path: root/benchmarks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmarks')
26 files changed, 1285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6ef28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ package PlainMoose;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ package MooseImmutable;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable();
+ package MooseImmutable::NoConstructor;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+ package ClassAccessorFast;
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(foo));
+use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
+use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
+my $moose = PlainMoose->new;
+my $moose_immut = MooseImmutable->new;
+my $moose_immut_no_const = MooseImmutable::NoConstructor->new;
+my $caf = ClassAccessorFast->new;
+my $acc_rounds = 100_000;
+my $ins_rounds = 100_000;
+print "\nSETTING\n";
+cmpthese($acc_rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { $moose->foo(23) },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { $moose_immut->foo(23) },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo(23) },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { $caf->foo(23) },
+}, 'noc');
+print "\nGETTING\n";
+cmpthese($acc_rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { $moose->foo },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { $moose_immut->foo },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { $caf->foo },
+}, 'noc');
+my (@moose, @moose_immut, @moose_immut_no_const, @caf_stall);
+print "\nCREATION\n";
+cmpthese($ins_rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { push @moose, PlainMoose->new(foo => 23) },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { push @moose_immut, MooseImmutable->new(foo => 23) },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { push @moose_immut_no_const, MooseImmutable::NoConstructor->new(foo => 23) },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { push @caf_stall, ClassAccessorFast->new({foo => 23}) },
+}, 'noc');
+my ( $moose_idx, $moose_immut_idx, $moose_immut_no_const_idx, $caf_idx ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+print "\nDESTRUCTION\n";
+cmpthese($ins_rounds, {
+ Moose => sub {
+ $moose[$moose_idx] = undef;
+ $moose_idx++;
+ },
+ MooseImmutable => sub {
+ $moose_immut[$moose_immut_idx] = undef;
+ $moose_immut_idx++;
+ },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub {
+ $moose_immut_no_const[$moose_immut_no_const_idx] = undef;
+ $moose_immut_no_const_idx++;
+ },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub {
+ $caf_stall[$caf_idx] = undef;
+ $caf_idx++;
+ },
+}, 'noc');
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/all.yml b/benchmarks/cmop/all.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d5758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/all.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+- name: Point classes
+ classes:
+ - 'MOP::Point'
+ - 'MOP::Point3D'
+ - 'MOP::Immutable::Point'
+ - 'MOP::Immutable::Point3D'
+ - 'MOP::Installed::Point'
+ - 'MOP::Installed::Point3D'
+ - 'Plain::Point'
+ - 'Plain::Point3D'
+ benchmarks:
+ - class: 'Bench::Construct'
+ name: object construction
+ args:
+ y: 137
+ - class: 'Bench::Accessor'
+ name: accessor get
+ construct:
+ x: 4
+ y: 6
+ accessor: x
+ - class: 'Bench::Accessor'
+ name: accessor set
+ construct:
+ x: 4
+ y: 6
+ accessor: x
+ accessor_args: [ 5 ]
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/ b/benchmarks/cmop/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e99365b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!perl -wd:NYTProf
+# a moose using script for profiling
+# Usage: perl bench/
+require KiokuDB;
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f30239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package Bench::Accessor;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+eval {
+coerce ArrayRef
+ => from HashRef
+ => via { [ %$_ ] };
+has class => (
+ isa => "Str",
+ is => "ro",
+has construct => (
+ isa => "ArrayRef",
+ is => "ro",
+ auto_deref => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+has accessor => (
+ isa => "Str",
+ is => "ro",
+has accessor_args => (
+ isa => "ArrayRef",
+ is => "ro",
+ auto_deref => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+sub code {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $obj = $self->class->new( $self->construct );
+ my @accessor_args = $self->accessor_args;
+ my $accessor = $self->accessor;
+ sub { $obj->$accessor( @accessor_args ) };
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c290304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package Bench::Construct;
+use Moose;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+has class => (
+ isa => "Str",
+ is => "ro",
+eval {
+coerce ArrayRef
+ => from HashRef
+ => via { [ %$_ ] };
+has args => (
+ isa => "ArrayRef",
+ is => "ro",
+ auto_deref => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+sub code {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = $self->class;
