path: root/lib/Moose/Cookbook/Basics/Point_AttributesAndSubclassing.pod
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+# PODNAME: Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Point_AttributesAndSubclassing
+# ABSTRACT: Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Point_AttributesAndSubclassing - Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 2.1405
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package Point;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'x' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ has 'y' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->x(0);
+ $self->y(0);
+ }
+ package Point3D;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Point';
+ has 'z' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
+ after 'clear' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->z(0);
+ };
+ package main;
+ # hash or hashrefs are ok for the constructor
+ my $point1 = Point->new(x => 5, y => 7);
+ my $point2 = Point->new({x => 5, y => 7});
+ my $point3d = Point3D->new(x => 5, y => 42, z => -5);
+This is the classic Point example. It is taken directly from the Perl
+6 Apocalypse 12 document, and is similar to the example found in the
+classic K&R C book as well.
+As with all Perl 5 classes, a Moose class is defined in a package.
+Moose handles turning on C<strict> and C<warnings> for us, so all we
+need to do is say C<use Moose>, and no kittens will die.
+When Moose is loaded, it exports a set of sugar functions into our
+package. This means that we import some functions which serve as Moose
+"keywords". These aren't real language keywords, they're just Perl
+functions exported into our package.
+Moose automatically makes our package a subclass of L<Moose::Object>.
+The L<Moose::Object> class provides us with a constructor that
+respects our attributes, as well other features. See L<Moose::Object>
+for details.
+Now, onto the keywords. The first one we see here is C<has>, which
+defines an instance attribute in our class:
+ has 'x' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
+This will create an attribute named C<x>. The C<isa> parameter says
+that we expect the value stored in this attribute to pass the type
+constraint for C<Int> (1). The accessor generated for this attribute
+will be read-write.
+The C<< required => 1 >> parameter means that this attribute must be
+provided when a new object is created. A point object without
+coordinates doesn't make much sense, so we don't allow it.
+We have defined our attributes; next we define our methods. In Moose,
+as with regular Perl 5 OO, a method is just a subroutine defined
+within the package:
+ sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->x(0);
+ $self->y(0);
+ }
+That concludes the B<Point> class.
+Next we have a subclass of B<Point>, B<Point3D>. To declare our
+superclass, we use the Moose keyword C<extends>:
+ extends 'Point';
+The C<extends> keyword works much like C<use base>/C<use parent>. First,
+it will attempt to load your class if needed. However, unlike C<base>, the
+C<extends> keyword will I<overwrite> any previous values in your
+package's C<@ISA>, where C<use base> will C<push> values onto the
+package's C<@ISA>.
+It is my opinion that the behavior of C<extends> is more intuitive.
+Next we create a new attribute for B<Point3D> called C<z>.
+ has 'z' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
+This attribute is just like B<Point>'s C<x> and C<y> attributes.
+The C<after> keyword demonstrates a Moose feature called "method
+modifiers" (or "advice" for the AOP inclined):
+ after 'clear' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->z(0);
+ };
+When C<clear> is called on a B<Point3D> object, our modifier method
+gets called as well. Unsurprisingly, the modifier is called I<after>
+the real method.
+In this case, the real C<clear> method is inherited from B<Point>. Our
+modifier method receives the same arguments as those passed to the
+modified method (just C<$self> here).
+Of course, using the C<after> modifier is not the only way to
+accomplish this. This B<is> Perl, right? You can get the same results
+with this code:
+ sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::clear();
+ $self->z(0);
+ }
+You could also use another Moose method modifier, C<override>:
+ override 'clear' => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ super();
+ $self->z(0);
+ };
+The C<override> modifier allows you to use the C<super> keyword to
+dispatch to the superclass's method in a very Ruby-ish style.
+The choice of whether to use a method modifier, and which one to use,
+is often a question of style as much as functionality.
+Since B<Point> inherits from L<Moose::Object>, it will also inherit
+the default L<Moose::Object> constructor:
+ my $point1 = Point->new(x => 5, y => 7);
+ my $point2 = Point->new({x => 5, y => 7});
+ my $point3d = Point3D->new(x => 5, y => 42, z => -5);
+The C<new> constructor accepts a named argument pair for each
+attribute defined by the class, which you can provide as a hash or
+hash reference. In this particular example, the attributes are
+required, and calling C<new> without them will throw an error.
+ my $point = Point->new( x => 5 ); # no y, kaboom!
+From here on, we can use C<$point> and C<$point3d> just as you would
+any other Perl 5 object. For a more detailed example of what can be
+done, you can refer to the
+F<t/recipes/moose_cookbook_basics_point_attributesandsubclassing.t> test file.
+=head2 Moose Objects are Just Hashrefs
+While this all may appear rather magical, it's important to realize
+that Moose objects are just hash references under the hood (3). For
+example, you could pass C<$self> to C<Data::Dumper> and you'd get
+exactly what you'd expect.
+You could even poke around inside the object's data structure, but
+that is strongly discouraged.
+The fact that Moose objects are hashrefs means it is easy to use Moose
+to extend non-Moose classes, as long as they too are hash
+references. If you want to extend a non-hashref class, check out
+This recipe demonstrates some basic Moose concepts, attributes,
+subclassing, and a simple method modifier.
