path: root/README
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authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2012-02-18 12:24:17 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2012-02-18 12:24:17 +0000
commit64ffbaec18717f99cb80441d8b474868e39939fb (patch)
treea44be040c9ca4b95ee54736e1f9bd1897b9b5160 /README
Diffstat (limited to 'README')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5a20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ HTTP::Daemon - a simple http server class
+ use HTTP::Daemon;
+ use HTTP::Status;
+ my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new || die;
+ print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $d->url, ">\n";
+ while (my $c = $d->accept) {
+ while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
+ if ($r->method eq 'GET' and $r->uri->path eq "/xyzzy") {
+ # remember, this is *not* recommended practice :-)
+ $c->send_file_response("/etc/passwd");
+ }
+ else {
+ $c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN)
+ }
+ }
+ $c->close;
+ undef($c);
+ }
+ Instances of the `HTTP::Daemon' class are HTTP/1.1 servers that listen
+ on a socket for incoming requests. The `HTTP::Daemon' is a subclass of
+ `IO::Socket::INET', so you can perform socket operations directly on it
+ too.
+ The accept() method will return when a connection from a client is
+ available. The returned value will be an `HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn'
+ object which is another `IO::Socket::INET' subclass. Calling the
+ get_request() method on this object will read data from the client and
+ return an `HTTP::Request' object. The ClientConn object also provide
+ methods to send back various responses.
+ This HTTP daemon does not fork(2) for you. Your application, i.e. the
+ user of the `HTTP::Daemon' is responsible for forking if that is
+ desirable. Also note that the user is responsible for generating
+ responses that conform to the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
+ The following methods of `HTTP::Daemon' are new (or enhanced) relative
+ to the `IO::Socket::INET' base class:
+ $d = HTTP::Daemon->new
+ $d = HTTP::Daemon->new( %opts )
+ The constructor method takes the same arguments as the
+ `IO::Socket::INET' constructor, but unlike its base class it can
+ also be called without any arguments. The daemon will then set up a
+ listen queue of 5 connections and allocate some random port number.
+ A server that wants to bind to some specific address on the standard
+ HTTP port will be constructed like this:
+ $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => 80,
+ );
+ See IO::Socket::INET for a description of other arguments that can
+ be used configure the daemon during construction.
+ $c = $d->accept
+ $c = $d->accept( $pkg )
+ ($c, $peer_addr) = $d->accept
+ This method works the same the one provided by the base class, but
+ it returns an `HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn' reference by default. If a
+ package name is provided as argument, then the returned object will
+ be blessed into the given class. It is probably a good idea to make
+ that class a subclass of `HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn'.
+ The accept method will return `undef' if timeouts have been enabled
+ and no connection is made within the given time. The timeout()
+ method is described in IO::Socket.
+ In list context both the client object and the peer address will be
+ returned; see the description of the accept method IO::Socket for
+ details.
+ $d->url
+ Returns a URL string that can be used to access the server root.
+ $d->product_tokens
+ Returns the name that this server will use to identify itself. This
+ is the string that is sent with the `Server' response header. The
+ main reason to have this method is that subclasses can override it
+ if they want to use another product name.
+ The default is the string "libwww-perl-daemon/#.##" where "#.##" is
+ replaced with the version number of this module.
+ The `HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn' is a `IO::Socket::INET' subclass.
+ Instances of this class are returned by the accept() method of
+ `HTTP::Daemon'. The following methods are provided:
+ $c->get_request
+ $c->get_request( $headers_only )
+ This method reads data from the client and turns it into an
+ `HTTP::Request' object which is returned. It returns `undef' if
+ reading fails. If it fails, then the `HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn'
+ object ($c) should be discarded, and you should not try call this
+ method again on it. The $c->reason method might give you some
+ information about why $c->get_request failed.
+ The get_request() method will normally not return until the whole
+ request has been received from the client. This might not be what
+ you want if the request is an upload of a large file (and with
+ chunked transfer encoding HTTP can even support infinite request
+ messages - uploading live audio for instance). If you pass a TRUE
+ value as the $headers_only argument, then get_request() will return
+ immediately after parsing the request headers and you are
+ responsible for reading the rest of the request content. If you are
+ going to call $c->get_request again on the same connection you
+ better read the correct number of bytes.