+ my @args = $self->args;
+ sub { my $obj = $class->new( @args ) }
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ac1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package Bench::Run;
+use Moose;
+use Benchmark qw/:hireswallclock :all/;
+has classes => (
+ isa => "ArrayRef",
+ is => "rw",
+ auto_deref => 1,
+has benchmarks => (
+ isa => "ArrayRef",
+ is => "rw",
+ auto_deref => 1,
+has min_time => (
+ isa => "Num",
+ is => "rw",
+ default => 5,
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $bench ( $self->benchmarks ) {
+ my $bench_class = delete $bench->{class};
+ my $name = delete $bench->{name} || $bench_class;
+ my @bench_args = %$bench;
+ eval "require $bench_class";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ my %res;
+ foreach my $class ( $self->classes ) {
+ eval "require $class";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ my $b = $bench_class->new( @bench_args, class => $class );
+ $res{$class} = countit( $self->min_time, $b->code );
+ }
+ print "- $name:\n";
+ cmpthese( \%res );
+ print "\n";
+ }
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d7c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package MOP::Immutable::Point;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('x' => (accessor => 'x', default => 10));
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('y' => (accessor => 'y'));
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->x(0);
+ $self->y(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf33cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Immutable/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package MOP::Immutable::Point3D;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+use base 'MOP::Point';
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('z' => (accessor => 'z'));
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::clear();
+ $self->z(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6e6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use lib reverse @INC;
+package MOP::Installed::Point;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('x' => (accessor => 'x', default => 10));
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('y' => (accessor => 'y'));
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->meta->new_object(@_);
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->x(0);
+ $self->y(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b66f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/Installed/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use lib reverse @INC;
+package MOP::Installed::Point3D;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+use base 'MOP::Point';
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('z' => (accessor => 'z'));
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::clear();
+ $self->z(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12160f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package MOP::Point;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('x' => (accessor => 'x', default => 10));
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('y' => (accessor => 'y'));
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class->meta->new_object(@_);
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->x(0);
+ $self->y(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0287499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/MOP/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package MOP::Point3D;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use metaclass;
+use base 'MOP::Point';
+__PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('z' => (accessor => 'z'));
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::clear();
+ $self->z(0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a69f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package Plain::Point;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
+ return bless {
+ x => $params{x} || 10,
+ y => $params{y},
+ }, $class;
+sub x {
+ my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
+ if ( @args ) {
+ $self->{x} = $args[0];
+ }
+ return $self->{x};
+sub y {
+ my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
+ if ( @args ) {
+ $self->{y} = $args[0];
+ }
+ return $self->{y};
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ @{$self}{qw/x y/} = (0, 0);
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a460e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/lib/Plain/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package Plain::Point3D;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Plain::Point';
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params );
+ $self->{z} = $params{z};
+ return $self;
+sub z {
+ my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
+ if ( @args ) {
+ $self->{z} = $args[0];
+ }
+ return $self->{z};
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::clear();
+ $self->{z} = 0;