+=over 4
+=item (1)
+Moose provides a number of builtin type constraints, of which C<Int>
+is one. For more information on the type constraint system, see
+=item (2)
+The C<extends> keyword supports multiple inheritance. Simply pass all
+of your superclasses to C<extends> as a list:
+ extends 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz';
+=item (3)
+Moose supports using instance structures other than blessed hash
+references (such as glob references - see L<MooseX::GlobRef>).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item Method Modifiers
+The concept of method modifiers is directly ripped off from CLOS. A
+great explanation of them can be found by following this link.
+=begin testing
+my $point = Point->new( x => 1, y => 2 );
+isa_ok( $point, 'Point' );
+isa_ok( $point, 'Moose::Object' );
+is( $point->x, 1, '... got the right value for x' );
+is( $point->y, 2, '... got the right value for y' );
+is( $point->y, 10, '... got the right (changed) value for y' );
+ exception {
+ $point->y('Foo');
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to y'
+ exception {
+ Point->new();
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... must provide required attributes to new'
+is( $point->x, 0, '... got the right (cleared) value for x' );
+is( $point->y, 0, '... got the right (cleared) value for y' );
+# check the type constraints on the constructor
+ exception {
+ Point->new( x => 0, y => 0 );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... can assign a 0 to x and y'
+ exception {
+ Point->new( x => 10, y => 'Foo' );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to y'
+ exception {
+ Point->new( x => 'Foo', y => 10 );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to x'
+# Point3D
+my $point3d = Point3D->new( { x => 10, y => 15, z => 3 } );
+isa_ok( $point3d, 'Point3D' );
+isa_ok( $point3d, 'Point' );
+isa_ok( $point3d, 'Moose::Object' );
+is( $point3d->x, 10, '... got the right value for x' );
+is( $point3d->y, 15, '... got the right value for y' );
+is( $point3d->{'z'}, 3, '... got the right value for z' );
+is( $point3d->x, 0, '... got the right (cleared) value for x' );
+is( $point3d->y, 0, '... got the right (cleared) value for y' );
+is( $point3d->z, 0, '... got the right (cleared) value for z' );
+ exception {
+ Point3D->new( x => 10, y => 'Foo', z => 3 );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to y'
+ exception {
+ Point3D->new( x => 'Foo', y => 10, z => 3 );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to x'
+ exception {
+ Point3D->new( x => 0, y => 10, z => 'Bar' );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... cannot assign a non-Int to z'
+ exception {
+ Point3D->new( x => 10, y => 3 );
+ },
+ undef,
+ '... z is a required attribute for Point3D'
+# test some class introspection
+can_ok( 'Point', 'meta' );
+isa_ok( Point->meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );
+can_ok( 'Point3D', 'meta' );
+isa_ok( Point3D->meta, 'Moose::Meta::Class' );
+ Point->meta, Point3D->meta,
+ '... they are different metaclasses as well'
+# poke at Point
+ [ Point->meta->superclasses ],
+ ['Moose::Object'],
+ '... Point got the automagic base class'
+my @Point_methods = qw(meta x y clear);
+my @Point_attrs = ( 'x', 'y' );
+ [ sort @Point_methods ],
+ [ sort Point->meta->get_method_list() ],
+ '... we match the method list for Point'
+ [ sort @Point_attrs ],
+ [ sort Point->meta->get_attribute_list() ],
+ '... we match the attribute list for Point'
+foreach my $method (@Point_methods) {
+ ok( Point->meta->has_method($method),
+ '... Point has the method "' . $method . '"' );
+foreach my $attr_name (@Point_attrs) {
+ ok( Point->meta->has_attribute($attr_name),
+ '... Point has the attribute "' . $attr_name . '"' );
+ my $attr = Point->meta->get_attribute($attr_name);
+ ok( $attr->has_type_constraint,
+ '... Attribute ' . $attr_name . ' has a type constraint' );
+ isa_ok( $attr->type_constraint, 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint' );
+ is( $attr->type_constraint->name, 'Int',
+ '... Attribute ' . $attr_name . ' has an Int type constraint' );
+# poke at Point3D
+ [ Point3D->meta->superclasses ],
+ ['Point'],
+ '... Point3D gets the parent given to it'
+my @Point3D_methods = qw( meta z clear );
+my @Point3D_attrs = ('z');
+ [ sort @Point3D_methods ],
+ [ sort Point3D->meta->get_method_list() ],
+ '... we match the method list for Point3D'
+ [ sort @Point3D_attrs ],
+ [ sort Point3D->meta->get_attribute_list() ],
+ '... we match the attribute list for Point3D'
+foreach my $method (@Point3D_methods) {
+ ok( Point3D->meta->has_method($method),
+ '... Point3D has the method "' . $method . '"' );
+foreach my $attr_name (@Point3D_attrs) {
+ ok( Point3D->meta->has_attribute($attr_name),
+ '... Point3D has the attribute "' . $attr_name . '"' );
+ my $attr = Point3D->meta->get_attribute($attr_name);
+ ok( $attr->has_type_constraint,
+ '... Attribute ' . $attr_name . ' has a type constraint' );
+ isa_ok( $attr->type_constraint, 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint' );
+ is( $attr->type_constraint->name, 'Int',
+ '... Attribute ' . $attr_name . ' has an Int type constraint' );
+=end testing
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Stevan Little <>
+=item *
+Dave Rolsky <>
+=item *
+Jesse Luehrs <>
+=item *
+Shawn M Moore <>
+=item *
+יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <>
+=item *
+Karen Etheridge <>
+=item *
+Florian Ragwitz <>
+=item *
+Hans Dieter Pearcey <>
+=item *
+Chris Prather <>
+=item *
+Matt S Trout <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc..
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.