+ $c->read_buffer
+ $c->read_buffer( $new_value )
+ Bytes read by $c->get_request, but not used are placed in the *read
+ buffer*. The next time $c->get_request is called it will consume the
+ bytes in this buffer before reading more data from the network
+ connection itself. The read buffer is invalid after $c->get_request
+ has failed.
+ If you handle the reading of the request content yourself you need
+ to empty this buffer before you read more and you need to place
+ unconsumed bytes here. You also need this buffer if you implement
+ services like *101 Switching Protocols*.
+ This method always returns the old buffer content and can optionally
+ replace the buffer content if you pass it an argument.
+ $c->reason
+ When $c->get_request returns `undef' you can obtain a short string
+ describing why it happened by calling $c->reason.
+ $c->proto_ge( $proto )
+ Return TRUE if the client announced a protocol with version number
+ greater or equal to the given argument. The $proto argument can be a
+ string like "HTTP/1.1" or just "1.1".
+ $c->antique_client
+ Return TRUE if the client speaks the HTTP/0.9 protocol. No status
+ code and no headers should be returned to such a client. This should
+ be the same as !$c->proto_ge("HTTP/1.0").
+ $c->head_request
+ Return TRUE if the last request was a `HEAD' request. No content
+ body must be generated for these requests.
+ $c->force_last_request
+ Make sure that $c->get_request will not try to read more requests
+ off this connection. If you generate a response that is not self
+ delimiting, then you should signal this fact by calling this method.
+ This attribute is turned on automatically if the client announces
+ protocol HTTP/1.0 or worse and does not include a "Connection:
+ Keep-Alive" header. It is also turned on automatically when HTTP/1.1
+ or better clients send the "Connection: close" request header.
+ $c->send_status_line
+ $c->send_status_line( $code )
+ $c->send_status_line( $code, $mess )
+ $c->send_status_line( $code, $mess, $proto )
+ Send the status line back to the client. If $code is omitted 200 is
+ assumed. If $mess is omitted, then a message corresponding to $code
+ is inserted. If $proto is missing the content of the
+ $HTTP::Daemon::PROTO variable is used.
+ $c->send_crlf
+ Send the CRLF sequence to the client.
+ $c->send_basic_header
+ $c->send_basic_header( $code )
+ $c->send_basic_header( $code, $mess )
+ $c->send_basic_header( $code, $mess, $proto )
+ Send the status line and the "Date:" and "Server:" headers back to
+ the client. This header is assumed to be continued and does not end
+ with an empty CRLF line.
+ See the description of send_status_line() for the description of the
+ accepted arguments.
+ $c->send_header( $field, $value )
+ $c->send_header( $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, ... )
+ Send one or more header lines.
+ $c->send_response( $res )
+ Write a `HTTP::Response' object to the client as a response. We try
+ hard to make sure that the response is self delimiting so that the
+ connection can stay persistent for further request/response
+ exchanges.
+ The content attribute of the `HTTP::Response' object can be a normal
+ string or a subroutine reference. If it is a subroutine, then
+ whatever this callback routine returns is written back to the client
+ as the response content. The routine will be called until it return
+ an undefined or empty value. If the client is HTTP/1.1 aware then we
+ will use chunked transfer encoding for the response.
+ $c->send_redirect( $loc )
+ $c->send_redirect( $loc, $code )
+ $c->send_redirect( $loc, $code, $entity_body )
+ Send a redirect response back to the client. The location ($loc) can
+ be an absolute or relative URL. The $code must be one the redirect
+ status codes, and defaults to "301 Moved Permanently"
+ $c->send_error
+ $c->send_error( $code )
+ $c->send_error( $code, $error_message )
+ Send an error response back to the client. If the $code is missing a
+ "Bad Request" error is reported. The $error_message is a string that
+ is incorporated in the body of the HTML entity body.
+ $c->send_file_response( $filename )
+ Send back a response with the specified $filename as content. If the
+ file is a directory we try to generate an HTML index of it.
+ $c->send_file( $filename )
+ $c->send_file( $fd )
+ Copy the file to the client. The file can be a string (which will be
+ interpreted as a filename) or a reference to an `IO::Handle' or
+ glob.
+ $c->daemon
+ Return a reference to the corresponding `HTTP::Daemon' object.
+ RFC 2616
+ IO::Socket::INET, IO::Socket
+ Copyright 1996-2003, Gisle Aas
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.