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/ b/benchmarks/cmop/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..612ae63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use Benchmark qw(:all);
+my ( $count, $module ) = @ARGV;
+$count ||= 10;
+$module ||= 'Moose';
+my @blib
+ = qw(-Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch -I../Moose/blib/lib -I../Moose/blib/arch -I../Moose/lib);
+$| = 1; # autoflush
+print 'Installed: ';
+system $^X, '-le', 'require Moose; print $INC{q{}}';
+print 'Blead: ';
+system $^X, @blib, '-le', 'require Moose; print $INC{q{}}';
+cmpthese timethese $count => {
+ released => sub {
+ system( $^X, '-e', "require $module" ) == 0 or die;
+ },
+ blead => sub {
+ system( $^X, @blib, '-e', "require $module" ) == 0 or die;
+ },
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/ b/benchmarks/cmop/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ea5b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Usage: perl bench/ (no other options including -Mblib are reqired)
+use strict;
+my $script = 'bench/';
+my $branch = do {
+ open my $in, '.git/HEAD' or die "Cannot open .git/HEAD: $!";
+ my $s = scalar <$in>;
+ chomp $s;
+ $s =~ s{^ref: \s+ refs/heads/}{}xms;
+ $s =~ s{/}{_}xmsg;
+ $s;
+print "Profiling $branch ...\n";
+my @cmd = ( $^X, '-Iblib/lib', '-Iblib/arch', $script );
+print "> @cmd\n";
+system(@cmd) == 0 or die "Cannot profile";
+@cmd = ( $^X, '-S', 'nytprofhtml', '--out', "nytprof-$branch" );
+print "> @cmd\n";
+system(@cmd) == 0 or die "Cannot profile";
diff --git a/benchmarks/cmop/ b/benchmarks/cmop/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341b640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/cmop/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use YAML::Syck;
+use Bench::Run;
+my $data = LoadFile( shift || "$FindBin::Bin/all.yml" );
+foreach my $bench ( @$data ) {
+ print "== ", delete $bench->{name}, " ==\n\n";
+ Bench::Run->new( %$bench )->run;
+ print "\n\n";
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0263404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark qw[cmpthese];
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ Foo->meta->make_immutable(debug => 0);
+coerce 'Foo'
+ => from 'ArrayRef'
+ => via { Foo->new(@{$_}) };
+ package Foo::Normal;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'default' => (is => 'rw', default => 10);
+ has 'default_sub' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
+ has 'lazy' => (is => 'rw', default => 10, lazy => 1);
+ has 'required' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ has 'weak_ref' => (is => 'rw', weak_ref => 1);
+ has 'type_constraint' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo');
+ has 'coercion' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo', coerce => 1);
+ package Bar::Normal;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Foo::Normal';
+ has 'default_w_type_constraint' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Int',
+ default => 10,
+ );
+ package Foo::Immutable;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'default' => (is => 'rw', default => 10);
+ has 'default_sub' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
+ has 'lazy' => (is => 'rw', default => 10, lazy => 1);
+ has 'required' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ has 'weak_ref' => (is => 'rw', weak_ref => 1);
+ has 'type_constraint' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo');
+ has 'coercion' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo', coerce => 1);
+ #sub BUILD {
+ # # ...
+ #}
+ Foo::Immutable->meta->make_immutable(debug => 0);
+ package Bar::Immutable;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Foo::Immutable';
+ has 'default_w_type_constraint' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Int',
+ default => 10,
+ );
+ Bar::Immutable->meta->make_immutable(debug => 0);
+my $foo = Foo->new;
+ {
+ 'normal' => sub {
+ Foo::Normal->new(
+ required => 'BAR',
+ type_constraint => $foo,
+ coercion => [],
+ weak_ref => {},
+ );
+ },
+ 'immutable' => sub {
+ Foo::Immutable->new(
+ required => 'BAR',
+ type_constraint => $foo,
+ coercion => [],
+ weak_ref => {},
+ );
+ },
+ }
+); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21decd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use strict;
+use File::Temp;
+use Path::Class;
+my $number_of_classes = shift || 1500;
+my $number_of_attributes = shift || 20;
+my $t = shift || File::Temp->newdir;
+my $tmp = dir($t);
+(-d $tmp) or die "not a dir: $tmp";
+#print "$tmp\n";
+my %class_writer = (
