file( $file_name, $text ) },
+ 'syswrite_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ syswrite_file( $file_name, $text ) },
+ 'syswrite_file_ref' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ syswrite_file_ref( $file_name, \$text ) },
+ 'orig_write_file' => sub { unlink $file_name if $opts{unlink} ;
+ orig_write_file( $file_name, $text ) },
+ } ) ;
+ cmpthese( $result ) ;
+sub syswrite_file {
+ my( $file_name, $text ) = @_ ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ syswrite( FH, $text ) ;
+sub syswrite_file_ref {
+ my( $file_name, $text_ref ) = @_ ;
+ local( *FH ) ;
+ open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || carp "can't create $file_name $!" ;
+ syswrite( FH, ${$text_ref} ) ;
+sub parse_options {
+ my $result = GetOptions (\%opts, qw(
+ iterations|i=s
+ direction|d=s
+ context|c=s
+ sizes|s=s
+ unlink|u
+ legend|key|l|k
+ help|usage
+ ) ) ;
+ usage() unless $result ;
+ usage() if $opts{help} ;
+ legend() if $opts{legend} ;
+# set defaults
+ $opts{direction} ||= 'both' ;
+ $opts{context} ||= 'both' ;
+ $opts{iterations} ||= -2 ;
+ $opts{sizes} ||= '512,10k,1m' ;
+ if ( $opts{direction} eq 'both' ) {
+ $opts{spew} = 1 ;
+ $opts{slurp} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{direction} eq 'in' ) {
+ $opts{slurp} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{direction} eq 'out' ) {
+ $opts{spew} = 1 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ usage( "Unknown direction: $opts{direction}" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( $opts{context} eq 'both' ) {
+ $opts{list} = 1 ;
+ $opts{scalar} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'scalar' ) {
+ $opts{scalar} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'list' ) {
+ $opts{list} = 1 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ usage( "Unknown context: $opts{context}" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( $opts{context} eq 'both' ) {
+ $opts{list} = 1 ;
+ $opts{scalar} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'scalar' ) {
+ $opts{scalar} = 1 ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opts{context} eq 'list' ) {
+ $opts{list} = 1 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ usage( "Unknown context: $opts{context}" ) ;
+ }
+ foreach my $size ( split ',', ( $opts{sizes} ) ) {
+# check for valid size and suffix. grab both.
+ usage( "Illegal size: $size") unless $size =~ /^(\d+)([km])?$/ ;
+# handle suffix multipliers
+ $size = $1 * (( $2 eq 'k' ) ? 1024 : 1024*1024) if $2 ;
+ push( @{$opts{size_list}}, $size ) ;
+ }
+#use Data::Dumper ;
+#print Dumper \%opts ;
+sub legend {
+ die <<'LEGEND' ;
+Legend for the Slurp Benchmark Entries
+In all cases below 'FS' or 'F::S' means the current File::Slurp module
+is being used in the benchmark. The full name and description will say
+which options are being used.
+These benchmarks write a list of lines to a file. Use the direction option
+of 'out' or 'both' and the context option is 'list' or 'both'.
+ Key Description/Source
+ ----- --------------------------
+ FS::write_file Current F::S write_file
+ FS::write_file Aref Current F::S write_file on array ref of data
+ print Open a file and call print() on the list data
+ print/join Open a file and call print() on the joined list
+ data
+ syswrite/join Open a file, call syswrite on joined list data
+ sysopen/syswrite Sysopen a file, call syswrite on joined list
+ data
+ original write_file write_file code from original File::Slurp
+ (pre-version 9999.*)
+These benchmarks write a scalar to a file. Use the direction option
+of 'out' or 'both' and the context option is 'scalar' or 'both'.
+ Key Description/Source
+ ----- --------------------------
+ FS::write_file Current F::S write_file
+ FS::write_file Sref Current F::S write_file of scalar ref of data
+ print Open a file and call print() on the scalar data
+ syswrite_file Open a file, call syswrite on scalar data
+ syswrite_file_ref Open a file, call syswrite on scalar ref of
+ data
+ orig_write_file write_file code from original File::Slurp
+ (pre-version 9999.*)
+These benchmarks slurp a file into an array. Use the direction option
+of 'in' or 'both' and the context option is 'list' or 'both'.
+ Key Description/Source
+ ----- --------------------------
+ FS::read_file Current F::S read_file - returns array
+ FS::read_file_array_ref Current F::S read_file - returns array
+ ref in any context
+ FS::read_file_scalar Current F::S read_file - returns array
+ ref in scalar context
+ old_sysread_file My old fast slurp - calls sysread
+ old_read_file My old fast slurp - calls read
+ orig_read_file Original File::Slurp on CPAN
+ orig_slurp_array on CPAN - returns array
+ orig_slurp_array_ref on CPAN - returns array ref
+These benchmarks slurp a file into a scalar. Use the direction option
+of 'in' or 'both' and the context option is 'scalar' or 'both'.
+ Key Description/Source
+ ----- --------------------------
+ FS::read_file Current F::S read_file - returns scalar
+ FS12::read_file F::S .12 slower read_file -
+ returns scalar
+ FS::read_file_buf_ref Current F::S read_file - returns
+ via buf_ref argument - new buffer
+ FS::read_file_buf_ref2 Current F::S read_file - returns
+ via buf_ref argument - uses
+ existing buffer
+ FS::read_file_scalar_ref Current F::S read_file - returns a
+ scalar ref
+ old_sysread_file My old fast slurp - calls sysread
+ old_read_file My old fast slurp - calls read
+ orig_read_file Original File::Slurp on CPAN
+ orig_slurp on CPAN
+ file_contents Very slow slurp code done by a client
+ file_contents_no_OO Same code but doesn't use
+sub usage {
+ my( $err ) = @_ ;
+ $err ||= '' ;
+ die <<DIE ;
+Usage: $0 [--iterations=<iter>] [--direction=<dir>] [--context=<con>]
+ [--sizes=<size_list>] [--legend] [--help]
+ --iterations=<iter> Run the benchmarks this many iterations
+ -i=<iter> A positive number is iteration count,
+ a negative number is minimum CPU time in
+ seconds. Default is -2 (run for 2 CPU seconds).
+ --direction=<dir> Which direction to slurp: 'in', 'out' or 'both'.
+ -d=<dir> Default is 'both'.
+ --context=<con> Which context is used for slurping: 'list',
+ -c=<con> 'scalar' or 'both'. Default is 'both'.
+ --sizes=<size_list> What sizes will be used in slurping (either
+ -s=<size_list> direction). This is a comma separated list of
+ integers. You can use 'k' or 'm' as suffixes
+ for 1024 and 1024**2. Default is '512,10k,1m'.
+ --unlink Unlink the written file before each time
+ -u a file is written
+ --legend Print out a legend of all the benchmark entries.
+ --key
+ -l
+ -k
+ --help Print this help text
+ --usage