+ 'Moose' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join '', map { "has '$_' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\nuse Moose;\n$attrs\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+ 'MooseImmutable' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join '', map { "has '$_' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\nuse Moose;\n$attrs\n__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+ 'Moo' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join'', map { "has '$_' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\nuse Moo;\n$attrs\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+ 'Mo' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join'', map { "has '$_' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\nuse Mo;\n$attrs\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+ 'Mouse' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join'', map { "has '$_' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' );\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\nuse Mouse;\n$attrs\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+ 'plain-package' => sub {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $attrs = join'', map { "sub $_ {}\n" } @_;
+ return qq{package $name;\n$attrs\n1;\n__END__\n};
+ },
+my $class_prefix = 'TmpClassThingy';
+my %lib_map;
+my @attribute_names = map { 'a' . $_ } 1 .. $number_of_attributes;
+for my $module (sort keys %class_writer) {
+ my $lib = $tmp->subdir($module . '-lib');
+ $lib->mkpath;
+ my $all_fh = $lib->file('')->openw;
+ for my $n (1 .. $number_of_classes) {
+ my $class_name = $class_prefix . $n;
+ my $fh = $lib->file($class_name . '.pm')->openw;
+ $fh->say($class_writer{$module}->($class_name, @attribute_names)) or die;
+ $fh->close or die;
+ $all_fh->say("use $class_name;") or die;
+ }
+ $all_fh->say('1;') or die;
+ $all_fh->close or die;
+ $lib_map{$module} = $lib;
+#$DB::single = 1;
+for my $module (sort keys %lib_map) {
+ my $lib = $lib_map{$module};
+ print "$module\n";
+ my $cmd = "time -p $^X -I$lib -MAll -e '1'";
+ `$cmd > /dev/null 2>&1`; # to cache
+# print "$cmd\n";
+ system($cmd);
+ print "\n";
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac860a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ package PlainParent;
+ sub new { bless {} => shift }
+ sub method { "P" }
+ package MooseParent;
+ use Moose;
+ sub method { "P" }
+ package CMMChild::Before;
+ use Class::Method::Modifiers;
+ use base 'PlainParent';
+ before method => sub { "B" };
+ package MooseBefore;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseParent';
+ before method => sub { "B" };
+ package CMMChild::Around;
+ use Class::Method::Modifiers;
+ use base 'PlainParent';
+ around method => sub { shift->() . "A" };
+ package MooseAround;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseParent';
+ around method => sub { shift->() . "A" };
+ package CMMChild::AllThree;
+ use Class::Method::Modifiers;
+ use base 'PlainParent';
+ before method => sub { "B" };
+ around method => sub { shift->() . "A" };
+ after method => sub { "Z" };
+ package MooseAllThree;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseParent';
+ before method => sub { "B" };
+ around method => sub { shift->() . "A" };
+ after method => sub { "Z" };
+ package CMM::Install;
+ use Class::Method::Modifiers;
+ use base 'PlainParent';
+ package Moose::Install;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseParent';
+use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
+use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
+my $rounds = -5;
+my $cmm_before = CMMChild::Before->new();
+my $cmm_around = CMMChild::Around->new();
+my $cmm_allthree = CMMChild::AllThree->new();
+my $moose_before = MooseBefore->new();
+my $moose_around = MooseAround->new();
+my $moose_allthree = MooseAllThree->new();
+print "\nBEFORE\n";
+cmpthese($rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { $moose_before->method() },
+ ClassMethodModifiers => sub { $cmm_before->method() },
+}, 'noc');
+print "\nAROUND\n";
+cmpthese($rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { $moose_around->method() },
+ ClassMethodModifiers => sub { $cmm_around->method() },
+}, 'noc');
+print "\nALL THREE\n";
+cmpthese($rounds, {
+ Moose => sub { $moose_allthree->method() },
+ ClassMethodModifiers => sub { $cmm_allthree->method() },
+}, 'noc');
+print "\nINSTALL AROUND\n";
+cmpthese($rounds, {
+ Moose => sub {
+ package Moose::Install;
+ Moose::Install::around(method => sub {});
+ },
+ ClassMethodModifiers => sub {
+ package CMM::Install;
+ CMM::Install::around(method => sub {});
+ },
+}, 'noc');
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8dc426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Time::HiRes 'time';
+use List::Util 'sum';
+use IPC::System::Simple 'system';
+use autodie;
+use Parse::BACKPAN::Packages;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use Path::Tiny;
+my $backpan = Parse::BACKPAN::Packages->new;
+my @cmops = $backpan->distributions('Class-MOP');
+my @mooses = $backpan->distributions('Moose');
+my $cmop_version = 0;
+my $cmop_dir;
+my $base = "";
+my %time;
+my %mem;
+open my $output, ">", "moose_bench.txt";
+for my $moose (@mooses) {
+ my $moose_dir = build($moose);
+ # Find the CMOP dependency
+ my $makefile = path("$moose_dir/Makefile.PL")->slurp_utf8;
+ my ($cmop_dep) = $makefile =~ /Class::MOP.*?([0-9._]+)/
+ or die "Unable to find Class::MOP version dependency in $moose_dir/Makefile.PL";
+ # typo?
+ $cmop_dep = '0.64_07' if $cmop_dep eq '0.6407';
+ # nonexistent dev releases?
+ $cmop_dep = '0.79' if $cmop_dep eq '0.78_02';
+ $cmop_dep = '0.83' if $cmop_dep eq '0.82_01';
+ bump_cmop($cmop_dep, $moose);
+ warn "Building $moose_dir";
+ eval {
+ system("(cd '$moose_dir' && '$^X' '-I$cmop_dir/lib' Makefile.PL && make && sudo make install) >/dev/null");
+ my @times;
+ for (1 .. 5) {
+ my $start = time;
+ system(
+ $^X,
+ "-I$moose_dir/lib",
+ "-I$cmop_dir/lib",
+ '-e', 'package Class; use Moose;',
+ );
+ push @times, time - $start;
+ }
+ $time{$moose->version} = sum(@times) / @times;
+ $mem{$moose->version} = qx[$^X -I$moose_dir/lib -I$cmop_dir/lib -MGTop -e 'my (\$gtop, \$before); BEGIN { \$gtop = GTop->new; \$before = \$gtop->proc_mem(\$\$)->size; } package Class; use Moose; print \$gtop->proc_mem(\$\$)->size - \$before'];
+ my $line = sprintf "%7s: %0.4f (%s), %d bytes\n",
+ $moose->version,
+ $time{$moose->version},
+ join(', ', map { sprintf "%0.4f", $_ } @times),
+ $mem{$moose->version};
+ print $output $line;
+ };
+ warn $@ if $@;
+require Chart::Clicker;
+require Chart::Clicker::Data::Series;
+require Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet;
+my @versions = sort keys %time;
+my @startups = map { $time{$_} } @versions;
+my @memories = map { int($mem{$_} / 1024) } @versions;
+my @keys = (0..$#versions);
+my $cc = Chart::Clicker->new(width => 900, height => 400);
+my $sutime = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
+ values => \@startups,
+ keys => \@keys,
+ name => 'Startup Time',
+my $def = $cc->get_context('default');
+my $context = Chart::Clicker::Context->new(name => 'memory');
+$context->range_axis->tick_values([qw(1024 2048 3072 4096 5120)]);
+my $musage = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
+ values => \@memories,
+ keys => \@keys,
+ name => 'Memory Usage (kb)'
+my $ds1 = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(series => [ $sutime ]);
+my $ds2 = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(series => [ $musage ]);
+sub bump_cmop {
+ my $expected = shift;
+ my $moose = shift;
+ return $cmop_dir if $cmop_version eq $expected;
+ my @orig_cmops = @cmops;
+ shift @cmops until !@cmops || $cmops[0]->version eq $expected;
+ die "Ran out of cmops, wanted $expected for "
+ . $moose->distvname
+ . " (had " . join(', ', map { $_->version } @orig_cmops) . ")"
+ if !@cmops;
+ $cmop_version = $cmops[0]->version;
+ $cmop_dir = build($cmops[0]);
+ warn "Building $cmop_dir";
+ system("(cd '$cmop_dir' && '$^X' Makefile.PL && make && sudo make install) >/dev/null");
+ return $cmop_dir;
+sub build {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $distvname = $dist->distvname;
+ return $distvname if -d $distvname;
+ warn "Downloading $distvname";
+ my $tarball = get($base . $dist->prefix);
+ open my $handle, '<', \$tarball;
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ $tar->read($handle);
+ $tar->extract;
+ my ($arbitrary_file) = $tar->list_files;
+ (my $directory = $arbitrary_file) =~ s{/.*}{};
+ return $directory;
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0061f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark::Forking qw[cmpthese];
+This compares the burden of a basic Moose
+class to a basic Class::MOP class.
+It is worth noting that the basic Moose
+class will also create a type constraint
+as well as export many subs, so this comparison
+is really not fair :)
+ {
+ 'w/out_moose' => sub {
+ eval 'package Bar; use metaclass;';
+ },
+ 'w_moose' => sub {
+ eval 'package Baz; use Moose;';
+ },
+ }
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5b4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark::Forking qw[cmpthese];
+This compare the overhead of Class::MOP
+to the overhead of Moose.
+The goal here is to see how much more
+startup cost Moose adds to Class::MOP.
+This benchmark may not be all that
+relevant really, but it's helpful to
+see maybe.
+ {
+ 'w/out_moose' => sub {
+ eval 'use Class::MOP;';
+ },
+ 'w_moose' => sub {
+ eval 'use Moose;';
+ },
+ }
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def63ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $num_iterations = shift || 100;
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'default' => (is => 'rw', default => 10);
+ has 'default_sub' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
+ has 'lazy' => (is => 'rw', default => 10, lazy => 1);
+ has 'required' => (is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ has 'weak_ref' => (is => 'rw', weak_ref => 1);
+ has 'type_constraint' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef');
+foreach (0 .. $num_iterations) {
+ my $foo = Foo->new(
+ required => 'BAR',
+ type_constraint => [],
+ weak_ref => {},
+ );
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b29f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark qw[cmpthese];
+This benchmark compares the overhead of a
+auto-created type constraint vs. none at
+all vs. a custom-created type.
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ has 'baz' => (is => 'rw');
+ has 'bar' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Foo');
+ package Bar;
+ sub new { bless {} => __PACKAGE__ }
+ sub bar {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{bar} = shift if @_;
+ $self->{bar};
+ }
+my $foo = Foo->new;
+my $bar = Bar->new;
+ {
+ 'hand coded' => sub {
+ $bar->bar($bar);
+ },
+ 'w/out_constraint' => sub {
+ $foo->baz($foo);
+ },
+ 'w_constraint' => sub {
+ $foo->bar($foo);
+ },
+ }
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benchmarks/ b/benchmarks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c97b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Benchmark qw[timethese];
+This benchmark is designed to measure how long things with type constraints
+take (constructors, accessors). It was created to measure the impact of
+inlining type constraints.
+ package Thing;
+ use Moose;
+ has int => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Int',
+ );
+ has str => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ );
+ has fh => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'FileHandle',
+ );
+ has object => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Object',
+ );
+ has a_int => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]',
+ );
+ has a_str => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
+ );
+ has a_fh => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[FileHandle]',
+ );
+ has a_object => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[Object]',
+ );
+ has h_int => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Int]',
+ );
+ has h_str => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
+ );
+ has h_fh => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[FileHandle]',
+ );
+ has h_object => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'HashRef[Object]',
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
+ package Simple;
+ use Moose;
+ has str => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
+my @ints = 1 .. 10;
+my @strs = 'a' .. 'j';
+my @fhs = map { my $fh; open $fh, '<', $0 or die; $fh; } 1 .. 10;
+my @objects = map { Thing->new } 1 .. 10;
+my %ints = map { $_ => $_ } @ints;
+my %strs = map { $_ => $_ } @ints;
+my %fhs = map { $_ => $_ } @fhs;
+my %objects = map { $_ => $_ } @objects;
+my $thing = Thing->new;
+my $simple = Simple->new;
+ 1_000_000, {
+ constructor_simple => sub {
+ Simple->new( str => $strs[0] );
+ },
+ accessors_simple => sub {
+ $simple->str( $strs[0] );
+ },
+ }
+ 20_000, {
+ constructor_all => sub {
+ Thing->new(
+ int => $ints[0],
+ str => $strs[0],
+ fh => $fhs[0],
+ object => $objects[0],
+ a_int => \@ints,
+ a_str => \@strs,
+ a_fh => \@fhs,
+ a_object => \@objects,
+ h_int => \%ints,
+ h_str => \%strs,
+ h_fh => \%fhs,
+ h_object => \%objects,
+ );
+ },
+ accessors_all => sub {
+ $thing->int( $ints[0] );
+ $thing->str( $strs[0] );
+ $thing->fh( $fhs[0] );
+ $thing->object( $objects[0] );
+ $thing->a_int( \@ints );
+ $thing->a_str( \@strs );
+ $thing->a_fh( \@fhs );
+ $thing->a_object( \@objects );
+ $thing->h_int( \%ints );
+ $thing->h_str( \%strs );
+ $thing->h_fh( \%fhs );
+ $thing->h_object( \%objects );
+ },
+ }